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is star citizen phun yet
i have a ship ive never played it though
I downloaded the alpha at works
its in a terrible state
@nick they moved ranks around with the goal of making gn4 the most common
people see things like not ranking up in 10 wins and downranking in one loss
@nick I'm waiting for the moment it gets multi crew ships. I want my own pirate crew.
Board other ships, gun 'em down.
I'd probably go back to mg :A
That kind of stuff.
@AlexM. what was the most common previously?
I don't remember but there were like 0.5% of the players in silver 1
lol I know a genuine silver II
teach me pro skills, i want to make money on CS
plz plz
i will help u
why would you want to make money with CS
it's more tiring than a regular job
you barely even get holidays because people like being entertained all the time and you play to entertain people
if you want $$$
and you dont even get that much money
not to mention you move from city to city all the time there's LANs
the pro scene is split between EU and NA with LANs held in both places so jet lag is a thing you have to deal with on a regular basis
and still perform
@nick yep, unless you're one of the top dogs it's not a lot of money
aside from that you have to deal with organizations which may have problems like not paying you on time or at all which is to be expected from an emerging thing like esports
and it's still in the phase where a tournament organizer can just go "ok I'll go bankrupt I can't pay your prize" and get away with it
a CS pro is the last thing I'd like to be :A
sorry are you dudes saying computer science is a bad career or counter strike is a bad career?
@Borgleader :D
CS is a bad career, definitely just be a counter strike player
I like watching pros play but I just can't follow the scene lol
players move from team to team all the time nothing is constant
except virtus pro, that's a team that's been constant alright
lol pic @ left
looks like a stuffed animal
Cuteness :D
Nooble's absence is disturbing
what happened to him?
@TonyTheLion Nooble's disturbance is absent.
@AlexM. Not sure.
he says he is almost done with finals
ohhh finals
He's got a reasonable excuse then :P
lounge is more important than education or career
But what if lounge is my carear
off course :P
@TonyTheLion He's letting mere tests that do noting but determine the course of the rest of his life disturb his chatting? And worse, you've giving him a pass on that? What's wrong with you?
@VermillionAzure rip
So Jerry, you been working on any interesting projects lately?
Martin is recovering from a phaal again
The curry
oh ell oh ell
The hottest curry
@TonyTheLion Fairly interesting, yeah. Actually just finishing up a project--writing user docs and such. Unfortunately, until the big wigs decide to release it officially, I'm not allowed to talk about it (even to my wife, so they tell me).
how's ell these days?
I'm good :D
But I have so much schoolwork to do over christmas, I'm a little afraid :P
@JerryCoffin oh wow.
I have Jan exams
@Ell Might have to cut down on the parties a bit
Yeah I think I will :V
I'm going home tomorrow anyway
@Ell lel
@Ell Your conceited arrogance is offensive. Unless you belong to a minority or other protected group, in which case I admire your strength and self assurance.
I should go to bed
the only thing that comes to a sleeping man is dreams
@TonyTheLion Why? It's only, like, 0123, right?
@JerryCoffin yes, well because I gotta be a up at 8 am tomorrow
I don't really feel tired yet :v
@JerryCoffin yes sir, sorry sir
@JerryCoffin such a beautiful time
@tony I have to be up for 08:00 also
@TonyTheLion Letting responsibility get in the way of partying is a sign of maturity old age, and must be resisted at all costs.
@JerryCoffin :)
always good to start my sleep with
@Ell ohhh so shall we make a run for bed at 2 am?
lol that sounds wrong :/
He he
@Ell woot it's saturday
2 sounds good to me
@AlexM. Woot woot
2 am is a reasonable time
I have an assignment to do for Sunday when I get home :V
fuk skool
look what it did to nooble
lol school
@TonyTheLion Oh, go sleep. We won't hold it against you (as long as you promise to do at least on irresponsible thing within the next 48 hours).
you want to be like nooble
@Ell operator=(homework&, ell&)
so glad I don't have to endure another semester of school
you want to be a
a professional wanker like @ElimGarak
@JerryCoffin hahahah
I have to attend 2 exams in february too lol
meh it'll be ez
hopefully I get my degree this year
I have 3
oooh baby a triple
how old is too old to pretend im in my twenties?
3 degrees
I hope for your sake
they're celsius
3 eggs hams
and they're outside
> You know how foreign language classes sometimes have you pick a foreign name for the duration of the course?
mine was bob in elementary
who the fuck chooses bob for a name :<
@MeltyButter 19, for you.
@JerryCoffin no I need to pretend Im older
people think Im immature for my age
no worries, we're used to Bartek
its hard to get worse than that
For the holidays I like me some eggdogg
user image
@Borgleader :3
@Borgleader that is cute
@AlexM. Seems like there's an old joke about a quadriplegic in a swimming pool being called bob, but it's probably not allowable nowadays, so forget I mentioned it.
ohhh yea I'm hungry :<
oh yea haven't seen Scott in a few days either
what is going on?
this is clearly unacceptable :P
ahhh the Angry Shoe :)
@TonyTheLion I've heard of procrastinating before, but putting off a midnight snack 'til this late? There's something seriously wrong with that.
@rubenvb It works. Thanks a lot!
@JerryCoffin technically this will be my dinner
Now I can enjoy a 100 percent startup success rate :D
The nooblet :)
hi :)
My sleep patterns I'm so fucked that I go to bed at 9pm and wake up at 2:30am now
@Borgleader what is telkitty doing to that dog
As opposed to these weird, intedeterministic nouveau stalls
@AngryShoe are you cat in disguise?
@AlexM. lol
Fuck cat
just your complaining about sleeping patterns reminds me of him
also, its easily solved, stay up all night and day, go to bed at normal time the next night
@TonyTheLion I thought it was Fffffffffffejery with the disguise removed.
hey bro at least you're not me
it's almost 4AM here
@JerryCoffin I'm only certain its a shoe that is very angry
still wide awake looking at pics of hens <word for sitting on eggs> dogs
@TonyTheLion Never worked
why don't we all go and ask out the chicks we're attracted to?!
@AngryShoe #tryharder
@TonyTheLion brooding yes
How long has Coliru been down?
too long
we're dying :(
I could try... oh wait there's a moderator
@TonyTheLion Well, angry anyway. It would be evil of us to deprive him (it?) of the right to be merely somewhat angry, if that happens to be the case.
I could try to relax a bit, you know
In a certain way
Which I'm not allowed to tell right now
The natural way of the two you guys are thinking
you could beat the meat...like rocky in one of the movies ofc
toss the salad
The one that doesn't require external resources
Flag fag fag flagf flag DAT fag lfag flag g
@TonyTheLion that's something different :P
@Ell wait wut
Yeah, I'm talking about exercising, precisely
Go exercise!! You have our moral support
you could also buy the mousepad I linked to above
for exercising stimuli
Yeah, no. I'm not into anime chicks
I'm not into anime at all
am I offending anyone yet?
@TonyTheLion thats why you always confuse @Rapptz and @AlexM., they all look the same to you :P
Someone In my house didnt realize what was happening
@Borgleader pretty much
i don't know if i should be worried
@MeltyButter that's why I live alone
that stuff don't happen
I think that can be solved via a css rule
that makes avatars bigger
@MeltyButter What was happening?
@TonyTheLion urban dictionary it
@AlexM. You know what else is bigger now?
@TonyTheLion omg m8
you just triggered me
My love for you
@AngryShoe Why? What did she do to hurt you?
i slept with (no sex) a guy who has a gf
@Ell wow TIL
appropriate for an Angry shoe
but he's friends with everyone :(
Are you male or female?
@JerryCoffin there's only one awesome anime chick
@Borgleader lol
male for now
@MeltyButter So what's the issue?
@AngryShoe maybe it is agender, and perhaps you just offended this person by asking that question.
you're back :) :D
@AngryShoe you might wanna try rightfold I only like girls
@TonyTheLion I never left <3
@AngryShoe he has no reservations about making other feel like twats and making me look a total prat
@user3886129 Well it seems then that we managed not to cross paths for a few days
which in lounge terms seems like eons
reading papers it really seems that the 70's were the golden age for CS
11 mins to go @ell
low hanging fruit everywhere
before bed time :P
@Borgleader I always wonder about things like this. Why is "damn" (sending a soul to hell to be tortured for eternity) more acceptable than "large penis"?
irta 11 mins to go to hell
@JerryCoffin god knows
@TonyTheLion Oh. I mainly just said "Hi" on some late nights before going to bed.
@orlp pick it
who wants to hear a star wars spoiler?
School is toooooo much work.
@user3886129 ah I see
@user3886129 you monster
@user3886129 d'awww
luke kills dumbledore
If you spoil I kick yo bum far outta this room
@user3886129 what grades are you even aiming for
@JerryCoffin well probably because everyone finds the idea of eternal torture more scary than the idea of getting wanked by a mate?
@AlexM. I have a 103 average right now.
@JerryCoffin Because theyre not married yet, ofc
@user3886129 is that good or bad?
@user3886129 out of 100?
@user3886129 103 out of what
bro do you know what a prof says when he finishes grading a perfect test
@AlexM. YEAH :D
to himself
"jesus christ what a fucking nerd"
@AlexM. it was too easy, like his mom?
@user3886129 It's all right Nooble we're all nerds here
@user3886129 Has OpenGL been useful yet for your school work?
@AlexM. go to google images
search for "fucking nerd" then "nerd fucking"
@TonyTheLion Not just yet.
@jaggedSpire one big nerd family <3 <3 <3
I mean this is a chat on a programming website supposedly dedicated to c++
@user3886129 dependencies.... :D
@jaggedSpire Wonderful!
@TonyTheLion welll yeah but I'm really smart so ....
@jaggedSpire no
@TonyTheLion <3 <3 <3
@MeltyButter lol
this room is the official ad campaign for Nooble 2016 (tm)
@orlp this room isn't supposedly dedicated to c++?
my experience is with people that need to assert how smart they are, is that they are generally below average
@TonyTheLion you smaht
you loyal
@TonyTheLion prove it!!!
@TonyTheLion -lwork
@TonyTheLion Well ysee, I'm really smart, and I dont agree with your stmt, therefore you are wrong.
really smart people don't feel the need to assert how smart they are, most of them are humble enough to know that they don't know everything and still have a lot to learn
I'm thinking it's time for an addition to the plonk list
@Borgleader but I love you, so there's that <3
eeh there are people who are smart but still in your face all the time about it
@jaggedSpire I've considered this as well
I think it's more like
@TonyTheLion isn't that a bit orthogonal though?
@AlexM. these people are called "annoying" and frequently disregarded as well
the more someone tells you they're smart
the more inclined you are
@TonyTheLion No please, I'll be nice :(
to find defects in them
I can think I'm very intelligent yet know (or not know) that I don't have much knowledge
@Borgleader not you
@AlexM. who does?
intelligence is definitely related to knowledge, but knowledge doesn't necessarily imply intelligence or other way around
@Borgleader I would never plonk you bby
@jaggedSpire <3
intelligence relates to the ability to solve problems, knowledge is just what you can use to solve problems
5 mins to go @TonyTheLion
@Ell for what
@orlp yeah I suppose if you don't use the knowledge you have, then yea, sucks I guess
@orlp bed time bby
@orlp bedtime ;)
@TonyTheLion I think intelligence is mostly determined by pattern recognition and connecting information
Intelligence is hardware, knowledge is software :p
focusing on intelligence and all that in people is pretty meh anyway
although I might be biased because I believe that is one of my strongest points (and one of my main sources of 'intelligence')
@orlp but you use it to solve problems, no? Otherwise why are you connecting the information and recognizing the patterns.
Ideally you need both 😂
everything you know is wasted if you don't use it so a focus on what the individual contributes to humankind is more healthy imo
@TonyTheLion maximum overefficient porn search
regardless of intelligence or w/e
@orlp heheh :P
@AlexM. that's not fair to be honest
anyway, I'm going to love you and leave you <3
good night
Night @TonyTheLion
take for example my "CS was best in '70" example
Night lounge also
the works done there are far more fundamental and far-reaching than most works after that
what example is that m8
I unplonked you 10 seconds ago
but they were also a lot of 'low hanging' fruit
omw are we really having a "who is de smartest" compo?? no irony??
you had me plonked?
didn't even know lol
yes I unplonked the majority of people including rightfold
10 mins ago, by orlp
reading papers it really seems that the 70's were the golden age for CS
@orlp yes but there were works
10 mins ago, by orlp
low hanging fruit everywhere
I'm just saying that what one works should be of more interest than intelligence or w/e
i.e. job
@TonyTheLion night <3 <3 <3
and how it benefits people around
@TonyTheLion night <3
yeah all of the 21st century advances are gonna be qubit shit, so all us plebs might as well stay at the sidelines until quantum shit is universally available
@Borgleader he's so skilled he alters time itself
> Public Policy Polling conducted the nationwide poll. Results also showed 19 percent of Democrats would support bombing the kingdom of Agrabah shown in the animated film.
... this is a joke right?
from the onion or something?
@Borgleader keep reading
US kids regularly join Frankfurt servers on CEVO (CS) thinking they're US servers or that Frankfurt is a state
@jaggedSpire will i lose less faith in humanity if i do?
I don't think the average guy who votes on such polls knows about anything other than what's inside their continent
@Borgleader nah you'll realize why polls always seem to have a disproportionate amount of dumb shits answering them
(Frankfurter) Rippchen mit Kraut (hot cured cutlet with sauerkraut) is a traditional dish served in and around Frankfurt am Main, Germany. It consists of cured pork cutlets, slowly heated in sauerkraut or meat broth, and usually served with sauerkraut, mashed potatoes and yellow mustard. Apfelwein (German cider) is normally consumed alongside Rippchen. The Rippchen are similar in appearance and texture to Kassler, but slightly milder in flavour, since they are only cured, but not smoked. == See also == Sachsenhausen (Frankfurt am Main)...
man now im hungry
Agrabah contains magic genies that can alter reality. i'd say that's about as threatening to national security as anything
@orlp I know--I overheard Gandalf telling Thor.
Hahaha the pose in the 4th square 10/10
@jaggedSpire you should try it one day
@AngryLettuce I guess I’ll only be there later in the afternoon
@Borgleader telling someone I was never real and then turning invisible and wandering off, never to be seen again?
@jaggedSpire No no, just the pose
I've contemplated it. The sheer mindfuckery on their face would be amazing
its glorious :P
hello nerds
boredom and hunger
werent you goin on a trip somewhere?
I just learned what Rubber Duck debugging is
now I've gotta buy one from Amazon
you might also want to pick up an "Easy" button
I should have learned Unity
Why did I ever bother with C++ for anything
Every other job is related to Unity. Unity this, Unity that
Weird, where do you check?
Chciago shows 17 C++ jobs, but I estimate the number is closer to a 1K
Go work for the The D. E. Shaw Group
c++ is so niche
especially in media and entertainment
its for making tools
But the tool users are the ones making mad bank
Do you really want to display dat from MySQL or a living?
All these Unity people making games and jumping on board the mobile gravy train
559 jobs for “C++” near Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
then it shows only jobs from europe. nice
@Mikhail I'd rather drag and drop stuff in an editor and do minimal scripting. Seems a lot easier
But who knows, maybe Unity is difficult
Maybe I should learn UE and Unity a bit every weekend
on a more positive topic
did anyone watch star wars
are any of you rabid fans
I did
was it good?
If I only had 1337 rep
i would be 1337

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