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@LucDanton Lol! Indeed!
I should get used to TDD
force myself into TDD
@LucDanton Maybe my terminology is off see here
@buttifulbuttefly naw it’s fine
Butt that doesn't answer my question
Did Bartek become mod?
did you know that kim kardashian released an android game/
Tapp that butt?
@VictorLopez No, he became unemployed
@buttifulbuttefly The typename = … style can run into ambiguities when overloading. Using non-type parameters solve that problem entirely.
I’ll cook an example.
@buttifulbuttefly BTW, I remembered her by reading your nickname
@LucDanton pls not too much sugar
> How can I install the latest Visual Studio beta in Ubuntu
@khajvah +1 For this.
I believe Visual Studio should be installed in Windows. Wine should do the trick.
Wine supports up to VS2010 IIRC
@buttifulbuttefly eat it all
Oh! I recently got my JetBrains Open Source License for CLion.
still, vim is superior
The gist of it is that the two fine overloads really are different function templates, because the exact tokens that make the Sfinae parameters are part of the deal.
For this example you could obviously fold the two conditions into one with a conjunction, but sometimes that’s not an option.
ooh I didn't know that: "the exact tokens that make the Sfinae parameters are part of the deal"
I should learn C++.
@khajvah vim is not an IDE.
it doesn't change anything
99.99% Text Editors are not IDEs.
@buttifulbuttefly It’s similar in how you can define two (separate) function templates with one that has return type -> decltype( (arg.x) ) and the other -> decltype( (arg.y) ). Even though for some arguments they will end up having the exact same signatures.
it would change something if you program in java
that shit cannot be used without an ide
That is, there will be two (separate) int foo<A>(A); specializations. Isn’t that crazy?
It is
thank you for all the explained!
I'm going to learn SFINAE, then I'll be back so I can understand what are you talking about.
It's just pretty hard to understand those template definitions.
I've seen that kind of code only in dynamic languages that achieve generic types like Number or Decimal.
@VictorLopez template<class T, class allowed=std::enable_if<condition>::type>
@buttifulbuttefly Well, I exaggerated. Part of the deal is that they don’t overlap though.
@MooingDuck Will that only instantiate if there is certain data type in the template parameter?
@VictorLopez it will only instantiate if condition is true, whatever you put there.
@buttifulbuttefly you can see the effect in action inside the mangling, too
It’s why some compilers (or possibly just GCC) won’t let you always have just anything in a signature, sometimes the mangling for it hasn’t been conceived! And a strong reason why you can’t have lambda expressions as unevaluated operands.
@VictorLopez silly example
@LucDanton whatttttttttttt
this is insane
Why can you declare these:

template int hello(has_x);
template int hello(has_y);

with the same name and how can you declare a type as a template?
where do you guys put exception classes?
Isn't it a templated lambda?
Not sure I understood the question
template<typename Arg>
auto hello(Arg a) -> decltype( a.x ) { return a.x; }
So this template int hello(has_y); declares the int return type just for has_y data structures?
When passed an a of type Arg that has a member x of some type, return it
@VictorLopez It’s syntax for explicit instantiation.
@LucDanton Like this?
@khajvah in headers
@VictorLopez Notice how you can remove the explicit instantiations and that everything will still work as expected.
@buttifulbuttefly I'm kinda confused. How does it compile in VS2013 when I'm using expression SFINAE?
Or well, what I consider expression SFINAE.
@khajvah in the code
@Rapptz Where?
@LucDanton Kind of complex if it comes for a data structure to hold both x and y.
I do a lot of typename X = decltype(...)
It's only the trailing decltypes that don't work
it's not the trailing return type based expression SFINAE but I'm still doing SFINAE based on expressions
that's pretty strange to me
what the hell
@VictorLopez Have you tried it?
@LucDanton The call is "ambiguous"
@Rapptz expression SFINAE was (mostly) implemented in VC++11 stackoverflow.com/questions/12654067/what-is-expression-sfinae
@VictorLopez Righto. Because each of the two function templates is just as eligible.
I see, the compiler deduces the parameter not the data type.
wait wait wait does that mean you can use structural typing in C++?
@buttifulbuttefly Yeah. Although C++ programmers seem to have borrowed 'duck typing' from Python when the topic comes up. And honestly given the 'type-checking' involved with templates it’s truthful advertisement.
fuck duck typing
Help me name a class that creates and manages a bunch of ranges for you. A range is just something that has a start index and a size. You can request a size and it'll find an available range that fits, return it and mark it as used. You can free a range and it'll put it back in the list of available ranges (and merge adjacent ranges if it can). There's probably a technical name for this... idunno what it is.
@khajvah badlet spotted
@Prismatic ....a memory heap?
@buttifulbuttefly nice sarcasm?
@MooingDuck Isn't a heap some tree like structure
@Rapptz k
@LucDanton Meh, I was more thinking of OCaml
@Prismatic Also the name of the "free store" which is exactly what you're describing: new+delete.
well, malloc+free
@buttifulbuttefly A free list is something else.
A free list is a data structure used in a scheme for dynamic memory allocation. It operates by connecting unallocated regions of memory together in a linked list, using the first word of each unallocated region as a pointer to the next. It is most suitable for allocating from a memory pool, where all objects have the same size. Free lists make the allocation and deallocation operations very simple. To free a region, one would just link it to the free list. To allocate a region, one would simply remove a single region from the end of the free list and use it. If the regions are variable-sized, one...
@buttifulbuttefly Hence my addendum :)
> It operates by connecting unallocated regions of memory together in a linked list, using the first word of each unallocated region as a pointer to the next
^ I don't do anything like that
Then do it
List is innocent!
So you can create dynamic operations over a list by using this template lambda method.
@buttifulbuttefly that's an optimization inside a memory allocator
Everytime I come across someone implementing a free list for fast memory allocation for their 2d side scroller I feel odd
@Prismatic an allocator
@MooingDuck sry I don't talk to ducks
I guess that's not terrible.
"Allocator" has a pretty strong connotation with allocating memory ... hm
@Prismatic all allocators are range allocators. It's just an allocator
> You can free a range and it'll put it back in the list of available ranges (and merge adjacent ranges if it can)
Does it work for methods instead of variables?
that's exactly what you do!
@Prismatic that's exactly what you described to us
you dirty liar!
shit, it's too long, it doesn't fit
You're a duck.
@BartekBanachewicz no
my CV, in two pages, I mean
@VictorLopez Yes.
star bait denied
also hi
@buttifulbuttefly damn
@BartekBanachewicz that's not bad.
@BartekBanachewicz What does it look like
"You can request a size and it'll find an available range that fits, return it and mark it as used. You can free a range and it'll put it back in the list" Yeah, an allocator
A free list
my CV is not even one page
like the formatting, is it latex
I like looking at resume styles
@khajvah more than two pages is too much imho
@buttifulbuttefly no
cv that is more than 2 paragraphs is trying too hard
ooooh hi @MooingDuck so long time no see
And by "free" I mean "free" as in free list.
@MooingDuck yes
@BartekBanachewicz got fired so I'm online again
I thought a CV is supposed to be gigantic
@MooingDuck lol incidentally that's the same with me. high 5.
but your resume is supposed to be tiny
or rather, a summary
I'm just funposting
but it's the other way around buddy
I thought CV is a fancy word for resume
I always thought resume is more like prose
where CV is a list
either way, my experience fills 1.5 pages alone
@BartekBanachewicz why would it be that long? one paragraph for each job shouldn't take that much
I've changed jobs a bit too often for my taste and that shows :P
I wish I had a kick ass resume
@LucDanton Now it "compiles"
@BartekBanachewicz have you shortlisted a bunch of stuff already?
@MooingDuck does your wife work
@khajvah I have 6 "job" listings. 4 are actual jobs, 1 is my freelance work as an opengl dev (because people always ask about that for some reason) and one is code mentoring that I've decided to put in now
maybe I could make margins a tad smaller
you already changed 4 jobs?
@Rapptz part time
Oh that's good.
Where do you live in Washington?
Like City.
@khajvah I've been on the market for more than 3 years already vOv
Florida seems more like it.
I can ask my friend who lives there if he's hiring.
@Rapptz kirkland
I think he lives in Belluve.
@MooingDuck that helps things I guess. My GF is having an interview today... In an hour, I think. Her first job.
I don't know how to spell it.
@Rapptz well, that's like a one minute drive
@Rapptz me neither
when I grow up I wanna be NEET
nah that sounds awful
Last thing I heard about @BartekBanachewicz was about the mod votation.
> OpenCV (image processing, machine learning, GUI...)
> Machine Learning (OpenCV, image processing, ...)
@Rapptz It means 'nice view'.
hmm I think the latter is nicer.
@VictorLopez that was a joke.
I don't think removing Education makes sense
OMG @BartekBanachewicz replied to me.
what about it
It makes me feel important.
mmm I can remove something from the "open source" section
@BartekBanachewicz Aren't those the same thing at all?
@BartekBanachewicz did you decide where to apply alreayd?
I mean, the industry to program for
@VictorLopez the order is different
@khajvah I wish for a job in proper R&D
but that might be hard to get
What kind of R&D do you want to do
anything that will allow me to write good code
and tests.
and in general work with software in a "proper" way
you will get one but as a junior developer I think
Video Games, I believe.
which I guess you don't want
I'd rather become a junior at Microsoft Research than a senior at "We are a corporate with 20-yo codebase and deadlines"
I can be a junior haskell developer sure.
All of my work experience with software is in research. Not corporate R&D but it wasn't that strict. You could write some meh code / no tests / etc
In general I'd love a job writing Haskell
I guess you should start your own business
I feel like if you want to write software in a "proper" way you should target some kinda product development, no? Research is just like... throw some crap together you can write a paper on and call it a day
@khajvah thinking about it alread
@BartekBanachewicz A few days ago I talked to someone about the learning order for web technologies, Javascript, HTML, CSS - HTML, CSS, Javascript.
@Prismatic R&D is turning R into D, no? :P
yeah, become a front-end web developer
thought about it
it's doing R and making D from R and hoping it sticks/works.
but I don't want to learn Angular
@Prismatic Sometimes it's research from what has been developed.
I was kidding, front-end is boring
@BartekBanachewicz Yeah but I'd say in a very detached sense. Again, I don't know anything about corporate R&D but my experience has been you just have to prove something is viable and excite enough people to develop it 'down the line'
it can also mean applying existing technologies to what the company needs
getting new things done
get a job at wolfram
Hello, world!
they seem to do some interesting stuff
Apply to an accelerator and join the entrepreneurs.
@BartekBanachewicz At a lot of companies, it is just D, really
R&D is just a label to make it sound cooler
software development is weird
Just like 80% of the managers are vice presidents of something or other
@BartekBanachewicz have you heard of mapbox? I was thinking of applying there
And Sales is "Business Development"
no. And I am not willing to relocate ATM
@MooingDuck what did you do to Pubby?
@BartekBanachewicz Did you figure out that base64 string btw?
@jalf Any problem with that? Or are you gonna say those companies are sexist?
Consultory is always a self paced option.
Oh you meant the language nvm~~
@buttifulbuttefly Not really
@buttifulbuttefly wat
@jalf yeah kbok/sehe cracked it. xor encrypted with the company name
> Jobs
New opportunities come up regularly with us and with our partner companies. Full-time, part-time, and contracting engagements are possible. Most involve telecommuting; some involve spending time at customer premises.
fuck it I'm going to apply to FPComplete
sweet, so they get the job then? :D
if I could work remotely at FPComplete that would be soooo amazing
they could pay me like half of their normal wage because I live in third world
@buttifulbuttefly I mean labeling your dev department "R&D" despite having no intention of actually doing any kind of research whatsoever.
Have you checked SO careers?
Poland is a first-world country.
I know jalf
> This is a full-time position and this job allows partial telecommuting. However, we do want to see you in person part of the time so you need to be situated near our South San Francisco or San Diego location.
@VictorLopez yeah, not a lot for remote
unfortunately remote is mostly an option for people with a lot of experience
I'd also prolly need to work like 3pm-11pm
because fucking timezones
damn it
@BartekBanachewicz Move to the United States & America.
cover the planet with something and eradicate timezones already
@rightfold no
if you move to USA you will get a good job
I don't want to move sigh
Apparently the USA is less developed than the Netherlands.
I could prolly get a job in Berlin or London too
Agree. France and Ireland are good options too.
My only options of moving are Switzerland, Australia and Norway.
Specially Ireland.
switzerland is great
I think Dublin is one of a very good developed tech place.
But, you know, there are some pretty big capital firms in San Francisco.
"USA" is plural in Dutch.
guys quick best practice question: I use structs(no other access specifiers) for record-like data structures. Does it make sense to do this if there are ownership semantics involved? (Say we have a record type that keeps a list of other records types)
I played agar.io yesterday and there was an opponent named Erlang.
did you eat it?
oh I found an interesting offer
I played against a poor "C++ Progamer". He was leaking memory. Literally (small balls leaking out)
IMHO you should choose a job that enable you with better tools over the time and leave you enough time to spare with your friends and such. That should be more of what a job should be like.
I should be a software psychiatrist. "Tell me about your software" "What was your first programming language" "What PL did your mother use?"
for some reason this is highly amusing.
@Veritas It depends, it may be the case you're sharing the values with other records and some values won't exist when looking for them in the other structure.
Why are you doing that?
@rightfold Hold on a second.
@rightfold Check this out twitter.com/TakeThisOrg and the website takethis.org
> Non-profit charity.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahhahahahaa don't make me laugh
It was founded by one of the co-founders at Polygon.
hipster confirmed
College assignment :P It's finished and I was just wondering on the best approach in general. Maybe making everything private/protected with friend functions would be a better approach?
charity companies are scam
> charity
> companies
@rightfold PL?
i meant whoever collects money to give it to somebody else
@JohanLarsson Programming language
Procedural Language/Structured Query Language
@Veritas Unless you're dealing with an API or high level abstractions that only the internal team should handle, friendliness is not the best option for data records.
It's basically a record hierarchy, a record keeps a lsit of another record which keeps a list of another record. Maybe nesting them makes more sense in this context.
Maybe a template approach?
Or a full hierachy, call it parent record holder which has a vector of record holders that hold a value.
c++ rule #1: whatever it is, suggest templates
They're very good at generic topics ;)
a noob asking on SO usually thinks: "I am a god, I own your precious reputation points and I can ask whatever I like, do whatever I please, I can edit the question endlessly and write every stupid question that arises in my perverted mind.. and you're going to dig through that mess.. oh you surely are... evil laugh"
then come the downvotes. A rain of them
often, stupid questions get rain of upvotes
like those unary operator questions
c++ rule #2: suggest smart pointers
Hold on, I'm programming a solution with templates and smart pointers.
wtf, CPAN segfaults
lol a question tagged
@buttifulbuttefly: Link to question?
oh I was waiting or recursive main function
buttifully formatted, very encouraging to answer — buttiful buttefly 32 secs ago
@khajvah that's the cunning questions. There's a very specific niche of questions /just/ obvious enough to appeal to the larger audience, yet unobvious enough to to be obviously obvious. The masses think: "HEY.... here's an interesting problem >that I get<" and drewl on it.
"But, do you think about your future?"
"Yup, I wanna be a programmer and stuff"
Fucking rethoric questions
@Veritas Check this
> The Perl ABI changed.
time to update everything that depends on Perl. :v
$ perl-cleaner --all :D
let's make a job website for remoters only
@VictorLopez not enough jquery
there is one
I want to earn a lot but not have to work on anything but my projects, help
If the website doesn't work, maybe we can find on job on it \o/
@khajvah That's for contractors, isn't it?
@buttifulbuttefly: Are your projects profitable?
@khajvah can't compete there if you're a westerner, indians are too cheap
@Bair irrelevant!
Well it's good to know that as of today my most upvoted answer was something I googled in 2 minutes.
they post full time jobs too
> A logo and website design for only $400
Wow that sounds like such a good deal
@buttifulbuttefly yeah and you need reputation there to get a job
indians killed freelancer.com
I would probably pay that if I realllly needed it.
they do the same job as westerners for a fraction of the price
Has indians gone too far
@MarcoA. Next time I'll put more JQuery-friendly code.
A: C Function Explanation

buttiful butteflyYou've just encountered a use of designated initializers. They exist in C99 and are also available as a GCC extension, widely used in the Linux kernel code (among others). From the docs: In ISO C99 you can give the elements [of the array] in any order, specifying the array indices or structu...

designated init always a good source of rep

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