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@sehe It does. std::exp(M_PI) - M_PI == 20.
good eve @all!
WOW. Scares me the hell out of continuing using Chrome. It's worthless without a few extensions.
@sehe Just another boxing in my humble opinion.
Difference is C# can't "Nullable<reftype>"
Let's not wake up rightfold, or he'll moan about Nullable<Nullable<T>> being magic/special
@sehe Was not aware. I guess it sometimes helps to be value only.
>using chrome as your browser
@sehe Well shit... I have ghostery (although I use FF as my primary browser)
@GregorMcGregor elinks is my master.
@GregorMcGregor As you are very well aware I've always vowed loyal to Opera.
I know I know
I still use Opera as my porn browser for some tasks or when I get tired of Chrome's shit
My elinks is completely saturated by fetching ads and flash content, even though it couldn't even possibly show a jpg.
It could, noob
(or is that links2. I mix them up)
@sehe I saw a gif once in my elinks browser. It was Samantha Fox.
> Are Firefox extensions any better?
To be honest, no. We’ve seen examples of extensions, like:
@CaptainGiraffe My condolences
const_cast<my_type*>(this)->get_id() WTF
I was 12, Sam Fox had tits in 320x160x8, http was 10+ years in the future.
@GregorMcGregor const correctness is a bitch
that method should be const
and it's const even
Opera and "porn browser"? Well, personally I consider "Love's Labour's Lost" a very tame piece...
@GregorMcGregor in case you get the wrong id, freeze the moment ...
@GregorMcGregor they fixed the leak never removed the workardouns
I find that owl incredibly cute ...
@sehe horrible
@chmod666telkitty I try to make up for my lack of charm with that.
! Well.... that's not so bad a keyword...
wow, I nearly wrote a comment on HN. Good thing I avoided it
@GregorMcGregor yeah sorry for that typo :(
How come @sehes discrete maths gets love but my IEEE 754 floating point std::exp(M_PI) - M_PI == 20 not even gathers a comment? Am I not a frood?
No doubt - you know where your towel is.
@CaptainGiraffe does it even abuse IEEE specifics? I had no idea
@sehe lol
I met this American guy this weekend
He said that English was essentially the only language worth knowing
How cliché
@sehe I'd like to refer this to comments made by me at a later point.
355.0/113 - M_PI ?
That's awesome on too many levels
@decltype_auto Feel free to use your compilers non-standard definition of M_PI.
@sehe hahahahaha
@CaptainGiraffe I'm ways too stupid to use a compiler.
@decltype_auto Ok, then it just a really funny xkcd. I guess I'll have to make you google it yourself.
@decltype_auto If you feel the compiler is using you, you have toll-free numbers to call.
@CaptainGiraffe Now that you mention it...
@decltype_auto I grew up with 22.0/7. Sunday was actually Monday and I was slain to death with a jmp -1 every sunday evening.
date line?
Anyway - heureka (given - a very tame heureka)! Today I understood my former theo. physics prof.
Not on a scientific, but on a personal basis.
he had a standing rule to explain things at most twice. No third time. Nope. stackoverflow.com/questions/33862730/…
rip jaws
Dance Dance Revolution 4
@Mysticial Whoa DDR4L?
Let's see you open up some Chrome tabs...
@Mysticial should have put a hammer when taking the picture
The biggest test will be:
yesterday, by Mysticial
Once I have 48GB of ram in my laptop, I'll be able to run 2 chrome tabs and half an instance of iTunes.
10 billion digits of Pi is nothing compared to a chrome tab.
@Mysticial Looks like your screen is flipped bc the task bar should be at the bottom
reinstall windows perhaps
@GregorMcGregor Going to 64GB might be more difficult because it will more the bar to the top of the screen and flip it upside down.
My current Firefox is the most greedy resource consumer on my boxes. I can compile what ever I want (maybe except TAO), what makes the box hot and lagging is FF with some deviantART Tabs open.
@GregorMcGregor lol, elite elementalists can give an AED like effect to allies—and if a downed ele uses vapor form while they have the buff, they rally at the end
because vapor form exits by inflicting enough damage to return you to downed state or something equally stupid
good interaction of mechanics
I'll calc sqrt(10) wit hmy abacus now and fall asleep over it. Good night @all!
1. 5 tempests 2. neverdie 3. ??? 4. ban
I swear elementalist gets a game breaking bug every other month
> or is from a person of muslim (sic) faith
why the (sic) there
ermahgerd I just saw a post on facebook that Mark Zuckerberg liked
@GregorMcGregor Technically, you should capitalize it. Muslim.
god dammit
The ^ is easy to use hard to master.
You got to time it right.
@GregorMcGregor you’re not wrong
I need fiber optics to give me a latency advantage
@nick Nah, you need to buy colocation.
develop pre-cognition
new startup idea
You need a better brain ...
@Lalaland If that is the reason, we have a really attentive journalist
brb getting funding
Every millisecond counts in the high frequency snackchat business.
Can't let other people beat you.
probably need to move to chicago or something
@VillasV Or just a standard spell checker.
Most people tend to spellcheck things before they print them.
personally I almost never do
@Lalaland I doubted my spellchecker, it capitalized it too. Wow such technology, what a time to be alive.
Has "dank" been added to the dictionary yet?
I want to know how they decide to add words.
Internet says it belongs to the oxford dictionary
@VillasV But that's the old definition.
I am talking about the new definition of course.
@Lalaland I don't even know the new definition. What would it be?
It's basically the latest word for "cool"
Sorta like "groovy" etc, etc.
Hmm, well it has been added to Urban Dictionary. That's something.
I basically only use Urban Dictionary nowadays.
The slang changes too fast for the regular dictionaries to keep up.
@Lalaland I started using it after playing cards against humanity, but sometimes an innocent word has a really bad most voted definition :-v
@Mysticial I'm a proud owner of a T60 (IBM) lenovo laptop. It has 3 measly gigs of ram. It has a shitty g wifi. But the thing is so beautifully built. I hope will outlive me.
3-4 GB is really all you every need most of the time anyways.
@Lalaland I fire up the debugger, that's another 500K
@Lalaland I'm doing almost nothing right now, usage is at 4.3 GB
@VillasV Which OS?
And most of that is probably caching stuff from disk.
Which is not that important.
Finally, I can actually compile stuff on that laptop without running out of memory.
@Lalaland Win10 with 4 tabs open on Edge. Edge is almost like chrome... almost 100MB per tab
Last I recall, Windows was quite aggressive with using RAM to cache stuff from disk.
@Lalaland Yes, maybe why the System process is also pretty heavy
I'm already preparing to celebrate my laptops 10 year anniversary. There are some usb gadgets that would make her happy.
@VillasV This is my workpal. Not my redneck delinquent.
@CaptainGiraffe Oh, ok then
Maybe this one
More suitable for a serious workplace
That is not an appropriate gift for a ten-year old.
@CaptainGiraffe True. Thankfully the chat didn't embed the description. But maybe laptops follow dog lifecycle calendar, so yours is pretty mature.
I have already written plenty of poems suitable as obituaries for my dear companion.
@Rapptz GCC builds cleanly atm
welp guess I’m filing more bugs
@GregorMcGregor not as I recall
Lol, the clock kid is asking for 15 million dollars now.
time to install creduce from master
@Lalaland lol, doubt he will get even half a million but now he has ruined his reputation.
> A million dollars for every minute of fame.
> Segmentation fault (core dumped)
well that was a productive use of my time
or was it? it’s still going amazingly
@GregorMcGregor [GW2 warning] u liek?
as you can guess waiting for creduce to do its thing is very boring
holy shit it’s taking time
Anyone know of a way to have a directory structure of device files in linux, all with the same codebehind? in a simple way. everything i'm finding on the internet suggests i have to compile the device driver with the kernel and might have to install it under /dev
@LucDanton wow very nice
is it you
@GregorMcGregor no I don’t have it
I actually haven’t planned to pick it up atm, I don’t use staves that much
I use it on Daredevil but I actually use the, well, Daredevil staff for that
it’s a shame cus my Norn Necro is shamanistic-looking :| the new legendary staff would also be a great fit
I’m currently after this hammer (sad preview window pic)
content blocked (because of domain)
> This bug is not fatal, C-Reduce will continue to execute.
the charr is not steampunk enough though
Also TIL c-reduce works with OpenCL
lol someone filed a bug for gcc 4.1
> The reason we tested gcc-4.1.0 was that it is still being used for development of some of our tools.
> processing time: 1.0000000000000 (ms)
time slice so thin it’s see-through
@GregorMcGregor That career in botany joke would be appropriate.
still waiting for creduce
c’est l’heure de la brioche
quoi je peux pas manger de la brioche matinale
nique la police de la brioche
mettez-moi ce rebelle aux fers
okay elle est nulle la brioche, j’arrête pas d’accorder le bénéfice du doute à la marque alors qu’elle arrête pas de me décevoir produit après produit pis elle est stupide de toute manière
peut-être que la prochaine sera meilleure ? :) qui sait
ben ils ont genre un jus de fruit qui est potable
au sens propre ou figuré
tant mieux alors
mais figuré aussi
osé-je m'enquérir sur le nom de ladite marque
je peux pas j’ai trop honte lol
elle restera donc mon imaginaire collectif sous le sobriquet affectueux de "marque qui fait des brioches de merde mais les jus ça va"
si jamais tu veux des haricots avec ta graisse tu peux prendre leur cassoulet aussi
mais du coup j'ai vraiment aucune idée de ce que ça peut être
neat creduce is done
from 44k to 207 lines god bless creduce
jamais entendu parler
someone had the brilliant idea of wrapping low level C socket functions as methods of a class
inb4 "free functions are not OOP enough"
and it produced 4 testcases against itself, thus answering the question 'who reduces creduce' cc @sehe
@GregorMcGregor tu m’imites?
loin de moi l'ombre d'une telle idée
BTW guise, someone added this book to the list, never heard of it before, should it stay?
remove it
lol that was quick
'guise' is the secret Lounge cabal codeword
I've never heard of that author before
I think C++ Gotchas had currency at some point? I hope I’m not misremembering
I honestly don’t recall creduce ever taking so much time
I’m guessing that’s because it does more kinds of reductions, plus it doesn’t stop if/when something crashes but still
give it a little bit of credit, it's an incredible tool with a great credo (that leaves many incredulous)
I just gave it lots of credit
How would you call a namespace that holds platform-specific calls?
I tried robert but it's already taken, and detail seems a bit awkward
can’t say the requirements inspire me
what does that even mean
@GregorMcGregor nothing comes to the mind
boost::apply_visitor still feels cruddy to me, e.g. it calls the const-qualified unconditionally
Also, fuck the Israelis reaction.
No one has any respect for human lives over there.
And everyone loves to play the blame game.
It's not self-defense when you run back to the person you just shot and shoot them again while they are motionless on the ground.
Well, what did you expect, it's Israel.
@ElimGarak lol the comments
@ElimGarak Results are usually published at the WCA the same day or the day after. River Hill Fall 2015 was three days ago vOv
> internal compiler error: in add_expr, at tree.c:7836
there’s something open for add_expr, at tree.c:7840 already, I guess it’s that one
> This is the missing information that’s had me confused for so long. They’re not solving it, then, but rather repeating a series of motions which have been practised so much they can do it incredibly quickly.
lol, these people.
It's not solving if you learn how to do it well.
People like to downplay everything, yo. Comment sections should be obliterated. Because saying "That's pretty cool" is too much damaging to their sensitive egos.
Oh, and JFTR, it will totally get you laid.
moar programs that send the compiler spinning
how am I supposed to debug that again?
> note: 'constexpr int annex::format_detail::count_format(Iter, Iter) [with Iter = const char*]' is not usable as a constexpr function because:
> sorry, unimplemented: unexpected AST of kind loop_expr
okay ._.
> confused by earlier errors, bailing out
me too GCC, me too
@GregorMcGregor the reviews on amazon have me convinced it can stay. It's probably not as authoritative as a Scott but not every author needs to tour conferences...
fite with raptz
The worst thing I spotted was attention to dressing patterns
@GregorMcGregor has it been removed /cc @Rapptz
Achievement unlocked - maintain a conversation in German without any fallback to Englisch
@R.MartinhoFernandes lmao
> Robot rearranges rubiks cube to fulfill robots urges..
Robot rearranges human to fulfill robots urges.
Also I love how the tone of the article totally controls the comments
> Béarn: un chien tire au fusil sur son chasseur
@GregorMcGregor what a refreshing surprise
@sehe there is sprache for C#, heard good things about it but only skimmed the source. Never used it.
amazing, error disappears if I replace an std::pair<Iter, Iter> by a dumb struct pair { Iter first, second; }
time to reduce
can c++ do a substring by just creating a pointer to start & end?
view/slice or whatitiscalled
guess it is a lib thing
@JohanLarsson yup, string_view is a popular take on the thing
time to get up
e.g. there’s std::experimental::string_view is in the lib fundamentals TS iirc
@LucDanton ok strange the c# does not have it yet, should be simple with immutable strings
@JohanLarsson In fact, I find that the strongest motivating example for immutable strings.
> // The value 360 was chosen in discussion with performance experts as a compromise between using
// as litle memory (per thread) as possible and still covering a large part of short-lived
// StringBuilder creations on the startup path of VS designers.
private const int MAX_BUILDER_SIZE = 360;
I wanted to buy a plane ticket yesterday for 300 euros, forgot, it's now 436
@GregorMcGregor that’s precious gem money :(
@LucDanton Wasn't it renamed span or am I confusing
@GregorMcGregor oopsie.
@GregorMcGregor dunno, I use the libstdc++ preliminary implementation
Nov 10 at 5:12, by jaggedSpire
huh. The array_view and string_view in the GSL have been renamed to span and string_span, looks like.
that what you had in mind?
@KevinC You have repeatedly ignored my request for detailed reviews of your book. I don't know what you expect.
oh look someone selling a race-prepped BMW
they even recommend a professional service to take care of it
"so that the new owner can focus on racing"
creduce is fairly hardcore, wtf did it just produce
damn fuck this is what I'm going to buy when I'm 40
@LucDanton looks like regular C++ to me
using good joke;
@Elyse aw man the repairs will cost that guy
bby u know what else is 11 foot 8 and rips off stuff
@BartekBanachewicz I think this bridge is sponsored by a car repair company.
@GregorMcGregor a particularly tall digital pirate?
@Elyse what makes you think so?
> Crash #99
I.e. that YouTube channel has 99 videos of similar accidents at the same bridge.
this channel is hilarious
thanks @Elyse
Oh my what idiots.
<telkitty mode on>
let's look at some statistics
99 crashes on the bridge
99 cars
0 motorcycles
proof that motorcycles are safer
> Unwelcome behavior
> ...
> - Unwelcome sexual advances.
> ...
more creduce magic, if you remove the operatorconst then the 'sorry: unimplemented' disappears
This makes no sense.
The unwelcome is obviously unwelcome.
I have no idea how it had the idea to spit that out
> Not only did 2 trucks hit the trestle this morning, they were both from the same rental company. The fist one is a classic canopener! Wheelie and all!! The second crash is not so spectacular, but the passenger actually had to be treated by EMS and taken away in an ambulance due to head injuries sustained in the accident. However, I am told that the injuries were not severe.
@GregorMcGregor I decided to check when this was made and it was a week ago so there's that answer.
> .I got there well after the incident, but i did secure some choice pieces of debris. They will go up for sale on the 11foot8 website shortly.
@Rapptz brofist.jpeg
brofist.png etc
@ElimGarak :D
@LucDanton what even is operatorconst
2 mins ago, by Luc Danton
I have no idea how it had the idea to spit that out
It's not a keyword or anything is it
oh wow you're doing that format thing eh
nope, so it’s not like it comes from my original program
@Rapptz well
and you know what's the best part
my work week will have 3 days this week
I’m reducing testcases and filing bugs, is what I’m doing
function deg2Rad(deg) {
    return deg * Math.PI / 180;
cringe; lack of "angle" abstraction.
fuck floats. they don't tell me anything.
var R = 6371; // km
but then not many langs do units well
@Elyse Wat are you doing with Earth's radius? :D
@ElimGarak distance calculation between coordinate pairs.
Of course, the code is freshly cargo-culted from the interwebs, including poor formatting and inconsistent naming conventions.
It's important to have faith
No, it's important to know what the fuck you are doing.
I am sure god will forgive you eventually
Its important to be amazing <3 :)
@BartekBanachewicz I don't like units. I want quantities. I.e. types reflect "length", not "metre" and "centimetre". Only problem is internal representation. Using the same representation for a nanometre and a parsec is kinda difficult.
There should be a sane way to encode both values without affecting the interface.
we don't have dynamic floats yet
I could imagine a value having a lot of memory for precision across the whole spectrum
but that could mean a lot of overhead where it would actually matter
if you introduce overhead to something as elementary as number types you're paying for it every time everywhere
dynamic languages are good because they are easier to indent
@BartekBanachewicz There is luckily no need for a one-size-fits-all API.
In Python you already pay similar costs for the automatic conversion between small and large integers.
And it's fine for many applications.
> Using Haskell’s hlint, however, is like programming in the future.
inb4 "using cabal is like programming in the past"
> I am not suggesting that you and your team will start writing better, more-certain code the day you move away from Ruby. In fact, there will be a noticable dip in productivity and a noticable rise in audible profanity.
@BartekBanachewicz Clojure is a silly example.
oh this comment:
> Never once have I looked at code and thought to myself "man, I wish I had less type information right now."
The problems listed I experience much less in programming languages in which you are actually able to program with explicitly declaring data structures (not Clojure; defrecord is still shit and nobody uses it), and which classes of values you expect, even if the language is untyped, such as PHP.
@BartekBanachewicz what's the best Haskell book in your opinion for someone who has little experience in FP?
What I do have a problem with, however, is the compiler not forcing me to handle all possible cases as much as it can.
@BartekBanachewicz the for great good book?
I went through the first chapters a couple of times but it always seems to lose me
@orlp did you read it with a REPL open?
@BartekBanachewicz y
lol someone posted a picture of their whiteboard in a SO question
@GregorMcGregor Exciting problem immersion
@GregorMcGregor "Why doesn't this compile in VS??"
@GregorMcGregor What language was it tagged with?
IOW, null and instanceof are out of the question, regardless of typedness.
@JohanLarsson cuda why?
Was just curious.
@orlp and what did you find so problematic to get over? I don't think the book exhausts the topic, far from it. But maybe you're trying too hard to understand everything down to the bottom at once?
Yes, bottom is difficult to understand.
> ...32 cores). This is a development that makes Erlang programmers very happy. They have been waiting 20 years for this to happen, and now it’s payback time.
Quote the ... part as well.
It's missing.
@BartekBanachewicz basically, I don't really grok the syntax

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