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is C++17 really getting coroutines
most likely you just need a recursive function that takes 2 parameters: an int & a string (Because I feel bad for you after you have wasted so much time here and got no answers)
@user703016 I guess so, stackless only though
Stackless is good enough
I think you can build stackful with Boost.Coroutine / Boost.Context on top of that?
A: On Design Patterns: When to use the Singleton?

CodingWithoutCommentsOn my quest for the truth I discovered that there are actually very few "acceptable" reasons to use a Singleton. One reason that tends to come up over and over again on the internets is that of a "logging" class (which you mentioned). In this case, a Singleton can be used instead of a single ins...

Why can't you just use a global logger object?
naive version -> http://ideone.com/4fUq5V
memoised version(gives wrong answer) -> http://ideone.com/x5vhaw
> I started by comparing [...] the state machine parser vs. a straightforward coroutine-based implementation, and the result was a 16x slowdown for the coroutine.
@Xeo idgi, if Boost.Coroutine is good enough then what do you need the proposals for
> This reduced the slowdown to 7x.
7x slowdown is still massive :w
> 1. Code not to get placed. Code because it's FUN.
yeah right
That's just the template i wrote a year ago .
typedef long int li;
typedef long long int lli;
typedef vector<int> vi;
typedef vector<long int> vli;
typedef vector<long long int> vlli;
typedef vector<string> vs;
typedef vector<vi> vvi;
typedef pair<int,int> pii;
typedef pair<li,li> pli;
typedef pair<lli,lli> plli;
typedef vector<pii> vpi;
helloooo competitive programming
@Jefery Looks like engrish :D
I never actually use those :P
also #define lol
defines i use , typedef's i dont because i figured vector<string> is easier to write than vs .
> string apply(int i,string x)
apply what?
what the fuck are you applying?
is this how you are supposed to use rsmith’s n3599 with Clang?
what the fuck does apply mean to a string and an integer
are you applying for a job
what the fuck
@Jefery : That's question specific .
@SarvagyaAgarwal most of those, you never used
@LucDanton Sugar!
that is why i never posted the code in the first place
oh i'm sorry
now let's talk about this racist piece of code
        return 1;
        return 0;
@Xeo doesn’t make sense
that too is question specific again . believe me if you knew the question you would understand most of the code and function names
one advice, if you don't use something, don't #define or typedef them in your code
> int f(int i,string x)
Oh I wanna hear the rationale behind calling this function f.
Do tell.
@Jefery classifiers are racist then
thats' just a saved template . what harm will it cause just lying there :P
@SarvagyaAgarwal Remember when I told you @Elim was one of the nice guys.
it's not descriptive
My liver is being damaged
That's what it will cause
noone writes readable codes in competitive programming
Ever since Jefery got his colonoscopy he's been quite anal about many things.
Noone sane does competitive programming
what the fuck is competitive programming
take a baby drop it on the head make it write javascript to solve hanoi towers
it's already a challenge to write for your future self
now what? do you compete with other people too?
dinner time~ by
do you like get a gold metal for writing shit like ans2 = m[mp(i+1,x)] = f(i+1,x)%MOD;?
@Jefery It's like competitive slavery. You find out who can work the hardest for no money.
int what_is_the_meaning_of ( string x ) { return 42; }
it is not meant to be read by other people :P
@Jefery maybe this?
@SarvagyaAgarwal how the heck are you supposed to program it if you can't read it
also apparently i'm reading it
I can read it
you just need the code for a couple of minutes
after that you never see it again
unless in those couple of minutes you accidentally write a bug
maybe i should've posted a readable version :sigh:
and then have fun debugging
yeah that's a chance everyone takes , it's a tradeoff between speed and accuracy
some things can only be observed once, like the illusion of light in quatum physics
Typing takes so much time
@KhaledAKhunaifer or my fist coming towards your face
Literally 99% of programming right there
Also laffo programming competitions are utter garbage
@Jefery : I can tell you the question if you want
@Jefery why can't I observe that more than once?
@AndyProwl because after the first time you drop dead
Yeah but why can't I observe you hitting him more than once
@Jefery lol .. the answer is not special, until you know what the question was
@SarvagyaAgarwal Let's hear it
Also what's the challenge? Do you need to write quickly or write the least you can or what?
@AndyProwl I said coming towards your face.
Not his face.
Yeah but you were talking to him
He can't see my fist more than once.
So 'your' means his face
I never said anything about an external observer
@Jefery : Is this better -> ideone.com/4fUq5V ?
That's the question?
@Jefery but he did and you said "like ..." so you imported the context
why do you have to make it more difficult than it already is
shall I star that
or maybe @Bartek will
@SarvagyaAgarwal yes, more readable at least
@AndyProwl "some things can only be observed once" was the context
You can observe my fist coming towards your face only once.
"Can be"
Just because he used "observed" doesn't mean there are external observers to the event
"Can be" = "By anyone"
Let's fight on this
I think it's really important
You! You singular person for fuck sake
You singular person can observer my fist coming towards your singular face only a singular time
But he said "can be", which implies "universally", not "by only one person"
and you said "like..."
so you imported the context
Other observers can see my singular fist coming towards your singular face many times (for example the second time I hit your dead body).
ok the question is :
We are given a photo which is represented using 10 pixels in a single row(pixel can be black or white).
We have N filters.Each filter is a string containing 10 symbols.Each symbol is '+' or ' - '.
A '+' at the ith position of the filter means that is you apply this filter to the photo the ith pixel will invert . Pixel will remain unchanged in case of a '-'.
You can pick any subset of the N filters and apply them on the photo .
how many different subsets can u pick so that after applying those filters the photo transforms into 10 black pixels .
@Jefery Exactly my point
@AndyProwl Yes, universally speaking if you see my first coming to your face you only see it once.
It doesn't apply only to one person.
@Jefery : I think you will understand the racist code now :P
@Jefery I think we should keep arguing about this and ask @Bartek an opinion
Fuck him and his acronyms
I pinged @Bartek three times in five minutes, does that grant me a wish?
if you wish Bartek to be here in the next 24 hours, you wish might become true
24 hours is quite a slow response time
it's a probability thing
@SarvagyaAgarwal Nice
@SarvagyaAgarwal yeah
There's no other way than to bruteforce it because it's not possible to know whether a filter moved us closer to the result we want.
So the only optimization is really memoisation
just cant figure out the bug in the memoization part . Maybe i should convert it into readable code too :P
You can't apply a filter more than once, right?
Wait, maybe you don't need to bruteforce it
I have an idea
No But there can be same filters among the N filters which we have to consider different
@SarvagyaAgarwal What do you mean?
BufferProvider::template buffer<T> buffer; // That's it, I'll name the fucker buffer
for example if the photo is "bbb"
and the filters are 1. "---" 2. "---" answer will be 4
photo will be 10 pixels long i just gave an example
Well, it's more actually
[], [1], [2], [1, 2], [2, 1]
just memoising it would suffice i guess,but then what the hell do i know xD
We beat the final boss of Broforce yesterday with my brother. Too bad the game is so short :/
@Jefery : Did i do the memoisation part right ?
@AndyProwl Andy was right there cc @Jefery
@SarvagyaAgarwal Can't read your code
Ugh so tired
well it's almost friday
I woke up way too early
Everything sucks
I need to get up at 5:30am tomorrow, I am not a morning person
@CatPlusPlus So nothing new
@CatPlusPlus hey, have you seen the funny video of the guy who wear a cat mask?
yeah right, that's going to brighten cat's day (obviously you don't know cat well)
@Jefery : Tried to make it readable now -> ideone.com/x5vhaw
eh amazing someone p much reposted my answer and got way more upboats
@Morwenn it's awesome though
@chmod666telkitty what is a telkitty ?
@Mr.kbok Yeah right, and the description of the missions in the story mode is just priceless :D
When I look at future, I see grey or deeper shade of grey. Living is what we are trying to make while nature achieves it's own goal through us. When nature is done, we will all be disposed off like bags of garbage, whole 7 billion bags of garbage. I resent!
@Morwenn I never saw that, must be a newer version
@KhaledAKhunaifer I was talking about CatPlusPlus, telkitty is nothing, just evolved (or devolved from telecommunicate -> telecommunicat -> telcat ->telkitty)
@Mr.kbok Did you beat Satan?
@Morwenn No, last time I played I recall there was random levels
@chmod666telkitty I know, I was wondering about the telkitty in your name
@Mr.kbok Hum, ok. Now there's a story mode where you can choose the next level among a few ones on the World map.
And the mode where you do every level one after the other is the arcade mode.
@Morwenn Oh, cool
@SarvagyaAgarwal How is the input format received?
T(number of cases)
...N strings (filters)
like the input in the ideone link i mentioned
i got 99 problems and money could solve at least 73 of them
This guy is funny ^_^
It can't solve the most fundamental thing. That is, we are all going to die. Death is certainty
@SarvagyaAgarwal Number of cases?
cases can be upto 5 , N on the other hand is <=10^5
I see
@TonyTheLion <3 i feel you
I just ate a chili pepper.
Why are they named chili peppers?
Because they are shaped like Chile?
Why is anything named anything
> Chili peppers have been a part of the human diet in the Americas since at least 7500 BCE
why is that wow
it's a plant that grows there
@Elyse they are the ancestor of the well-known chill pill
gah, I forgot to commit and wrote something dumb
@Elyse Because they can't find any decent name for anything remotely hot and end up calling everything pepper anyway.
This is pepper.
Ad this is pepper too.
And even bell pepper is still pepper...
what do the translucent photos appearing on the side mean ?
there is also a soda named dr pepper has nothing to do with peppers
@SarvagyaAgarwal Users who haven't been active in a while.
pepperspray is also a soda
lol more like.. pepperspray is not a pepper spray
@MadaraUchiha : How is that feature implemented ? priority queue using time of recent comment as factor ?
@SarvagyaAgarwal Decay
we are aging, even in this chat
So, my fixed_buffer works out of the box. I'm not that confident for the dynamic buffer ^^"
aging is good if you have a lot of antiques :p
@SarvagyaAgarwal lol whatever it would need a pqueue for
I am a total noob . Was just speculating :P
it's a mru
I'm trying to think of a joke
@CatPlusPlus in my entire time coding I've only ever had cause to use a pQueue once: ensuring that server priority messages get sent in an irc client so the user isn't disconnected
If there was a cat next to a mouse in memory, and Cat is a pointer to that cat, what will Cat++ then be ?
Good joke
decent imo
Cat next to a mouse seems to be (mouse, cat) ... wouldn't it be cat-- in that case?
@KhaledAKhunaifer It can be UB
"next to" does not imply any order
"A next to B" could be (A, B) or (B, A)
You are bad
' next' kind of implies '++'
@Jefery : Thanks . I'll always write readable code from now on . :P
Q: Efficient way to OR adjacent bits in 64-bit integer

Jack AidleyWhat I want to do is take a 64-bit unsigned integer consisting of pairs of bits and create from it a 32-bit integer containing 0 if both bits in the corresponding pair are 0 and 1 otherwise. In other words, convert something that looks like : 01 00 10 11 into something that looks like this 1 ...

okay so
@SarvagyaAgarwal I got bored right after writing the code for reading the input: coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/8acb1c1308940812
this is one of those rare Qs that make SO worthwile
Hope that helps, somehow
I highly suggest you read it
@SarvagyaAgarwal Oh and "applying the transformations to the photo" can be done with: std::accumulate(begin(filters), end(filters), std::bit_xor<>{}, photo);.
And you can check if they are all "black" with photo.all().
Thats not what's bugging me right now . what is bugging me is the reason memoisation is failing :(
whats wrong with a = b xor c ?
Good afternoon.
@Jefery : Were you writing a better approach or was my code just pathetic to begin with ? :P
wait a minute, if you translate 00 10 11 into 0 1 1 wouldn't that be ambiguous?
@BartekBanachewicz Good brainteaser question, I like these :)
Waiting for an arch-independent solution :p
@Rerito there is one already
@KhaledAKhunaifer how is that ambiguous? he wants to "or" bit pairs
@KhaledAKhunaifer this works on pairs of bits in the same number, not two numbers
found the bug . wasnt clearing the map after every test case , i feel so stupid right now
> A beaver is choking on meat! You are choking on meat!
mmmm, meat
@Jefery :Turns out the code is too slow even after memoization :D
@TonyTheLion <3
Interesting, but I'm really not comfortable upvoting magic like this without a live demo. — sehe 7 secs ago
@sehe Or some math proof :)
any windows guys here?
@SarvagyaAgarwal I couldn't read yours, so I wrote something that is hopefully more readable
@Rerito no. C++ is not the language to dump your naive translation of wikipedia pseudo code into, without rigorous testing.
@Mr.kbok I use windows
@TonyTheLion he realized it doesn't go with the candidacy
@Jefery : Those accumulate and .all() methods you were talking about are they more effecient because i need to optimize
@TonyTheLion I use psexec to remotely open sessions on the server but from inside that session I don't have access to other samba shares. How come? I'm getting auth errors.
@SarvagyaAgarwal if memoizing doesn't cut it, you need a better algorithm. Not optimizing the same algorithm
Repeat after me: micro optimization never wins against reducing algorithmic complexity
Jefery too agreed with me when i told him what the question was, brute force seemed the only option.
@Mr.kbok sounds like missing some permissions to the samba shares?
@SarvagyaAgarwal did you read my comments?
@BartekBanachewicz I see, two numbers in one
I still don't know what you're trying to solve though
@SarvagyaAgarwal You're discussing an ongoing contest problem
are you trying to find a combination of filters that adds up to the image?
@SarvagyaAgarwal When brute force seems to be an option, heuristic (non exhaustive) solutions by definition exist - and they could be good enough but orders of magnitude less compute intensive
@TonyTheLion sure, but when I open a remote connection via mstsc I have access to those folders
@orlp ah. convolutions. I smell ffts
@TonyTheLion I can't find exactly what's wrong or different between the two sessions
@sehe no, if that's his question, I have already solved it
@sehe it's a linear system of GF(2) equations and solved with guassian elimination
@orlp You can also solve it using DP if the number of filters is much much much greater than the size of the image.
@orlp where can i read up on it ?
@SarvagyaAgarwal please
answer my question
what exactly are you trying to solve
@orlp I haven't looked at the question. I'm merely observing the reflex to micro-optimize when this is unlikely the solution (even memoizing didn't help - that's the big gun mem/CPU tradeoff)
number of subsets of filters such that photo turns all black
@SarvagyaAgarwal Yes, but what are the constraints? How many filters? What size of the photo?
@SarvagyaAgarwal the number of filters?
so you want an answer like: '10'
and that would be ok with you?
number of filters <=10^5
Sounds like a task that even a bloomfilter could help answer
@sehe I doubt it
yes the number
ok, then my approach might not be useful
Bloomfilters are good at no/yes predicates
my approach merely finds a solution
it could probably be adapted to give the number of solutions, but I don't know how that works
@orlp I still think if you count the number of free variables, that will lead you to the number of solutions.
@Lalaland : size of photo is 10
and so is the size of filter
10 solar masses
@SarvagyaAgarwal If the size of the photo is 10, use the DP solution.
The DP solution is O(n * 2^m), where n is the number of filters and m is the size of the photo.
@orlp's awsome solution is O((n+m)^3)
@TonyTheLion proxy blocked -_-
@Mr.kbok lemme copy the answer to a pastebin
(Well actually, a little less than that, there are special GF(2) Gaussian elimination algorithms).
Anyways, for your specific set of m and n, the DP is better.
@Lalaland it's very close
m^2*n + m^2 - m
@Lalaland : I already tried the DP solution -> ideone.com/snI0mb
First thing, std::string is a bad choice here.
@TonyTheLion pastebin is proxy blocked too xD
Use a bitset or an integer.
@Mr.kbok wtf
I have access to coliru though
And then you can just use the xor operation.
You only have 10 bits, so you can easily fit that in a unsigned int.
in The Nth Monitor on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 1 min ago, by kalina
pls, the C++ lounge would offend most 4chan users
ho r u
Also, don't use a map. Use a normal array.
not sure if that code was graphic processing or ascii art processing
@Mr.kbok your friendly neighbourhood spooderman
With those minor changes, you can probably make your code like 100 times faster.
How would i memoise with an array :O
@orlp Your solution to the problem is really cool thought. Thanks for sharing it.
evening lounge
@Lalaland I'm going to ask a question on math.se
@TonyTheLion thanks, I owe you one (at least for effort)
@SarvagyaAgarwal If you use an int for your state, you can simply use a 2d array.
got it . I'll try now
@Mr.kbok no problem :)
hopefully it fixes your issue

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