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That one.
And I have to send in the mail-in rebate to get dat sweet cashback.
@BenjaminGruenbaum There's like 4 different ways to initialize stuff. There's this junk. There's move semantics in addition to references and copy semantics.
And since I chose free shipping, I'll actually be getting back most of the money they yoinked from me in taxes! \o/
Just a lot of junk that you have to deal with commonly.
@Lalaland you don't have to teach everything to write basic code.
I would argue that each of my examples are essential for most basic use of C++.
move semantics primarily show up for unique_ptr.
Don't write destructors/copy constructors/move constructors and assignment operators, avoid raw pointers and use values, references and smart pointers. Stick to a pretty simple subset.
Use vectors and not arrays, const everything, explain values. You've got a language you can build classroom level stuff in.
And it's not very complicated, if you want to teach real world C++ that's another story, but for education you don't really need any of the scary stuff.
Yes, but at that point, why use C++? Just use Python or something much simpler.
Or Go.
@ThePhD Kinky <3
At least that would be my argument.
Again, not my choice, was just arguing it is not a fundamentally harder language than others for classroom level stuff. They learn Python the following year, but we have a systems programming bias and Python doesn't have value semantics or deterministic resource management. We don't want to burden them much but we want them to "grow" with these ideas.
Go is very young compared to other languages, it changes often, and it doesn't run on a lot of embedded architectures that c++ runs on (again, bias). Moreover, it is mostly managed last I checked and runs in a VM.
@Borgleader I should violate rules by streaming my homework doing or something.
On livecoding.tv
I'd probably go with Python if it was my choice.
"And now we're boring ourselves to death answering these Homework 1 questions..."
@ThePhD You should start tweeting your homework github repos
@Benjamin it's an ideal language to get into the way of thinking of basic programming without worrying about too much too soon...
@ThePhD Eh, I should do more OpenGL, but I'm sad because I finished W3 and now I dont feel like doing anything =/
@Borgleader DoooooooooOooOooOooo iiiiiiiit.
Doooooooooooooooooo it.
@Borgleader What do you have to do in OpenGL anyhow?
Gbuffer and deferred lighting
well everything, but firstly ^
On the Sponza?
Deferred lighting sounds like it'd be killer
What's the first step? Setting up a GBuffer?
yeah, just getting the same result i had in forward but with a simple gbuffer (diffuse + normals)
then apply deferred lighting to it
ill keep adding what i need as i go along
Go has vastly different goals from C++.
Go wants to go. C++ wants to see more.
@elyse Yes, one of those goals is simplicity, which is very good for an introductory language.
And concurrency being actually doable.
The main thing C++ is a good promise/future library.
Then concurrency in C++ would be quite usable.
@Lalaland did you accidentally a word?
Yes. Needs*
Can't edit on a phone
whats wrong with current future/promise?
async keyword is missing. :D
thats a compiler feature not a library feature
Lies and slander.
c++ needs a good promise library, that chains. Also, generators.
Finished unboxing my mic
Generators (no, not boost coroutines) would give us such nice code.
@Borgleader We need a .then action
And a way to turn a list of promises into a promise of a list.
Writing a promise library is maybe 100 LoC
I think protobuf uses chaining promises
@BenjaminGruenbaum the tricky part would be standardizing it for cross library use.
JavaScript did this part very well.
@Lalaland well, it wouldn't be too hard, a+ promises can consume pretty much anything with a then, in C++ you'd use a template and it'd be compile time.
People want other junk though. Like the ability to specify where that promise gets run.
@Lalaland that's not a problem, take a scheduler argument like collections take an allocator argument.
By default, it gets inherited but you'll be able to override it in thens.
@ThePhD :D
Boost.Coroutine would give you even nicer code, since you don't have to worry about async I/O in your APIs anymore.
What does boost coroutine await?
Oh, whatever you'd tell it to that makes sense.
@jaggedSpire Morning! How'd you sleep?
.... Or did you never sleep?
... What if jagged never actually closes their eyes...
What if they're always watching... waiting.... staring.
@ThePhD 0_0
@jaggedSpire Not gonna lie, I had immersed myself into the narrative that that actually scared me a bit.
... Just a bit.
@ThePhD jagged is multiple people? o.O
I'm going to go bother the mechanic.
Singular they is the use in English of the pronoun they, or its inflected or derivative forms, such as them, their, or themselves, as a "pronoun that is neutral between masculine and feminine", to refer to a single person or an antecedent that is grammatically singular. It typically occurs with an antecedent of indeterminate gender, as in sentences such as: "Everyone returned to their seats." "Somebody left their umbrella in the office. Would they please collect it?" "The patient should be told at the outset how much they will be required to pay." "But a journalist should not be forced to reveal...
I do like a good singular they.
@Borgleader Unless, jagged is legion.
Then, uh. I dunno, panic?
Or just be happy there's like large swathes of land and ocean inbetween.
It's swathes
> swathse
@ThePhD <3 Legion
Man Witcher 3's Artbook is top notch. 10/10
@Borgleader I never played any of the mass effects. Just watched my brother do all 3.
These games were so good
I sure hope this HDMI cable works.
I... guess this HDMI cable is broken.
Fuck my life.
Dont you have a dvi cable lying around?
@TonyTheLion that was unexpected
@BenjaminGruenbaum We would also need to rewrite or replace things like boost::asio so that they could use promises instead.
@Lalaland isn't there a proposal for extensions for classes from the outside? Something about merging? Was that C++?
One came with it, but who the hell uses DVI cables these days? D:<
@ThePhD Well I have 3 monitors so i didnt have a choice. The center one uses the hdmi port/cable but the other 2 use DVI. The only port I have left is uh... displayport i think
@Borgleader Eww, displayport.
@TonyTheLion WTH. :)
Why did they even make that technology?
@ThePhD no clue
If this HDMI cable is broken, DVI it is.
WTH Zürich.
@ThePhD you can always get a new hdmi thing later
@ThePhD you can buy adapters.
Oh god
Only VGA. ;~;
Muh video quality ;~;
There's no difference in quality between DVI and D-SUB hth
Oh, that's the real name of VGA.
@CatPlusPlus but vga is analog. And every pixel must be correct!
Otherwise the whole experience is ruined.
I doubt there'd be any difference in quality between any two connectors
Speed for some high resolutions nobody actually really needs maybe, sound and whatever extra shit they're trying to send through those cables these days too
But quality nah
In other news BearLib continues to be great
That's FontAwesome loaded next to normal monospaced font
What's BearLib?
@ThePhD No its this
@bluefog :O
The tyranny of ncurses is coming to a close?
Its just great.
Also got REXPaint loader almost working
I'm using it for a breakout clone
@CatPlusPlus REXPaint?
Where does cat find all these libraries?
hm, why are narrowing conversions a warning with g++ and an error with clang++?
Oh, it's an ASCII art writer.
@melak47 Because clang's a pedantic piece of shit?
I'll never forget those absolutely retarded -Wtautology errors.
Have to write a whole new overload just to tell clang to go shove it.
@melak47 It's just a different implementation decision, the Standard permits them to be errors now.
@melak47 because implicit conversions are bad and clang is good.
@ThePhD What are those?
@Borgleader I found a spare HDMI cable and made it work. GLORIOUS IMAGE AND SOUND.
them being warnings makes it difficult to use SFINAE to detect them :/
@Morwenn if (true) // warning
But it sucks for template code
^ eh I like those , it can help catch bad programming bugs
Where you want to use a template parameter
if (my_templated_bool)
And it will warn on the true/false branches
even though you know the compiler will just skip the branch
use static_if :p
And generate the proper code.
So instead clang will dump errors on your face and you have to hack together static_switch or static_if or just write several overloads to properly tag-dispatch or SFINAE the stupid piece of shit
Well, I always use tag dispatch, so I never got such a warning.
Tag dispatch is overkill in many scenarios.
No, if is overkill in many scenarios.
for (uintz i = 0; i < my_templated_count; ++i) // What, are we going to tag-dispatch the 0 case for clang's tautology?
Why use conditions when you can tag-dispatch?
Why would I tag dispatch on 0 versus 20?
Why can't I write one piece of code capable of handling all of it,
and let the compiler do its job?
I'd rather CRTP my whole codebase and type-erase my conditions rather than use a bare if.
You're insane hth.
omg hello people
Come on, that was sarcasm right from the start.
Does anybody know a good site to learn c++ for free?
what's the average salary of the people in here?
@bluefog Bills be rough, yo.
THankfully, Puppy brings up our average.
@Nathvi lot of students here. During the summer, it was 90k for me. Now a big fat 0.
I've never earned a cent thanks to C++.
you're not looking in the right places then :P, or the job env around you could use improvement
Just ran python-tesseract
chrome graphics garbled :(
@Nathvi the cheapest, best way to lean C++ is pirating books IMHO.
Learn* stupid autocorrect.
Seriously, you don't even need books to learn C++.
also K&R will teach you that you know 1% of it
There is a stack overflow post with C++ books.
@AlexM. Finished HM2
@Lalaland, can you point me to it?
Q: The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List

grepsedawkThis question attempts to collect the few pearls among the dozens of bad C++ books that are published every year. Unlike many other programming languages, which are often picked up on the go from tutorials found on the Internet, few are able to quickly pick up C++ without studying a well-written...

@Lalaland, thank you :)
@Morwenn I guess you just read the standard and magically absorb your information from there?
@Nathvi also, use en.cppreference.com/w
@Lalaland No, that's not learning material at all. It's only useful to solve pedantic problems, but generally speaking cppreference.com is already enough for this task.
@Morwenn Hahaha
You're assuming very high level of competence there
How so?
Thanks again
Reference is a terrible way to learn anything
Cpprefernce teaches you how to do something. Not why or what to do.
And C++ is absolutely non-trivial with enough gotchas to spend months on
Nah, my wording was bad, but I never said that cppreference.com was learning material.
Hey, uh.
When you have a lambda that is [](){}, its trivially convertible to a function pointer.
lol @Morwenn if i give you a handbook on special functions, can you solve comp bio for me
What I wanted to say is that most of the time cppreference.com was enough to solve language-lawyer problems and that you didn't need to read the standard for that.
But it's not available for when you have struct fx_t { void operator()() { } } fx;
Right now, sol tests by checking is_convertible and smashing the function pointer down if its convertible to its pointer form.
I was wondering if it would be safe to extend this to fx_t by checking is_empty as well.
@ThePhD I thought this was the case for all non-capturing lambdas.
@Veritas Right, that's just an example.
ah ok then
@EiyrioüvonKauyf Nope, I'm rather bad at learning things and doing things in general.
My only concern is that if someone wanted to actually check the address of fx, it's technically not be available since I just passed the function pointer version of itse-
I can't EVEN convert that to a function pointer because there's no static function call operator.
Nevermind, my question isn't even possible. Carry on.
@Morwenn lambdas can do magic to convert their operator() struct into function pointers by making that function call static (probably forwarding to some unseen internal function or w/e).
Yeah, that I know. What I didn't understand was what you were trying to do.
struct's of no size that have void operator()( ) { /* blah */ } are TECHNICALLY candidates for this, since there's no captured information on the struct and thus absolutely no reason to carry around the struct in question because there's no way the function call operator on it can work on any members because there are no members (e.g, it's FUNCTIONALLY a free function).
The only problem is void operator()( ) can't be made into a free function with the static keyword. It's not allowed. So there's no way to convert it to its free-function pointer form.
well, you trivially can.
Yeah, I made such structs convert to function pointers one or two days ago in one of my libraries.
but I don't see why you would even want to.
function pointers have no advantages over function objects.
@Morwenn How? Default construct and call in a free function?
Well, they are easy to store in a collection if you don't want to type-erase everything.
function pointers are type-erased, effectively.
@Puppy Storage size and transportation through a scripting layer (in my case, lua).
@ThePhD Overload the conversion operator to make it convert to a function pointer, return a lambda.
std::function's SBO works just as well for function objects as function pointers.
@Morwenn I meant NON-intrusively. I'm doing this in a library.
@ThePhD Store the function object and then call that.
that's what userdata is for.
@Puppy That's what I normally do, but it requires 65 allocations total.
When I trigger the implicit conversion to function pointer, I can get away with just passing it as a static function pointer, which costs me 12 allocations.
I don't have to guarantee the object's destructor will run after being copied into the lua runtime, since its just a function pointer, so I don't need to have that function_base stuff.
So lua can just regularly GC the pointer and I don't have to track when and where it does that.
just because a function object is empty does not guarantee that it can be converted to a function pointer.
the special members may have side effects for example.
@ThePhD yes.
Oh, of course function pointers are also useful when you need to deal with C libraries.
@Puppy Right, that's why I was asking if it was a worthwhile investment. But I see now that detecting that could be far too aggressive an optimization.
And would introduce subtle breakages.
@Morwenn you can get around that quite easily with a std::function wrapper.
@Lalaland Of course, but you wouldn't spit on an out-of-the-box conversion, would you?
if you're really desperate for it then have a trait for it or an overload or something
@Puppy I'm not exactly desperate, but I'm refactoring / optimizing my lua runtime.
I wanted to start with functions since that was the biggest sore point for me.
@jaggedSpire Front
I hear what you're saying
and what it sounds like to me is, "Waaaaah the useful case is too slow, so I will instead shoehorn everything into the non-useful cases!"
Well, the useful case isn't exactly slow.
then why are you optimizing it?
Because I saw a graph comparing my library to others and it wasn't at the very bottom.
Bottom being fastest.
@ThePhD how about storing a function pointer + a list of arguments?
so it is exactly slow then.
Then you can convert empty classes to a function pointer + one argument.
@Lalaland Arguments are given by the runtime, I don't need that placeholder stuff and its outside my concern. My job is just "store function for later use".
@Puppy The good news is, sol beats out selene, which is the other library which has a somewhat similar feature set (but goes about itself in a different way).
So all that template metamagic is paying off.
@ThePhD actually, more simply you could just provide a special case for operator() for any object.
The biggest sore point for me, however, is going to be userdata. There's a LOT of overhead in there, from constructing std::unordered_map`'s and a bunch of other stuff.
Just store member function for operator () + this.
@ThePhD That's not really good news. It's just news. Barely even that, really.
Yes, it adds another branch, but hopefully the branch predictor will work correctly.
obviously what you should do is JIT a function that calls the relevant object directly.
@Lalaland This is less optimal and does not guarantee that a function object will be destructed properly after being copied into the lua runtime. Instead, we decay the function and then store it in the associated lua upvalue registers.
Technically, memcpying a member object or a member function pointer into void* and then plying it out on the other side is illegal... but, what the hell.
perfectly legal, AFAIK they are POD types.
Right, for member function pointers that can work out. BUt for regular objects, it's not oaky... so I should probably fix that piece of code to in-place construct it in lua's upvalues.
And then let the runtime handle those.
Right now it's just memcpying the bits of a decayed object that dies...
Lol. How did we get away with that?
Better go slip that fix in.
And write a test to make sure its allowing proper destruction.
I have to go party, see you later.
I love you ♥
@Morwenn ❤
@ThePhD Yours is bigger :o
Only because of all the love you give me.
Ok, it's really time to leave.
@Nooble They're behind us!
quests in TESO are so good and diverse
single player quality
add the fact that NPCs are fully voiced and it makes WoW & co look cheap from this POV
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm keeping my eye on you.
@AlexM. WoW has been trying to gradually integrate voice over for quests and such, but yeah it's not on the same level as newer games.
you know what else now has voices?
@AlexM. Witcher 3? :P
witcher 3 is not a mmo
Gw2 had some good voice over, for the main quests anyway.
runescape has the best voices because it's a bunch of brits talking
Age of Conan did also, but only for the first 20 levels
with that london accent or w/e it's called
it's like watching a british movie
Hmm, I wonder what I shall play next.
Maybe Watchdogs
I hope I'll be able to find friendly people in TESO like I find all the time in FF
so far no chance
I wish I had more time to try other mmos
try FF it's great but it has a monthly fee
and the game tries hard to make you play with others and other people are always nice at least in EU on moogle
GitHub's source should be at github.com/GitHub/GitHub
git's clone URL is also great: github.com/git/git.git
@Borgleader That's not real, is it?
BlooP is funny.
@ThePhD It is, but it was hardcoded.
@набиячлевэлиь GitHub isn't open-source.
@Nooble Neither are you
@ThePhD Didnt read the article, just wanted to make a robot joke with well.... robot
@набиячлевэлиь Which is why I'm not on GitHub.
But you are on Stack Exchange, which isn't open-source either.
Oh god.
What does mean?!?!
If you allow your youngest to read a little Harry Potter before bed and he memorizes the ISBN instead :S
> it can solve practical problems (Hanoi towers)
@sehe did you accidentally a word?
I was refactoring

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