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^ The bidding on real time ads thing is pretty interesting
@jaggedSpire Nighty night.
After a while, the squirrel starts making that beeping noise and doesn't stop until it hops back up onto the stump.
posted on September 16, 2015 by Scott Meyers

The family of Effective Modern C++ translations continues to grow. The latest member is in Polish. As with all the translations I've seen so far, the Polish edition uses only one ink color (black). I therefore believe that if you're comfortable with technical English, you'll probably prefer the English (American) edition. If you prefer your C++ in Polish (including code comments!), howeve

@jaggedSpire nn. and same, need to figure out if I can pass the smog test tomorrow haha
@ʞɔᴉN smog test?
smogged it like 5-6 times in the past 3 months, some computer issue is preventing it from passing. I think i fixed it last week but then another problem came up literally the next day so fuck
@Borgleader Makes sense, guess I'll keep it data-dense.
@ThePhD yeah, maybe it's not required in your state but CA is very strict
@ʞɔᴉN Oooh, smoke testing.
Or, er. Maybe not the smoke testing I'm thinking of.
Ohhh no, talking about a car here haha
had to look that term up
1 hour later…
@TomW Actually i'm creating soap mail client with end point url: outlook.office365.com/ews/exchange.asmx and login credentials are same as my Microsoft account. For WSDL link is- outlook.office365.com/EWS/services.wsdl
how do I sort 1 number efficiently?
compare it against itself, if different, swap it
all great solutions, code plz
homework is due for yesterday
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva I thought you were sleeping. :o
Speaking of sleeping, I probably should be doing that.
@ThePhD It's almost 2 PM here bub
I better not sleep at work
Oh. ;;
@MarcoA. return;
@Feeds Oh look, Scott got his book polished!
@AlexM. I like Linux Mint. You can try it from an USB stick without installing, if in doubt.
> If you're comfortable reading technical English, I therefore suggest you go with the English version. Wenn Sie aber finden, dass Sie technische Information besser auf Deutsch aufnehmen und verstehen, dann ist es natürlich sinnvoll, die deutsche Ausgabe vorzuziehen.
lol Scott
didn't know Scott spoke arabic
The OpenGL implementation is now a-go!
Guise, ThePhD has successfully acquired a context!
Hey, I've done more than that. :c
Uniform buffers work as well.
And my entire math library is good enough that it switches automatically between LH/RH, Column Major / Row Major without breaking! \o/
It also automatically transposes matrices if they're not in the order that the shader uniform / graphics implementation expects.
Glorious, beautiful abstraction! \o/
CPU transpose or GPU transpose
CPU for now.
Keeps the detail out of the head of the shader writer, which is fine.
They can even use the HLSL pragmas for making all their matrices row-major and the system will adjust automatically for that need.
Glorious, beautiful inefficiency! /o\
hahah \(^o^)/
I don't mind it for now: if someone wants the speed, they set their matrices to be column-major on the CPU and not do a transpose at all.
Column major is inherently slower than row major.
Column major is the layout all GPUs ask for, even in compiled HLSL shaders.
I was just trying to start a flame war
y u always bait
Hello, world!
hello, elyse
sounds much less exciting
I'm wondering if I should put my design on Code Review at some point.
A nasty as a dull eye.
Oh, well.
OpenGL implemented this in a more retarded fashion than I could imagine.
What a fucking surprise.
What's so horrifically wrong with just having a callback, huh OpenGL?
You couldn't just have a callback that gives me the name of the include string, the style of the include (bracket/quotes), and then let me hand you a char* pointer to the data?
So I could cache the data myself, hand you pointers, without your NamedString bullshit...
Who's responsible for designing these things?
And why are the still allowed to design these things?
> Jon Leech (jon 'at' alumni.caltech.edu)
Fuck you, Jon.
yeah, fuck Jon
I hate Jon too.
@ʞɔᴉN I just wrote "Hire me. I'm awesome!" in my cover letter.
(Stolen from @R.MartinhoFernandes)
But Nick can't do that because that would be lying and lying in a cover letter is widely regarded as a bad move
Saw that coming.
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva What if he truly believes it? Then he would not be lying. :)
He wouldn't be lying, much worse, he'd be wrong.
am I mean yet
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva That boat sailed a long time ago :P
aye aye captain
one eye captain
man I have this really weird setup for how my renderer handles transforms
I end up having 3 copies of the same matrix for each piece of geometry
so gross
I also split batching into static and dynamic... the former uses a callback (ugh) to give the caller a chance to apply a transform cpu side before uploading to gpu
inb4 "this is not a joke" https://twitter.com/RichardDawkins/status/644051625234014209
Good one
@wilx I have twitter blocked at work, what's he actually saying.
> inb4 "this is not a joke" twitter.com/RichardDawkins/…
The linked URL is change.org/p/…
@TheForestAndTheTrees Also, change jobs, if it blocks Twitter. :)
> I want this petition to get somewhere so people can see that the "refugees" want to force the cultures they show up in to bend to their demands
I think this guy is serious
Yeah pretty stupid comment
Though the petition, if not a joke, is kinda crazy as well
The guy should do other petitions to ban strip clubs, night clubs, bars, liquor stores...
bool func ( bool& x )
I should replace that out param with something that returns a descriptive struct.
>out params
.... Listen.
It was written in like 2012 okay.
Out params are understandable when you want to reuse dynamic storage I guess
>out params
But bool as outparam
It was a darker time.
Might as well vote for Trump
outparams are bad? what if you have multiple outparams
inb4 ugly tuple
Actually, yeah just return an ugly tuple.
out params are annoying
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva move
@thecoshman Preallocated I meant
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva ¬_¬ you win this round
ah no!
vector.reserve(BARTEK_MOM_CAPACITY); my_algo_that_does_things(vector);
Yes one would use iterators in this case bad example you get it
pass in a 'factory' that can be used to access a the mutable object to return from the function!
I will accept no constructive criticism
fine, out params are stoooopid
what about nonconstructive criticism
never enough of that one
@thecoshman AbstractBarkteksMomFactory
good morning :)
He's going to pop
Well fuck me.
Maybe I can just get away with naming it compatibility
this is my favourite D feature: ideone.com/4c93Zj
Clang is inevitably broken now
Ah, another victim.
Why the fuck does it need both libncursesw.so.5 and libncursesw.so.6
don't you mean curse ncurses :]
@elyse nice
postconditions are part of the interface
You could do something similar in C++ though.
Since you're going to wrap your implementation with an erasing value type anyway.
How'd you do this in C++?
NVI maybe.
Ooh right, yes.
NVI is great
Non-Virtual Interface?
NVI is unnecessary.
Don't design for inheritance in the first place and problem solved.
@ThePhD Inheritance iirc
Icanhaz chained_static_cast<T3, T2, T1>(t1_val) pls
instead of static_cast<T3>(static_cast<T2>(...
Just write a variadic.
Are you saying I should compensate for the language lacks again? Through my own, personal, efforts?
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva k that sounds fun
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva (T3)(T2)(T1)(t1_val)
@elyse 1) What are those things that come out of the mist when you save Miller? 2) What is that sticking out of Boss' head?
hi everybody!
I have some questions
@Prismatic where is the single star meant to apply?
std vector clear vs erase member why dereference yet?
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva here
@thecoshman dunno, see the github I linked earlier
@Prismatic cool
Maybe people can stop linking to Google's fucking C++ style guide
Or, "A Style Guide to Fuck C++"
They explicitly mention that their focus isn't on naming and style conventions
But still, the guidelines seem very extensive so it seems like a very useful reference
No one cares about naming/style except ADHD people and C programmers. Just get a AStyle config file.
@elyor That question doesn't make a lot of sense.
@LucDanton I meant as standard :D I can come up with that on my own (but thanks)
@Prismatic Why sense yet?
Why the Sep though
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva mansplaining is my privilege
how to clear vector in c++?
> int Sep = 0
@Prismatic but also that such things are not out of bounds
I remember the days where you used to school me about mansplaining
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva Because else you'd bind to Source
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva Try removing it.
@Prismatic ok
Ah yes
I wish I knew C++
Damn women, you have to explain everything to them
Go back to the kitchen
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva know anything about over-volatility?
btw it’s dirty, strict, non-tail recursion
reversing the argument list was too much work
@Mr.kbok Do I look like I understand anything about finance
enjoy your compile-time stack overflow
@Mr.kbok Is that how you greet people now? :o
@LucDanton 0/10 does not scale past a few hundred types
@elyor Is english not your first language? Try to rephrase your question maybe
@elyor such basic questions can be answered with a cppreference
How is vectar formed?
@Mr.kbok This is the better alternative. Some women take the worst possible interpretation of anything. E.e., my ex-wife.
@wilx You have an ex-wife already? How old are ye?
36 in 3 days.
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva u trolling me m8
Man, y'all ancient.
@ElimGarak In 15 years you will be on the same spot. :)
@Prismatic never
@wilx Man, 15 years is pretty far off, I don't think I'll even live to see it. :P
@ElimGarak I thought it was far off as well. And then I blinked.
Hey, don't freak me out!
ahahah. But I do feel that time goes faster the older I am.
- clear is defined in terms of erase, which has linear complexity. (until C++11)
- complexity of clear is omitted (since C++11) (until C++14)
- clear has linear complexity for sequence containers. (since C++14)
@milleniumbug destructors have to run, they start by destructing the standard wording
at least put a bit more effort into it
Ah, a troll.
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva No, I meant the part where the complexity of the function is unspecified in C++11
@ElimGarak watch all the cutscenes and try again
@milleniumbug Yes I attempted a joke
@Morwenn That was for @AnastasiyaAsadullayeva :)
@elyse I found some background on wikias (new to MGS).
also listen to all the tapes
@ElimGarak literally older than rust
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva should I ask telkitty
I'm going to guess it's when the intrinsic vol of the market is over the one of your model?
you mean implied??
Anyway, it's a way for the trader to pimp up the volatility for a specific trade (to tweak the model)
I have to design the GUI for it
but only in Chinese
I'm trying to port some C++03 code where std::numeric_limits::is_iec559 is used and I'v no idea whether the author really means IEEE 754 floating point numbers or whether they simply mean floating point types in general.
@Mr.kbok Add a few checkboxes, some buttons and a combobox with several synonyms for "penis"
That should work
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva Should be a lounge client
you will be one step ahead
bump major version when you do it
Also lol, Electron is over 100 MB
And then popele complain about template bloat
for HFT interfaces do you have to design spcial low latency UIs
I don't think so. Price updates have to be real-time but for UIs I don't think anything below a second matters much?
Humans can't read that fast anyway
And now test markets closed to I can't test the rest of my soft GOOD JOB whoever thought closing a test market made sense
What you doing doing with Electron?
I'm dealing with that too :(
Nothing, I used to use node-webkit, and wanted to see how Electron compares to that.
It's twice the size to begin with.
What are you doing with it?
@Prismatic lol, think about it
@R.MartinhoFernandes The prophecy was right, javascript is the new systems programming language
The build still takes forever, and it's still a hideously messy build process. Debugging is still horrible, and there's no IntelliSense.
And you all know how much I value IntelliSense.
IntelliSense is life. And life is victory.
But what are you doing with Electron D:
It's garbage.
IntelliSense is reason enough to use C#
@R.MartinhoFernandes I expected a pun
@Anastasiya not entirely sure, actually
At first we were to make a web frontend for our stuff.
But now it's going to be packaged with Electron, which really makes me go WTF.
I thought I could stay away from the JS bits and treat it as SEP, but then this happens.
I remember in 2010 Lucent working on stuff like this already
I told them it was a horrible idea at the time but who listens to a 19 years old
FTR I still think it's a horrible idea. Check again in 5 years.
Is that yet another of your companies btw @Luc
It is a horrible idea. Fucking hipsters.
I cannot comment at this time.
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva Luc Entreprise
whats a horrible idea? electron?
I think kbok got the joke!
you’re all so negative
I have yet to see one benefit from us using node and JS.
@Mr.kbok They make lucpm and lucbs (and recently lucdoc)
Y'all can switch to Ks(tm) and RainTk(tm) when they come out :]
Now that we're leaving the browser, there's nothing. It's all gone.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Web hipsters can do desktop the same way they do web
ITT Luc is actually James Bond supervillain
Why dont you guys just use Qt
Because we were to have a web frontend at first.
Because it sucks and no one cares
Now I'm not sure what the plan is anymore.
@Mr.kbok ill fite u
And judging from the latest experiments, communication via websockets ended up being a bottleneck for us.
What kind of company do you work at Robot?
@wilx I honestly can't believe Dawkin's supposedly "wonders" whether it's fake. I mean. Common sense much.
I mean what's the product
@sehe Yeah it's obviously real
WebSockets are also hilariously bad design
user image
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva They're called "WebSockets".
^ refugees drowning joke
> "design"
It's not designed, IYAM. It's abuse of HTTP protocol for general purpose networking, right
make sure the color matches with your WebTrousers
How do websockets work again?
@Mr.kbok Did you solve your overload resolution problem in the end?
@sehe I do not see why he shouldn't wonder.
@sehe there's no HTTP in WebSockets beyond the initial handshake.
@Morwenn No, I can't find a way to make an overload worse than one with an implicit conversion. I gave up and used enable_if on the general case.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Does it mean that a regular HTTP server cannot handle them? (Can you spot I avoided websockets until now?)
@Morwenn I'm not definitely giving up, but I wanted to move forward a bit on my project and already lost 2 hours on it.
@sehe Yes.
@Mr.kbok Ok. If you ever find an elegant solution, I'd be interested to learn about it :p
@Mr.kbok Is that an elaborate way of implying no?
@Mr.kbok Thanks
1 min ago, by Mr. kbok
@Morwenn No, I can't find a way to make an overload worse than one with an implicit conversion. I gave up and used enable_if on the general case.
That's hardly implied
what are you trying to say
@sehe correct. It will reject the handshake.
The handshake is just an upgrade request.
A 'regular' server will just give back a 501.
@Mr.kbok hehe. I missed the first message (note I didn't reply to that :))
@Mr.kbok It's very subtle
A WebSocket enabled one gives a 101 and then it's binary from there on.
Come on peeps. The other message was a lot more subtle. I just missed the earlier one. Sorry
@Morwenn I'll try asking the most C++-skilled coworker I have. Afterwards I'll just put it away in a little corner of my head. Who knows maybe I'll dream of a solution :P
@Mr.kbok That's how I solve many problems. But not actually trying to solve them actively. So... well, that may work.
Could you please show a "bad" way of using fscanf that works for you? By the way, the only wrong thing about strtok is fixed by strtok_r. — dasblinkenlight 5 mins ago
strtok is for idiots
@Mr.kbok I'd like to know what it is you're trying to achieve. Why is there the convert_from_anything type? And exactly what usage patterns do you want to resolve to which overloads?
I can probably hack around these with some dispatch logic, buttttt I can't even tell what should do what.
If you make it "test-specified"...
The Facebook dislike button is @CIA plot to break Russia with western democracy by letting citizens think they have 2 choices.
It would take an ordinary programmer 5 minutes to install a dislike button, but it took facebook more than 5 years to implement one ...
@chmod711telkitty That's called ethics.
@chmod711telkitty That's called "huge code base"
didnt the german government try something similar and then switch back to office
@chmod711telkitty I've been trying to install more buttons, but it didn't work! Maybe it's because I'm using a 64 bit kernel?

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