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Faster feedback is important.
If you want faster feedback then don't use C++
@ThePhD I guess you can apply it to them, but at least offhand I don't see any particularly good reason you'd want to.
i heard the intellisense in 2015 is quite good, im eager to try it
Shut up Cat
Man I'm out of coke zero
I'm using 2013 community w/e
Roslyn's in 2015
Everything can be improved.
@Ell do you like coke zero :< I think it tastes really bad compared to pepsi light
Except C++
coke zero is the only drink I have a mental reminder set for that says "don't buy coke zero"
Even C++
@Borgleader It's definitely improved, anyway. Whether that qualifies as "quite good" or not is a matter of opinion.
To improve C++ you have to make a new language, and hey, people are already doing that (they're not C++)
@CatPlusPlus Go for it
Heck, even PHP got improved lately.
You can't incrementally improve something that's fucked up at foundation
@AlexM. Good thing--wouldn't make much sense to set a "don't buy Coke zero" reminder about, say, Pepsi.
@MarcoA. I think the language that attempts to improve C++ explicitly is D
@JerryCoffin well i doubt i can go R++/VA free in 2015, but I think the need for them is lessened
That just makes the collapse all the more inevitable and funny
I can't figure out a good replacement for LUA_RIDX_GLOBALS...
Anyway I need a project as an excuse to play with C# 6
what has vin diesel got to do with lua?
@Borgleader "VA free"? That doesn't sound reasonable to me.
@CatPlusPlus Lounge<Chat>.
@melak47 assault on dark athena had such an unique graphics style
@melak47 what a question.. it's obvious
@CatPlusPlus PHP was even more fucked up at fundamentals. But you can't deny it hasn't improved.
No it wasn't
@JerryCoffin Do you use Visual Assist at work? (i realize your joke probably flew way over my head)
Also we were discussing tooling not languages.
@AlexM. Early on, that was explicitly claimed about Java as well (not that it's an improvement, but that was part of what they claimed to be trying).
@MarcoA. ....wat?
@melak47 JSON Statham (or wtv) and Vim Diesel
i must protect my favourite language~~
@Borgleader we have a winner
@Borgleader Yes, I have my own copy at home, and one of the first things I asked for after starting at my job was a copy of VA.
For some reason PHP 7 isn't going to get rid of cruft like variable variables.
@AlexM. dead space?
the style makes up for whatever lack of details
@AlexM. -1 distinguishable from reality.
@Puppy assault on dark athena
@JerryCoffin I see, I have VA at work also, but at home I decided to give the new R++ a go, so I got that recently.
I think the problem with c++ is backwards compatibility requirements
a chronicles of riddick game
but I also reckon that's the reason everyone uses it
COBOL > C++.
@CatPlusPlus PHP is my least favourite language. But I'm still way more objective at judgements than you.
Ell learn COBOL with me.
@AlexM. -1, there's a "dick" in the title
breaking compatibility is just like starting a new language in terms of adoption, isn't it?
@PolymorphicPotato okay
Yes, we've been over that
@Ell wide
@Borgleader Sounds confusing to me--but I've used VA for so long, I literally get confused by things that just don't work without it.
@Puppy oh yah
you need to start making those lifestyle changes so you can continue working on it
@milleniumbug What does that even mean
@Ell Itsatrap!
I'm not objective because I don't handwave problems away or what
(The nonsense in the 'objectiveness of judgement' aside)
you're not objective because you hate c++
@JerryCoffin I dont have that problem, I mostly use VA to find references, and open files (+ the suggestions and whatnot), im not a power user of it. So in my head I have the stuff I use in VA and the R++ equivalent shortcuts.
i should learn the more advanced stuff you can do with it
freeimage is gpl I think maybe
oh it's gplv2, gplv3 and fipl
@Borgleader I'm not sure if I really qualify as "power user". It certainly has a lot I don't use--but there are definitely some keyboard shortcuts that have (every so slowly) imprinted themselves on my brain, to the point that I feel fairly lost without them.
@CatPlusPlus You're being stubborn. You say that something that got improved hasn't improved. This is fundamentally wrong. It may be still bad (which I agree with), but by saying that it hasn't improved is flat out wrong.
This flagging is getting ridiculous, you can't say shit with out some uppity twat thinking someone must be offended.
May 20 at 15:58, by Etienne de Martel
@AlexM. Lack of consequences.
@Borgleader nah, I just didn't report it live
@CatPlusPlus You are "lol".
shit with out some uppity twat thinking someone must be offended.
There, I said it.
@AlexM. nicely taken out of contex
it applies to anything where someone is being an asshole because there are no consequences so...
C language didn't let you declare variables outside of the beginning of the block. Now it does. So it got improved.
@AlexM. How about to this, you fuc....nope. Sorry, just couldn't do it.
it's undeniable that C has improved.
hardly anything on the scale of how shit C is, but it has improved.
@Puppy I deny that C has improved since C11.
It is still bad, but it got improved.
I wish enum class identifiers could start with an integer
What for
1d, 2d
use case?
@Ell Emulate it with user-defined literals!
So let's make a whole new class of identifier just so literally few names could be slightly intangibly better
it'd always have to be in a scope so there would be no ambiguity
not in scope... what's the word
you're welcome
I need a triple monitor setup.
@thecoshman lol what got flagged
@Ell dimensions::one dimensions::two?
@Ell "requirements" is far too strong. But "legacy" maybe
nothing bad with monodim bidim tridim you know :A
do sound funny tho
I prefer t1d to monodim :P
@MooingDuck yeah I guess
line rectangle cube
void MakeTexture(D theD)
or is it D theD
oh I'm so good at names: array_name_genr_as_name_genr
dafuq is genr
generator :P
I guess it should be name_array_genr_as_name_genr though
-1, more than 1 vowel. try arr_nm_gnrtr
Or nm_ry_gnr_s_nm_gnr
std::tuple is great.
@AlexM. lol 8 stars. No I haven't gotten very far. The stupid Baron's quest with the wraith gangbang has been annoying me to no end.
I just installed g++ 5.1, but when i do g++ -v it gives me 4.8.2, how do i change the alias?
we've done this before
look back to when you last asked this question
last time i had no alias though, is it the same procedure?
RIP the lua global table.
@Rapptz I tried so hard to beat the wraiths one evening
@AlexM. Dunno, it's convenient.
slept one day then I went back and got it on my first try
I wondered if it's secondary but no it's main
so it makes sense like that
I have to keep restarting
@Borgleader where is g++ installed?
yes and it doesn't let you save :P
yesterday, by Alex M.
I really hate how the save system works there
I can manage the first time the wraiths appear
try axii to stun them
but the environment the second time is just annoying
axii -> stun -> hit until dead
yrden also makes them hittable
did you kill the fetus?
or did you turn it into the lubberkin
So I got luajit 2.0.4 to compile with sol...
Who here plays GMod?
But there's a handful of runtime errors that are crashing things.
@Ell idk i just added a ppa and did sudo apt-get install g++-5
@Rapptz nah I wanted to help the guy so I didn't kill it
poor mate tho, nothing seems to go his way so far
I got too fedup so I thought maybe I'd kill it
@Borgleader which g++, delete the symlink, make symlink to your g++-5.1
even his daughter is like "fuck that retard"
and wouldn't come back
but I'm not done with the quest yet so...
> alias g++="g++-5"
well that was simple
@Rapptz that doesn't work
once you get to take half of the thing's health
he spawns wraiths anyway
see you tried it too
but it's even more annoying
haha, ye of little faith.
out of accident lol
it turns out that if you run away far from the baron while he's carrying the thing
the battle autostarts because the beast goes crazy
you have to stay close to the baron the whole time
probably a mechanism to keep exploiters at bay
the devs sure made a lot of these
I had that trigger too
it was annoying
I was killing the wraiths
and then the stupid fetus decided to hit me
I couldn't spam igni on the werewolf on death march because at some point it starts rehealing fast
which werewolf
anyway those wraiths are annoying as hell
they're the reason why I haven't been playing lately
@melak47 the one who killed a peasant girl in a village
@AlexM. oh that one. how did you resolve that quest? :)
igni is really bad
@Rapptz there's a place between a stone and the fence where nothing comes at you in that round arena thing
So is it worth 40€
it's 130 damage per cast
you can shoot igni at the thing from there but he reheals anyway so...
@melak47 I killed the werewolf
it's not like there are lots of things to do there
@AlexM. what about the sister...or are we talking about different werewolves
I didn't kill her obv
I guess I'll try again
I didn't let the werewolf kill her I mean
Yrden is not helpful
I thought it would be
But it isn't
it doesn't stun them for me
@Rapptz you need to use exploits and glitches more if you want to do max diff imo
it just makes them hittable
it seems to me like you take the challenge head on
@Rapptz axii stuns
Worked on something and got stuck with this, pastebin.com/BeVCLhDT , can anyone say why the output is that way?
yrden makes them material
I can already hit them without Yrden
They are already corporeal.
when they warp they're not
@milleniumbug probably just got confused at the first snippet which instantiates a vector nontemplate type.
until they finish hitting you
stunning doesn't make them corporeal but it makes them take full damage
@HalfEvil What were you expecting it to output instead?
@HalfEvil you're printing in the destructor, what'd you expect?
@milleniumbug Done - 10 I guess
Or at least 5 - Done - 10
the reason why it annoys me is because the wraiths do some combo on me
like hitting me once isn't enough
they hit me 3 times and then another of their wraith buddies join up on me and keep hitting me
I actually lost all my HP while in hitstun
you need to spam space
rude :(
space being dodge?
@HalfEvil X doesn't have an operator=(int), so it uses X(int) followed by operator=(X) instead, then destroys the temporary.
@HalfEvil Since you can't assign an int to the object of your type (there isn't an operator=(int)), the temporary is created, which is destroyed when the statement finishes executing.
If you make your constructor explicit, it will be a compiler error instead.
@MooingDuck oh I see, thanks! :)
@Rapptz the one where you jump away from hits
there's sidestep and then there's rolling
@Rapptz sidestep is dodge, rolling is jumping. I guess :p
Oh wow John Nash is dead.

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