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@Mikhail Not with physical pages anyways
@Mysticial So only use it on large computations, where a preemptive reboot isn't a problem? (and add entries to RunOnce, or whatever, to have it run immediately after reboot).
@sehe I've thought about putting diagnostics into the program to detect and warn the user of problems. But it doesn't seem trivial at all. The last thing I want is to confuse the user.
@Mysticial Yeah. I still think just "proactively do the right privileged stuff and fail if you can't" is reasonable
@Mikhail Doesn't try to deal with physical pages. Mostly just turns freeing of individual items in a pool into NOPs, then frees an entire pool when you're done with it.
@JerryCoffin Depends on what pool you use how. That's the most evangelized version, I admit
This is what it looks like right now if the program lacks permissions:
@sehe Sure--obviously wouldn't be a reason to have multiple pools if they all worked the same. Still, pretty sure there's no version that attempts to deal with the kinds of issues @Mysticial is discussing.
That's what I said some message before you :)
Actually, the public version will not even allow the user to run a swap computation without permissions.
The inability to allocate files without zeroing is so bad that I'm just going to require elevation for that. But everything else should fall back fine.
I'm gonna head off to bed now.
Night all!
@Mysticial I can't remember--can you set it to be a sparse file without elevation? That lets you allocate a huge chunk of zeros really cheaply.
@sehe G'night.
@JerryCoffin Admittedly, I haven't tried sparse files on Windows. So I can't speak for that. On Linux, sparse files are implicit. But on Linux, the disk I/O is also significantly slower. But I have yet to confirm or deny any connection between the the two.
@Mysticial I still remember when that was reversed? Is it because Windows has the non-zeroing fallocate thing?
@Mysticial Windows sparse files can be fast (reading long sections of zeros can be really fast since it can be done with almost no physical I/O). Offhand I don't remember whether if pre-allocates physical space for the whole size requested, or just allocates the space needed to store the sparse records. I'd assume you'd want to avoid the latter case.
@Mysticial I strongly remember that a recent linux kernel introduced something for that. I might even have told you (because I know you've been up against that more than once)
@JerryCoffin I'm positive he knows :) He was the one who told me windows had some things for this.
Wait. Now I remember why his disk IO on windows is faster - he uses raw device IO IIRC (maybe not for this application)
@sehe Yes, fallocate() fails on NTFS on Linux. And it's a lot slower than using Ext4 probably for that reason.
@sehe For a lot of typical use, Linux is still faster. But when ask for no buffering, Windows does a very clean pass-through so you're pretty much talking directly to the hardware.
@Mysticial Never use NTFS for anything fast :) And certainly not on Linux for performance critical things (even though NTFS support is pretty sweet, it's not a fully native citizen, I suppose)
@JerryCoffin Isn't that O_DIRECT, basically
@sehe He at least used to use it in y-cruncher--we've discussed it here before (years ago now, though). I'd guess he still does.
In y-cruncher, yes
@sehe I use O_DIRECT, but it doesn't seem to be as clean as FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING in Windows.
I've also tried O_DIRECT + O_SYNC, but that led to huge problems with non-sequential access.
@sehe We've now pretty much come full circle--the discussion started with his pointing out that even with O_DIRECT Linux was trying to play with buffering.
@Mysticial I'm not sure what O_SYNC achieves (might be counter effective). Anyhoops, have you seen fadvise, fadviseex (I think it's called) and madvise(ex)? That should be good for hinting about prefetch etc.
@JerryCoffin Streams will be buffering (as they will need to write "sectors" some time). But as the application seems to be swap/disk backed calcs, I would never consider anything other than mmap
mmap doesn't buffer in that sense. It will cache the pages (and this particular cache would be names block cache, and also called "buffer" IIRC)
I haven't tried buffering hints on Linux. When I tried it on Windows, the result was hilarious. In the end FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING was really the only way. That experience was so hilariously bad that I didn't bother with the Linux equivalents.
That's probably dead on
> glCullFace( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK )
... Why would you ever?
The only time I saw fadvise (not even madvise) make a difference was in sequential reading throughput
@ThePhD If you have Malcolm
@ThePhD When you have points and lines, but don't want triangles. (old feature)
@sehe I told Windows that I was going to random access a 1TB file. It tried to load the whole thing into ram. The result? I had to pull the plug.
@Mysticial FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING is almost magical. I remember years ago a book that had benchmarks of copying files, complete with code in assembly language trying to optimize it--but no attempt at using FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING, so my C++ code typically beat his assembly code by a factor of 2 or better... :-)
@Mysticial Teehee. I'm not so sure what I tested madvise with. Might have seen similar wonkyness for VeryLargeData (but I didn't care so I don't remember, it was just playing for SO answers)
Whoever designed that clearly didn't consider the possibility that the file could be larger than ram.
Yeah. That's ... batshit silly
@Mysticial They did in the original design--that's why CreateFileMapping and MapViewOfFile are separate.
Also, a prime argument in favour of production/integration testing.
> Shi-ii has invited you to join HTML, PHP, CSS, MYSQL. See your invitations.
No, gawd no, no, gawd no.
@ElimGarak Me too. I don't know how he got the requisite 23 points. Maybe we should go in to modflag him and never say a word
Possibly edits or something? I am curious, too. :D
Something like that. I'm not curious. I wondered. (Mostly noting the discrepancy between stated bio and the lack of posts)
@JerryCoffin So much of the disk programming that I did (going all the way back to 2010) was mostly, "Windows, get the fuck out of my way. I know what the hell I'm doing.". Rinse and repeat for Linux half a year later.
Granted, it wasn't as simple as just putting the right flags on API calls. In the end I did have to implement my own sector alignment code.
Hello, i'm writing a simple TCP client/server and wrote a simple message framing that sends the length of data in the first 4 bytes can you tell me what happens if the server sent data to client and then closed the connection will the data remain in the stream for the client to read it ?
i want a simple request response similar to http but if send 4000 bytes sometimes i only receive 1000
Q: close() socket directly after send(): unsafe?

lxgrIs it wise/safe to close() a socket directly after the last send()? I know that TCP is supposed to try to deliver all remaining data in the send buffer even after closing the socket, but can I really count on that? I'm making sure that there is no remaining data in my receive buffer so that no ...

That wasn't hard. I thought for about 16s what to search for. Then I searched (socket close buffered). Direct hit
@sehe thank you i wonder why i didn
found that :)
I don't. You didn't find it because you didn't search for it :)
No problem. Cheers.
That was my problem?!
I'm upset at that...
But at least it's... working.
Aww fuckles I have to reinstall shit for VS.
> fuckles
can I just say how much I appreciate that as a swear?
It's like freckles.
But worse.
It's like if your freckles were trying to kill you.
Visual Studio: Like if your freckles were trying to kill you
an apt description
Visual Studio is for badlets.
@Ell No, my text rendering is a monstrosity of nothingness.
( I'm rendering sprite-fonts-made-on-the-fly using Freetype. )
( I plan on making an advanced layouting engine using Harfbuzz, Freetype, and eventually the Vector-based atlas for full text control presented in some blog published 2 days ago. )
Guys I have my own handwriting's font on my PC.
It's kinda cool.
Ooh my resting heart rate is 64 bpm.
My friend was running with me during P.E. today and guys heart rate was still like 56. Apparently he takes medication for a slightly irregular heartbeat.
64 bits per minute
@user3886129 Cinch demands another 8 be added to that.
@MarkGarcia My heart is really just a graph.
A small graph, you little cowardly shit <3
But I'm only like 5 years old or something.
It's the time of the school year where they run the fitness tests and measure your height and weight and stuff.
And push-ups are just way too hard.
Pushups are a great way of manboob prevention
I did like 16 before I gave out.
I'm aiming for all power-of-twos this year.
I did 32 situps and 64 laps on that beep test.
Good morning
@TheLittleNaruto Good morning.
@user3886129 How are you doing ?
Did you finish your home work yet ? ^^
@TheLittleNaruto Never.
Did you say Never ?
be a good kid! And complete your homework. :)
@TheLittleNaruto I'm trying my best not to just fall asleep.
Half the battle is not saying "fuck it."
@user3886129 Don't push yourself hard! You have got plenty of days to finish your home work. :P
Last night I watched Fifty shades of Grey.
I spoiled my 2 hours. :/ There was no story at all.
> i hope you guys die in cancer... why don't leave psn alone?? omfg
@ElimGarak Reminds me Ratchet and Clank fix. (Third one on the page)
Oh, cool. I got a star and did not even need to say any curse words.
I can only include 5 out of the 15 header files in VS15 for some reason and it's driving me crazy.
Anyone know why it won't recognize the other ones (which are also in the same folder)?
Will it say the file is missing, or just fail to compile them?
Here's an example: Stdafx.h. Trying to do #include "Stdafx.h" puts a red line under #include and says Error: cannot open source file "Stdafx.h"
Beats me. :/
sigh I forgot to add the files physically (VS didn't copy the files from another project for some reason)...
lol another victim of VS's filter bullshit
@LucDanton lol
that took me a while
@TheLittleNaruto Was it at least a good porn?
@wilx I won't deny that.
Has anyone here developed using UWP C++ APIs/UWPs in general?
Sorry, I haven't.
I suspect no one here likes it
Reading the news ... nothing much is happening ...
I mean ... like ... is world peace really boring to watch?
the headline on CNN is: 'NORTH KOREA TESTS H-BOMB'
and then some investors lost a couple of dollars on the share market ...
lol more WinRT nonsense
how did world come to this, all the smoke with no visible fire?
@CatPlusPlus I remember seeing some presentation regarding WinRT before it was released and how it has many asynchronous APIs. How did that turn out?
Don't know, don't care
@CatPlusPlus lol, I thought you used it ant therefore you knew it was nonsense. :)
"Cross-platform" being limited to desktop/mobile from a single vendor is fairly worthless
I don't care about mobile at all
And for desktop I won't pick a tech that effectively limits me to one platform
So there's that
(Also lol Metro)
@CatPlusPlus You don't care about mobile? is it a joke? :P
Also someone told me you use VPN 24 Hours 7 days week./ I thought I'm only here full time VPN user :P
This guy again. Also, fuck mobile.
Yea. I'm still alive
@TonyTheLion Morning, bby
@ElimGarak How are you?
@TonyTheLion Felt a disturbance in the Force when ProblemSlover came back, you working hard? :D
@ElimGarak Working so hard that I'm in the Lounge :P
Well, the Lounge is pretty ded these days :D
You mean the people you want to chat with aren't around?
WEll, "Fuck mobile " typically say programmers 40+ years old. if you are younger then I feel bad for you.
This guy ahahahah
@ElimGarak I have him plonked
@TonyTheLion Well, there's you and Cat. And Cat is a low volume kind of chat merchant. And you've been away these holidays pretty hardcore. :D
@ElimGarak I'm sorry I was away, I had some real life things to attend. I'll try make up for my absence :)
@TonyTheLion I just hope it was fun and not, you know, soul crushing. :D
@ElimGarak No it was pretty good. :D
No souls were crushed in these real life events
Your dad has a cool bird, tho
@ElimGarak Yes he does.
It was afraid of me though
I've always wanted to teach a parrot to talk shit about programming.
Madame Elyse has arrived
ohhhh @MadameElyse :)
> Reker proposed a "code of conduct" for young women and girls, "so that such things do not happen to them."
There already is a code of conduct. It's called the law.
Metal, y u no readwrite textures.
Not metal enough
Thanks for admitting to piracy.
My setter is in love, wakes me up to go out and smell some pee.
Getter the setter some pee, then.
Some neighbor bitch is in heat.
Alright, I am going with cat on this one. Wot.
gah, I don't think I can make any sense of this
My setter is male dog, does it make any sense now?
Thge pointers are also male but not as interested.
well apparently nobody missed me. so I'm going to disappear for the next few centuries.
@TonyTheLion What shampoo is it using?
@ElimGarak donno bby
pointer ^
ITT dog programming puns
Does Go have getters and why is Tony not using them?
Fuck, Qt's ->deleteLater can sometimes be ->deleteNever if qApp->run() has already returned (but other resources are being cleaned up...)
Go has getters iff you consider functions that return values getters.
Qt is outdated, use MFC
No. Use React.
Use homebrew PS4 linux
React master race.
Electron FTW.
@ElimGarak :|
@TonyTheLion sry about that happens too often, wasn't my meaning.
@sehe sehe is awake! :D
you're all fools
I'm superior.
Sometimes I have to cry when I realise how awesome I really am.
Tears of joy.
2 messages moved to bin
I added a bunch of const qualifiers to my functions, do real software developers get paid to do this?
Did I mention how much I love processes that swap in all of their memory just to free it when exiting
@Mikhail No
But really, _exit or bust, fuck the exit cleanup
Crash-only design is better anyway
@Mikhail No. They use programming languages that default to immutability.
Like C++ with const?
Like Haskell.
> To better support such uses, git bisect now allows you to use different terms in place of good and bad. With no extra setup, you can now use the more neutral terms old and new to represent "the old state of affairs" and "the new state of affairs":
new words
git bad
> git bisect can now run in any worktree, or even in two worktrees simultaneously
Even in two
@Mikhail My company pays 0.2 EUR per const qualifier.
To handle updation and finding the max element, is segment tree the most optimum?
Not range max query, just finding the max.
@someone1 updation
@someone1 yes
or would max heap be better?
prefer a full stack at all times
You never go full stack
Um, max_value = std::max(max_value,new_value), is this is a data structure?
@someone1 a linked list is best
aaaaaaaaaa I have to duplicate Python logic in SQL to make sorting work
Just max() is not correct when you remove the max element
Updating takes too long in that. Won't segtree run both in logn?
you need remove_max()
@ElimGarak under retriever
Ugh, so fucking terrible.
I could put the logic in a stored procedure but then you can't call it in Python on an object that isn't representing a database entry.
Your software sucks
Go fix it. Thanks.
Compile the Python code to SQL
ask Cinch
@CatPlusPlus sounds reasonable for bi-section, no?
@MadameElyse Wait a second, I have just seen the thing for you...
@MadameElyse cpp.eudoxos.de/sqlpp11-0-35-released - there. Also supports MSVC2015upd1 (or vice versa)
Not sure how that helps in any way
Yeah, especially because that functionality is already in Qt
@sehe I don't believe in generating SQL anymore, and I don't think C++ libraries will help me with a Python program.
I'd rather have a tool that turns SQL into Python than the other way around.
It's easier to generate imperative code from declarative code than declarative code from imperative code.
Thankless :)
@Mikhail What. Compiling Python to SQL?
I'm pretty sure compiling python to SQL is the job of the python interpreter :-)
Stored procedures are not declarative
Stored procedures are declarative ..not!
?????????????? What do stored procedures have to do with generating SQL?
Figure it out
public delegate bool TryParse<T>(string text, out T result);

public void Meh<T>(TryParse<T> tryparse)
is ^ the correct way if I want to pass in a method with out param(s)?
@MadameElyse That aggressive question mark dumping is really a bad habit
@JohanLarsson Should work IIRC
guess I can test it :)
just did not feel very elegant
Isn't the alternative just to "TryParse"?
FYI, Qt has all the answers: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qvalidator.html
`State QValidator::validate(QString & input, int & pos) const`
@sehe maybe people should stop making no sense.
Aggression never works
(Well not in your advantage)
@sehe yeah
but nasty
@JohanLarsson Out params aren't
mmm, working to EVE Online's glorious soundtrack is really nice
This is just so goddamn depressing, all of it. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=962868703785115&substory_index=0&id=413407645397893
WOW. That's just one month of gun violence with accidental/innocent victims.
It boggles the mind, someone can come up with this kind of sour response:
.@codinghorror It's cherry picked to be depressing. It could just as well have being cherry picked to show hearting hero stories around guns
@sehe Links to mobile websites are indeed quite depressing.
As if it matters when you can cherrypick this kind of unnecessary violence
I don't mind guns that much as I mind irresponsible people who give incompetent people guns.
Getting a gun in some of those states is hilariously easy.
.@sehetw @codinghorror Well, if it was cherry picked the otherway, you would be say oh wow guns are so great.
speaking of which, you guys saw CNN's headline?
guys, "hydrogen nuclear device" HAHAHAH
FUCKING IDIOTS. They didn't test shit. And least of all a "hydrogen nuclear device"
@codinghorror how do you "unintentionally" shoot someone? :/
i dont know anything about guns
"Hydrogen bomb" is a misnomer above all misnomers.
@JohanLarsson lol
did you watch the whole thing already?
Q: What are the ways to avoid duplication of logic between domain classes and SQL queries?

Escape VelocityThe example below is totally artificial and its only purpose is to get my point across. Suppose I have an SQL table: CREATE TABLE rectangles ( width int, height int ); Domain class: public class Rectangle { private int width; private int height; /* My business logic */ public i...

@JohanLarsson I skipped to the interesting point.
@someone1 no
To update elements and find the maximum value in log(N) a fenwick tree is optimal, assuming you only increase the maximum
@JohanLarsson wth
I'm not sure I would want to travel very far with that boat if they had been successful in loading.
@ElimGarak how would you call it? fusion bomb?
@ScarletAmaranth Multistage thermonuclear device based on Teller-Ulam, or just a thermonuclear device.
It's not a fusion bomb. A primary fission reaction is started via implosion (critical mass), which jumpstarts a secondary fusion reaction which does nothing but drive a tertiary fission reaction (increases efficiency). North Korea can't get their basic implosion device working, let alone something else. And their delivery system has cinch written all over it.
what distinguishes it is the fusion part, ergo the name
@ElimGarak lol - Cinch becoming an idiom ^^
best meme
NK is full of shit. I'd like for the US to drop them a few W88s to show them what a thermonuclear device looks like up-close. For future reference. Preferably right on top of the bathroom of that fat fucker.
> @Akshet @codinghorror I'm all ears. Lets have those hero stories. Those kids want their Christmas back. And that daughter is still dead.
To post or not to post
Why is there so much talk about nk now? I never read any news.
@JohanLarsson cnn.com
there is a problem with other countries telling you not to do something that they themselves are doing tho
NK would be dumb enough to use it if they actually had access to it. They're claiming a range of 9000 km on their delivery system. I am dying laughing here.
I have lost all "faith" in them - the most recent provocation of SK amounted to literally nothing
I like how the UN is all like: "We're going to sanction them."
@orlp seems to me there is quite some questionable facts in there
@sehe what are you referring to?
that humans can't distinguish octaves?
For one thing, obviously
Humans invented nuclear bombs way before we could escape the earth and live in the space. But hey, humans are only designed to live in earth like environment. We need the right temperature, the right gravity, the right air contents and millions of other 'little things' that make our environment liveable. We are doomed.
But don't worry, you only have to die once ...
@sehe I think she simplifies it, but the concept is there
@sehe in a mathematically perfect shepard tone the notes get softer as they glide higher
Nobody is going to uses nukes, calm your kittens.
@orlp Oh, I know the concept.
and they get softer just as you'd expect from the overtones
and we can't distinguish the note from the overtones
It's just the illustrations aren't very well done, then.
@orlp Yup that all makes sense. It's possible to craft the effect.
> Random shepard tones wouldn't create an illusion, but when two are near each other we percieve a relationship, chunking bits of information over time and across frequencies into one perceptual unit that usually lives in the flat topology of pitch space with its absolute higher and lower, but when you loop the notes into a circle of pitch classes you change the topology.
That wording is cringe worthy.

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