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A: BCL Immutable Collections: equality is non-symmetric

Andrew ArnottEquality is a difficult thing to define, and even more difficult to achieve consensus on that definition in a room of smart engineers. :) We're actually going to be removing value-equality from the Equals and GetHashCode methods of the immutable collections so that these methods provide the same ...

ugh WTF
> so that these methods provide the same speed (and near uselessness) as most other types in the BCL
@Mgetz Its called chakra <3
@melak47 Use template instead of auto ?
Congrats team, you just implemented immutable collections with reference equality.
You are now officially a bunch of morons.
@Puppy don't think it matters, unpacking that tree of variants, tuples and what not doesn't look like the right way to go about this
@melak47 What you trying to do?
messing with a toy grammar.
I like being able to spell it out in code and have it "just werk"
Here I play with one of the attributes (to count lines in a comment)
@sehe made it better but i couldnt find the link
not sure if today's steak is a success or not
the temperature was way too high
@BartekBanachewicz when did you stop cooking it?
for medium rare you want to stop at about 50C (120F) and let it rest
@Mgetz i dont have a thermometer for steaks
@Elyse lol
Therefore, I will call my workaround MoronicityOvercoming.
@Mgetz i dont have problems telling how well made it is
the problem that i had was it getting burned while still raw inside
@BartekBanachewicz cook it lower and slower then
@Mgetz ah yes, hell is finally freezing over
@Prismatic no that will be when they open source the NT Kernel and Executive, and Office
right now it's just sleeting
I wonder how useful open sourcing office would be
also, Chris Roberts ahahah
@CatPlusPlus I know you asked about the SnackChat API, so I digged up the detail again.
Where the number is the message id.
That needs to be a post request.
The form data must be a valid fkey for your IP address.
For instance:
curl 'http://chat.stackoverflow.com/chats/10/events?before=20190927&mode=Messages&msgCount=99' --data 'fkey=faffe0a7618d1e8293fc71c9c47e80e9'
It's a simple, but effective API.
@Borgleader I'll keep reading about X3, there's some AST thing I wanna try in there. But maybe your approach of just lexing with spirit and then parsing yourself is easier.
Yeah, its more code so far, but I think it's the safest approach long term.
Unfortunately, X3 is the only part of boost.spirit I got working with VS2015
spirit.lex doesn't like VS :(
or does that have a counterpart in x3?
lexers are way simpler than parsers.. if you have to parse yourself there's really no point in using a library to lex.
@Xeo Wow, MSG Iron Blooded Orphans is pretty decent.
its like coliru but for swift! swiftlang.ng.bluemix.net/#/repl
@StackedCrooked make coliru pretty like that ^^
I'm not swift enough for that.
I wonder if it allows filesystem access.
@StackedCrooked filereader.swift does read a file
@Xeo OP is really good as well.
I wonder how good would Swift be on embedded
it's a pretty nice language overall
@melak47 Not yet afaik. Im surprised spirit lex doesnt compile in 2015... it did in previous versions
I have yet to play with it
puppy seemed to loathe it iirc
namespace N { def x: __int = 1; }
namespace N {
    namespace M { def y: __int = x; }
Name lookup for this was surprisingly easy to implement.
swift is pretty good
'cept for the objective-c part
Time for parameters, I guess.
Q: checking if pointer points within an array

fredoverflowCan I check whether or not a given pointer points to an object within an array, specified by its bounds? template <typename T> bool points_within_array(T* p, T* begin, T* end) { return begin <= p && p < end; } Or do the pointer comparisons invoke undefined behavior if p points outside the ...

Darn this snackchat scraping is going to take a while.
This room has a heck of a ton of messages.
what the hell
EU banned devices over 1600W?
@Lalaland Yeah we give a lot of fucks :)
how absurdly idiotic is that
the best thing is that they're doing it e.g. for electric kettles as well
because "current devices are bad for the environment"
never 4get: [16:29] <ely-se> I hate monads.
you have to be on a level of a 5yo child that think this will help anything
@Ven Swift is awful.
@Puppy nope.
your taste's just shit
I've had the misfortune to have to use it at work.
it's fucking awful.
it has all of the downsides and none of the benefits of several languages.
I used it for an app I sold, and it was great.
but its made by applllee !!!!11111111!!1!!
Swift has one core benefit. Backwards compatibility with Objective C.
If you don't need that, you probably shouldn't be using it.
@Lalaland The problem with that is that it's not obviously better than Objective-C.
@Lalaland Not really because fuck Obj-C :P
@Borgleader Sometimes the cost of a rewrite is higher than the cost of the stupid language.
at least with Obj-C, you could throw exceptions.
See for instance: companies that still use PHP.
backward compability is usually bawkward compatibility
real exceptions.
not Swift "We pretend they're exceptions but actually they're just shit"
oh, yeah, good old @try/@catch shit no one used because the ecosystem didn't give a fuck about them
surely, you can avoid using NSError**... Wait no you can't
I could have used it myself.
in fact, I did use it myself, I lobbed some Obj-C exceptions in some Obj-C interop code I wrote.
it has that pure functional monad error handling, except they forgot to actually include the purity so it completely doesn't work, not to mention that nil does not include a useful error.
and Swift "initializers" are just batshit insane.
Why does monad error handling fall apart in the case of impure languages?
I have used it in Rust and it seemed to work quite well there.
@fredoverflow Nice.
because a lot of the time you need to do totally impure shit if it's nil/not nil that has nothing to do with the thing that's not nil.
having obj?.f() only works if the thing you need to do is obj.f() if it's not nil.
@BartekBanachewicz lobbyists
if you need to printf("hello") if it's not nil, you can't do shit.
just a bunch of manual ifs and propagation.
also politicor
@Puppy lack of monads vOv
@Lalaland because they dont model impurity monadically like haskell
@BartekBanachewicz I reckon that properly monadic error handling could probably handle it, if they actually had it.
they only really have that nil coalescing thing.
which is meh i agree
and nil is just not a useful error so it's pretty impossible to use that meaningfully anyway.
you still have to do error callbacks or whatever to get an actual error.
well sometimes it's enough
but I agree that in most cases it's too brittle
hey bartek
having your own ADT with multiple classes of results that behave monadically is the shit
do you want to collaborate with me on my Wide website?
@Puppy sup
@Puppy you prolly gonna do it in React no
I mean, as far as my experience goes there are two main benefits to monadic error handling: 1. It's very explicit which things throw what errors. If you have Either A B, you know there is a possibility it might be B. 2. It's very composable. Because the error types are just normal value, you can easily use them in existing higher order functions.
some nice pure functional javascript
@Puppy What type of functionality are you trying to add?
@BartekBanachewicz Fucking cretins. Result: wait longer for your cup of coffee, same energy used for water heating, water hotter for longer so losses increased. Clueless cretins with the physics knowledge of a PHP developer.
@Lalaland A UI design that's not absolutely shit.
@Lalaland people who are anti-that are like "but hublgh blurgh i absolutely need to throw exceptions"
@MartinJames my thoughts exactly
People who love exceptions but hate dynamic typing are cute.
@Puppy You probably don't need that much JavaScript for that.
same for hoovers, the low-power ones are so shit you use trice the time with a device that's half the power
do you have something against React?
@Puppy nothing except I haven't used it.
you'll like it.
@Elyse Yep.
it's based on purity.
I dunno, I don't like web dev in general
@Puppy you havn't used github.com/typelift ?
we actually had a bunch of bugs in our codebase at work where it turned out we were doing impure shit, and it actually broke our website.
@BartekBanachewicz Morons who don't understand the difference between energy and power. We have such fucking cretins making laws:((
I like web as a platform, I don't really like the web itself
@Ven I don't see how a library can change the fact that Swift does not have exceptions worth a damn.
> by utilising the type system.
afaik, all languages that remotely succeed at using monadic exception handling have core language support for not sucking at it.
@Puppy Usually some sort of pattern matching is necessary for it to work nicely.
How shall I mangle operator+?
Did you guys know \f is the 'form feed' character
Guise, I got a new grey blazer, it's so soft.
@ElimGarak Shouldve gotten a gold one, to go with your macbook
def operator+[T](implicit monoid: Monoid[T])(x: T, y: T): T =
    monoid.add(x, y);

1 + 2 // type inference difficult :(
@Borgleader but I bought the MacBook Pro (untarnished aluminum)
english difficult
have you tried type deference
is a difficult a cult of diffs
(a.k.a. github)
@ElimGarak Oh, I thought you bought the gold one.
Man... I'm so fed up with this unicode BS. Every time I want to do line breaking I have to scan all the text and mark each character where a break is mandatory. But you can't tell whether or not you're supposed to show the characters where you break. None of this makes any sense
@Borgleader Nah, I am shallow until I reach the buy button, then the function has a discontinuity towards greater depth.
Couldn't justify it for the life of me :'( It's still beautiful. I am hoping they'll do the same with 2016 MBPs. They lose value slowly, should be an easy swap.
leaving for a parrtaaaayyyy
bye bartender
bye bajtek
When I double click a .sh file it opens in a text editor instead of executing
linux y u do dis
@BartekBanachewicz what happens if you meet a hot woman who hates haskell?
mega rant right?
"Yeah, I hate Haskell, too... I mean, it's the worst language ever."
you think bartek has a smooth mode?
@Puppy apparently you need a .desktop file for that >.>
@Dmol8 @mmasnick I'm one of the most intelligent people on this planet - to the point where I have to come down to have a normal discussion
lol this guy is entertaining
But he's obviously not when he's a BMW Enthusiast. :(
If we were #SJW like Tim Schafer and Psychonauts 2 people would just give us money. He didn't even finish Broken Age https://t.co/QCKWtGUXWL
Sour grapes
it looks he took his ego for a drive and never came back home
his ego went dryvyng
he has an uber ego
augh I missed those puns. D:
I need GTA V money.
I also need real money.
@milleniumbug And now OpenSSL doesn't look like anything more than a funny sequence of squiggles. Curse you semantic satiation!
@Borgleader :D
@Nooble get a jerb
@jaggedSpire No chance, @nick's getting all the jobs because he's "the shit."
I need more real money :(
Condos be expensive as fuck
Anyone have a awesome African Peanut Soup recipe they want to share with me, or should I use the one I presently like quite a lot?
@jaggedSpire :D
I need more money plane tickets are expensive as fuck and I'm travelling three times this holiday season
@jaggedSpire :O
@milleniumbug you monster, you. :P
@Borgleader O:
I'm gonna take that as a no, no one presently on chat has an awesome African Peanut Soup recipe
You take peanuts and water and combine them.
@Nooble oh no
@jaggedSpire 1:1 ratio.
@Nooble that this isn't completely off from the real recipe is amusing
I mean, you have to replace water in your example with vegetable broth, simmered with onion and stuff
Sounds tasty :)
and the peanuts with a peanut butter tomato paste mixture
meh, I'll just post both links
Oh I've had a dish that looks like this.
ty @noobòe
Kare-kare is a Philippine stew. It is made from a base of stewed oxtail (sometimes this is the only meat used), pork hocks, calves feet, pig feet, beef stew meat, and occasionally offal or tripe. Vegetables, which include (but are not limited to) eggplant, Chinese cabbage, or other greens, daikon, green beans, and asparagus beans are added — usually equaling or exceeding the amount of meats. The stew is flavored with ground roasted peanuts or peanut butter, onions, and garlic. It is colored with annatto (extracted from annatto seeds in oil or water) and can be thickened with toasted or plain ground...
Looks peanut-buttery.
Arg now I feel like a fool.
I was scraping SO for like 3 hours.
Accidentally sending all the results into /dev/null
@Lalaland well I'm asking SO chat for cooking advice
so there's that
@jaggedSpire I am clearly helping you.
@Nooble nice.
I'd probably be dead without a microwave.
@Nooble you are indeed engaging me in conversation in which I'm learning something. That would probably look delicious, if it weren't for my ...ah... different diet.
@jaggedSpire Who needs to diet.
@jaggedSpire youre uh... vegetarian arent you =.=
You need to grow to be super tall!
@Borgleader Nah, he is on a strict baby-eating diet.
And muscular.
I hope that the help that guy needed was 11 consecutive pictures of Daisy.
@Borgleader er, I'm afraid so
@jaggedSpire but bcaon
this ^
@sbi @Xeo @Arne did the plan change or is the Italian guy the only one who's on time? I assume the plan changed
@Nooble Taunting vegetarians isn't very nice.
Some of them do it for ethical reasons.
@Nooble I don't even remember the taste
And you have to respect that. It's a very difficult choice.
@Lalaland I'm not taunting her >-<
@Puppy Lier!. It was only 8 pictures.
You clearly need to post more :P
and I never liked real bacon anyway. Just turkey bacon, and it was the only meat I actually liked enough to eat. It simplified things to just stop eating it so people would stop trying to get me to eat other meat
@jaggedSpire oh
Believe it or not, people are less irritating when you're vegetarian than when you're almost vegetarian
That's significantly less than 11
@AndyProwl I posted the other 8 in chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/97073/…
@jaggedSpire Hey, at least you have bay leaves.
@Puppy please stop I don't think I can take much more adorable. My mouth is already flooding with sugar
oh no my tongue is melting it's turned into sugar too
augh this is going to give me so many cavities
lol alright, I was left behind
Andy's sad now
OK, who flagged Daisy?
that's okay you can still help the guy! :D
Daisy is not a flaggable offence you person you
Daisy is a starrable offence.
which is exactly what happened
They need to remove the flag feature and replace it with plonks.
Plonks are a great self-moderation system.
I find this hilarious, the dog pictures
They are effective, yet minimally disruptive to free speech.
inb4 Puppy gets banned
the issue is the really abusive users will just get ignored by everyone but the newbies who don't know any better
maybe the room should come with a default and if the person has been ignored by a given number of regulars, they're automatically plonked?
Room bans!
Better moderation tools for room owners!
Is that the platform you'd run on?
@jaggedSpire Only walk.
Running is far too much work.
Oh man looking through a food blog for that other peanut soup recipe was not a good plan. Now I'm really hungry.
Wow, Phoenix's room has basically become the dog picture room.
That is how the Lounge do.
<whine>But I want dog pics <em>heeere</em></whine>
@Lalaland His problem could've been fixed by using a reasonable compiler.
In fact, this would probably help him with several new problems down the road.
how hard do you think it would be to rip out the text rendering guts of chromium
anyhow, these are the peanut soup recipes: [1] [2]
@Prismatic very
rip and tear
what happened
@Prismatic It would probably be easier to embed chromium into your app.
Embedding chromium is actually quite nice.
what CEF?
Look into CEF (chromium embedded framework)
Did chromium anger you in some way?
@Prismatic Why do you need high quality text rendering?
eviscerating is not usually what I do to friends
@Lalaland for my gui
@Prismatic Blit to an image then straight from freetype then.
CEF seems like its not something I can easily throw on any device and stuff... I dont know
I think freetype has support for subpixel rendering and all that stuff.
@Lalaland text rendering is the easy part, laying out text is what I dont want to deal with
@jaggedSpire I only occasionally do this.
@Nooble part time dropbear?
@Prismatic For a GUI, can't you manually do that?
Or automatically with manual fixup?
For example, one time, my friend was using 1.7 GB of RAM on one tab.
(Which is just as good, but much faster)
@Lalaland I have no idea what 'manual fixup' means
@Prismatic Full-time savage.
@Nooble rekt
But no, in general its a difficult problem. Text shaping and layout isnt trivial
Maybe it's time to invest in SSA.
Yes, but for a gui, you know all the text.
You don't have to layout arbitrary text.
So you can fix the really bad layout cases.
Im writing a gui library
Ah, then things get a bit trickier.
And for that you don't want a chromiuim dependency either.
I thought you were writing a game for some reason.
I would look into how existing GUI libraries do it.
I actually managed to do a bit of the shaping and layout using some libs but there's just so many 'what do I do here' questions that I feel will blow up eventually and this is an area I really don't like working with in general
Or for instance, look into how chromium does it.
@Lalaland Well I've only looked at Qt and they do it with many, many lines of code :p
@Prismatic Oh.
And then turn SSA into PHP and JS instead of going directly from the AST.
Going back and understanding what chromium does every time I have an issue is a huge time sink and just... not that reasonable. Sometimes just getting the context to understand what a chunk of some code is doing is too much effort, especially with a web browser where so many different things are going on
The basic process they all use is the same
But the devil is in the details
@Elyse I thought SSA was mainly useful only for optimization.
Anyways I think I'm going to try ripping out the i18n stuff. I'll probably hit a wall, get disappointed and go back to my own stuff
But I'm going to enjoy my optimistic feels for the next little while
Depending on your use case, supporting only ASCII might be OK.
For instance, games rarely need to use non-ASCII.
Yeah, I'll do SSA first, then function calls.
@Lalaland I also want to do optimisations, hence.
Optimization gets really hard really quickly though.
No, my use case evolved from the need to display map data. So unfortunately I need excellent i18n support, to the degree of mixing text in different directions and all that
I hope you have the best of luck.
Imagine displaying the name of a building in the middle east (arabic or hebrew) with the english translation beside it in brackets, then stuffing that in a text box with line breaking
Optimization is just an endless pit of NP complete problems that you have to solve in very very limited time. People hate slow compilers.
Now... how do I get the chromium source without checking it out lol
@Mysticial RAISE YOUR FLAG..!
i dont think you can... great
this is off to a good start
@Mysticial Dammit, Iron Blooded Orphans is good...
" Welcome to Lounge<C++>. Sadly, we're closing down soon " . So I guess a decent alternative is the PhP sex room?
@ProblemSlover There are no alternatives.
This is the best chatroom there is.
There's a PhP sex room?
I thought there was only the PhP pasta room
on how to make things with spaghetti
I hate the parts of the Wide compiler that are impure because Clang.
@Nooble But any official info about the reason?
how the hell is the chromium tarball 600mb
what in the hell
@jaggedSpire Good Idea. We can create something like called the room for single programmers who can't cook :P
@ProblemSlover Of course not, that would be far too reasonable.

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