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@ScarletAmaranth At a guess, they'd probably reject that (in itself) as too little input. It'd be open to more question whether the input of writing code to generate the song based on that input would qualify the result as a "derived work" or not.
@JerryCoffin is map : (a -> b) -> V k a -> V k b too little input for an implementation of the said function? who will the arbiter of "the right amount of input" be?
@Elyse By our current definitions of what constitutes rape, many men of that time undoubtedly would have been.
11 hours ago, by sehe
Sometimes linked in profile views make me feel unsafe
@BartekBanachewicz I was referring to all the misspellings
@ScarletAmaranth At least in most countries, courts are the final arbiters of such questions.
@sehe lol. I saw the image on Facebook independent of that. :)
@AndyProwl there's a loungers-who-have-met matrix? :p
@wilx do click through to the screenshots
@sehe that ape is cute, and have sharp eyes
@sehe A zombie? :D
In today's news: Grail sort is not the holy grail of sorting algorithms.
@sehe yup
@wilx a coworker at the time
Just watched the video. Trump is worried that kids with low IQ join ISIS because of the internet.
I don't even.
@Morwenn did you did you did you listen to it
@sehe hey I never claimed to be good at German
People don't need internet to become dumb: just look at Trump.
@BartekBanachewicz I've known the band for years. Not my favourite one, but definitely original.
I don't listen to it when I'm alone, but it's cool in small parties with a few people.
@Morwenn Trump may say stupid things, but I'm pretty sure it's playing to an audience. At least to me, it seems exceedingly unlikely that he's stupid at all.
@JerryCoffin You may as well be right, but let's give ourselves the benefit of the doubt :p
Hitlar wasn't stupid, either
@sehe I like it
@JerryCoffin If he's willing to play that audience, then he's at least way more stupid than he realizes. Even if he can buy a lot of power from/for corporations, it won't benefit anyone in the long run
@JerryCoffin I dunno. Considering the audience and the things he's saying to play to them, I think he'd have to be pretty stupid to do so, even if he is intelligently playing them.
+1 then
@sehe more like Hitler space amirite
Whoever's doing this, STOP IT
@JerryCoffin do you think he is smart or average?
@набиячлэвэлиь q'est que Che?
@набиячлэвэлиь Know your history.
Shirts with pictures of Che Guevara are popular, but somehow shirts with pictures of other homophobe, racist mass-murderers aren't.
also what's with the stars
^ That
@набиячлэвэлиь wow
world of warcraft
Kurwa zajebana mać, stop that starring bullsit
and the rest please... Thank you
Jul 15 at 14:03, by rightfold
@thecoshman Kurwa, przynieś mi piwo.
If the stars keep coming I'll randomly kick people in order of my choosing.
Erm. Reconsider.
Stars are cheap currency. They can be canceled. Kicking is silly
He just wants an excuse to kick me.
currently 4 mods in this chatroom
@sehe (Don't tell them that, now they won't be scared of our power anymore)
I see 0.
@milleniumbug +probably more scanning incognito
@milleniumbug That's because we are the best room on the whole SE network.
They keep on coming to get a piece of the action.
Mar 12 '13 at 19:03, by Cat Plus Plus
We're officially the best room ever
We're what makes the moderator position worth it :D
@Morwenn Meh - we should get training fees.
In my absence, nothing is worth anything.
@Elyse You are somewhere else then, where everything is worth nothing.
@JohanLarsson I suspect he's somewhat (but only somewhat) above average when it comes to the classical definition of intelligence (as a measure of abstract thinking). I suspect he's quite a bit stronger at many of the psychological things that aren't measured in IQ (many of which are much more involved with manipulating people).
Yeah, sounds about right, people like that tend to be average but competitive.
Executives etc.
you see my friends
the people you see as successful have mastered the game of life
you must master it as well if you wish to climb the ladder that is modern society
you must not hide from bullshit, you must learn to embrace it and use it to your advantage
@Morwenn cool
that is all for today
[sigh] poster wonders why '"error: operand of type 'double' cannot be cast to a pointer type"
go watch my TED talk if you'd like to hear more
whats with the stars though
@MartinJames on 64bit they're both 8 bytes - so why not?
in other news
the beer that I actually wanted to try and picked third was amazing
@TobiasLangner unless the pointer is 48 bits.
@BartekBanachewicz What beer?
never pick the beer you want to try as the third one
there's beer?
@Morwenn it's a craft. let me...
@MartinJames fits into 8 bytes as well
@nick someone is exceedingly bored and -ing
@TobiasLangner Which end?
@Elyse You forgot fascist. Yeah, I don't get it.
@sehe i blame @Luc because why not
@Morwenn called "Zorro", Wąsosz brewery. . 4.9% alcohol, IBU unspecified
12.8 Blg.
@nick "my talk"?
@BartekBanachewicz That would be OK for meee:)
@nick wrong
@BartekBanachewicz Ugh, I'm pretty I won't ever get my hands on such a beer where I live.
@sehe yeah
four malts: belgian, pilzner, wheat, caramel, unspecified hops
The only beer from the Eastern Europe I tried was Viru.
@Tony you watched my talk too right?
yes bby :)
listen guys
there's an angry puppy in the house
we all remember what that's like so let's not go there
stop starring.
@Morwenn yeah, they're pretty local. But come to Poland for the unconference, and you'll be treated to some
wachu starring at breh
handpicked by yours truly
when will unconference be in US
@BartekBanachewicz I'll come if I have money and time by the time of the unconf.
The beer looks cool anyway.
@nick that family history (coming to CA) is awesome
@Morwenn it's really cheap if you live west of here
and by cheap I mean that for your regular price you get superb standards
@sehe :D
Sure, but by money I meant « the money to actually get there and come back » :p
@Morwenn where are you based in again?
'waiting in server for a massage from client' - I never get clients like that:(
the more you learn, the more you earn
if you'd just like to drop by, I can totally host you
@BartekBanachewicz Far West of France.
Like, if you try to go farther to the West, it's the US.
@nick Considering the (small) percentage of us who live in the US, I'm not at all convinced it'll ever happen (unless we get quite a few new regulars from the US).
@JerryCoffin true
I've just realized that C++'s override is just inferior.
inferior to what
C#'s override
because in C# override comes first.
stop starring random nonsense please
which means
that your supporting tooling knows that you are overriding a method before you write out the thing.
so they can offer much enhanced support.
in C# to override a method all you need is public void override and then push TAB, more or less.
makes sense
in C++ this functionality can never be implemented because you don't see override until it's too late.
room mode changed to Gallery: anyone may enter, but only approved users can talk
@JerryCoffin oh man
I think it's a case where the language designers simply did not consider how to support the appropriate tooling.
Gonna start kicking people if the obnoxious starring doesn't stop.
Typescript has a similar mistake.
Called it.
their import statements are the wrong way around (apart from totally fucked)
@JerryCoffin ?
you import AThing from "./file".
so the IDE can never know what AThing is since it doesn't know where you're trying to get it.
@JerryCoffin Gallery won't change anything.
"only approved users can talk" ...and everybody can star
@JerryCoffin can people not allowed to talk still star?
apart from the fact that it's fucked, it's unsupportable.
good job snackchat
@Puppy I seem to remember that C++ designers considered the tooling to come last in order of importance when designing a feature.
room mode changed to Public: anyone may enter and talk
@BartekBanachewicz Apparently so. Yet another thing that needs work.
and furthermore
Am I an approved user?
they made an equal mistake with lambdas.
@Puppy Why? Can't the IDE read "./file"?
@EtiennedeMartel thank you holy jesus almighty
@Lalaland Because you haven't written "./file" yet.
I'm assuming the loophole used to check who's starring is no longer available?
@Puppy not familiar with C#'s override, can you put it before public?
you're writing import AT and then hoping for autocomplete to AThing
@EtiennedeMartel Yeah, for months.
Because then we'll need to ask a mod.
Oh, I see, you want autocomplete for imports.
@milleniumbug No, but it's even before the return type if I recall correctly.
And maybe drop the banhammer.
@EtiennedeMartel Looks like it.
That is super obnoxious.
yeah let's cast Summon Moderator
Technially, you can autocomplete by knowing what public classes are in your current directly.
@Puppy good enough
So, who's online?
@JonClements is still in the room. Maybe you can ping him.
@Lalaland It doesn't have to be ./file, it can be any Typescript file, or possibly just any Typescript file in your project.
@EtiennedeMartel I'm here
@Puppy Yep.
An IDE can scan all those though.

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