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@BartekBanachewicz I'm ready
Oh. Best to not include too broken code :S It turns out it distracts quite a bit from the (overly broad) question. Updatd my answer a bit — sehe 9 secs ago
@melak47 Factorio
also wow
Good job OP. Posing as a C++ nitwit really helps getting insightful answers on library complexity guarantees etc.
@BartekBanachewicz Twitch it.
my GF brought clothes from work worth few hundred € easily
unreleased collections and stuff :O
sell them
Why is she stealing clothes from work
Steal beams instead.
@CatPlusPlus not stealing
@BartekBanachewicz What, there's multiplayer in Factorio now?
@DonLarynx imposters
@EtiennedeMartel yea
Bathing is like sleeping.
It's a waste of time.
Well, damn. Maybe it'll be the thing that'll make me play it.
Multiplayer's been there in various states of stability for over a year
employees can take the faulty/sample/w/e clothes
Wha.. why are you starring that message?
@rightfold But you get soft and rippled
@Jefffrey up
@CatPlusPlus I never did anything more than watching LP of Factorio, and they're all single player, so I was under the impression that MP was non existent.
Good researching skills
@CatPlusPlus wait wat
anyway I suppose if you want socks for christmas I found a nice occasion to get some :D
> get some
Hahah nope umask also destroys setgid bits great
I am sitting in most fabulous trousers ever
lemme pic
@BartekBanachewicz I am missing my eyes
I read that :D as D
Are you having a pause?
@CatPlusPlus huh, on creation, what API takes the mode on creation again?
Says player bartek is having a pause
@Jefffrey ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@Jefffrey meno pause
I meant glasses
I'm just trying to have files be writeable for outside world
@Jefffrey yeah
The folder is bind-mounted as volume into a container
And filled with files
@AlexM. It's not sexual come on
Somebody Twitch it. :(
It's all hacky but I don't have time to do it better
I want to watch people play video games.
@Jefffrey they say sexuality is in the eyes of the beholder
or something like that
Filtered graph and subgraph have different functionality alltogether. So you decide based on your requirements/needs. — sehe 23 secs ago
Congrats Joe C for your edit. Which made your inquiries even more vacuous
I mean come on
they're great :D
k time to build a factory
see you in a few hours
@BartekBanachewicz pajamas?
@AlexM. yeah. She was asking for it
something between pajamas and regular trousers
not gonna wear them outside
weirdest camel toe occurrence
@BartekBanachewicz currently in the process of cat atunement
@Xeo oh well
@AndyG I'm bookmarking the hell out of this link — Borgleader 10 secs ago
I might join Factorio in the weekend.
@Xeo Can they cast hairball yet
@CatPlusPlus solid preparation
Can't you just use a std::list<std::pair<int, std::string>>? ;-) — fredoverflow 53 secs ago
@BartekBanachewicz You can play chess on your trousers, and much less in your browsers!
Ape doesn't even drop the most pertinent tweets in the lounge anymore :(
Stars are so useless lately
DAMN. Onebox failed, and now I've deleted the post
Do you prefer using unsigned int over just int when the range isn't a problem and the variable wont ever be negative?
p.s. if you think you're funny or original by starring everything then i have bad news for you
It said
> Wait! Don't delete this now. I'm programing it right now – sehe 28 secs ago
@HalfEvil why not? It's clear code.
plus you may get the warning "warning: unsigned/signed int comparison" if you don't
I wish I were a wizard.
@HalfEvil I prefer the adequate type. If range isn't a problem, then I will stick with signed. Because unsigned is contagious and surprising in calculations
@DonLarynx That is a strange argument. Because it assumes that unsigned has already been chosen in the surrounding code. Have you heard of designing your types/apis?
@HalfEvil I use unsigned mostly for identifiers and bit operations, or if I'm forced to (see size() container member function)
@HalfEvil Well, what happens if you decrement 0 by accident? Would -1 be more helpful to spot the bug than 4 billion something?
(I know stdlib uses size_t extensively, so here you don't have to make that choice anymore. However, the question clearly stipulates "when the range isn't a problem". So standard library is irrelevant because that's always fixed-range)
> Implant Fights Stroke, Tinnitus by Retraining the Brain spectrum.ieee.org/tech-talk/biomedical/devices/… /cc @R.MartinhoFernandes
@DonLarynx Well I see two arguments against it, first is that it's longer to type, second one is that one unsigned int minus another unsinged int always returns a unsigned int. So like unsigned x1 = 10, unsigned x2 = 5. (x2 - x1) > 0
@HalfEvil int32_t vs. uint32_t. Yup. 15% more typing.
@HalfEvil 1) typedef unsigned int uint
where the frick is ur 2nd argument?
Just using u32 = uint32_t; using i32 = int32_t; then
int typedef unsigned uint;    // Gotta love C syntax
dat keyword ordering
@fredoverflow Cat instructed me not to star
@sehe I am planning feature for my C beginner IDE: When undefined behavior is detected, keywords will be scrambled at random like that.
@rightfold Join and watch
5 mins ago, by sehe
@HalfEvil I prefer the adequate type. If range isn't a problem, then I will stick with signed. Because unsigned is contagious and surprising in calculations
It's contagious
^ Don't star this, or it becomes a pointer!
@fredoverflow it stays a builtin primitive type
^ is some kind of a pointer in C++ CLI so be careful with that too :)
aaaaaaaand self-derailed
would you guys date a co-worker?
@DonLarynx is she hot?
@AndyProwl I'd love it
:23813592 lol, fixed, thanks
@sehe well, assumingly
she's a goddess with low level assembly
@MarcoA. is it a charity act?
what the hell lol
@DonLarynx then, no. I'm married
@DonLarynx Probably depends on the relationship I'd have with her at work (e.g. is she my boss? is she in my team? etc.), but without knowing more, I'd say yes
@AndyProwl makes sense
@DonLarynx Don't fuck the payroll.
@Mysticial You heathen.
@sehe If you "star" an int, you get an "int star", get it?
@fredoverflow I could shoot you for that joke
@Mysticial wut. That's a weird thing to say/post etc. The guy was practically dead. Off by inches really
@fredoverflow ... Yes. But int doesn't become a pointer. Get it?
@sehe You mean int is immutabe? agreed
Well, all types are...
@MarcoA. I reckon she needs to be, because she will expect to find any prospective bed partner in need of re-assembly
My female coworkers are >50 y/o.
@sehe What is up with the Buddist Netherlands?
@EtiennedeMartel Good question. I twote in response
@sehe lol
Also, Buddist Scandinavia.
@DonLarynx Are you working in the same building/on the same floor?
@Rapptz what
that's ageist
@EtiennedeMartel I think it means (like UK) only non-mass religions actually grow.
@fredoverflow yes.
Don't do it then.
@Jefffrey How would he even know? You don't ask women, erm, people, erm, living beings for their age!
@Rapptz mine average at around 24 I'd guess
Fair enough
@fredoverflow I see what you are doing
@AlexM. yay new av
> discussion in EWG mostly concerned details such as what to call the traits and functions [...], and whether yield is a reasonable keyword to standardize (consensus was that it was not, and so we’re going to get keywords prefixed with co- such as coyield and coreturn instead)
@milleniumbug I got bored of the older av
@AndyProwl ew stackless coroutines
Stackful ones are more powerful and already implemented.
Apparently there's a proposal for those too
Ever since I followed @RichardDawkins I get the weirdest Twitter #highlights. I guess envy is blind. https://twitter.com/JeremiahWink/status/606987308940730368
I couldn't resist anymore. The influx of ridiculous highlights is just too bizarre
plus two more proposals than unify those two proposals
i'm almost done with today's reading
wow i am tired
@sehe Great read.
I hope you didn't click the link. I know I didn't
@EtiennedeMartel Now that you made me curiouser, I did. Looks like a rehash of '80s leaflets
@AndyProwl standards.txt
@AndyProwl why not yield return?
@Ell Source?
I coin cojack and cojones
@Rapptz yeah
How about coroutine::yield(x).
Queue < Node * , Deque < Node * > > Que;
@sehe lol
Ok. cohort then. compromise
@Rapptz I'd like that better
(oooh. cofuture :))
@AndyProwl time to hint to the committee to do it
I'd be fine with yield too, tbh
but I don't know anyone in EWG
I guess the motivation is to allow people to use the name yield for their own stuff
and backwards-compatilbility
yeah but we already have contextual keywords
I agree that yield return is strictly better. 1st for not being breaking (unless macros) and 2nd becuase it's existing practice
Making yield a reserved word breaks Mill.
might as well make it a contextual keyword
Do it like C.
@Rapptz but what is the context here?
> Nested namespace definition
@Rapptz return makes it so.
Introduce a _Yield keyword and a <stdyield> header.
return yield would make it a contextual keyword
wish this could be forcefully backported to C++11 :P
@AndyProwl The context is that it's before return.
void f() yield {
    // within this function, yield is treated as a keyword
@Rapptz yeah
This is what C# does except it has an async keyword.
@Rapptz I thought context was only allowed to be "preceding" the keyword (see override at the end of a function's signature)
override's silly location was because override override f(); would be "ambiguous".
It's completely moronic.
For consistency with virtual it should have used similar rules to virtual.
consistency and C++
ok then I agree yield return is best
@TBohne this might interest you nfrechette.github.io/2015/05/01/cpp_stl_container_deficiencies (not exactly on topic, but touches the "why can't we have nice things" issues with the standard library as it is) /cc @LucDanton
I'm not fond of state machine generation hacks.
But that may be just me.
@AndyProwl It's C++! You can do anything and still not complicate the grammar more than currently
@sehe 404
C++ is incredibly fragile.
you have an extra (not in the URL
I would be most surprised if any attempt at non-library coroutines would result in shitloads of annoying edge-cases.
@Rapptz I lacked a space :) (thanks)
The only thing C++ needs for the next decade is a shitload of deprecation.
@rightfold s/non-library//g
But that's not cool.
@rightfold I agree.
No forks, but gradual deprecation. Get rid of the historical millstones
Then, the next decade, deprecate more.
Then in decade 3 you might be able to remove some of the deprecated features from decade 1.
deprecate <cstring> NOW
I'd deprecate declaration syntax
@sehe meh I don't like it
Nah. At some point there will be the tipping point. When deprecation is not required to get projects on board. You'd just make tooling to transform code bases.
I didn't like any part of it tbh
Crappy C++ to idiomatic Rust converter. :>
language features like pointer decay will probably be hard to get rid of.
> Size is thus a type, a number of bytes and a number of elements depending on the context.
@StackedCrooked deprecation and compiler warnings are a first step.
I didn't know people confused themselves over this.
> Templating the allocator on the container type is a bad idea
How would they expect to be able to store it if it isn't templated?
@Rapptz It indeed is.
The other ways to do it incur inherent costs like virtual tables, indirection, etc.
How would you do using v = std::vector<int, allocator<v>>;?
@Rapptz type erasure; and yes, ironically that's against the ~~purformance~~ mantra

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