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1:00 AM
@Lalaland dat booty though
and a tit
or two
@nick Be it USD or euros, I wouldn't.
@Lalaland Why would I?
@Lalaland But cute girls :3
@Morwenn Money allows you to buy nice things.
1:01 AM
power cords for electronics, can't forget those lest I drown in despair.
In my experience, location is completely unimportant.
when people say '120k'
my headphones /cc @Nooble
do they mean bruto or netto (taxes)
1:01 AM
@Morwenn well, as long as you have enough to live happily then there's no reason to move I guess
@Lalaland Yeah, great. But 35k where I live also allows you to buy nice things.
@Nooble Are out of my league.
@Lalaland same, I go where money goes :)
@nick Exactly.
I can understand not wanting to move to the US cause we have some bad things here, but I would gladly move to another city for more cash (after accounting for cost of living)
1:02 AM
@jaggedSpire :D
Most of the places in the US are pretty much the same anyways.
@Nooble they came in a nice case, too. :)
my dating game isn't particularly hurt by my looks - it's hurt by my introversion and the fact that I can't really get along with people if we don't share interests
@Nooble Who would never talk to me.
there just happens to be very few girls with my interests
1:03 AM
My dating game isn't.
@orlp istp masterrace
@Morwenn you mean
it just isn't >> period . <<
@orlp Yep.
@orlp date guys then
1:04 AM
Lounge <Relationships...>
@GregorMcGregor If anything, they probably have even tougher requirements.
Most gay people I have seen are really good looking.
@GregorMcGregor I might someday
I just don't really feel a physical attraction to guys
1:05 AM
@GregorMcGregor :)
@jaggedSpire You can show them off!
like, I've never seen a guy and gotten a boner
@Lalaland Oh commmeee on. You look great on your Facebook :D
@orlp lol it's exactly the same as with girls, given identical masses ofc
1:05 AM
@jaggedSpire ImaginaryRelationships :P
@GregorMcGregor ay
@orlp What about that one?
@Nooble Eh, that picture is like 5 years old.
@Morwenn well, I don't really get boners from ads anyway :P
@Morwenn IRTA Eczema
1:06 AM
@Borgleader xD
@Morwenn That pushup isn't really working right (and that's good. She's very beautiful as it is)
@Morwenn also, obviously I'm not some magic detector that can distinguish a tranny from a girl by magic if they look identical on the outside
@Borgleader Well, it's just that the Relationships parameter pack is empty.
@Morwenn besides, that was a known ad campaign here in the netherlands, so in this case I would know it's a dude, but otherwise I wouldn't have known
@sehe A little skinny though iyam (way out of my league, obv, but still)
1:07 AM
@orlp At that time it was officially a guy. Not anymore though.
> it
@sehe :(
> sehe
@Morwenn when talking about these sort of specifics I'm talking about biological sex (XX vs XY)
the new gender-neutral prnoun
1:08 AM
what it says on his/hers/whatever's passport means very little to me
@orlp I mean, XY too.
Well then you might as well be complete and mention XXY and XXX
@GregorMcGregor Those are rare cases.
@GregorMcGregor ye I guess
@Lalaland They still exist you sexist pig
1:08 AM
though I have no clue what those look like
and the ones that only find out they're genetically the opposite sex when they go to a fertility clinic
@jaggedSpire Wait, how would that work?
There are physical parts associated with each gender.
@Lalaland Yeah but life is complicated
1:09 AM
it is pretty cool
I have to admit that I don't really care about sex or gender FWIW as long as people are cute. And if I get to know them, personality takes a bigger place of course.
@Lalaland ta-da /cc @orlp
Well it still helps to know what kind of genitals you're going to have to handle
@Borgleader a good upgrade I'd say
1:10 AM
the summary: biology's complicated, yo
I believe that transgender people shouldn't be discriminated against, but I'm not for this entire genderfluid bullshit. If your cells are XX you're a woman, XY, you're a man, unless you modify your body to get the features of the opposite sex, then you're a trans man or trans woman. There are other exceptional biological cases (birth defects, XXX, etc), but what you identify as means very little to me.
@jaggedSpire exactly
@GregorMcGregor Doesn't really matter. You can handle both.
@Morwenn No! Vaginas are gross
Not because I want to surpress you, but because I literally do not care whether or not you think you're a squirrel.
1:11 AM
are we starting a polemic conversation without Bartek??
@GregorMcGregor someone should go get him
@orlp You differenciate sex, assumed social role and sexual expression. It's not that hard.
@Morwenn Yes, but some people are really into having sex.
@jaggedSpire Yes, but do we really need a complete vocabulary for all of the 5-sigma cases?
1:12 AM
@Lalaland Haha, whatever the genitals, there's always something to do :D
@nick I am like 86% positive that's not his username
@Morwenn Let's just say that I think sex is relevant, but your gender is not.
@GregorMcGregor It's happened before. Usually I initiate it though.
@CaptainGiraffe Do we need a rich vocabulary when double plus good is enough? :)
@jaggedSpire edits require >95% positiveness
1:13 AM
@orlp I care more about the sexual expression than about the actual sex.
@CaptainGiraffe We need a vocabulary large enough for people growing up with said vocabulary to realize they're not a freak of nature.
@Morwenn If a dude is dressed as a woman but is very clearly a dude I'm unlike to call him a she.
@Morwenn Some people also want kids.
That's sorta hard to do without matching parts.
@GregorMcGregor =) I need an ackerman function for the (doubles) so that would be quite impractical and one-dimensional.
1:13 AM
Maybe I'm sexist or genderist for that, but meh.
Just call people however they want to be called
Little difference for you big difference for them
@orlp Yep, but as long as it's passing, I just don't care :D
@GregorMcGregor concur'd
@GregorMcGregor what should I call you
1:14 AM
@GregorMcGregor well, if he/she explicitly asks me to use either he or she, I will respect that
nice to meet you Robert
@GregorMcGregor Okay, Robert
@Lalaland True concern. Not mine though, but true nonetheless.
Nice to meet you too Spencer
but don't get mad at me for using the pronoun what you look like
1:15 AM
What's the pronoun for Robert
and don't ask me to call you squirreldude or whatever
@jaggedSpire Indeed, but that requires an empatethic language, not a clinically descriptive one.
We should just remove the gender specific pronouns from the language.
@jaggedSpire i don event
Squibert is fine?
1:15 AM
Refactor English.
@Lalaland Swedish is doing that I think>
@GregorMcGregor Franz Squibert
Also, which bathrooms are the inbetween people going to use?
@Lalaland the one in between of course
1:15 AM
I don't really care, but the wonderful people in lovely Houston got really grumpy about that.
@Lalaland I find that notion offensive.
@CaptainGiraffe it does, but we can get the cases within quite a few sigma, with little effort
@Lalaland Real concern too. Hence the rise of unisex bathrooms.
@nick you stole mai joke!
1:16 AM
you are mai inspiration
or even "biology's complicated, yo. These might not suit you, but you can do additional research if you're concerned about it"
@jaggedSpire Lets do that without stigmatizing those out of the loop.
biology is very complicated
@CaptainGiraffe certainly!
@GregorMcGregor Yep. It's the most complicated thing we know of.
1:17 AM
there was this funny thing about that woman who had male cells because she had absorbed her brother as a fetus or sth
10/10 would absorb fetuses
@GregorMcGregor Oh yeah, fetus absorbtion is so messed up :o
It's actually quite amazing how a lot of fundamental biochemistry works.
the only truly disgusting thing about biology is how over the course of 4 billions years it slowly and inexorably led to the apparition of javascript
@GregorMcGregor lol
1:19 AM
@GregorMcGregor :It is a niche successful attempt. Han (He), Hon (She) is being replaced by Hen, where the gender is deliberately not revealed. We (swedish) already have sufficient constructs for when the gender is unknown.
I know I'm swedish
guys, check this out
"correct horse battery staple"
all I see is "hunter2"
@CaptainGiraffe Is it progressing over the years? I mean gaining usage
Hiding one's gender when speaking French is close to impossible, and even worse when writing.
Have you heard of this secret technique called lying
1:21 AM
@orlp "hunter2"
@GregorMcGregor It is said that only the mightiest can wield this secret weapon.
I remember back in the days where Cicada was around she would conjugate her French with female gender (because she was a girl ofc)
@GregorMcGregor No.
@GregorMcGregor who's cicada?
@GregorMcGregor People don't use the word in conversation, at least not the people I have conversations with. Though at my work/university I have heard certain groups of students (they fit my stereotype) try hard to incorporate it into their vernacular.
1:22 AM
@orlp LRiO's sockpuppet
@orlp Mai Longdong
@GregorMcGregor I love cockpuppets
@GregorMcGregor uh you
@sehe wouldn't it be fun though
1:25 AM
I think all the accounts are nice, but it's best to keep history unmuddied
@orlp Someone who died many moons ago in a sexual identity accident.
@sehe shots fired
LRiO is Cicada's most successfull attempt at trolling.
Some people (still) feel quite strongly about some "recent" lounge history. And confusing them can lead to serious misunderstandings. I don't want that. I hate the times I've been misunderstood/misrepresented. I don't want that to happen to others or more seriously
@Lalaland might want to lookup phenotype vs caryotype
1:28 AM
The account renaming feature sometimes gets me. I recall DeadMG with a similar fondness that I share for LRiO. Then Puppy came along =)
@Morwenn Now wouldn't that be a plot twist.
@Morwenn for a second I thought you'd broken sehe
Cicada was Gregor was Momotapa was Mai Long was - well I forget the list (there was a day when I'd have sworn that could never happen). Oh, Park Young Bae. I think I missed 3
Cicada is like a god. He has a place inside all of us.
@sehe Anastaysia, I think
1:29 AM
@sehe Way more than 3 lol
That's one :)
And Nolwenn.
It's been 4 years with a nick change every other month in the past 2 years or so
@GregorMcGregor Well, I only think about 3 :)
@GregorMcGregor Not quite.
@GregorMcGregor When can you change next?
1:30 AM
And Feeds too.
Next week. Nick and avatars are ready
Anonymous are rickrolling ISIS. /cc @MarkLittlewood @NeilDavidson http://www.dazeddigital.com/artsandculture/article/28512/1/anonymous-are-apparently-rickrolling-isis
someone should just keep a list. Well, other than Cacadi
@Morwenn Doesn't count. Too ephemeral
rip feeds
1:31 AM
@sehe Still one of the most buttiful ones :o
I'm so out of the loop I'm living in one finite dimension.
The most beatiful one was Cicada, obviously
It was the most long-lived, the most successful and with the best avatars
@Morwenn I forgot he was buttiful! How could I, when the buttefly was my first cicada?
I sometimes miss her :)
> They see me unrollin'. They hatin'.
@jaggedSpire I don't think I was there at the time.
But I have a random-accessed memory, so I sometimes remember stuff.
1:33 AM
The most beautiful part was the way Bartek unraveled when first he learned Cicada was perhaps slightly less really a girl than should be allowed in a strongly typed lounge
@sehe :o
@sehe Wait. What. Why?
The gender of the people here doesn't really matter at all.
It's not like we are going to be fucking each other.
@Lalaland why doth the Bartek Bartek, you ask?
1:34 AM
It wasn't very well publicized. I think it transpired "off line" (I have it from a mumble session). And Bartek has never fully recovered :)
@Lalaland Why not
@jaggedSpire My first Cicada was Cicada.
He Bartekth for thee
Got trolled.
Got slightly angry.
@Nooble I can only imagine
I thought he had actually gone, but nope, just name changes.
1:35 AM
Well, for a while I thought Mai was not Cicada.
And I never knew it was him until Park-Young Bae.
I swear, it was the timezones which screwed me up.
@Lalaland I have been fucked by at least (confirmed) 3 lounge members. Why do you think it would be uncommon?
How many were counter tenors?
sorry, thought you were cicada. :\
1:37 AM
@sehe We all met at Train. They had funny voices. I'm not sure anymore. This is all very traumatic.
inb4 "show us on the doll"
Hear the funny voices on Mumble instead.
Hear the imperial voice of nick!
@Nooble I don't think he wants to go to that dark place. He'll be all alone
all alone because no one's in there ever
@chmod666telkitty I do what I want
1:39 AM
@jaggedSpire On Fridays.
damn forgot </sarcasm> tag ... causing some confusion :p
Thanksgiving party on Mumble anyone?
This friday?
Sure :D
I'm getting a haircut this week! :D
1:40 AM
@jaggedSpire Is your hair long?
@Nooble ~24" for each strand, it hits my waistband
Thanks for the clarification.
@jaggedSpire :o
approximately the length of my arm
1:42 AM
Mine falls to my shoulders but since it's naturally curly, I can't really grow it much longer.
I'm lopping it all off, because I want it gone
@Morwenn nods
It must take a lot of work, cleaning such majestic hair.
@jaggedSpire How short?
@Nooble it takes about 30 minutes to wash
@Nooble between 1 and 2 inches if I'm not talked into something different by the hairstylist
Short hair is the greatest.
I need to get a hair cut like pronto.
1:43 AM
5 minute showers, hello
@jaggedSpire Whoa.
My hair would be longer :0
:3 when I had a shaved head was the happiest showering of my life
I'll be more majestic!
@Nooble a veritable mane
@JohanLarsson I guess I have my provisional answer to "What would you use to write a parser in C#": I'd use F#
FParsec: parser combinators in F# http://buff.ly/1X6XIis
1:44 AM
Would some valiant knight help a poor damsel in distress about the mumble coordinates. I can't seem to find anything, not even my knickers.
@CaptainGiraffe loungecpp.sehe.nl
@CaptainGiraffe loungecpp.sehe.nl
damn right
It takes work to make my hair fluffy enough to be comfortable.
'null' is now legacy in Java. @springrod
Optimism In Developers
1:45 AM
When I go swimming, I think salt sticks to my hair and I have a horrible time.
My hair is gonna be untameable. :)
@sehe thats somewhat redundant seeing as Java is also legacy :)
@sehe it’s not even Friday
@Borgleader ayyy
1:46 AM
@jaggedSpire Wait 24 to 2 inches is a big difference...
@Nooble Just go swim in lakes :p
What if your coworkers don't recognize you?
@Nooble I warned them months ago. If they've since given up on me cutting it, sucks to be them
Also, I strategically always wear blue shirts, so they should recognize me by my clothing
@Morwenn Oh but indoor pools are nice and controlled.
@jaggedSpire RIP :(
1:48 AM
@Nooble True.
@Borgleader :3
I start drowning at the 5 foot region.
A bit over that, anyway.
@Borgleader Stole it
. @jessitron @djmidwood @springrod (in hushed tone) some would say Java is the legacy part...
And I don't know how to swim right.
@sehe ayyy
1:50 AM
So over that mark, I kinda just get pushed around by the water and start panicking.
bedtime for me. Have to catch a 5:30 plane, and I aim to sleep before then
@jaggedSpire Lucky.
@sehe This have me giggling like the idiot I am. Is Java doing RAII?
@CaptainGiraffe no?
1:50 AM
@Nooble one day work week, baby!
@jaggedSpire Have fun!
breaks out tequila
@Nooble :) thanks
night all
@sehe so still null...
how about [not so short](http://i48.tinypic.com/28hmue8.jpg)? [or](http://i38.tinypic.com/24n0fw7.png)? [or](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/xKdHcYQPY-o/maxresdefault.jpg) ? (but you need a british accent for the last one, you have to :P)
P.S: night
I'm not so sure these are that closely nit, but yeah. No value-semantics by default
1:52 AM
@sehe tehee
I won't last must longer.
See you later :)
@Morwenn You too? :(
@Borgleader The last one is really high maintenance.
@Borgleader Yeah, it's almost 3 in the morning.
1:55 AM
It's almost time
How late is it for you? At least as late as @Morwenn right?
166³ + 500³ + 333³ = 166,500,333
296³ + 584³ + 415³ = 296,584,415
710³ + 656³ + 413³ = 710,656,413
828³ + 538³ + 472³ = 828,538,472
Guys. It doesn't get much better than this
Whos hungry?
@sehe I didn't read the twitter conversation before but it sure looks like the ? addition to types in C#. That's not a change to the language, it is a syntactical convenience.
@Borgleader yes
@CaptainGiraffe At least in C# that's not very accurate. I actually don't know about Option in Java (but I heard the buffs are dissatisfied)
1:59 AM
@sehe I'm assuming its akin to Haskell Maybe, C++ boost::optional? (inb4 i offend half the lounge)

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