@CatPlusPlus True, but static type checking is the very bare minimum to make me feel slightly safe about my program. To have some feedback from the compiler that I've hooked up things the right way.
Section 23.3.7 Class vector<bool> [vector.bool], paragraph 1 states:
template <class Allocator> class vector<bool, Allocator> {
// types:
typedef bool const_reference;
However this program fails to compile when using libc++:
#include <vector>
#include <typ...
@Borgleader It's just that with equatorials you can easily track objects manually as the Earth rotates (and depending on magnification level, an object can leave your viewing angle in minutes or seconds). Azimuthals are simpler to operate and lighter but they make manual tracking a painful experience. Azimuthals with motors are fine, though.
@VermillionAzure interesting — so meta-programming doesn't happen at runtime. That would make sense since we're using templates which is generic programming.
But even those properties are probably stored in a base type enumeration or tag or something of the sort. C++ sort of has these in the form of <type_info>
@WanderingFool Um... What else... Yeah, I'd consider C++'s metaprogramming to be sort of weak because it lacks runtime capabilities but I don't think C++ is really meant for that
Lisp is good because its syntax directly reflects the structure of the code and the way its handled by the system so it's easier to treat code as data and to do logical comparisons and branch with code in a "meta" way
@WanderingFool I do know that JIT compilers can write code directly into byte buffers as binary instructions given correct access, but there's also security issues with that so I think it ends up beign quite complex. There's articles that detail simple versions
@WanderingFool But, for machine learning, machine learning seems to be mostly about adaptive algorithms
I've gone through a small bit of it and my bioinformatics internship makes use of "machine learning;" they just seem to be algorithms for min-maxing things.
Um... You've probably taken some statistics classes but I think stuff like kmeans, NMF, hierarchical clustering, PCA, and stuff like that are probably important
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well I'm just trying to help him and tell him what I know since he was asking about metaprogramming and machine learning. No need to sneer yet.
@VermillionAzure Well, it has been enlightening. Thank you for the meta-programming notes. If you're at all interested in learning something about floating-point theory, check out my post here. stackoverflow.com/questions/30688422/… I wrote an extensive answer on the subject that is useful to know in any language that uses floating point data types.
Hello, I am brad. Good stuff, man !!! Who wanna exchange Magikarp for Pidgeot? php is faster than c++ get over it www.pornhub.com, why not compile? I have a confused sexuality meow Perl does not work here, why? 棒极啦!Spectacular!
> We have already reasoned that ‘out’ is a static variable belonging to the class System. But now we can see that ‘out’ must be an instance of a class, because it is invoking the method ‘println()’.
@orlp There are a few points about which I'm quite demanding (but I make up for it by being quite a lenient deity in most other ways--I'm a lot less concerned about "sins" and such than a supply a virgins and money).
> I know the second one is pseudo code but one thing surprise me that top score person make it off topic? The second code can also be executed using Reactive Library and top score programmer don't aware about it.
@MaiLongdong No point in meta--just flag (unlike flagging here, flagging on SO can actually be useful). Glancing at the edits, they do seem to have a bit more than you've said though. Not exactly great edits by any means, but not quite as hopeless as you implied either.
I read an article about Germany. Their policy is to make universities as cheap as possible, as after graduation, if students end up living there, which is a pretty nice place to live, students cover the whole cost by paying taxes in a few years.