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@ScottW lol
So I'm going to Switzerland in a few days and the weather says its going to be 36 C. WTF???
Bring an airco.
rightfold and his good ideas
lol @nooble you're so far from PL i dont even have words if you really think you need all of that
@ScottW too hot
@ScottW 96.8F
@TonyTheLion rip
Not as cool as me
@ScottW What?
Fahrenheit 451 is a dystopian novel by Ray Bradbury published in 1953. It is regarded as one of his best works. The novel presents a future American society where books are outlawed and "firemen" burn any that are found. The title refers to the temperature that Bradbury understood to be the autoignition point of paper. The novel has been the subject of interpretations primarily focusing on the historical role of book burning in suppressing dissenting ideas. In a 1956 radio interview, Bradbury stated that he wrote Fahrenheit 451 because of his concerns at the time (during the McCarthy era) about...
@ScottW Woops, replied to wrong message.
@EiyrioüvonKauyf What?
@rightfold Maybe they mean "high-pressure environment" literally. Hey, maybe they want you to work on software for submarines!
It's a trading firm so I doubt that.
@rightfold In that case, the answer to your question is "to make a fuckload of money"
Work there for one month, then retire.
@rightfold Dunno how similar that is to what @Mysticial is doing.
Someone call my name?
Yes. Are you illiterate?
yay, I ICE'd g++ 4.9.2
Achievement unlocked
@ScottW vOv
@ScottW Time to exchange trainwrecks:
Q: what is wrong with my java code?

zhangyu1.please give help to deal this problem? -from this picture. 2.this code have error,I can not run it How do I love thee? Let me count the ways synchronized() ,This class, I need to add what object.

It's as if that was generated by markov chains :o
so damn beautiful
Especially the t1.start(); t2.start(); t3.start(); t4.start(); part
@Mysticial oh wow, now that's bad
> How do I love thee?
@Mysticial The only coherent English in that question is right where the code should be, and makes absolutely no sense in context.
Nobody cares that you're a newbie. If you can't ask proper questions, then don't post. — elyse 2 mins ago
You've changed your name?
Fuck rightfold.
Become leftfold
Ok Elyse.
y u no starbait goddammit
HA! bait.
So you're changing your name only here or everywhere?
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ I'm happier than you are. Proof:
@unordered_meow APL program which repeatedly prints "doggod": {⎕←⍵⋄∇⌽⍵}'dog'.
Relies on TCO for obvious reasons.
@rightfold I didn't know rightfold was a country
haha a burglar was kicked K.O. after stealing €25 at a supermarked.
> supermarked
that spelling
Q: How can i send message to all users in telegram?

karimkhanI need to send private message to all telegram users in a country. How can I do that through C# in windows or Java in Android? Thanks friends.

domme schrijfwijze
whatup all
@Mysticial Sure it's possible void sendToAll() { }
Given that "telegram users" is an empty set
What are telegrams
@Mysticial What a dumbass
I hate spammers
@unordered_meow itelegram.com
apparently you can send it to everyone in the U.S. for the low low price of 350,000,000*18.95 USD
@TonyTheLion lol
@rightfold Since there's no Poland in there, this is a revised infographic
Poles aren't happy.
@Prismatic lol a binary in a git repo
someone was trying to be clever
void convert(FILE *ifp,FILE *ofp){
    int c;

    while ((c = getc(ifp)) != EOF) {
        putc(c, ofp);
He's a retard
What is dystopia supposed to mean?
its the opposite of a utopia
evil scary future society instead of happy go lucky paradise
@Prismatic That's not what I was asking.
I know what the word means.
I don't know what it is supposed to mean on that arbitrary happiness scale up there.
It's one of my favorite words.
Now let him translate this: enum an_enum { A, B }; int main() { enum an_enum value = 0; }
@Prismatic lmao. look at his examples folder.
Yeah I don't know if he's doing it ironically or what
Is he being sarcastic or something?
C is a subset of C++!
It's a joke
I wonder if spamming that in the C room would get me kicked
The program copies input into output unchanged
C and C++ are both garbage anyway so it works out
Did you guys know io domains are like, relatively expensive
This code will send to all telegram users: void sendToAll {} (since nobody is using telegrams) — unordered_meow 13 mins ago
Its was like ~$70 to register one I wanted. Also the whole domain name system is so whack; so many campers. I had this idea for a company name I liked, canadian domain was available but the com/net/org just had squatters. .com wanted like $5k for the name
whoops I ate ()
No, it was something else
$70 is nothing
Also it's novelty TLD
Q: Allow upvoting your own post/question if you click 1000 times

DenSometimes I truly believe that my answer is superior. Why not introduce a 1000 click test of the faith? Not sure if captcha would be needed.

Its usually $10-15 though. They jacked up the *.io domains because its a fad right now
@Prismatic Shocking isn't it
it's a fap
Your sarcasm gets tiring after a little while
but you are a cat
well, jeremy.sexy is open.
@Prismatic "Can you stop being sarcastic to people? I know you find it hilarious and all, but it's getting tiresome. "
They have such random domains. Like you can have *.design
@unordered_meow lol
@unordered_meow @Prismatic I can't see what's wrong with the code?
this seems fun
@EiyrioüvonKauyf What?
also i'm ok with undecidable type systems thanks
@unordered_meow I can't make sense of this either, particularly the enum an_enum value = 0; part
@EiyrioüvonKauyf What are you talking about?
Today is a wonderful day.
@DonLarynx C can't exactly be C++.
@EiyrioüvonKauyf I have no idea what you're going on about either
@elyse why
@unordered_meow pooland such sad
whats with the name change
@Prismatic That's her name.
@Prismatic why not?
user image
this ones for @rightfold
YouTube is so annoying
Thankfully youtube-dl exists
@unordered_meow i have a firefox plugin to dl shit on youtub
@unordered_meow What don't you like about it?
I just killed an animal.
Let's see... It's a streaming service with unstable interface and also tied to Google.
The only thing positive I can say about it is that other streaming services I found work even worse.
I dont like the new Google interface stuff. Its all choppy and slow on my computer. Kind of unacceptable on the desktop
Conveniently works smooth on chrome though
Google gets money from Intel.
They make you upgrade your PC.
@Prismatic maybe your desktop sucks :P
By cancelling out Moore's law.
It does suck (i3 3.2ghz, 8gb ram, gt440), but it shouldn't chop when scrolling mostly text docs. Like when they redesigned the Android API documenation layout its been a pain to browse
They made it slow on purpose.
It used to work well on my old PII 400 MHz
Making a web page awful is more effort than making it good.
Now it can crawl sometimes
The latter can be easily achieved by using nothing but semantic HTML.
Well they do avoid backporting security fixes to android and stuff and I think thats planned obsolescence. Dunno about getting payouts from intel though
The former requires CSS or JavaScript.
I have GNURoot on my Android tablet and run youtube-dl on it
Other video downloading apps are Android Market's crapware
Did I mention that Android is Hitler
I also really dislike Android
inb4 "> gawker"
What ticks me off more is that every other company (Nokia, BlackBerry, Windows) just let Android grab up the non-iOS marketshare so easily
> gawker
in after "> gawker"
Man, you C++ guys missed your calling as front-end developers
let me hold my beer
Includes video of Bitcoin Jesus.
@ScottW lies
@R.MartinhoFernandes thanks for looking at my code on Friday
"FREE AC Adapter with New Nintendo 3DS XL‏" I dont think nintendo is even trying at this point.
@Jeremy oh hell
I have a problem with incremental games. Why would you do this.
A: Inserting emoji - smartphones in MySQL database with PHP?

RolandoMySQLDBAI have this sinking feeling inside that you have a character set problem if you are using InnoDB. When you connect to MySQL, run this query select A.variable_name, A.variable_value global_value, B.variable_value session_value from ( select * from information_schema.global_variab...

Same as with all games: for fun.
@Borgleader Well they don't include it in the box anymore.
dat image macro
Laughs, get your daily dose of laughs here!
Actually shit that wasn't the right one
@Nooble So when you buy the chargeable device you need to buy the charger as a separate thing? Thats bullshit
anyway, its still a shit offer
@jaggedSpire Temptation shall overcome you.
@Borgleader Yup.
Their rationale was basically "Everyone had a DS anyway, which has the same charger!".
@jaggedSpire play this one
C++ stuff
oh, D.
even better.
@Borgleader lol
@Borgleader I actually think it's how things should work and stuff should just have micro-USB charging plugs.
Title fail of the day:
Q: Hey , Math Proplem

Talal HamidiI need A Proov Why for this proplem http://codeforces.com/contest/348/problem/A that i just get the sum for all the elements and then do this formula N = Number Of Elements , Sum = Sum Of N Elements; The Answer Will Be : Max(TheMaxElement,(sum + N -2)/(N-1)); And The Another Answer Is The Same Bu...

I have a 10-plug USB charging hub and a ton of USB cables. I don't need any more chargers.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Having a universal charging thing is good, but selling a chargeable device that uses a non standard charger and making said charger the "bonus offer" is bullshit
(id have to look at my 3ds but im pretty sure the plug is non standard, or is it my vita?)
@Mysticial That's new users trying to post "Math problem" with the site stopping them, and they won't bother looking at the error message so they make minimal necessary changes to make the site swallow this.
@unordered_meow I know. But it makes the title so much better. :)
Sorting benchmark on number of elements 1-70
@Nooble It was also in stark contrast with the Xbox One offer I saw 2 emails prior (as I was going through my unread ones) which gave you FC4 and ACU when you bought any Xbox One. Take that silly charger.
@Morwenn rofl, 70 element, try 7 million
Morwenn, Brittany
6.2k 5 28 72
What is cppsort
why are you help I've never seen you before
Nice tags
@Borgleader I barely go through my email :P
@Borgleader Prolly both. Sony and Nintendo are both like Apple.
@Mysticial I swear the quality of questions on SO decreases every day.
Which is funny, because Apple is going all standard now.
@R.MartinhoFernandes What? Really?
Since when?
The new MacBooks only have a USB-C port.
Since they started to standardise their solutions
Ah, it's small element sort on purpose
I wouldn't bother with that anyway
I can sort an ordered set in constant time.
Kotlin Jenner
Nolwenn > Morwenn
add orlp's sort thing to your project
Sorting is the most solved problem in computer science.
And also the most uninteresting one.
it would be cool to have a bench mark sort you can pass a sample data set to, and it'll tell you the optimal sort algo
So I'm gonna sleep.
lol, wired actually used "Bitcoin Jesus" in a title wired.co.uk/news/archive/2015-05/29/…
> "Because the supply of Bitcoin is limited, the price of Bitcoin is going to have to increase and increase very substantially over time," says Ver. "My advice is that if you're interested in Bitcoin and excited by Bitcoin then buy some Bitcoin and hold onto them and you're likely to do very well over time."
> Another thing that will increase usage is general awareness, of course. "Once people see Bitcoin and how it works they realise this isn't just a flash in the pan," says Ver. He believes the currency's impact will be "on par with the internet… in terms of how it's changing the way people around the world are behaving".
> ATM machines
Is this 2010 again
17 again.
I swear they copy paste the same thing for billion years
doesn't matter; got clicks
2030 will be Year of Buttcoin In Wallets
Except not because nobody will want to spend any of their precious butts by then
@Prismatic that bubble though
> There are somewhere between 5 and 10 billion Bitcoin users in the world
I wonder how many people cashed out before places like mtgox crashed
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because what is this I don't even... — Mysticial 13 secs ago
> billion
Is that a typo?
@Mysticial I'm going to assume this is how they get their jollies.
Whenever someone says journalism I just picture people doing nitty gritty reporting in war zones and stuff
Yes, it's actually just "between 5 and 10"
Whatever the glorified blog posts on the internet today are, it feels wrong to call it 'journalism'
Also I had to double check if I wasn't reading The Onion
glory to buttcoins
praise buttcoin
@ScottW Hey Mumble?
> This is good for bitcoin because...
something similar happened to a popular thing, so bitcoin is like it.
this is a normal part of the development of a new technology.
it means bitcoin is being taken more seriously.
it happened before and bitcoin grew since, so it will grow more now.
@ScottW Mumble and win the ScottWel prize!
@Mysticial Page not found :(
@Borgleader They wanted advice on how to not bite their nails
Back to the grind today.
@Mysticial Goddamn your rep is off the charts.
Wait till you see @JerryCoffin's
> +73146
Do you just see how high it gets?
> I cant read all your comment what does it say -Mystical
dat mystical Mystical user
@jaggedSpire yes
i do that too, but my rep barely increases :(
I'm 293/73146 of a @Mysticial
@Borgleader We can all only dream to be fractions of a Mystical.
3/2 is also a fraction
@unordered_meow Exactly
@unordered_meow and 0 is a percent
regardless of whether or not you actually have more rep than Mystical, you still have a fraction of their rep.
@jaggedSpire I once made a greasemonkey script to display all SO user's rep as milli-skeets
@Borgleader haha!
but to be truly usable id have to cache the results because i ended up burning through the SO API call limit in like 10 min
looking good.
@VermillionAzure hey mumble?
@jaggedSpire I'm at work.
Mumbling at work will cause my co-workers to think that I'm more crazy than I already am.
@VermillionAzure oh right time difference
Though, we all talk to ourselves at times.
@VermillionAzure or to rubber ducks?
@jaggedSpire Don't call them differences, call them... unique qualities of an extraordinary kind.
it's what 12:46 there?
@jaggedSpire 1:45pm.
@VermillionAzure oh right, sorry.
@jaggedSpire Yes, time unique qualities of an extraordinary kind
@VermillionAzure Don't worry, we all know how special your time zone is.
@jaggedSpire Praise the sun!
@jaggedSpire Yes, this is where we say words like humuhumunukunukuapua'a
Oh hi Cinch.
Do you live near a beach?
@Nooble He lives in Hawaii
@jaggedSpire Perfect!
@VermillionAzure Is it common for people to bring giant inflatable rideable ducks/swans and surf with them?
Actually, @VermillionAzure would it be creepy if I asked which island you live on?
@jaggedSpire O'ahu.
@Nooble no.
@VermillionAzure nice
@VermillionAzure :(
@Nooble You're unique, your own special koala
@jaggedSpire :)
Good morning Andrews
Because you're all Andrews.
@MaiLongdong Hello Mr Anderson
@MaiLongdong Hello dong
@MaiLongdong Who are you?
@MaiLongdong ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
Tuesday 8 am in this fine capitalist-to-death city. What a buttiful day
@Borgleader NOOOOOOOO not here.
@unordered_meow dont tell him our secrets D:

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