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I know quite a lot of people with chrysalism
I don't have that one
kenopsia happened a few times
for instance the city's main square the day after Italy won the football world cup
or the meeting room today at the end of the presentation
or our workplace today! only 8 people here
people here are actually nice.
@sehe (btw it worked, thanks for the reminder)
@edition Sometimes...
@Xeo so you went there eventually?
3 hours ago, by Xeo
also, I'm heading over to my workplace now
Is anybody else working with wxWidgets lately?
that, actually
@Jaden lately? You mean like 10 years ago?
@AndyProwl ah, great success?
@sehe follow the ~arrow~
^ (age-old educator's trick)
@Xeo no, like weeks months
is wxWidgets even a thing still?
Audacity uses wxWidgets
Yes, and how old is Audacity?
> Initial release 28 May 2000; 15 years ago
@sehe not sure about great but it was successful yes
@Xeo it's one way to write a basic UI for windows and have it portable for linux
@AndyProwl That's nice. Did you get traction with at least 1 audience member?
@sehe I kept glancing at those who were smiling and looked intrigued from time to time to boost confidence, tried not to make eye contact with those I knew/suspected would be bored
Yeah, it's not constructive to confirm their disinterest
(well, not while doing the presentation)
> each passerby has a life as vivid and complex as your own
@Xeo not really, no.
I don't really think my life is vivid or complex actually
For C++ Qt has largely won the battle
Is there a word for the feeling that something happened a while ago, but it's only been a short time?
for arbitrary lang UI web has largely dominated it.
I've been getting that a lot today.
I feel like I started the build an hour ago, but it's only been 10 minutes
@Xeo I had that this week
I thought a discussion with a colleague happened last week, it was the day before
but of course people will use every crappy technology they can lay they hands on so
Time is weird today.
it's almost time to go home again for me
did I mention I got totally sucked in that vm development
it's surprisingly fun
@Xeo I have the other feeling
I want to fart badly
I've always this short time blackouts
Like I'm about to do or seek for something, and totally forget about it
can someone explain why the pointer message got starred
it's neither funny nor about cock
4 years in this chat still can't figure star logic
@GregorMcGregor lol, I didn't realize it was funny until now
@BartekBanachewicz I don't have full context of your statement and therefore do not completely understand it.
@BartekBanachewicz lol
@BartekBanachewicz It's like saying rats have won the battle for sewers
that's quite true though
rats are wonderful animals
@sehe actually it happened to me once that a guy pretended to fall asleep to display his disinterest. It was a training for 4 people so it was hard not to notice
@GregorMcGregor especially when inserted rectally o_o
@GregorMcGregor I'm more of a dog person
@AndyProwl ask them to leave?
@AndyProwl lol. You should have kick him in his shin and thrown him out like child. :)
@Xeo ask? make
@Xeo And wake them up in the process? Rude, Xeo.
@Xeo Well, I asked him to wake up. Also our boss was there too, it would have been his duty
@Mr.kbok confirmed
there were lots of disagreements between us that time, he probably thought boycotting my training was a way to assert his viewpoint
Is Qt free?
sad stuff
@Jaden LGPL
@GregorMcGregor :(
@AndyProwl Childish.
@Jaden As long as you don't modify it for a commercial app (LGPL).
@rubenvb We don't sell the app. We sell hardware.
Unless I think you can just distribute the changes to Qt as well, then you're fine for a closed source app. IANAL.
Everyone ANALs it seems
@GregorMcGregor Seems to be the new shit
It just makes it clear that acting on the ramblings of a single individual on the net might well get you a law suit.
@Rerito well played
@wilx yeah
I hovered a reply to wilx while it was being edited, so when I blurred the reply the highlight would not leave
should I fill a bug lol
I don't think that would make a loud alarm ring in the developers room but why not :P
eh :p
I'd rather have clipboard image upload
> I don't know why when I watched this video I cried. I feel like I love them so much and seeing them this happy made me feel so happy too . Seeing GDs smile made my day.
Music fangirls are the worst
Aaaaand see me struggling with Boost Type Erasure on the second part of the live-stream (experiment) — sehe 11 secs ago
who is
I am
ahaha. Sorry, live has just ended. Need to get the troops to scuba lessons again
live stream
> You don't have Adobe Flash. Please download it.
I also don't have Java nor Acrobat, fuck you
why murkdown why now
@AndyProwl needs a space
yeah I figured
@sehe "scuba dive into Boost.TypeErasure"
^ episode title
Too late. I want stable URLs :(
Nice name though
~6:30 nice editing
That C++ on the web slides from CppCon
Were kinda shitty
I didn't learn much.
It's almost Friday.
Well, specifically, much about using C++ on the web except "soon, eventually, Emscripten if you want it now, yeah."
> Hehe. This slipped through my dragnet :) boost mailing list
@AndyProwl lemme look
replacement of aligned initializers
@AndyProwl Yeah. It would have been nice if I didn't fumble so much before :)
gotta run!
@elyse stop with that link
it's one of our memes
but I agree it should only be posted on friday
okay guys
@AndyProwl just because it's done, doesn't mean it should be,
@thecoshman but... meme!
@AndyProwl youyou?
my library turns out to implement a subset of n4451
would you guys be interested im testing it?
@AndyProwl no >:|
@AnalPhabet yesyes!
@Mr.kbok of course we all know by heart what N4451 proposes :P
ah, reflection
we had a meeting at work
I have that in my endless list of stuff to read
@AndyProwl you don't have a keyboard shortcut that takes you to a given paper by number?? :D
I was so tired of the planning of migration I just said "hey let's make everyone stop for a day and just fucking do it"
@Mr.kbok nice plug in idea :P
@AndyProwl read n4452 instead, the use cases
@Mr.kbok I'll add that to the list
@BartekBanachewicz very good job
The library is able to provide at least the xml example and the sql example, provided you add in a few harmless macros
Let me know if you're interested
I am but first I'd need to read that stuff I guess
@GregorMcGregor get livestreamer
(and write a plugin for livecoding.sehe)
a monoid just models associativity and an identity right?
@Ell Well, it's not "associativity", but yes, mzero and mconcat.
And m'lady
associativity is used to talk about operations
monoids are more general, i.e. apply to both values and computations
right, sorry I meant an operation that is associative
well, a monad models something which has an associative operation
meh. idk how to word. I need to do more compsci
In abstract algebra, a branch of mathematics, a monoid is an algebraic structure with a single associative binary operation and an identity element. Monoids are studied in semigroup theory as they are semigroups with identity. Monoids occur in several branches of mathematics; for instance, they can be regarded as categories with a single object. Thus, they capture the idea of function composition within a set. Monoids are also commonly used in computer science, both in its foundational aspects and in practical programming. The set of strings built from a given set of characters is a free monoid...
^this explains it easily
@Ell just talk in terms of monoid vOv. Monad is a monoid in the category of endofunctors.
idk what an endofunctor is :P
What is the simplest monoid to grok?
@Ell a Functor that's Endo
@Ell (Sum 0, (+)), ([], :), (Product 1, (*))
I think the List instance is the most natural one.
Mongoloids again
The list is a monoid?
@Ell of course. mzero = []; mconcat = (++)
oh yeah
I wanted to goof off for a bit so I thought of having a cig with that cute girl I met recently at work
actually (++) not (:) mb
it is a monoid because [] ++ any_list == any_list && any_list ++ [] == any_list, right?
no that's commutativity
@Mr.kbok you talked?
monoid requires only associativity IIRC
But then I was thinking of something else and I crossed her way in the hallway while she was leaving and I was so surprised I only said hi
@AndyProwl I was thinking about the identity actually
@Ell ah, yeah, [] is the identity element wrt ++
does my story make sense??
mappend mempty x = x
mappend x mempty = x
mappend x (mappend y z) = mappend (mappend x y) z
mconcat = foldr mappend mempty
@Ell ^
@edition when?
@Mr.kbok to the colleague you met.
Categories and Subcategories and Monoids are very similar
@Mr.kbok I guess it does
mempty is the identity and mconcat is the operation of S that must be associative?
@edition yeah but when? I mean yes I talked to her before but not today
@Mr.kbok n'aww
I thought you had a girlfriend anywhoot
obviously we talked at some point otherwise it wouldn't count as meeting would it??
Oh look, PHP VW is now linked to from the front page of Yahoo: businessinsider.com/…
@AndyProwl commutativity is only required in abelian groups
@Ell yeah, well. no harm in talking :D
@Mr.kbok there could be if you keep referring to her as 'cute girl'
@BartekBanachewicz yeah
@AndyProwl commutativity binds stronger than identity in the sense that identity only applies to one element of the domain, while commutativity applies to every one
> a process known as "continuous integration," pioneered at companies like Facebook
@BartekBanachewicz right (the verb 'bind' is a bit confusing there but I know what you're talking about)
@AndyProwl I have to admit I am lacking words as well. "Encloses" would be perhaps better.
since we're talking about morphisms, saying "superset" would be complicated because it would involve a set of morphism laws
I think.
Anyway @Ell all of the above Group-like structures have ready-made implementations in Haskell and a lot of libraries use them
@Jaden if that's harm for your couple, I think there's other kind of issues :p
If I understood correctly what you wanted to express I think the way I'd say it is that commutativity is a stronger requirement than the one on identity, because it requires something of all the elements of a set wrt to the set's operation, rather than just of the identity element
I can refer to @elyse as a cute girl if that helps diluting the meaning :D
OTOH requirement on identity has 'more' than just commutativity, so commutativity alone doesn't imply the requirement on identity
Exercise 1.1: Provide an example of a structure that's commutative, but doesn't have an identity element.
so the "superset/subset" relation (or rather, the "stronger/looser" relation) on those two requirements doesn't work well
@BartekBanachewicz you can invent one
@Mr.kbok I only meant that often the idea of competition is scary, even when someone chooses to be the kind of person that ignores it
if you allow some stretch, color combination?
the order in which you combine two colors doesn't matter (if that makes sense at all), but there's no "transparent" color
@Jaden yeah but you're the one who turned "cute girl" into competition :)
I mean, there's no color that combined with any other color gives that other color
@AndyProwl (â„•, +)? :)
@BartekBanachewicz oh, yeah, easier lol
@Mr.kbok Was an observation, not from this room.
maybe I've watched too much tv
@Jaden my point is that "cute" doesn't mean I'm interested (maybe she's potato-stupid)
@BartekBanachewicz what exactly is a "structure"?
Ah haskell lab, gotta go
@Mr.kbok so she writes C++?
@Ell any set with an operation, I guess (if the operation is binary that should be called 'magma' IIRC)
@Jaden why, is that a common consequence of being potato-stupid?
inb4 yes
approaching haskell from mathematics first is desirable imho
@Jaden god, no
I should do less lounging
you're okay, lol
not all my coworkers are c++ programmers. there are all kind of people here
that's one of the things I like about this workplace
@AndyProwl No. Even potatoes are smart enough to avoid programming.
We code with potatoes! then what are the potatoes doing with us?
i still dunno how to quote like ... whatever
@JerryCoffin heh
@Mr.kbok so only a few of your coworkers are smart?
@Jaden to quote you can write "> text"
like this:
> text
@ArneMertz hey there
doesn't work
back in the lounge at last :-)
> > text
@GregorMcGregor missing blank
> Thank you, my chará Andy
@ArneMertz racist
@Andrey yeah, the others are C++ programmers
@GregorMcGregor whut?
@AndyProwl Wut. I'm a C++ programmer and I found this offensive
@Andrey sure, that's because you are C++ programmer and, as such, not smart
(I'm a C++ programmer too)
@Andrey its only offensive if you're a coworker of andy
of kbok actually
@Jaden Simple attribution is usually sufficient. If you're quoting something because it's exceptionally brilliant and perspicacious, the attribution should read: "Jerry said: ". If you're quoting something to ridicule its foolishness and stupidity, the proper attribution is: "I believe: ".
I stole the answer for jokez
k :-)
so, I won'T be programming C++ for a while. at least not at work :/
> I dreamed with you, Andrey. I dreamed you were tying me on a bed and drilling me with needles
Well, my ex gf is kind of crazy (sorry for bad translation)
you've mentioned that
A few few dozen times
2 days ago, by Elim Garak
3 hours ago, by Andy Prowl
dude do you ever talk about anything else than your ex gf
Which by the way is my next alt
@Andrey What's her name?
@GregorMcGregor lol
@GregorMcGregor Audrey
@JerryCoffin I believe I've been using I believe incorrectly for a long time.
@Jaden Aren't you glad we're here to correct your misunderstandings?
@JerryCoffin ad priorem: generally, all things archaic default to "Jerry"
@Jaden Is English your mother tongue?
wow. Jerry trolls with obvious troll and it gets received well.
Other noob makes a double effort to actually fall for it anyways...
@sehe I was kind of wondering whether it would be insulting to point out that I wasn't serious...
Do you want a banana? Dis banana for you
Also well received.
Sun Tzu says: hide confusion by spreading more confusion
wisdom overflow
hide children by spreading more children
@sehe have you seen Ghost Dog?
that may or may not have been made up on the spot :)
(disclaimer: that doesn't guarantee it's not wisdom)
@JohanLarsson nope.
Nice movie.
@sehe think I'll buy it even if it's a fake: it looks good
@lhf only has 4 questions asked total
(I've done that a few times, more or less consciously)
am I considered an obvious troll as well?
@Andrey What andy said.
@AndyProwl You have a talent. You do a mean job of mimicking attributable Hitler lines
I'm a sucker for lame stuff like this
@AndyProwl Thank you for sparing me the effort of coming up with a witty thing to day

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