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@JohanLarsson It's good that I grow my own rug :)
Hovering over links...
Rebecca Black not detected.
@ElimGarak could be worth the effort of writing a plugin.
@thecoshman Yeah - but on the track going the other way..
Could redirect to an image saying that was close
@Nooble I remember seeing it, but it's a random string of ASCII characters, so remembering the password itself couldn't be done without doing a screenshot
@MartinJames vOv robot is a living Rubes Goldburg machine
he'll survive somehow
I just like how just after you saying you're paranoid about it I just convinced you to do it
accidental starb8
@thecoshman a Rubik Goldberg machine you mean
Although, reading the linked questions gave me cancer. Time for chemo.
Wooo, getting high on galvanisation chemicals.
Nice change of pace a t work
From JavaScript to that
@R.MartinhoFernandes smooth
@thecoshman I spot std::polar :)
@thecoshman Also "clever use of..." // instant turn-off
@ElimGarak Then take a look at this one
> I emailed my teacher and they gave me an answer along the lines of "It may not make sense to you but sometimes you are going to have to write a program that does not make sense. I am not saying that you don't have legitimate questions, but if any one can figure it out you can. But then, maybe it can't be figured out. That's the challenge"
@sehe hey, don't spoil the fun
@Nooble I'm not recording muh screen, not enough space on HDD for that
fighting dev tools is not much fun
@AndyProwl switch (true) ftw (lol C++)
@thecoshman thanks for posting
@Nooble I hereby decline
@AndyProwl Dat teacher comment. ahaha
@elyse switch (true) { case true: // fall-true default: return true; } // true story bro
@sehe not to mention .,
@thecoshman Also, I'm missing what is clever about the lambda.
One thing JavaScript gets right: switch (true) works.
@sehe generalized inits!
@AndyProwl wtf does that even mean
@Xeo That's not clever use! That's use
And it even uses === instead of ==.
@Xeo What, like Javascript's IIFE?
@AlexM. it means: "Yeah, our assignment may have flaws, but most people are dumb enough to figure out what we meant. You should prove you're dumb enough as well and not bother us. Go!"
Immediatly Invoked Function Expression
@sehe just the way it's capturing things and storing a state, making like a functor.
@Morwenn no.
@thecoshman Yes. That's not "clever use of". It is the intended purpose.
@AlexM. I guess "it can't be figured out" what it means
or maybe it can
that's the challenge
auto counter = [n = 0] () mutable { ++n; return n; };
//              ^^^^^
@sehe I've never seen a lambda used where it has state like that.
@Morwenn this
@Nooble Come on, I only have 18`993 seconds of mumblel recordings
@thecoshman oh. Clever
In JS you can indeed use IIFEs for this: (() => { let n = 0; return () => { ++n; return n; } })().
@AnalPhabet 18993 * second = approx. 5.2758333 h /cc @Nooble
@elyse I didn't see the link, just read « generalized inits » and got it wrong :(
@sehe well excuuuuse me for learning
@thecoshman ^Wfunction object
@thecoshman No problem
As in C++: [] { auto n = 0; return [=] () mutable { ++n; return n; }; }().
@Griwes functor == function object... no?
terminology nazi in action
@thecoshman are you sure you want to start that :)
@thecoshman No, a functor is a mapping between categories.
@thecoshman in C++, yes. But 'functor' in maths/category theory/functional programming means something different
@sehe Some of that was prefixed with "Oh, you can record here, that's completely fine"
Not sure if I should rewrite my compiler in Perl or Rust.
@AndyProwl ah, so I'm right enough and fuck maths
@AndyProwl thanks for a reasonable - gap-bridging - reply
@AndyProwl There's at least three definitions of "functor" in software development.
In mathematics, a functor is a type of mapping between categories which is applied in category theory. Functors can be thought of as homomorphisms between categories. In the category of small categories, functors can be thought of more generally as morphisms. Functors were first considered in algebraic topology, where algebraic objects (like the fundamental group) are associated to topological spaces, and algebraic homomorphisms are associated to continuous maps. Nowadays, functors are used throughout modern mathematics to relate various categories. Thus, functors are generally applicable in areas...
@thecoshman it's just that Griwes rejects the idea of 'context'
@thecoshman in your case "right enough" very often means plain wrong
@AnalPhabet how the hell do you "prefix" "that"?
@AndyProwl lol
C++, Haskell, and OCaml all use distinct definitions of "functor".
OCaml's is the most funky.
@sehe I have that in a couple of fragments
New GitHub repo for implementing Griwes context switching.
so, that's what you mean with "prefixed"? "The recording contains a statement"?
@sehe s/contains/begins with/
So, it's actually 5h?
But I also have raw 247:50 minutes I don't care to listen through
@sehe As in "one segment begins with the statement"
ITT Anal is a weird hoarder
Modules that take other modules as arguments are kek.
ooh, gcc -ffastmath for non sucky std::complex
12 hours ago, by Luc Danton
@sehe But the arrows good man! They don’t make sense!
and now to forget that forever
@AndyProwl lol at answers
'Tis so bad
Function Object -> Objection. Problem solved. But not really.
> The docs says
> My cock says
ergh... another bout of cocking puns
At least it's not actual cocks
yeah some people felt uncockfortable about those
@AnalPhabet That issue, while detailed, won't lead to fucking. <3
@ElimGarak Damn you, typos!
hahah NSFW language
I just instinctively responded to a greeting in Polish with Dober dan
wtf brain
@TonyTheLion and the I is for "I cannot type because I am an incredible moron."
elyse is sour today. elysour
not the first day
I wonder how many commits does the Windows repo have
They recreate the repo every once in a while to hide away the stupid shit they did. :P
lol TIL CVS commits aren't atomic
Yeah, they come as quarks only.
@ElimGarak sour and awesome
> We are trying to break the ABI for 4.9
It's already rekt, bby.
A: Is this possible using switch statements (C++)

seheAs always in C++, favour standard library algorithms. In this case you want to do a range lookup. This is easy with an ordered sequence of boundaries: double const boundaries[] = { 0, 18.5, 25, 30, 35 }; switch (upper_bound(begin(boundaries), end(boundaries), BMI) - boundaries) { case 0: cout

@Jaden ^
@sehe UV;DR
@sehe nice impl
@sehe clever
Thank Alex Stepanov
25 mins ago, by sehe
@thecoshman Yes. That's not "clever use of". It is the intended purpose.
Are you guys 69-ing minors there, visually
@sehe your mom has a BMI of 999999.0
Your mom is so fat... I won't even make a joke about it.
@elyse I considered making that std::numeric_limits<double>::max() but thought it would be confusing, and ugly for presentation
@sehe but why not just the plain normalize and convert?
Is std::numeric_limits<double>::max() finite or infinite?
inb4 yes
@elyse indeed
HEY! C++ divides, HEY! C++ converts from double to int, HEY! now you have ranges separated by 1 int each. BOOM!
Jaden, have you tried the PHP room?
switch ((BMI < 18.5) + (BMI < 25.0) + (BMI < 30.0) + (BMI < 35) + (5 * (BMI >= 35))) {
    case 1: cout << "You are underweight" << endl; break;
    case 2: cout << "You are a normal weight " << endl; break;
    case 3: cout << "You are overweight" << endl; break;
    case 4: cout << "You are obese" << endl; break;
    case 5: cout << "You are gravely overweight" << endl; break;
the operands are always widened
@sehe :P
ya, that sort of thing
@Jaden what are you talking about
@ElimGarak noty
@Jaden oh. You're that kind of a developer then. Thanks for the warning.
Hello I would like to know your advice on this shared_ptr implementation
Difficult to maintain: you have to remember to update the 5 whenever you add a new case. — elyse 29 secs ago
the way people dance around with answers for an obvious programming class "please do my homework for me" quesiton
would like maybe to use that since I do not have c++11 nor boost
@elyse that's being very very very mild
@elyse Finite.
@JerryCoffin Then it's a lie!
@coincoin 0/10 NULL instead of nullptr
The name is a lie!
The name is a lie!
The name is a lie!
@Jaden Such questions serve as an excellent vehicle to demonstrate proper/modern C++ features/caps/approaches.
@coincoin no move constructor?
@elyse Not really. It's defined as returning "the maximum finite value."
It should be called finite_max.
also kill that shared_ptr(void)
-10/10 T foo(void) instead of just T foo()
@Griwes FIRST!
-20/10 throw() is not C++ anymore
@sehe I am not yet the kind of programmer / developer I want to be. It depresses me.
@Jaden oy. I hardly ever do those. And the fact that it is, doesn't make it useless to provide the professional approach. For the sheer reason that most of the answers you see are bad.
Mind you, the only reason I thought about it was that it was linked here
-30/10 the counter is not atomic
@Jaden Okay, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt!
@AndyProwl nope unfortunately
-40/10 inline is implied when defining a function in class body
@Griwes what do you mean
-50/10 I don't really have anything to say but I just wanted to decrease the number
@Jaden ...and (I hope) you never will be. If you ever become satisfied with your current state, you'll stagnate in a hurry. So don't get depressed. It's a good thing.
@coincoin exception specifications are not C++ anymore
IIRC technically they still are, but deprecated
@Griwes I am in C++03 I cannot use nullptr
@coincoin C++11 is 4 years old already.
@Griwes not my choice
@Griwes ask @Mr.kbok about it
@coincoin Even in C++03 you can use nullptr. You also have to define it, but doing so doesn't require any features that aren't present in C++98/03.
@coincoin Why?
I think Howard Hinnant also showed a clever trick to simulate move-construction in C++03
he has a C++03 unique pointer somewhere
you could use that
Sure @JerryCoffin I mean it's not the main point here just was wondering if this shared_ptr implementation was acceptable
Use auto_ptr.
wow, the guy who did the the "C++ Multi-dimensional Arrays" talk gets a serious grilling at the end... seemed clear to me he's just trying to get some ideas moving, and some guy is going full on pedant.
@elyse yes thought so
I guess we will stick with that ~~
@coincoin shared_ptr is already standard
Use Rust.
use boost implementation if not accessible
@elyse worst advice ever
@BartekBanachewicz inb4 but I can't boost
@BartekBanachewicz well not on msvc 8 :(
@BartekBanachewicz can't use boost
@ScarletAmaranth also least serious, me thinks
@coincoin why
> Source Code Control System (SCCS) is an early revision control system, geared toward program source code and other text files. It was originally developed in SNOBOL at Bell Labs in 1972 by Marc Rochkind for an IBM System/370 computer running OS/360 MVT
@BartekBanachewicz can't use a computer
@JerryCoffin do you know any earlier VCS than that? ^
@coincoin of course you can't ¬_¬
@thecoshman the last one of course was a joke. (the other statements unfortunately not)
@coincoin change job/course/whatever
@coincoin if you can implement your own, then you can copy the boost implementation
@Griwes ~~
@coincoin unless you are implementing things to learn how they are implemented, there is no reason not to use boost.
@BartekBanachewicz that looks a pain in the ass with all the boost stuffs that are reused behind it
@coincoin there are boost dependency extractors
oh I finally got why owner<T*> and not owner<T>: owner<T&>
@coincoin a lot of boost things that are rather standalone
@BartekBanachewicz oh I am interested about that
@AndyProwl ... you finally got the point?
@thecoshman I finally got why owner<T*> and not owner<T>
and the reason is owner<T&>
@AndyProwl Explain.
owning references
@coincoin then google
(context: GSL)
@ElimGarak Interested to know the thought behind this.

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