The question that I'm struggling with is how to determine in c++ that which is the server with fastest connection for the client do make git clone from or download tarball. So basically I want to choose from collection of known mirrors which one will be used for downloading content from.
@Marko personally if I was going to do this and not use python (which is what I would actually do). I would use Boost.ASIO and std.chrono. — Mgetz1 min ago
Ugh, I have some code that was originally written in C++03 and which loves to use std::swap_ranges to copy thing to their final destination instead of std::copy. Of course, when I try to replace the existing std::copy by std::move, I get many read from moved-from variable errors.
@KhaledAKhunaifer Actually I had a slightly different question . Instead of moving only up/down/right/left we can move to cells that share either a corner or edge . Should I ask a new question on SO ? because manhattan distance won't work here . it's actually easy to calculate distance between two cells ( it is max(dx,dy) ). But i don't understand how to find the answer effeciently !
That said, there is a library DR so that every overload of std::abs for fundamental types live in both <cmath> and <cstdlib> in order to avoid problems.
Does clang, libc++ support something like debug iterators? So that I land in the debugger (or I get an assertion failure) if an invalid iterator is dereferenced?
I need keywords to search this on google "In an undirected graph , number of ways to start from a vertex and end on another vertex while visiting all nodes of the graph"
you know what's funny after all these years? downloading red alert 1 and modifying the rules.ini file so the heavy tanks shoot dogs that explode in a nuclear explosion when they hit the enemy
it didn't really take three years, but just about that.. had a bet with my friends in school that if I didn't cut my hair each of them would buy me a beer
back when you were young and.. young
also; now that Scott Meyers are leaving us, the C++ community needs more hair