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It's not worth a lot because it's not rare at all
heh, I have a 1 billion deutsche mark paper :)
Back from the 1930s
I have a malloc question. Unfortunately, it's more specifically a gcc malloc question but no one is in that room.
This is the gcc malloc emergency replacement room
@R.MartinhoFernandes it's expensive is what I mean
There's a gcc malloc room?
£3 for a piece of paper is expensive
@paul23 My girlfriend once spend one million on a new set of glasses. That was before they cut a few zeros off the Złoty.
@R.MartinhoFernandes The malloc room is where all the garbage is collected.
zloty is polish right?
@R.MartinhoFernandes, well a gcc room
@Ell Yep. Back then, that used to be about DM100.
german marks? :P
I don't know what a DM is
I'll google
Deutsche Mark
Pay attention
How old are you, @Ell?
that's what I thought. I thought germany in german was "deustcheland"
@sbi 19 :)
@Ell Deutschland.
@Ell Hey, same age over here :)
@Ell So you must have been five when we got rid of the Deutschmark. I can't really blame you for not knowing what DM is then.
So I go to the post office and tell 'em my wallet was stolen and ask if a copy of my ID is enough to pick up a package. They tell me what I have to do to let a friend pick up a package. I don't even.
@buttifulbuttefly wat no way
Actually a sports club that didn't have room last fall just replied to me they have room now.
@Ell Why wouldn't it be true?
That's some remembering
@buttifulbuttefly idk, I seem to remember otherwise
that's the only reason really vOv
@R.MartinhoFernandes The friend will need a permit from you, though, I am sure. Written, signed. (They need someone with an ID to be on the save side. From their POV this makes sense.)
How do they guarantee I signed it?
I can't pick it up because I can't prove that I'm me, but someone else can because they can prove they're not me?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Faking a sign is quite a heavy offense.. that's one thing.
I think it's just so they know who stole it
How does that make any sense.
Secondly comparing it to your other signs is easily done
No it's not.
They don't have my signature.
@R.MartinhoFernandes It worked for well over 400 years for (say) bank tranfers.
They have nothing to compare too.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Maybe it's time you asked Alice & Bob for help?
You don't even have to forge my signature.
there is a singature on the visa card and drivers license no?
You just scribble some nonsense and that's it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Uh don't you have a sign on your passport?
@R.MartinhoFernandes They don't need to. If you didn't sign it, someone must have falsified your signature. They can do this even when your wallet is not stolen. If they do so, they're frauds and have the police at their heels. As long as a signature is an accepted validation, the post office is in the clear if they have yours.
I don't have a fucking passport.
They don't have mine and there's no need to forge my signature.
It's not a forgery if it's not even close to it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes You'll get a temporary one from your ambassy?
If it's stolen
Hey there. First time here. Do people talk about code in here, or just chat?
How does that help the post office compare a random scribble to my signature that they don't have?
@R.MartinhoFernandes They check the ID of the guy who picks up your parcel. If you later show up and demand your parcel, they have his name etc., so they can point the police at him.
@R.MartinhoFernandes It is. If they present some scribbled name as your signature, it's fraud.
You can actually use your own signature.
They won't know.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Actually impersonating another person is always a crime. Even if you're not close to looking like another person, saying you are and just presenting a blank signature is already a crime.
I know this for a fact because I often sign bullshit in things like that.
What's the chemical symbol of wood?
I need the mass of a wood atom.
@R.MartinhoFernandes My cheques have quite often been bounced as my handwriting changed a bit.
Yes but they have something to compare to.
@paul23 we've been over this.
At the post office, they don't.
@rightfold I don't think it's so easy vOv
@R.MartinhoFernandes But it's like sbi said: they know who picked it up anyways.
Or are you saying now that even the passport of the person picking it up might be forged?
@rightfold Is that one of those new transuranics with a half-life of 2ps?
30% of wood is lignin: C9H10O2,C10H12O3,C11H14O4
Wow, I'm using Windows 10 right now
This shit is awesome
@MartinJames "Is that one of those new transuranics with a half-life of 2ps" has 12 words. There are 2 versions of Half-Life: 1 and 2. 2*1 + 2*2 = 4. 12 / 4 = 3. Half-Life 3 confirmed.
@Columbo what you comparing it to?
@rightfold lol
@TonyTheLion Windows 7, which is what I was using beforehand
ohh cool
well let me know your evaluation
@Columbo I´m doubtful it´ll be better
since I have to decide whether I want to upgrade
For me since windows xp it's been going slowly downhill, with ineed some "local maxima" but none actually showing an uphill movement..
When I accept a parcel at work, I sign "Robot".
And it's the same for all operating systems to be frank
I had to manually install my Killer Ethernet drivers
No one bats an eyelash.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Hey, how about you and Unconference :((
that is probably your signature then vOv
if that is the one you use most
I'm not forging anything, but I'm also not signing anything.
@Ell it's not. My ID has my signature in it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ROBOT REPLY
@R.MartinhoFernandes If they then ask for your signature and you write down something else. - and it's not a slight modification on accident you're actually forging.
Forging what?
That's not what forgery means.
You're pretending to be "not yourself".
That's impersonation if anything
@CatPlusPlus Is there a difference?
But who am I impersonating?
An entity named "Robot"
your other self
No, it's wrong word either
They take my name.
Impersonating is actually the crime I'm talking about: up to 12 years prison.
@R.MartinhoFernandes what do you answer when you hit a captcha btw?
I'm impersonating myself, then?
Woohoo, PHP is 20 years old today.
Anyway signatures are only useful for cross-verification, you don't have to use your full name or anything specific
Because it's my name that they put there.
Many people just scribble something vaguely resembling letters
Valsheid in geschrift(e) of schriftvervalsing is een begrip uit het recht. Valsheid in geschrifte is een strafbaar feit, waarvan sprake is wanneer de valsheid gepaard gaat aan bedrieglijke inzichten en betrekking heeft op welbepaalde documenten die volgens de wet een zekere geloofwaardigheid genieten. Een valse vermelding op een factuur kan strafbaar zijn, een valse bewering in een liefdesbrief wellicht niet. In het Belgische Strafwetboek hoort de valsheid in geschriften bij de ernstige misdaden en wanbedrijven tegen de openbare trouw. Er wordt een onderscheid gemaakt tussen materiële valsheid...
V useful article about a thing
nobody knows
" Hij die een geschrift dat bestemd is om tot bewijs van enig feit te dienen, valselijk opmaakt of vervalst, met het oogmerk om het als echt en onvervalst te gebruiken of door anderen te doen gebruiken, wordt als schuldig aan valsheid in geschrift gestraft, met gevangenisstraf van ten hoogste zes jaren of geldboete van de vijfde categorie."
@R.MartinhoFernandes No, but they can point at it if it turns out it was a fraud, and are in the clear. Remember: To them it is not important that you get your parcel. To them it's only important that they get paid for delivering it to whomever, and that they do not get into legal trouble.
That explains everything!
"He who is a document intended to serve as evidence of any fact, falsely gears up or distorted, with the intention of using it as a real and genuine or to let others use, shall be punished in writing as guilty of falsehood, imprisonment not exceeding six years or a fine of the fifth category."
There's no malicious intent in using a nickname you're known by to sign things
Ok google translate can't do grammar on those kind of documents but ye this is what you're doing
As you "distort" your identity
You haven't explained what it is I forged.
By making your signature different
I'm forging what?
@paul23 I always thought Win2k was the best, but Win7 is a real improvement over it.
Different from what
@CatPlusPlus The official one recognised by the state?
And that's what
@R.MartinhoFernandes iron swords.
Nobody from the state ever asked me about my signature and hell, I can't make it look the same if I do it twice in 10 seconds
An signature you put on your id (you can only change that by going to the local authorities and changeit)
Also, how will you accuse me of anything? Anyone could scribble random shit.
I didn't forge my signature.
@R.MartinhoFernandes That's a seperate topic and that's indeed why you can do it
How do I forge my signature?
@paul23 Can I have some of what you are drinking? Seems to be strong stuff.
Do what? Forge my own signature?
@sbi ?
This conversation is a whole load NOPE
Robot stop pretending to be yourself you criminal
@paul23 "He who is a document..."
I want to make software.
But I don't know what software to make.
@sbi Google translate :P
@rightfold Bored, eh?
Documents deserve the same rights as humans, I am a document and I do not forge my own signatures
@rightfold You have this problem often, perhaps finish one of the zillion projects you've started?
@paul23 Yeah, but I thought Dutch is your native language?
@Ell inb4 "I identify as a document..."
What I'm doing is merely failing to make a proper signature.
@TonyTheLion lol yeh
"He who falsely marks a paper(?) that is used for official identifications. Or in any way distorts the markings...."
You wouldn't say I'm forging anything if I got it slightly wrong once and a cheque bounced.
@sbi yes but english isn't, I have no idea how to name all those terms in law
@R.MartinhoFernandes Right. And if I slap your face real hard, I am just "failing" to grab the glass on the shelf behind your head.
@R.MartinhoFernandes THat's "gedogen"
I am forced to get it wrong anyway.
Or "mistakes" and "not on purpose"
They don't have anywhere near enough space for it.
@paul23 Right. And you have no idea whether ""He who is a document..." might not be valid English.
@sbi :P
Just gave my own translation above.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I kinda feel like this sums up your day pretty well, huh?
Hand signatures are a crapshoot anyway
But yea I have no idea how to name "official marking that it's really you" in english - or "official part of document used for identification"
Use your paw, instead, @Cat!
@sbi It's pretty valid, doesn't make much sense, though
inb4 PGP keys
I can barely fit my first name in the space they give to sign up for parcels.
@CatPlusPlus Worked for over 2000 year
Nor my last name.
So I just write bullshit because they don't care anyway.
Is there a way to get the total amount of memory that has been allocated by malloc?
I gave up signing "Martinh"
How large do you write?
Signature large.
@R.MartinhoFernandes o
@paul23 72p
@BrandenBoucher Get a counter?
My name has 27 letters, four of them capitals, and I write really big capitals.
I write all of those in my signature.
98% of things requiring signatures can't cope with signatures.
@nabijaczleweli what do you mean?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I write smilies.
@BrandenBoucher Overload it. Have a counter. Use operator new
It's almost like things requiring names on the Internet.
Signatures need to be able to be written in a 60 * 18.2 mm box
Actually that's specified in the dutch law
Hi, anyone know where I can open the Watch window in Visual Studio 2013 Community?
Oh well, tough luck for them
Windows 10 stole Gnome's multiple desktop idea
My signature doesn't fit.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Robot
Hey robot
And I'm a European citizen.
Robot, reply
Well then the part of your signature that fits is used :P
So fuck them.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ROBOT!
He fucking plonked me, this is unbelievable biggotery
@R.MartinhoFernandes Are you coming to the Unconference, or probably not?
I'll know tomorrow.
Okay, good luck.
Need to buy dinner
@nabijaczleweli aah. Wish I could. It's actually in gcc C
Need to finish programming
Priorities, priorities..
@BrandenBoucher Here's your problem
@paul23 you know what's funny? My signature can be written in such a box. Not by me, though, so any reproduction of my signature that complies with that is clearly a forgery.
Found the problem. Thanks.
I exploded a package of cinnamon all over the kitchen.
This is soooooooo not my week.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well, you can now unplug your kitchen air-freshener and save some power.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Go to sleep, wake up in a week.
Just like our Robot, you don't need a passport to be cool! You just need to read our rules!
I'm gonna stretch that one as much as I can.
@paul23 It never "worked"
People just don't care until it matters
@CatPlusPlus If it would be that easy you'd get your money stolen a lot.
There is this term, which is probably "russian XYZ" that points the tactics of deflecting criticism by Russia from, say, USA that goes something like this: USA: "You are doing A wrong." Russia: "But you had slavery!" Instead of addressing the perceived problem A by Russia they instead point out different problem in USA. Can anybody remember the term that describes this?
@Ven Nope.
Maybe en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hominem ad hominem attacks, though I think there'a better logical fallacy describing it, let me check
try lesswrong
@paul23 It is not ad hominem attack. I remember seeing a Wikipedia page related to this specific attack.
@EtiennedeMartel Yes, that is basically it. But there was this term which I believe was attributing it to Russians.
Anyone done networking over power lines?
@CatPlusPlus Nope. Only read about it.
A fallacy is incorrect argument in logic and rhetoric which undermines an argument's logical validity or more generally an argument's logical soundness. Fallacies are either formal fallacies or informal fallacies. == Formal fallacies == A formal fallacy is an error in logic that can be seen in the argument's form. All formal fallacies are specific types of non sequiturs. Anecdotal fallacy - using a personal experience or an isolated example instead of sound reasoning or compelling evidence. Appeal to probability – is a statement that takes something for granted because it would probably be the...
Btw that one is tradition bound - only in western society that is considered a logical fallacy
In chinese/japanese that is considered a perfect reason
It's what the government (and accepted by populance) say as reason to not follow the kyoto protocol. ("US didn't follow it in the past so we don't have to either now")
"And you are lynching Negroes" (Russian: "А у вас негров линчуют", A u vas negrov linchuyut, "And at your place, they are lynching Negroes") and the later "And you are hanging blacks" (Russian: "А у вас негров вешают") are anecdotal counter-argument phrases, which epitomize the tu quoque arguments used by the Soviet Union in response to allegations that it had violated human rights. Use of the phrase refers to such attempts to deflect criticism, e.g. by referencing racial discrimination and lynching in the United States. The Economist popularized the term whataboutism for the repeated usage of...
@CatPlusPlus I have
I'm thinking about it to replace that shitty WiFi crap
Nice poster btw
Might make it my avatar :)
@CatPlusPlus I have
I wonder if this can do 150+ Mbps reliably
Did anyone notice the swatsika on it?
Its quite fast, but I couldn't tell you how fast
the other nuisance is the adapter you plug into the power socket, is prone to over heating and breaking
This one stays awesome: youtube.com/watch?v=LITbqHprNL0
It'd be nice, I wouldn't have to ask the landlord if we can drill
And less cables
@CatPlusPlus I have.
it's quite convenient mostly but I found it to be unreliable and often suffer short outages
@CatPlusPlus This is what I have
speed was quite low too but we didn't need speed and bought the cheapest on offer I believe
The performance is externely dependent of the quality of wiring and the layout of the walls
At my parents house you couldn't pair two adapters that were a few meters apart
Here I had to test several plugs to make it work well
@Mr.kbok I figured
Could use a way to test this without actually buying real things
You can look at the noise level in the wires maybe
Yeah no actually borrowing this stuff may be the only viable option
There's a fire at my school, looks like I'll be dismissed early.
@Nooble What accelerant did you use?
@MartinJames Vodka
Oh you mean for the fire
Mein Frühstück war sehr geil.
Fuck yeah, new cat tree is up and operational.
I used it to replace WiFi also
Getting it to connect is finicky IME
> I tried to give my neighbors a hint by naming my wifi 'I can hear you fukk'
They replied with renaming theirs to 'at least we have a sex life'
not very funny but somewhat interesting way to communicate
Yeah :L
ugly situation
I had that problem once
I just yelled them to keep it down
I thought you meant lack of sex life
nothing worse than being single and having both of your neighbors' beds banging at your wall at 3 am.

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