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I'm glad those days are gone.
I sucked at assignments.
And tests.
And anything else school related.
I don't enjoy competitive/time pressure
(e.g. competitive programming)
however, I do excel at it
@LucDanton useful
@StackedCrooked only recently I've been handed my first defeat in a programming assignment in uni
it was an excercise we had to solve in two hours, and I spent too much time tinkering one part, thinking the last part would be easy
but I just couldn't find the formula for the last part
@orlp I suck at those
@orlp it involved math?
@GregorMcGregor What if my program must keep track of which tutu texture to use.
obviously while cycling home from uni right after the assignment I instantly know the solution
@StackedCrooked basically we had to implement a FPS camera using some boilerplate 3d code for the last part of the excercise
the boilerplate we got was camera_pos and camera_target_pos, and with that we had to make a camera that you can move around with WASD, and look around with the mouse
@StackedCrooked looking left / right was no problem - a simple rotation around the y axis
the problem I couldn't think the solution of was how to look up/down properly
because you need to simultaneously rotate around the x and z axes
the solution I thought of after the assignment was really simple - store two angles: horizontal and vertical, then rotate the unit vector FIRST vertically, then horizontally to get the direction vector
not my cup of tea :)
best I've done is drawing rectangles
@orlp best insights often come later
@LucDanton auto tuxture = ...
@GregorMcGregor that sounds like the texture for a penguin
@orlp neat
weird tuxtures though
@GregorMcGregor it's a wireframe
because it looks cool :P
it's a toggle though
Don't know how to feel about people using int32/64_t everywhere
I could perhaps tolerate int64_t because of the whole long long mess
> Wrong spelling of a word 'anyway—redundant'
unicode pls
@GregorMcGregor i64 i32 u64 u32 u8 etc masterrace
where are those defined and don't say #include <rust>
@GregorMcGregor It's because int doesn't have to be 32 bits.
@GregorMcGregor they arent
of course if I add spaces then it complains about the spelling of '–' :|
using i64 = int64_t;
using u8 = uint8_t;
It's useful when working on specs that take you between ARM and non-ARM platforms.
In a normal application I meant
Well, even in normal applications, it's useful to be explicit about the range.
Idk I find fixed-size integers unidiomatic
maybe just habit
@GregorMcGregor I’ve rarely used arbitrary precision math. Couldn’t say why.
not what I meant
Exact size?
20 mins ago, by Gregor McGregor
Don't know how to feel about people using int32/64_t everywhere
I think 'exact' is the most common term. E.g. Boost.Integer has 'exact', 'least' and 'fast' aliases. Refers to width rather than size though.
granted, but that doesn't address my doubt
You can feel any way you want.
I choose to be offended.
how dare you
A lesbian rule was historically a flexible mason's rule made of lead that could be bent to the curves of a molding, and used to measure or reproduce irregular curves. Lesbian rules were originally constructed of a pliable kind of lead found on the island of Lesbos. The rule is alluded to by Aristotle in his Nicomachean Ethics (bk V, ch. 10) as a metaphor for the importance of flexibility in equitable justice: "For what is itself indefinite can only be measured by an indefinite standard, like the leaden rule used by Lesbian builders; just as that rule is not rigid but can be bent to the shape of...
How did you get to that page
eyyyyy it's @Dean
Sup man
Open condom style.
Next time in Itaewon
Sup Loungers?
It's 8 AM in Europe so most popele not here yet
Only Asia master race and Luc
I'm glad our lounge's name has set back to what it used to be. Lounge<C++> is most loved when it is Lounge<C++>, not anything like Lounge<C+Plus> or Lounge<Sea++>
@GregorMcGregor I'm super asian.
Son Okong
@GregorMcGregor Son Goku. Yes. :D
When Son Goku saves the earth, his appearance looks like a white man. I am not sure why.
White privilege
It's always the whites saving the earth
Speaking of which @MarkGarcia hasn't come here in a long time
TIL interface is a reserved keyword in MSVC++
@Ell mornin
My wakeup dance has failed this morning
And I'm in bed instead of in the shower :V
Who knows for how long this will be the case.
user image
It's 4:30PM here though.
the room is surprisingly dead today
time to post some politically correct content
@Mikhail very diverse, wow
I have a programming competition in a week
but I have no laptop
wot do :(
buy laptop
problem solved :)
code a laptop
give up lose and cri
Cri evertim
@BartekBanachewicz have you tried this github.com/gibiansky/IHaskell
okay in haskell
@Ell use pen and paper
@Ell get a cheap laptop
they're slow but should be ok for compos
alternatively use a tablet with a bluetooth keyboard and coliru :A
@StackedCrooked you should make Coliru create a GitHub repository for each paste, with a .travis.yml file and a Travis hook, and capture the output from Travis.
That'll reduce server load!
Hmm this phones battery life ain't so good
@BartekBanachewicz this guy on codereview.se mentioned that I could have generated an infinite list of random numbers at the beginning instead of making the generator part of the interpreter's state haha
mini mindblow
I thought it was a really cool trick
@Borgleader Well, I hope it has no Jar Jar.
not used to the lazy eval thing yet
> What's a little thing that you look forward to every day?
@TonyTheLion Evening wank.
@TonyTheLion sleeping
@TonyTheLion I take it back. Mine is not little! :)
pagefile.sys       06-Oct-2015 08:56	31.7G
hiberfil.sys       06-Oct-2015 08:56	23.8G
@GregorMcGregor Your PC has 32 GiB of RAM?
64 GB taken on disk
@GregorMcGregor How is this different from any other OS?
Also, you probably have like 1 TiB of disks space, don't you?
well I don't know, would it not be possible to use the same storage for the pagefile and hiberfile?
after all when one is in use the other isn't, no?
Not sure what linux does
Linux hasn't hibernated since 2007
itt linux is sehe
@AlexM. that just makes it a hidden part, really
hidden part?
it also has the advantage that I can mock the generated randoms that way when testing
You can do that with state by providing in your own generator, too.
but compare that with feeding a hardcoded [Int]
@AlexM. It's part of the list's thunks
@Mikhail lol
You either mean something else everyone else would mean by that, or are severely underinformed...
>>Unfortunately, hibernate doesn't work in many cases, which can cause you to lose data if you expect your documents and applications to re-open when you switch your computer back on. Therefore, hibernate is disabled by default.
Perl 6 failures are funny.
If you discard them, they throw an exception.
disabled != inexistent
Unless you've queried them in some way.
Enabling it back is trivial.
And documented on that page.
Umm, when it wakes up it doesn't preserve state correctly. Furthermore, the actual hibernate command will fail most of the time.
From my experience it also will trigger all condition variables, when it wakes up.
sounds like me when I go to sleep really drunk
@Mikhail I haven't seen either one of those yet.
...even on machines where it's technically not exactly "legal" - that is, with smaller swap than RAM.
Hi there
christ the sun is bright today :)
looks up to cloud of pollution
yeah it's not bad
reference to earlier comic
Considering the sun is bright regardless of the state of the sky, yes indeed
@AlexM. funny idea, if you only need numbers
@Elyse no
@fredoverflow I watched Kate's talk early in the morning
it was great
Yeah... except for the using namespace std; bit ;)
I think I missed that
I started watching around 20:00
Dayum telkitty is back, and on fire
(Just went a bit through the transcript, missed som'of dem gems)
Is there any way in gdb to properly substitute Windows-style path parts?
set logarithms on
In other news
my company ads are fucking awesome
there's a better, NSFW version of that
jesus not the inception BRAAAAAM sounds
has anyone installed VS2015 Update 1 CTP already?
no, what's in it
I don't think anything for C++
Wasn't their modules thingy supposed to be there?
I also don't know what the hell it is (is it a preview of Update1?)
@Griwes ms specific?
@AndyProwl That's not memory, that's dominoes.
@Mr.kbok According to Des Rois' proposal.
How do you guis signal verbol names in logs? Thingy thingy 'my_var' is 2!
@Griwes I'm not sure if Update 1 == Update 1 CTP. I think I read something about november, but not sure.
I've seen brackets too but that reminds me of bartek
I mean from his talk it didn't seem like a huge breakthrough... vOv
@melak47 meh
webcompiler.cloudapp.net hasn't been updated since July, so I guess Update 1 CTP didn't contain a new compiler :v
@GregorMcGregor { 'Thingy::my_var' : '2' }
@GregorMcGregor yes
@GregorMcGregor oh noes! not logs!
"Expected JSON field { 'Thingy.SomeNode.MoreNestedNode' : 'robert'} to be 12 but it's not blame kbutte"
Some people are crazy and log everything in JSON.
@Griwes s/crazy/grumpy/
clearly logs should done in xml
the martian released tomorrow in france
I can't wait to be next week to see it
Except they often miss the fact that logs also tend to sometimes be supposed to be human readable and easy to understand by non-programmers...
@Mr.kbok He dies at the end hth
by non programmers?
@GregorMcGregor everyone does, except the machine in "the last question"
Even that one dies
@Mr.kbok You should go watch Back To The Future instead ;)
The line "I'm the greatest biologist of this planet" was very good
@fredoverflow I saw it last week :)
I'll plonk you
Aha, onebox doesn't like https.
I think logging json is a good idea
@fredoverflow Good one indeed
@Mr.kbok Spoilers on BTTF or TM?
it's still readable by humans
Spoiler he is on Mars
@fredoverflow TM. I just said I watched BTTF (for the 10th time) last week
spoiler gregor is cicada
stop antagonizing me
@GregorMcGregor Mars the planet or Mars the god or Mars the chocolate bar?
@fredoverflow Mars the chocolate bar.
fred digging up memes like it's 2007
Matt Damon is high on mars
Wait, Matt Damon is in the movie? MAJOR SPOILER!
I'm waiting for Spectre
> Edit and Continue support for /BigObj
uh that's all ?!?!
@fredoverflow yee
@Mr.kbok for /YourMom
@Mr.kbok I hope the actual "Update 1" is still coming...
they promised me some bug fixes!
@fredoverflow water on mars? :'(
no warm water on mars unless in pressurized chamber, how 2 live?
increase atm
@GregorMcGregor Wait, they have ATM machines on Mars?
would you consider this a bug, non-conformance, or implementation defined behavior? (I guess it's the result of MS' calling conventions being part of the signature)
@melak47 non-conformance
eh, better re-read though
yup non-conformance
> Unfortunately, methane gas poisoning occurs more often than you think.
> As you can see, the odds of you contracting methane gas poisoning are quite low, but it doesn't erase the fact that it does happen.
> While the chances of you getting poisoned by methane gas are very, very low
very very rarely
but more than you think
I extract exactly 0 bits of information from this
I think it happens 4 times per second
My god! All the poisoning!
everytime you compile without -Wall someone dies of methane poisoning
except when not
@Elyse You should fork clang and call it larry, then you could compile with larry -Wall.
thank god for user-defined CSS
lol the Perl link seems to be dead?
Coffee time.
@LucDanton hm. Should I still report it as a bug? :)
I don't really see how they could fix it, though :/
@fredoverflow :'(
@fredoverflow dat chartreuse background
@fredoverflow dat unsigned 32-bit integer
@melak47 dunno
> could not deduce template argument for '__formal'
> fatal error C1001: An internal error has occurred in the compiler.
/cc @R.Martinho
msvc refusing some very, very basic template
I want to cry
lets cry
Lowl, I'm pretty sure my library as is won't compile with MSVC, even in 10 years.
@GregorMcGregor you're so emo
McEmo sounds nice.
@GregorMcGregor Related, the brilliant lyrics are lost on you though.
I'll ask a question on SO titled "Was MSVC dropped on the head as a baby" and the body of the question will just be "Yes. Several times."
that or as a self answer
> could not deduce template argument for '<unnamed-symbol>'
MSVC - sucking the life out of you since forever
actually nvm
@GregorMcGregor What does std::is_trivially_copyable<const char> report?
That's what I just tested between the "Wait." and "actually nvm"
Yeah, long shot.
would have been really retarded
but plausible because MSVC
what if you hardcode char instead of T
then it works
What if you refer to the specialization via foo<char> and foo<char, 0>?
It also compiles if I take the arg by value instead of const ref
If you pass in a const char array instead of a character literal, ditto char.
@GregorMcGregor 2015?
Compiles with 2015
I'll just add a specialization for T*
Ever thought that maybe VS is punishment for the sins you committed in your past lives?
// Work around MSVC2013 being retarded
@GregorMcGregor You could try T const (&ref)[N] first.
I mean as a separate overload still
That works
I just tried it
@Nooble lol
yeah that works
now you can wipe those tears off your face <3
I think you’re pretty much settled.
However I want to copy the pointer only :p so I'll go with the T*
@LucDanton still sucks that I need a separate specialization
But then you never cared for the original bug :v
@GregorMcGregor You have to, you get an array otherwise.
aren't arrays pointers?
@Griwes looking forward to have Howard's library in the standard
just kidding, but 1 spec should be enough no? (as linked previously)
@Griwes I get the impression that you were mildly upset by that
> mildly
@GregorMcGregor An overload set of 2, yes.
I sense rage
g not p ... rite
that's what I meant!
lots of love
now code compiles
Luc Danton is one of the Powerpuff Girls
Always there to save the day
Why do I receive in my in-box an e-mail with a code to enter into the payment page. Why can’t I click on a link in the e-mail and then the payment proceeds.
to avoid robots scanning mails I guess
hey that sounds mildly credible
so far I had 'we can 100% reuse the infrastructure we have for phone confirmation'
@Griwes v good language ;)
@LucDanton For something like a payment you want to avoid "helpful" (or not) robots accessing the URL I suppose
why is that not a concern for e.g. password resets
it’s a last resort?
password reset you type your new password in no?
I mean it's not entirely transparent
you still have to provide more information
Ofc the payment page could ask for a captcha and that'd be it
okay so that relies on the bots being too stupid
@GregorMcGregor if either requires one I would think both do
Q: ::AnimateWindow not Animating the Window

RobinsonAnimateWindow does not appear to work. I'm calling it in a mouse-click message handler on 4 windows, one on each edge of the screen with: ::AnimateWindow(MyChildren[0].Child->m_hWnd, 500, AW_HOR_POSITIVE | AW_SLIDE); ::AnimateWindow(MyChildren[1].Child->m_hWnd, 500, AW_VER_POSITIVE | AW_SLIDE);...

'Yes, this is really me (from the e-mail) validating the payment' vs 'Yes, this is really me (from the e-mail) entering a password'
@Jefffrey why not bootstrapstud.io :O
@LucDanton yeah
> bootstrap stud
what is this about a strap-on stud
is it macromedia dreamweaver all over again
dreamweaver .. have not heard that name for ages
bring back memory when you were a kid ...
@LucDanton Training people to click email links is bad
kinda happens all the time when a service asks me shit though :v
@chmod711telkitty I remember seeing advertisements for Macromedia products in my Father's PC magazines.
'hey you logged from a new location pls review authorizations' etc.
People are bad at security
Never asking people to click email links makes scam stand out more
how would you do it? tell in e-mail to go on website to review, and have a notification on website to quickly go on the right page?
Something like that yep
@edition according to wiki Adobe bought Macromedia ... probably that's why we don't hear about it any more
keep using codes for the 2-factor thing?
Sam Harris is an awesome dude.
Just sayin'.

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