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Argh, tracing an off-by-one bug in Java program
kill me please
I bet you'll fix it by removing the "=" sign from the "<=" sign
just decrement the result once
@milleniumbug dont off by ones throw
@milleniumbug I think of them as off-by-n
@Prismatic that's array access
you can have off-by-one error on pretty much everything
@milleniumbug when you fix it, tell me if I was right
@AlexM. I still don't understand how anybody managed to discover bread and think it was a good idea.
Have you ever smelled yeast? The one used in bakeries? It smells horrible.
@milleniumbug What's an off-by-one error that isn't related to array indexing?
Now, put that in some dough for some reason, wait, then put it in an oven for some time.
Seriously, I still don't understand.
> The first bread produced was probably cooked versions of a grain-paste, made from roasted and ground cereal grains and water, and may have been developed by accidental cooking or deliberate experimentation with water and grain flour.
They probably tried weird stuff back then to try and preserve food
> [3:48](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hpI-OdwxDw&t=3m48s) "What would make you feel better? If you where released because of the mercy of the judge (analogous to christianity) or If you where found to be innocent?"
But in christianity it's even worse, the proper analogy would be the judge let's you free and instead of you an innocent person is punished for the crimes you didn't commit in the first place.
First time I've actually gone after some of the vocal proponents of atheism
> let's
ew "let's"
Ven know's whats up
@Prismatic let us you free
@Prismatic We still do.
> God loves you sooo much that he created hell just in case you don't love him back. 
lol. YT comments
So Kaiji is based off a manga and its still going on after like over a decade lol
I can't get over how much shit XCode's autocompletion drops into the tiny dropdown.
all the shits
The problem began when you started using technology.
You should have pursued a career in biology, instead.
@Morwenn is it different from regular yeast?
also initial bread most likely didn't use yeast
and was some kind of mixture of flour-y things and water
I'm going to introduce a wonderful fruit today, pomelo
Citrus maxima (or Citrus grandis), (Common names: shaddock, pomelo, pummelo, pommelo, pamplemousse, or shaddok) is a natural (non-hybrid) citrus fruit, with the appearance of a big grapefruit, native to South and Southeast Asia. == EtymologyEdit == Citrus maxima was originally called "shaddock" in English, after the captain of an East India Company ship who introduced it to Jamaica in 1696. The word "pomelo" has become the more common name, although "pomelo" has historically been used for grapefruit. (The 1973 printing of the American Heritage Dictionary, for example, gives grapefruit as the only...
now available at a store near you
@Prismatic Pretty much everywhere where you do things based on ranges (guess why we have a "range" and "iterator" abstraction - to avoid off-by-one errors).
@AlexM. Baking powder and baker's yeast smell nothing alike.
it is rather difficult to peel properly
it's as if nature tried really hard to make a complicated fruit to open
@AlexM. unleavened bread is known as unleavened bread
@Prismatic also consider files - many newbies make a mistake when reading from a file - because they think EOF happens when they reach the end of the file - but it turns out they have to read from the file afterwards to trigger it
of course doing the C++ I/O with classic idiom while(std::cin >> stuff) avoids that problem too
With Java iterators doing next(); hasNext() instead of hasNext(); next() is also off-by-one
Using while loop when do-while should've been used (and vice-versa) is also off-by-one
@TonyTheLion :3 /cc @jaggedSpire
@Borgleader Poor man, his soul is done for.
this is a happy song that fits eating a pomelo youtube.com/watch?v=ZN17x2P3ctM
what is it with you and pomelos bro
I can't tame OpenGL.
@Prismatic they're gooood
watchu workin on @ThePhD
Rendering system.
and unlike oranges and stuff there's a very low risk of pomelo making your face go like >.<
sprite_batch isn't rendering diddly shit.
watchu renderin
And I don't know where the problem starts.
Right now I'm jsut trying to render a simple square.
I got that working when just using the API directly: not when using my abstractions.
So something's broken in this interconnected mess of things.
batching is the worst
I'll have to tweak my gravatar more tomorrow.
Stupid gravatar using some bad downsampling algorithm.
use an opengl debugger... though I feel like we've already had this convo
And RenderDoc etc. is still all screwed up when I try to use it.
I could try to use it again, but I doubt I'll have success with any OpenGL debugger at this point. They always crash on me.
I use APITrace
But what I've found is with OpenGL it pretty much never works right the first time
and it almost always shows nothing so its always tough to pinpoint whats wrong
86 MB download
Let's see if APITrace has the magic to get me going...
So now whenever I do anything I start from one really basic (draw a triangle) file and just build on it lol
Just made a 3-bit adder in Minecraft.
I have that working.
I have it working with color/textures.
I know the order, I know the API, it's just failing me miserably.
When I create anything in OpenGL I start with the closest working thing, and change it step by step to what I want
it's slower but its really the only way without wasting tons of time finding what you screwed up on
#define hide public
#define hide private
it has one bug though
When you tell it to add 7 to 7 it tells you the result is 12.
#define private public
@Borgleader Too aggressive.
yay it works <3
> API Trace
> Crashes on Frame0
something's wrong w ur computerino
RenderDoc did this bullshit to
If all the debug tools crash maybe your GL drivers are whack
@ThePhD Renderdoc crashed for me, but it was a specific call and i believe it has since been fixed. maybe there are others but i did narrow it down to multidraw something or other and if i did the draw using something else it was fine =/
Renderdoc crashes, apitrace crashes, one doesnt mean anything, 2 is a little suspicious imo
guess what it was supposed so be :P
"I got part of a trace, let me lookup things in the tr-"
> APITrace crashes.
@Borgleader not a pendrive
/me sobs.
@ThePhD it's okay, it won't be able to hurt you forever
@Borgleader :D <3
@Borgleader Just what I needed before going to sleep :3
@Morwenn <3 night
Thanks! ^_____^ <3<3<3<3 ♥♥<3♥♥ *-*
@Morwenn <3 night
> Application has crashed
@Morwenn Nighty night.
Thanks again :p
I think intN + intN should have type intN*2.
Fuck my life.
hello the pHd
Fuck OpenGL, fuck you, fuck me, fuck everything.
I get the impression
that you are perhaps slightly displeased
with how OpenGL is working
You know what fucking works?
D3D always works.
of course
it's done by microsoft, it works
it may not work perfectly in all situations but it works :P
inb4 msvc
@Borgleader PNG loader works using libpng, now to just to libjpeg and then shelve this code for fucking ever.
@ThePhD progress :)
I was unable to get laptop + monitor to work ok from a dpi thingy perspective so that doesn't work on win8 :<
moving texstudio from my monitor to my laptop breaks the font size and it's very blurry
some VS dialogues are shown huge and blurry as if with laptop dpi settings on my main monitor (??)
@ThePhD did you sacrifice your own lib?
@Borgleader mmm?
@sehe external HDD
@Elyse makes perfect sense in duodecimal
@Borgleader very old one, must be. ~1975?
The adder is really slow, though.
Adding two numbers takes about a second.
Maybe I can optimise it by using piston logic.
It'd also be more compact.
@sehe Pieces of my lib. Replacing them now that I understand the internals.
You now understand the internals of you lib well enough to know it needs to be replaced?
this is a very good song youtube.com/watch?v=uTnTLNJcOYY
(I know what you mean, just riffing)
It's really silly that piston circuits are so fast compared to non-mechanical circuits.
Yeah. Much faster than anticipated.
It boggles the mind.
Sexy too.
They changed the Dutch translation from "zuiger" to "duwmachine" recently.
@sehe 1975 ... that's counted in days or weeks or maybe months? >_<
1>..\..\Source\Main.cpp(67): message #2553: nonstandard second parameter "__wchar_t *[]" of "main", expected "char *[]" or "char **"
1>    int wmain(int argc, wchar_t* argv[]){
1>        ^
^^ Come on Intel compiler. I thought you were good at supporting Microsoft's non-standard shit?
@Mysticial winmain i know, but not wmain, first time i see that o.o
I should use the term 'smartass idiot' on someone one of those days ...
int womain
@Borgleader That isn't any more useful than GetCommandLineW.
I'm less familiar with the escaping rules for the command line. And even CommandLineToArgvW which supposedly parses it into argc, argv is buggy.
if only everything was ascii
I tested it earlier even with the warning. And it seems to work.
It might just be silencing that warning.
Compared to jpegd, libjpeg takes a monumental amount of effort to decode something.
The good news is it has a custom permissive BSD-like license.
isn't there an inbetween lib you can use for loading images with common file types
i use lodepng for png
Many of them have really shitty licenses.
there are usually way too many options and stuff I dont want to think about when you use libpng, libjpeg etc
Some don't, but then can't handle all the edge cases.
I'll have to add jpeg support eventually :[
I know my jpeg decoder actually couldn't handle a file called black.jpg that was all black.
Which is downright fucking silly, so.
why cant we all just move to webp or something
libjpeg it is.
@Prismatic "Not a significantly better format", says Mozilla.
@ThePhD you mean format?
but its new and shiny
They'd rather just fork libjpeg
Make tweaks to it to make it compress better/faster.
And then keep using that.
jpeg doesnt even support alpha
and isnt it supposedly patent encumbered
It doesn't really need alpha
I don't know. libjpeg is BSD-licensed so that's all I need to know.
It's designed for photos
I know GIF is encumbered with shitty patents that won't end until the end of time.
someone help me name a thing
Its like a frame in html
GIF patents already expired years ago
like a scrollable view
its a rip off version of this: doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-qtquick-flickable.html
I don't want to call it a flickable though because ... I feel like I'm copying qt a little too much I guess
ScrollView... Scrollable... ScrollableView
> everything works flawlessly
praise Microshaft
all hail
That's bizarre.
did you guys read about that new CPU people made
Why would it have a by-scanline reader?
JPEG is a block-compressed format.
that uses light to like move shit around
@AlexM. wlink?
one sec
it is subatantially faster and or cheaper and available in the near future
@Prismatic lol
im still waiting for a mill cpu :P (in like RPi format or smt)
@Xeo Both are fine. :)
@Borgleader Engineers demo first processor that uses light for ultrafast communications news.berkeley.edu/2015/12/23/…
@Mysticial Yeah, but turns out gravatar is being a bitch with downsampling the youmu one
and SO removes transparency when resizing
so both suck.
I'd make a processor that accumulates pizza
over time
like instead of heat generates pizza
so the more you run benchmarks on it the more pizza you get
well if it generates heat you're half way there
@Xeo I get mine by uploading extremely high res pictures.
Not too many issues so far.
all you need is sauce, crust and cheese
@Mysticial Yeah, but you don't have transparency :P
SO's upload works fine for non-transparent pictures
I haven't cared for that. :)
what are words like window, portal, viewport
what's portal doing in there?
a portal is kinda like a viewport
      * This IS keyword here is so ugly
       IF n IS = 0 THEN
a window is a host for controls
Luckily it's optional.
right, 'window' is probably the one that doesn't belong
I think I'll just call it a ScrollView. I don't like using "View" at the end though
Funny stuff, when using the SO-uploaded avatar, chat requests s=128 (128x128px). When using Gravatar, chat requests s=16 (16x16px). That may be why it looks so shitty. With the 128px image, the browser downscales it way sharper.
@Elyse what language is that?
You can write IS EQUAL TO, IS =, or =.
I don't really like the word "Scroll" either. It implies scroll bars. PanView?
Scrollability does not imply scrollbars.
What sounds more intuitive: PanView or ScrollView
IS = is the worst of both worlds
Scrollbars are merely a control for scrolling.
You can scroll without scrollbars.
Does Scroll imply unidirectional
You can scroll sideways.
In fact, that's how some people like to read some books IRL.
They scroll them sideways.
unidirectional in the sense that its one direction at a time
@milleniumbug COBOL in general it the worst of nearly all possible worlds.
like think of using a map UI like google maps. Are you scrolling through the map when you move around?
@Prismatic OS X with trackpad supports 360º scrolling.
Or is 'Pan' the more appropriate word
You can scroll in any direction at any time, not just horizontal or vertical.
@milleniumbug Yeah, it's literally IS.
aite ScrollView it is
I haven't done anything for the last couple of days
Make a 3-bit adder in Minecraft.
With piston logic.
That sounds lame
hydraulic circuits are fun tho
continue is my new favourite Perl feature.
my $previous_line = '';
while (<$file>) {
    # ...
} continue {
    $previous_line = $_;
no more scott ;__;
@AlexM. Cool article, still years away from being able to buy one. I wish they made RPi like "test runs" so we can test them sooner but eh
I wanna see what people end up doing with quantum comps
Unless you can implement x86 on top of that it's probably not very interesting
oh boy writing my first code header with Copyright (c) 2016
how exciting
Maybe if you're building specialised fleets with actual physical hardware
Otherwise meh
@AlexM. Producing undefined behaviour most probably ;-)
@Elyse How is this different from a for loop's third part
@AlexM. afaik quantum computers are only useful in a very narrow set of problems
@πάνταῥεῖ heeey
It isn't.
I haven't seen you around
@AlexM. Breaking RSA
in ages
In fact, the sole reason it was introduced was to make for loops less "special".
there's this track in this year's ASOT called panta rhei, once I saw it I was like "man that sure sounds similar to navta pei"
thought of you
You can now more easily desugar for loops to while loops without having to worry about next (i.e. continue) and last (i.e. break) statements.
@AlexM. Don't like to chat from my tablet
river pants
@Elyse Perl features useful as usual
for(int i = 0; i < 20; [&]{ i++; std::cout << "next iter\n; }()) std::cout << "lol" << i << "\n";
Guuueeesss that means a 512 KB buffer size is plenty good enough.
@ThePhD When it comes to I/O, do what Go does.
Go was designed by people who know their shit when it comes to I/O.
Yes, I'm trying to write buffered IO...
Immediately invoked lambdas will be nice for macros
Translate that page to C++.
should I organize my code into a class even when the class is gonna be instantiated only once in the whole program? example: little client/server program. should I write the client as a class and than instantiate it inside the main function and call the instance function "do_what_clients_do()"?
don't introduce mutable global state
design for reuse
tests will already be one example of reuse
@Elyse suckers
malloc, breaking my back here.
Can't properly init this thing.
Maybe if I use placement new...
@ThePhD Yes, this will solve your problems.
That's, uh.
I mean, it's sort of working.
Much better, /cc @Borgleader
@ThePhD :D :D
So jpeg loading and png loading are now super duper proper and can obey all the little smartscale and other weird shit the specs have inside of them.
I still need to do PNG and JPEG saving.
@wooster6 Hardly. Actual crime is so low that the government has to invent crimes to target anyone who calls them on their lies.
/cc @jaggedSpire chuckles
@Borgleader I am genuinely impressed by this level of delusion
this takes effort
we should gt him a tinfoil hat at this point
what good is 37ms ping if it acts like 3s ping?
a tinfoil admiral's hat
I drew a ship.
Hope you all appreciate it.
because he's the admiral of the fleet of fools
@sehe Just preparations for when I come back next time.
Hit the ground running, etc. etc.
for heaving been a healer, this is so fucking true
@Borgleader haha
in FF 14 it was usually my fault so I just said sorry
sometimes it wasn't and I was kinda asshole lol
back when I was still learning I managed to pull pretty much an entire quarter of a dungeon to us
as a healer
I got a /slap
from the tank

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