I should make a talk on how stealing open source code is great, then I would call it "work stealing" and annoy everybody looking for talks about work stealing threads.
But yeah, probably only the insulation burning, the damage overall should be pretty low and "skin deep". There was a similar fire in Russia, they repaired the hotel fairly quickly, no casualties.
Model an extremely topologically wrong mesh, but that it feels really fluid and shit... And then retopo. When carving out the volumes, never think about the topology. :D
Good thing about most things is that you can only build half of it and let symmetry do the other half.
You make the primary volume, then activate a retopo mode that most modeling packages have and then use the depth values of the surfaces to literally draw a proper topology on the volume beneath. Starting at the primary curves that you wish to keep and interpolating in between. :D It's hard, but worth the effort. :D
A retopo, in my case, usually starts with a simple plane. :D
@ElimGarak The other thing that bugs me about retopo, is i feel like its doing the work twice, you model it once then you go over the whole damn thing again.
i cant do it for shit, but from the videos ive seen thats what it looks like
And then you come to rigging and unwrapping, realize how easy you've made your life
@melak47 Yup, that's a pretty good start. Now you identify curves that you want and trace out a new topology that follows those curves and goes outward.
Unfortunately, there is no silver bullet for retopo, no tutorial to make it just right every time. :D Sharp, but smooth edges are so fun and enticing to look at.
Retopo is the problem fixing. :D You can smooth it out with a smoothing brush in the original topology, if that's what's bothering you. :D Or you can skip it and do the retopo which completely ignores the bulge.
One of the mistakes I perpetuated in 2006 was making meshes with a "proper topology" from the get go. I thought I was being smarter than everyone else, "fools doing the same thing twice". Boy, I've never been so wrong in my life.
I investigated the graphical scene but the code quality is so poor that building a good solution would entail so much work on my part, I decided to investigate other projects
I feel bad that I actually am familiar with the ObjC spec, even ARC internals. Had no choice, couldn't feel even remotely comfortable without going through it.
Still feel dirty when I use it, ugh
What I don't know is how the fuck do I copy something over the network from one OS X device to another. AirDrop is Bluetooth-only...
I thought it was normal, cause I remember madara was trying to explain to me the conecept of function as first-class citizens. I thought they used to talk to people.
I don't manage memory. But the top layer has to be a vector so that I can std::make_heap it and another layer has to be a list so that iterators are not invaidated when I erase them.
@milleniumbug Honestly, heap operations make things easy. And using std::make_heap on a vector once is more efficient than inserting the values one by one into the priority queue.