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loool: 'Now must use + and - and i can't use / and * and %' ....... 'is not homework'
I'm mostly surprised that it only has one language tag, instead of, say,
@MartinJames Homework questions are fine. It's just a bad question in general IMHO.
though that would bump it up to 8/5 allowed tags
I only see aliens
@Lalaland I've got a HUGE downer on all homework-style questions ATM after some twat admitted that s/he was charging other students to do their homework and then submitting it to SO.
holy pants
@MartinJames I'll tell you a secret.
that's like recursive asshattery
ALL homework questions are now unpaid-work slave demands to me.
*whisper, some people post work related questions on SO. I mean, they take money as income, and then ask for free answers on SO! *
@Lalaland Yes, and I don't mind that.
@MartinJames What's the fundamental difference?
@Lalaland The intercoursewads make no attempt to do any work other than copypasta.
@Lalaland ethics
@MartinJames noice
I'm just saying that the asshat you are talking about is not too different from people posting work related questions on SO.
The main difference is the quality of question.
The money, or the fact that is homework isn't really of relevance.
imo homework and school are largely bogus
@MartinJames And people do copy and paste things from SO for work.
what do you guys care? take your rep and go :P
experience, connections, communication, soft skills matter way more
@Lalaland Oh.. if it's work-related, but still no debugging etc. done, I DCV that too. The preponderance of cases are, however, homework-standard code.
@Prismatic Correct. However, they are an important signalling mechanism for employers.
So it's very useful to have that sheet of paper even if it has no intrinsic value or knowledge associated with it.
@Lalaland No its not 'useful' its just part of a pointless system
Even though a degree might not be helpful, the average person who gets a degree is often a better candidate than the average non-degree candidate.
Its more a signalling method of someone being able to afford a pointless education than their ability to regurgitate crap they memorize in lectures
@Lalaland That sounds like a load of BS
I'm not giving ANY time to student homework if it may be copypasta that is being sold to other students.
@MartinJames Then you probably shouldn't answer any SO questions then.
Or do any open source development.
I should start a bitcoin fueled homework black market
@Lalaland It's getting there.
@Lalaland It depends on whether the non-degree candidate has really bothered to learn his stuff.
@Prismatic Aparrently, it's been done.
@TonyTheLion That would require looking at the candidate.
Which is time consuming, expensive, and error prone.
@Lalaland Nah, cann them.
@MartinJames ? You are saying to hire a bunch of people and then fire them?
@TonyTheLion And on average, what % of the material you learn in school do you use for a job again?
@Lalaland I'm a non-degree candidate with 5 years of experience now
@Prismatic depends on what you do.
@Prismatic lol, hardly any, obviously.
I use my reading skills all the time :P
@TonyTheLion I would argue that CS is sorta in a strange position due to a slight worker shortage.
Yay, I beat buffered sorting algorithms into submission.
I could read before I went to school.
When that worker shortage goes away (and it will go away somewhat quickly in the next 3-5 years), then companies will start getting more candidates for jobs.
And when you have a bunch of candidates, you have to filter people somehow.
Using degrees as a filter is one way to do that.
@Prismatic And yes. I agree that it's BS. But it's sorta like the Tragedy of the Commons. People act in their own best interest.
@Morwenn kinky
@Lalaland A degree would certainly have helped me in more than one situation. For example where I could have gotten a job in the USA, which I didn't cause I couldn't get a visa without a degree. Or getting my foot in the door with better companies, when I didn't have that much experience.
@sehe bored with streaming?
@Borgleader I know someone else who would like to get beaten into submission apparently :3
And we all have to make decisions that will help us get good enough jobs to live comfortable lives.
I should go to bed too
@TonyTheLion Noooooo :(
don't leave me alone
ok I'll stay a few more mins
@TonyTheLion <3
@Prismatic The best way to think of it is that filtering on degree is a cheap way for a company to find the candidates that are on average going to be better.
@Lalaland You keep saying those candidates are going to be better
I dont agree with you
@JohanLarsson yeah. Sort of crashed a bit. Just tonite I'm doing my first spirit answer in a while. Not streaming it though
Lets just leave it at that
degree isn't necessarily better
by a long shot
it depends a lot on the candidate
@TonyTheLion Lets both move here:
bby, lets go
@sehe may I ask when you're going to post your write-up of the meta debacle?
@Prismatic Correct I don't have evidence for that.
I was looking for a new place to live anyway
might as well go somewhere awesome
I just have a hypothesis that better candidates in general are more likely to go for a degree vs the normal population.
seems nice this time of year
@jaggedSpire I'd prefer if you didn't. I'm not convinced the people who need the explanation were worth my time
More hardworking, more dedicated, long term goals, etc, etc.
@sehe certainly. :)
Which you could (correctly) claim is mostly BS.
But I think there is some a kernel of truth to it.
But yet again, I don't have hard data, so this is all just conjecture.
At least, it's how I explain to myself why people place so much value on a degree even though the actual knowledge from a degree is mostly useless.
@Lalaland sigh I wish Ell had written that so I could beat the "recompile kernel" joke into the ground some more
@jaggedSpire the summary would be: indeed everything was blown way out of proportion. But that'd be preaching to the choir
@sehe aight
@Lalaland grades measure how prone a person is to conformity pretty accurately ime.
no idea if ^ is english
semi english
@JohanLarsson That's probably somewhat true.
"Is X able to complete a 4 year long goal?"
Stuff like that.
Still BS because the "hard" part of schooling is paying for it, not the course work by any sense or means.
@TonyTheLion above my average then :)
Anyways, companies use similar types of filters all the time.
Like are you convicted of a crime, instant rejection.
Even if the crime was like smoking pot or something.
The important criteria is: Can we apply this filter easily and cheaply? Is there some (no matter how weak) correlation to skill?
Reading resumes and interviews are expensive.
@Mgetz that site had a full screen pop up slide out
and then another pop up on top of that
@Mgetz That's not the first time you somewhat misrepresent this issue, right
@Lalaland agreed
@sehe so you have a life?
many probably do it just cos others do it lacking better ideas of their own
@Mgetz huh. No
> The cause is noble but whomever is responsible for it has a working knowledge of the Web that’s on par with, or below, that of your average house pet
Well written article. Let's toss it
Wow, Trump has just topped himself for the most stupid quote of the year.
> "We're losing a lot of people because of the Internet," Trump said. "We have to go see Bill Gates and a lot of different people that really understand what's happening. We have to talk to them about, maybe in certain areas, closing that Internet up in some way. Somebody will say, 'Oh freedom of speech, freedom of speech.' These are foolish people. We have a lot of foolish people."
The cause is nooble
Oh, gawd. Retards galore.
(Speaking of course about preventing ISIS from using the internet or some such)
> We have to go see Bill Gates and a lot of different people
Trump should visit the Lounge
@Lalaland Clueless or what?
@ElimGarak He does. He changed his nick to VermillionAzure at one point
Nah. Doesn't fly.
@MartinJames Is Trump clueless?
Still, lots of voting US citizens would support the quote I just posted.
People get scared.
I mean even with all silly points made by TelCinchies, it's never close to Trump levels of jimmy-ruffling
@ElimGarak Oh please no.
@Lalaland Trump has mastered the art of speaking out of his arse.
@TonyTheLion School of Bartek 2015 <3
@Lalaland Well. He's not wrong ("We have a lot of foolish people.")
@ElimGarak lol
@sehe Yes that part
@ElimGarak I would kick him, because he's a troll
@TonyTheLion He is probably the best troll out there.
So, some Balkan singers/prostitutes made a song, and they managed to misspell "Boeing" in the title. The song is called "Boing 747".
@sehe top kek
@TonyTheLion I'm not sure he is a troll. He's a business man. He wouldn't troll if there wasn't a gain
@TonyTheLion it's one of the best sources of hot air
Also, they couldn't afford an actual Boeing 747 in the music video, so they opted in for a 1970s Boeing 737.
@Lalaland I prefer @user703016 as a troll in here, to be fair.
@sehe Yes, good point.
@jaggedSpire lol
@orlp oh my thingy... from Harry Potter, what's his name... jeebus
@orlp who's the kid 3rd from top [reflective self-censoring]
can't remember
@nick oi
@JerryCoffin :) :) :D
hey tony
hey nick
sup bby
@TonyTheLion Hello.
@JerryCoffin :D
@JerryCoffin We missed you :)
Jerry is back <3
@nick neville longbottom
@TonyTheLion who?
@orlp the ginger guy
what's his name again?
@JerryCoffin :)
@TonyTheLion rupert grint
or ronald weasley
depending on actor or character
@nick nice taste
@JerryCoffin Welcome back!
I almost thought that Valgrind managed to find an error... but apparently it comes from Catch :(
@TonyTheLion I'll work on that. If I get much fatter, I'll turn into a black hole I'll make an easier target.
@JerryCoffin oh my dat pun
@Lalaland Thanks.
@TonyTheLion ty bb
@ElimGarak Maybe it was on purpose?
@JerryCoffin Standard Jerry :D
@TonyTheLion Darn. I was going to say "I haven't changed" with a link to a clip from Flash Gordon, but YT doesn't seem to have a clip of the piece I want.
@caps Nah, just illiterate suckage. The whole song is offensive to the mind.
Misogynistic as all heck, that is.
@ElimGarak When I was in the Air Force a couple of us painted coil springs on the "hub caps" of a (Boeing) B-52.
> 'The only reason I wouldn't go to some parts of New York is the real risk of meeting Donald Trump,' quips London Mayor Boris Johnson.
I'm going to sleep. See you another day ♥
@Morwenn night
Thanks :)
@Morwenn night
@TonyTheLion and poof soo much floof @jaggedSpire
@Borgleader :D
Oh, gawd, she's writing a really long message now.
@JerryCoffin lol
@ElimGarak huh?
ex gf
pay attention :)
Alright, she pressed enter. I need to scroll up and the scroll handle is really tiny.
that's what she said
She dates a guy that sits behind computers all day and then faults him for not being "outgoing". What did she expect, breakdance?
well she's right you could carry a laptop around
That's the second complaint, "everywhere we go, you bring that stupid laptop, it means more to you than me"

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