@RMartinhoFernandes How so? If you don't want to change the string, use an immutable_string (ugh, damn long name. Any better idea? ref_string?). And if you want to change it, use a string. They are convertible to each other
@Grizzly That's currently the only way I see that implementation working.
At the same time, the mutable one needs to be able to convert to an immutable one and be able to detach its internals when its no longer needed, so the immutable string has the sole ownership.
I think it would be less problematic if creating a mutable string from an immutable always copies the contents (or steals it, if the immutable is a rvalue and doesn't share it's data with other instances)
@Grizzly "However, to be able to actually efficiently interface mutable and immutable strings, the latter needs to be convertible to the former without immediatly causing a copy."
Hmm. How to fix this issue with placement-new c:/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.5.2/include/c++/bits/vector.tcc:295: multiple definition of `operator new(unsigned int, MemAllocator*)' RefcountedObject.o:C:\Users\webadm\Desktop\SCHOOL computer\ModernPlusPlus\CoreTypes\Debug/..//mempool.h:148: first defined here
I need it for my mempool, but vector also needs it
Sometimes it's nice to start over. In C++ I can employ this following simple manoeuvre:
T x(31, Blue, false);
x.~T(); // enough with the old x
::new (&x) T(22, Brown, true); // in with the new!
// ...
But something tells me that it's not alway...
Good question. (Even if it does seem a bit crazy). I think the placement new is OK. But I'm not so sure about the call to the destructor - it won't delete as much as you think it will. I'll experiment and write an answer. – Aaron McDaid 31 secs ago
Well, at least some good will come of this. Aaron is about to learn a bit more about destructors and placement new.
@Xeo: Maybe add that exit() is the only non-abortive way out
I mean, I seriously don't know of any other construction that you could feed with a maliciously prepared (but fully correct) class that would cause the program to freeze like that
Now that my new Array class is done, to write my Dictionary class (Array replaces vector, and Dictionary replaces map, yes, there is a very good reason why I'm not just using the built-in classes)
I need to use a highly optimized memory pool, and map, and vector are simply too slow, and it's easier to write a new vector and map rather than implement a standard allocator.
@RMartinhoFernandes No. woman* isn't necessarily a series of women. It could be a pointer to a single woman, with no other women after it. Or are you talking about a vector<woman>?
I know "Hot" questions are based on some sort of views/velocity criteria but does anyone know the actual algorithm used?
I was considering a feature suggestion about the "Hot" tab, but I don't have enough information to speak intelligently about it.
I tried to compile it, but I only dared to run it under debugger. So I took a look at disassembly my old compiler generated (comments are compiler's too):
@1 sub nerve.cells, fa0h
@2 xor x, x // bitch.
@3 mov out, x
@4 test out, out
@5 jne @1
@6 xor x, x // just in case.
@7 sub money, 2B...
Hm. I just noticed why COW sucks for std::strings - invalidation rules
You may cope with char* pointer + size_t index for a stable iterator, but references will be invalidated when unsharing the string. :(
mutable_string const const_string = "hello"_s; // imagine this is a parameter
char const* p = &const_string[0]; // no unsharing
// something outside unshares the string and changes [1] to 'a'
assert(*(p+1) == 'e'); // boom