Linear systems of equations over the reals have either 0, 1 or infinitely many solutions. However, when applied to finite fields (specifically GF(2)), infinitely many is not an option.
Is there a fast general method to calculate the number of distinct solutions to a linear system of equations ov...
@ElimGarak : I have a photo(black and white) given in form of 10 pixels(1-D array of characters 'b' and 'w' b means black and w means white). I also have N filters. Each filter is a 1-D array(size 10) consisting of '+' and ' - ' . You can pick any subset of these N filters and apply them on the photo . applyting a filter : if the ith character of the filter is '+' invert the ith pixel in the photo else nothing happens. We need to output the number of different subsets of filters we can choose to convert the photo into all black . How to do this better than exponential complexity ?
People, if it makes it easier for you to reason about you can think of the filters and photos as an opaque type T for which a generic function op : T -> T -> T is defined
Turn your filters into a system of linear equations in GF(2) with your image as the solution. Perform Gaussian elimination. Then the number of solutions is two to the power of the number of free variables.
> Clang is the "C Language Family Front-end", which means we intend to support the most popular members of the C family. We are convinced that the right parsing technology for this class of languages is a hand-built recursive-descent parser.
I often hear claims that C++ is a context-sensitive language. Take the following example:
a b(c);
Is this a variable definition or a function declaration? That depends on the meaning of the symbol c. If c is a variable, then a b(c); defines a variable named b of type a. It is directly initiali...
> If you look up the definition of context-free languages, it will basically tell you that all grammar rules must have left-hand sides that consist of exactly one non-terminal symbol. Context-sensitive grammars, on the other hand, allow arbitrary strings of terminal and non-terminal symbols on the left-hand side.
@orlp Indeed, but nobody seems to use that definition.
@AndyProwl well you need to create an AST so there may be transformations required thereafter... but you can make do with an extended PDA, no need for linearly bound TM