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@SarvagyaAgarwal I am not, I am telling you that instead of focusing on competition, you should focus on learning (which you sorely need). And later on, if you're smart, you'll use the gained knowledge to create new things, not compete with egotistical nerds on who can write more shit in less time.
@SarvagyaAgarwal OOC, why are you doing a programming competition at this stage in your coding career? Is this how you've chosen to learn/practice the language?
@user703016 Kebab?
@jaggedSpire that the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse!
@jaggedSpire Wanna compete. I am the best at C++, 15 years experience.
Yeah, you'll never beat Nooble. Even his bot is superior!
@Nooble surely
@ElimGarak it's 10 am
INTERCOURSE i'm hungry jfc
@user703016 You've already had 2?
@user703016 so it's time for another coffee?
it's time for a eat
but it's too early!
dammit man now I want a scone
@user703016 just in time for second breakfast you mean
I'd settle for a nuclear winter
time for nops
@ElimGarak I'd assume that's a food but I'm having too much fun imagining you as something that eats weather conditions.
@Borgleader ttyl
@Borgleader enjoy the wasted cycles
@jaggedSpire scones are so frickinn good
one of my favourite sweet foods#
the only acceptable british food
@user703016 have you tried em before?
Gah, I need to go take pictures for my ID
@Ell Quite popular in HK yes
I have to interact with humans and stuff.
Had some this weekend even!
@ElimGarak you will manage
Man they are the bomb
> the bomb
> bomb
> pressure cooker
remember paris
> #triggered
> triggered
My ummah, the dawn is rising.
ok guis
lettuce return to the topic of scones
Proposal: append (PBUH) everytime we mention the name of a moderator
what is that
@Ell I do love the way they're both crunchy and flaky
@nick Peace Be Upon Him, used by religious people when mentioning a prophet
islam mostly I think
Man, refraction adds so much to scenes, but is so expensive. Especially rough transmission.
use qbittorrent instead
Thanks bby, you a true photon
@ElimGarak : I have a photo(black and white) given in form of 10 pixels(1-D array of characters 'b' and 'w' b means black and w means white).
I also have N filters. Each filter is a 1-D array(size 10) consisting of '+' and ' - ' . You can pick any subset of these N filters and apply them on the photo .
applyting a filter : if the ith character of the filter is '+' invert the ith pixel in the photo else nothing happens. We need to output the number of different subsets of filters we can choose to convert the photo into all black . How to do this better than exponential complexity ?
Lounge project for extra points: Transcript Analysis Tool featuring longest time between question dumps query.
@SarvagyaAgarwal what have you tried? Have you thought through this question at all?
@jaggedSpire : I have thought a lot . best i could come up with is O(N^2)(if i calculated the complexity correctly)
have you tried logarithms
@SarvagyaAgarwal that's quadratic complexity, not exponential. Good job, you did it!
thats not enough because N can be 10^5
@SarvagyaAgarwal I don't even...
Have you tried contour integrals?
If all else fails, spherical harmonics.
what are you guys talking about ?
what is math?
@sehe Indeed. I’m glad to learn I wasn’t crazy and those rm-tok-pattern-* passes (requires recent enough creduce I’m pretty sure) really do push it into firm fuzzer territory.
@ElimGarak You should use Hermitian manifolds. It's great and does all things.
That being said creduce still remains syntax-directed for the most part, which is good since it makes the reduction process (relatively) fast :)
the fuzzer behaviour is very convenient for those constructs Clang doesn’t undestand and/or once the testcase becomes so reduced it doesn’t look like code anymore
@ElimGarak : You dont even what ?
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
@jaggedSpire : Do you know any effecient method?
@LucDanton is this english
@nick it must be since I fed all my sentences to englishreduce
its like
ridiculously complex yet borderline intelligible
had me fooled for a second
@nick much like C++
@Elyse we are officially a C++ standard issue now
are all those issues currently open?
rip maintainers
@ElimGarak So I have in front of me a surprise Macbook with what appears to be a Broadwell processor. The problem is it's a Mac which I haven't used since like 1995-ish.
I need to figure out how to dual-boot Windows on it so I can run some Broadwell benchmarks.
I should probably learn how to use a Mac before I try anything crazy like that.
@Mysticial Well, it's Apple, so they've made it easy for their logo zombies to install Windows. Open the Launcher -> Utilities -> Boot camp. You'll literally get a slider for partition installation and then just feed it an ISO to put on your USB stick (which it will also automagically detect).
The installation is extraordinarily simple and automated with the mantra It just works.
It will boot into it automatically and even tell you which key to press when you want to boot back to OS X during power up. The "bootloader" exposed is basically already running display drivers, so the OS selection screen is fully animated and retina ready.
@SarvagyaAgarwal You can do this in O(N) using dynamic programming.
Before I do that, I need to unbox it first. Though my Dad seemed to have interest in claiming it for himself. lol
There is even a butan to divide the SSD equally, for those clumsy with a slider when they want to center it.
The basic idea is that you have a function NumberPossible(i, startingPosition), where i is the index of the filters not used yet.
i varies from 0 to n.
NumberPossible(n, startingPosition) equals 1 if and only if startingPosition is all black.
Otherwise, 0.
NumberPossible(i, startingPosition) = NumberPossible(i+1, applyFilter(i, startingPosition)) + NumberPossible(i+1, startingPosition)
That represents how you either apply the filter or you don't apply filter.
The overall runtime is O(N * 2^m), where m is the size of the picture.
Normally, this would be horrible, but m=10, so you are fine.
The result is simply NumberPossible(0, originalStart)
@Lalaland Is that PHP? It looks really complicated.
@Mysticial No, it's Lalalang.
My special psuedocode language.
I have a deep suspicion that that problem is NP complete if m is variable.
Seems like you should be able to do a reduction to subset sum ...
Actually, no, that won't work easily.
does he only want the number of subsets that are valid solutions?
not the actual subsets themselves?
either way
I've coincidentally tried to solve the same problem yesterday
he basically has a giant system of equations in GF(2)
Q: Finding solution to matrix equation over GF(2) with minimal true variables

orlpI am looking for a general way to find a solution to a system of equations in GF(2) such that the solution has the least amount of true variables. After Gaussian elimination I get a matrix like such: $$ \left[ \begin{array}{ccccccccc|c}1&0&0&0&1&1&1&0&0&1\\ 0&1&0&0&1&0&1&0&1&1\\ 0&0&1&0&0&1&1&1

I can tell you that finding the minimal subset is NP-complete
wat (NSFW, I think, maybe, yes)
what the fuck
@Blastfurnace SO bio greeting gif :D
@orlp Yep. It looks like it's NP complete.
@Lalaland nonono
you're misinterpreting me
finding the minimal subset is incomplete
finding the number of solutions is an entirely different question
The gif of someone shitting is NP complete?
@ElimGarak I hope you like it as much as I do.
@Lalaland I don't believe this is subset sum.
@Lalaland in fact, I have a O(n^3) solution with simple linear algebra
What's the O(n^3) solution?
Gaussian elimination
it works just fine over GF(2)
And then I guess you can just count the number of free variables.
this makes it easy to find a solution that gives some filters that add up to the image
And then it's 2^(free variables)?
I don't know how free variables work in finite fields
@Blastfurnace ban
sup, greggy. Have they fed you?
I'll go for lunch in 15 mins
still throwing photons around?
@Lalaland but you do understand how to translate the problem from filters to a GF(2) system of linear equations?
Grilfriand too
@orlp Yes. Ax=b. x is your starting image. b is your target image. A has each row being a filter.
@Lalaland column.
each column is a filter
each row adds up (remember, GF(2), so actually XOR's up) to a bit in the target image
Correct, my bad.
so it's definitely not subset sum
I hope I've sufficiently shown that finding a solution is at most O(n^3), where n is the number of bits * the number of filters
@user703016 I was working on approximating refractive caustics, but then Lala decided to indulge the help vampire and Mysticial got a Macbook.
And then I saw that gif and now I am on the weird side of YouTube
@user703016 making me hungry
speaking of grilfriand time for lunch
that’s what I said
o god formatting
oh man
purring cat sounds
and rain sounds
@LucDanton me too
@user703016 pls may i a grilfriand
Sep 17 at 0:27, by Luc Danton
The friand is a small French cake, often mistaken for a muffin. It is popular in Australia and New Zealand. The principal ingredients are almond flour, egg whites, butter, and powdered sugar. It typically has additional flavorings such as coconut, chocolate, fruit, and nuts. It is baked in small molds, typically oval or barquette in shape. It appears to be related to the financier, though it differs in being larger and not using brown butter. The French word friand, which means dainty or a gourmet who delights in delicate tastes, refers as well to minced meat and herbs in puff pastry, a food item...
here you go
ty bb~~
@nick shh bby is ok
Hobbit 3 was so bad
> error: 'tuple<indices<0, 1, 2>, list<void, void*, const void>, list<const int&, const int&, const int&> >{holder<0, void, const int&>{t.std::tuple<int, int, int>::<anonymous>.std::_Tuple_impl<0ul, int, int, int>::<anonymous>.std::_Head_base<0ul, int, false>::_M_head_impl}, …snip more garbage…}' is not a constant expression
Clang turns out to be more loquacious here
> note: reference to subobject of 't' is not a constant expression
I can const char c[*&std::get<0>(t)] = "ab"; above u so this is very not helpful
Wait, why isn't that valid?
Shouldn't that be overload number 7 on en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/tuple/get?
Which is constexpr?
it’s the forming of the reference variable that stops the show
What do you guys do when you can't figure out a problem ?
All I recall on the topic is that the Standard is super conservative on subobjects to avoid memory-style manipulation in constant expressions, and that implementations are allowed to bail out on any constant expression they want anyway (as an escape hatch)
since it’s a complete red herring to what I’m hunting (it’s non-constexpr anyway) I’m ignoring it
@Lalaland compare
it’s not the expression that matters, it’s what it’s used for. constant expressions and constexpr stuff follow different semantics from the rest of the language
So, it's the explicit name which causes problems?
it’s (probably) that it’s a {block scope,namespace scope,static data} variable
In C++11 you couldn’t do constexpr auto const& array_element = array[i];
dunno if it’s been relaxed, it’s very similar innit
rationale is that it would require the constexpr implementation to track a lot of information about such a reference or something
dang I hope I’m not confusing it with non-type template arguments
> error: '((& t) == (& tuple))' is not a constant expression
I guess it’s not just making variables then
how do I reduce on an assertion :/
I mean obv. I can parse output but that means the 'reduced' program will have all the I/O noise in it
Sometimes I inject inline Ruby into my variadic C++ templates
@nick That would probably actually help with the readability.
At least, compared to C++ template-lang.
oh variadic templates are actually a thing, I thought I was just making shit up
probably comes from hanging out with you folks so long
sometimes I forget nick is a JS person
through passive osmosis, I have become an expert C++ programmer
@user703016 for shits and giggles, I sent in my resume for an opening in HK called Quantitative Analyst
my intention is to bullshit my way through the entire interview so I can get destroyed on my first day on the job
what is math
are you serious
when am i not
on my snapshot the asserts trigger
guess I should rebuild for due diligence first though
what the hell is that monstrosity
what utterly confuses me about that is that I used to have the unit tests fire off over several GCC versions, but then I noticed several bugs in my implementation
and now this
@user703016 tuple you index by tag type, kinda like a compile-time map but with horrible (compile-time) asymptotics and performance
hunting that one exhausted me so it’s not a particularly clean testcase
@user703016 the important bit is blah_blah_tuple<…>: blah_blah_element<Foo, Bar, Values>...
I’ve done that one several times already
yeah it’s a compile-time (or Fusion-style) association list, was on the tip of my tongue
do I have tests to catch bugs in my programs or in GCC
lounge++ -W{extra,pedantic}
k time to clean up and file
@LucDanton awwww
bug is likely constexpr related interestingly enough, looks like I need the tuple to be a literal type
have you tried constexprify.js
can anyone here help me in graph theory ?!
ask and we'll see
> internal compiler error: unexpected expression 'Indices' of kind template_parm_index
what the intercourse
There is a theatre with N rows with each row having M seats.
there are four types of people :
type L : who want the left armrest
type R : who want the right armrest
type B : both armrest
type Z : no armrests
We Know the number of L,R,B,Z type people and we want to know how many people can we accomodate in the theatre (maximum) ?
how is that a graph theory question
that's an exercise
I thought it had something to do with Min Flow -Max flow
yeah but what is your question
"solve this for me?"
yeah kind of , coz i cant model it into a graph ?
You can model it into a graph
though the constraints suggest otherwise ( N,M <=10^8 , Z,L,R,B <=10^16 ) . With such high constraints i dont think if we can even build a graph
there is no upper bound to the size of your mom nor a graph
that doesn't mean you have to build the graph
you just need to explain what you chose to represent nodes and how you value the edges
Can you explain the approach/idea ? anything because i cant figure out anything here.
Ok, say you start with a source node which is the number of armrests in the theatre. Pick a small number, like 11 (that'd be 10 seats). Draw it on a sheet of paper.
turns out it’s GCC borking up somewhere when a potentially constexpr reference to a subobject is stored or something
Now you distribute those 11 armrests to a first layer of nodes L R Z B
I’m not sure what to put in the title of the bug report, what kind of bug is that anyway
"Finding meaningful but report titles is too damn hard"
butt reports are super srs
is it a miscompile?
nice sofa
sofa r so good
@user703016 : can you explain a bit more clearly please ?
And now we see a help vampire in his natural environment sucking the life blood of a regular that fell into his trap.
@ElimGarak such is the majesty of nature
@SarvagyaAgarwal This is a variant of the project selection problem, look it up
Cicada can take care of Cicada
I believe in Cicada
Cicada 2016
Harbours are usually not right in front of sandy beaches because water depth ...
> [6 regression] bad pointer to subobject formed with constexpr
But ... Fantasy land ...
close enough or what
although I don’t think reference members are subobjects now that I think about it
What are you talking about, that's a Zumwalt-class destroyer, it's been floating since 2013. No fantasy involved.
now to unintercourse the testcase I ravaged in my reducing fury
no-one had spoken those words together like that in the history of everything until now
@ElimGarak James mentioned that they'd upload the talks in January
@ElimGarak : are you married ? If you are , I wish you don't have kids. Never seen anyone more arrogant than you .
@SarvagyaAgarwal wat
@Xeo Had a bit of a knee jerk reaction to January and then realized that's a month from now. :D Looking forward to it!
@ElimGarak this
And now we see a help vampire in his natural environment sucking the life blood of a regular that fell into his trap.
@SarvagyaAgarwal Oh, man, I am the calm one. The true Lounge gatekeepers are sleeping right now.
@SarvagyaAgarwal you can have kids without marrying
@SarvagyaAgarwal Basically, Loungers get an influx of folks who need everything explained to them. None of them are really interested in the chat, they're just trying to get something out of it. Even those who ask a question politely often overstay their welcome with incessant questions even with ample information on how to learn more about it. And eventually, Loungers coined the term "help vampire".
I have been trying to participate in the conversation but majority of the things talked about here don't make sense to me :(
well you see, when two consenting adults love each other very much
Well, if you're honest about that, then stick around, become a regular and study that stuff on the side. Loungers are happy to show the way, but never to walk it for you. The more of a regular you are, the more folks around here are willing to spend time helping you.
the past hour was all about some expert C++ stuff (tuple contexpr what not )
@ElimGarak Actually Cat seems to be awake
But I reckon he CBA bothering with this
I don't know what 'this' is but yes
the thing above
That's because the Lounge is predominantly European and everyone is sleeping or getting ready for work right about now. Whatever you do, don't poke with too many questions and don't get entitled or offended when people don't want to answer.
@user703016 :effort:
@user703016 can’t be bothered to figure that out either
not worth it
stupid Yuro peons, always ruining everything
Have you noticed how this TZ is getting more populated as time goes by
I'd rather appreciate "we dont want to help you get out of here" rather than sarcastic one liners when someone is actually helping .
Dude I tried helping
I gave you a beginning of a solution
I even gave you the name of an analogous problem
What more do you need
Cicada gave you great pointers. You kinda want to be walked through it. That doesn't help you really. And wastes time for the person helping.
spoon not big enough
I need money and love. Mostly money
He told me to look for project selection problem . I never asked anything after that !
@CatPlusPlus I have one of the two to offer you, and it doesn’t go through Paypal
I don't accept bitcoin
@user703016 : I never asked anything more !
and they lived happy ever after
@CatPlusPlus lol
I never asked for those spaces
Well, great. Now join in on the fun and discuss whatever. As long as it doesn't anger the mods.
After being useless whole day yesterday, back to microservices
(My factory is still garbage)
Good time for bikeshedding? I want a memorable namespace for those functions that are meant to be extensible, e.g. swap, begin/end etc. being the usual suspects.
I knew Cicada was going to blurt out something like that :P
well excuse me but that does qualify with the memorable part of the requirements doesn't it
ugh, they redesigned mobile chat, and apparently you can't direct-reply to messages anymore. Or star / flag them, for that matter.
it's a feature
Xeo caught starring hitler.
This is normal
I remember a time where you could. :<
Little mobile chat that could
Those were good times, indeed! Alas, they are no more.
I remember the time when SO chat was good
they also don't even show the reply arrows for direct-replies
@Xeo Usability in mobile chat is unacceptable
lemongrab unacceptable etc
I remember a time when Loungers could write stuff without fear of the whole room shutting down #disgusted
but hey, they did add a green-ish (mention) thingy before any mesage that mentions you! totally not redundant, since the name is also highlighted in green...
they nood
Let's make a completely new closed protocol and then shit out completely broken wub clients on top of it
I nood too
namespace nood
Bikeshedding successful.
dafuq, how did I type that
n o o d presumably
m a t c h
Days since autocorrect incident: 0
no autocorrect on my devices
Xeo uses manualincorrect
We told you to not install untrusted software in your brain
that’s nice hg st reports an out-of-repo, out-of-directory, untracked file as modified
oh, and apparently editing old messages works with the up-key on mobile now. That didn't work back then
How do you up-key on mobile
hacker's keyboard
I mean if you have to bring up a keyboard and press on-screen button then why bother with not having an actual button
I am surprised folks visit the Lounge on phones.
Well I know why, they can't design for shit, but hypothetically
@LucDanton zealotry
I'm still lazing around in my bed
that said, I should get up...
thanks centos 6.6 not supporting scp -3 this is extremely annoying
anytime, bby

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