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why did 4 people downvote him now i feel bad for the guy
gonna upvote for justice
@nick Okay, find some real justice and give it a vote.
@JerryCoffin WOW! Looka the size of those whiskers!
Good morning guys
morning sir
@MartinJames A muskrat's are even bigger (but mostly because a muskrat is a lot bigger).
@Borgleader Praying for the holy grail.
@Jefffrey Thanks.
@CatPlusPlus What makes you lol? :o
@StackedCrooked damn thats a huge diff
@EtiennedeMartel lmao
@Prismatic The semaphore requires a call to sem_wait for each event. The condition/mutex-based program needs the lock only when swapping the buffers. After that it can process the events in isolation.
I sure hope there's no stupid mistake in my program that makes the comparison unfair.
The semaphore uses a bounded queue (1000 items max). This should not matter too much I think.
you already made one stupid mistake by using semaphores instead of message queues
@rightfold Message queues require synchro too, of one sort or another.
I don't like semaphores. But my colleague is convinced they are the best thing and he uses it for everything.
@MartinJames So?
In fact, bounded message queues are a synchronisation mechanism.
@StackedCrooked Maybe he/she has used them before, and has not had to put up with spurious wakeups.
@StackedCrooked I have one of those unfortunate 'feelings' that CVs are slow and get nervous when I see them
Morning (UGT)
@MartinJames nah, he's like: "sem_post is fast, condition is slow. sem post is better."
@StackedCrooked Not sure it qualifies as stupid, but it is a bit of an apples and oranges comparison. In particular, (as POSIX views things) semaphores support inter-process communication, so essentially every operation on them goes through kernel mode. At least if memory serves, condvars are intra-process, so most manipulation on them can be done in user mode. On one hand, those are just side-effects of a particular design, not inherent in the basic concept of semaphore vs. condvar.
OTOH, if you're programming for POSIX, those are what you get...
@rightfold Yes, and are implemented by lower-level synchro primitives, like condvars or semaphores.
I'm missing break n; where n is a number in C++. In PHP you could break out of a nested for loops by using break 2; Any ideas? I just went with the goto approach for now
Reading a field from an object is implemented using a table lookup to find the relevant page.
I am very happy that I don't have to deal with those low-level facilities.
@StackedCrooked I would have to see peer-reviewed stats on that.
..or test it myself.
OK, Imma kinda full of Lancaster Bomber. Nite all..
@JerryCoffin I'm pretty sure the sem_post and sem_wait calls don't require kernel interaction as long as the count > 0.
@HamZa I prefer the "don't nest loops deeply enough to care" approach.
Anyway I just wanted to see if I could verify that condition variable doesn't always suck.
@JerryCoffin true, I was also feeling that it was a dirty hack any ways (+3 nested loops)
@StackedCrooked Pretty sure they did at one time, but when I think about it, it's been quite a while since I looked so I really don't know about a current implementation.
@MartinJames Yesterday my boss finally told him to stop using volatile.
@StackedCrooked They do always suck (because the basic design of condvars is basically broken), but at least under the circumstances in which you're using them, semaphores may well suck even more.
So much bad code in the name of avoiding imaginary overhead.
@JerryCoffin That's good enough for proving my point :P
I don't really know any other notification mechanisms. I've seen folly uses futexes sometimes.
@StackedCrooked Yup--especially if you don't have to quote my prejudices when presenting your findings. :-)
In PHP, (function(){})() is a syntax error and you have to call call_user_func instead: github.com/rightfold/o2/blob/master/src/main/scala/org/o2lang/…
@HamZa different functions
@StackedCrooked why was he using volatile?
thread safe flags?
because "atomic was too slow and volatile is best"
I remember reading some article on Intel's site about how volatile isn't really made for the threading stuff
I don't think I've actually come across any code that's used volatile that isn't for atomic flags though
Mill uses volatile in one place.
@StackedCrooked yep
@Rapptz got it
@rightfold neat
@StackedCrooked Actually, looking at it again, is there a reason the semaphore-based queue not only protects the queue with a semaphore, but also uses a boost atomic queue? If it's protected already, a normal queue (deque, etc.) should work (unless I missed something important).
- volatile is not enough, barriers are needed
- once barriers are used, the volatile qualifier is no longer needed
- atomic gives us all the relevant guarantuees
@JerryCoffin The semaphore doesn't provide protection on the queue, only the wait/notify part. That code actually emulates the code used at work. (That code doesn't use boost::lockfree:spsc_queue though, it uses a handwritten queue that uses ...volatile.)
@StackedCrooked aka: "volatile is neither necessary nor sufficient for multi-threading."
@StackedCrooked Ah, makes sense.
It's also only safe for single producer/single consumer. The cond/mutex version allows multiple producers (at the cost of increased contention on the single mutex though).
@Rapptz Why 2 different functions? Can't you just return 2; ?
for(...) { if(...) { return function_with_inner_loop(); } ... }
... Wait, what's the purpose of break {return value}; in PHP then?
break 2; breaks 2 loops
instead of goto trick
"breaks 2 loops" ?
so break; is equal to break 1; and break 2; breaks the outer loop
Yeah multi-loop-jumping actually sounds kinda nice.
set flag & get over it
Flags are messy.
you need 1 flag
And they're still messy.
& you can reuse it sometimes
Especially since you can't have multiple types in a for loop intialization in C or C++, unless you make a temporary struct.
e.g. for (bool flag = false, int i = 0; .... ) { ... }
set it outside main loop
then test it in outer loop
And now that variable is floating around outside the loop and there FOR ALL ETERRNIIITY.
bool: true/false
yeah that's really messy to add one
You can do for ( struct { bool flag; int index; } i = { false, 0 }; i.index < size; ... ) { .... }
weak troll is weak
Which is hilarious but still fun.
true programmers don't use functions, just goto
true programmers yadda yadda back in my day blah blah punch cards something something
I should actually generalize that struct.
for_index<bool> i; i < size && i.flag; ++i;
Have it emulate all the regular behaviors of a traditional for loop index.
But have data attached to it.
Would be nice.
I'll repeat: the best way is to just avoid nesting loops deeply enough to care.
there's nothing wrong with the goto trick
it isn't
I wonder if they'll make 500 logos for their new foundation
@Prismatic heh yeah they're pretty heavy on the pretty graphics
I just bought a Google Cardboard kit.
damn JS hipsters
I am now 23 hours away from virtual reality.
@Cicada pretty much sums it up
@Rapptz Well, nothing major anyway. It does hurt maintainability a bit. The maintainer has to realize that the label after the loop always has to stay immediately after the loop. With a multi-level break (for example) it's impossible to accidentally do like in C or C++, and insert code between the end of the loop and the label.
lounge lets create a hip and trendy js based start up
we can call it loungey.io
> We're Deprecating HTTP And It's Going To Be Okay
newbell.js the name of our product
@Prismatic You have fun with that.
can we move HQ to SF?
@Rapptz Where's that from?
yes we are opening our main office in sf
in a giant wearhouse
open office design, nerf guns for everyone
can i wear my beret
only if you're doing it to be ironic
@Rapptz Pseudo scientific analysis alert
if you sincerely think a beret is acceptable fashion, you don't fit into our company culture sorry ill have to fire you immediately
lol at the reasons
it's like going completely in the wrong direction
@Prismatic but i'm trying to be trendy and hipster
and js
@Rapptz thats great but i wish websites would maintain their ssl certificates
i keep getting blocked by chrome due to expired certs
did some work on cisco's internal network and it's a mess.. why even bother with https
also that dude sounds paranoid as fuck
Q: CUDA error : expression must be a modifiable lvalue

Ene CezarI'm trying to compute a global thread id declared uint const from blockIdx, blockDim and threadIdx like this: uint const gid = 0; gid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; But I'm getting this error, saying expression must be a modifiable value. What can I do?

"I am trying to modify a const variable but it doesn't work! Help!"
> Comcast injects ads into unencrypted traffic, because "it's a courtesy, and it helps address some concerns that people might not be absolutely sure they're on a hotspot from Comcast".
Top lel.
@Cicada We probably could provide some real help. Thorazine is an old standby for this sort of problem.
I remember my newbie days when I had to do a lot of const_cast
@chmod711telkitty I remember a few of my newbie days too (long before const_cast existed though, I'm afraid).
When the cable operator was a newbie he had to do a lot of comcast.
@Cicada I almost commented "Since this this is a clear case of PEBKAC, the fix for this problem is simple: get up, go do something else and never come back"
and now time for bed
Put on hold as: "Get a job in some other field"
> How can I use the windows commands in ubnto commands in QT
whoop whoop
oh boy the text is good too
Q: How can I use the windows commands in ubnto commands in QT

Mohamed Alaai want to make a project that let the user use the dos commands in Ubuntu and when i type the parameter in text box it says "can not convert q string to const char " foe ex if i want to copy file from location to another the user should take the option copy not "Cp" and write in the text box the ...

Anyone here know Sse2 and Neon intrinsics well?
Or even just knows Neon intrinsics? I want to make some code compatible with ARM, but I'm a little iffy on how to work a few things, notably a replacement for _mm_unpackhi/lo_epi32/64
@Cicada the comment makes no sense either
bloody credit card statement does not state the full amount due on top, only the minimum amount payable, trying to trick people into paying 20% interest.
fhsdf ahif hfsiu f hsdfaiu f 94rf ansdf <---- your question — Lightness Races in Orbit 6 secs ago
You're missing a ?
Shut up, Cicada.
@MarkGarcia Where's Wally?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit lol
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Find the Vault Boy instead. (src: /r/fallout)
> foe ex
At least he got something right.
still can't get over this shit
> be nice to others! even if you even think the question is off topic or something DONT DOWNVOTE IT or close it! there are people here with low self esteem that this bad treatment to them can even make them suicidal!
Should be room topic
My new job forbids using company devices to post anything online including both chat and SO proper. Which means that I can only save everything up and post them afterwards. :(
I do keep my netbook with me for when I absolutely need to post something.
I thought about complaining about it - since it means I can't post questions on SO. But I don't want to get fired before I even get started.
@Mysticial wot
@Rapptz Welcome to the financial world.
sounds terrible
I did get a clarification that can do whatever I want on my own devices even at work.
Are you working for BNP by chance
@Mysticial I like how one those was a complaint about the Lounge
@Mysticial Part of your No Dicking Around agreement?
@MarkGarcia Not really, it's actually lawsuit paranoia.
Shit, I need to pack.
The financial world is full is politics and lawsuit bullshit. So they are being extra careful about everything.
There's no Mario Party (X) for the Xbox. I'm going to fucking cry.
what a surprise
optimist behavior
@R.MartinhoFernandes I would actually advise against packing shit.
It's gonna take some getting used to this new job. The work environment is very different from at Google.
dunno why you would leave google
@nick Because Google? :P
Google isn't god
why does everybody wank over Google ffs
#1 best place to work?
@nick oh bugger off no it's not
Why can't people be NIC
@Cicada I am an abstracted network device.
Google is a great place to work. But when another company ups you more then 2x in compensation along with unlimited growth, it's hard to not give it a shot. Especially since I have no dependents and I'm not tied down.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit what to wank about? Microsoft...errr....no
yes because it's Google or Microsoft and no other companies exist
jesus fucking christ
@Mysticial not bad, not bad at all
i'm going to go dream about other companies goodnight!
@LightnessRacesinOrbit bby come back
night bud
you can blame it all. on. C
@LightnessRacesinOrbit ~StartUps~
I have Larynxgitis.
@MarkGarcia lounge is starting a trendy js startup in downtown SF if you havent heard
oh btw 155k! yay
@LightnessRacesinOrbit thought you were talking about your salary.. naw
155k sounds like the annual rent for SF. lol
155k dogecoin /cc @Nooble
yeah bai
Wait. A std::smatch requires the matched string to outlive it?
@Mysticial pretty much lol
luckily we're paying 156k
@Cicada A candle string isn't much good if a match would outlive it.
@Mysticial Seriously?
well avg rent is 3500/month for a studio now
> it's undefined behavior to examine std::match_results if the original character sequence was destroyed or iterators to it were invalidated for other reasons.
oh well.
so not quite but close
@nick I'm exaggerating. :)
But it's ridiculous.
heh i know
anyways, talk to @Prismatic if you want in on our startup thats gonna change the world
bring your berets ppl
@nick Yeah, that's sound about "right". Sad as it is.
SF is on the pacific ring of fire. But feel free to chip in 2 million on a house there.
@chmod711telkitty we can chip in a house there
@Mysticial do you work in SF? if so do you work in that funny pointy building?
@nick No, I'm in Chicago now.
@nick What's the monthly salary of a junior dev there
ah ok
@Cicada dunno about monthly but i would expect to be paid close to 100k annually
@Cicada An entry-level Google programmer gets about 100k base and about 120 - 150k if you include bonus and stock.
> That being said, a simple boolean flag would allow you to detect the rogue first selection [of onItemSelected] event and ignore it.
fucking android development, but who was debugger at google?
@DonLarynx probably @Mysticial that's why they fired him :)
So say, 100k anually, that's 8.3k monthly, of which 3k goes into the rent? fuck that's a huuuuuge expense
So if rent is 3.5k/month. That's 42k/yeah. But if you include tax, the 100k becomes 50k. So > 80% of your income goes to rent.
That's not livable!
I had the luxury of living at home. So no rent.
@Cicada tell that to all the folks who are getting pushed out cuz they don't have a tech job
@DonLarynx never gets old
But wait, 50% tax? Is it that high...?
@Mysticial But how do you like living in SF, though?
@Cicada Roughly speaking, it depends on your tax bracket. Then you have both state and federal taxes and shit. Most people just approximate it to 50%.
@DonLarynx I didn't actually live in SF.
I lived in the suburbs - where I grew up.
I thought USA was much lighter on taxes than that, 20-30%
Depends on the state
@Cicada The higher tax brackets are 40%+. Then you have state taxes social security and shit.
@Cicada if you don't make much money then you'll hardly pay taxes
100k puts you in the upper tax brackets.
Hmmm in continental Europe I don't think a dev job can ever put you in upper tax brackets (finance aside)
40% tax is insane
@Cicada It's actually pretty normal in the US.
I always thought dev jobs paid much better in the US, relative to the cost of life. Thanks for clearing that up :p
@Cicada I kind of suspect they still do, but maybe "upper tax brackets" are different in Europe.
What most people do is share. So if you can squeeze two into a studio, you halve the rent.
It gets tricky if you have a family.
Entry-level Software devs at companies smaller than Google often make $40k-$60k/year, which is not bad depending on where you live. It's good money in the midwest, where regional taxes and general cost-of-living tends to be a lot lower than on the coasts or in big cities.
But I think it's pretty usual for devs who've been around a little while to make 6 figures or more, which is not bad.
@Mysticial Same here, sharing a 2.7k USD flat with another guy.
@caps in the midwest, there's no water.
@DonLarynx You mean there's no oceans?
my FOREACH macro won't modify values passed in via a boost::sub_range :(
theres no water in california but there's plenty of ocean
@Cicada Right now, I'm in an apartment all by myself and I'm paying $2.5k/month including utilities. So not cheap. There were cheaper options, but I wanted something close to work that wasn't complete shit.
We do too. But it's closed in the winter (for good reason). ahahaha
But the building is shit because here the quality of construction is really bad
Well it's closed in the winter too because the locals can't swim in anything below 20 degrees Celsius :p I swim in the sea instead (which is too cold for them too...)
Our winters go negative F (as in Fahrenheit). So no...
Yeah I know
you could do ice skating
jk that's a shit idea
I am not fan of apartments, they reminds me of chicken coops. I rather go for an old/derelict house than a brand new apartment. Unless it's a penthouse which I could not afford.
Coop for free range chickens. They go back home when the sun sets too :p
dunno man i'd prefer not to worry about rain leaking through the ceiling
@nick That's usually not a problem in a high-rise. And if it is, you're probably rich since it means you're in the penthouse. lol :)
@Mysticial ha I was referring to the "old/derelict house"
I have lived in quite a few 50+ year old houses, none of them had leaky roof.
Had possums dance on the roof at night though.
@MarkGarcia Yeah this thread gave me cancer
@chmod711telkitty break out the shotgun and exercise your civil rights
1) I am not in the U.S., it's illegal to own a gun here. 2) I have been stalked by rspca for caging a baby rainbow lorikeet before. Don't want be sued for killing a native animal. 3) not into killing animals.
Just realized I don't even remember how to declare an array in C++ without looking it up.
@chmod711telkitty you animal!
@caps was in the same situation yesterday
@nick Oddly, it makes me happy.
then i discovered C arrays are useless
@nick Of course.
Chandler just used ~3 minutes he had for a lightning talk to compile OpenSSL with AddressSanitizer and find Heartbleed :D
Chased the possum out from the roof, so it moved into the garage & made its nest there.
@chmod711telkitty I assume a lorikeet is what you get when LRiO and Jon Skeet love each other very much?
@Griwes I love Chandler
Sep 15 '13 at 17:38, by justinls
Chandler is my newest cpp-crush
I caged the baby lorikeet because I wanted to teach it to talk :p
@chmod711telkitty did it work?
@chmod711telkitty don't worry, our chicken coop will have weight = 10 compared to the other coops with weight = 1
i'm out guys, night
Didn't get to find out ... The lorikeet was released after 3 days in the cage (& many delicious fruits given by me)
stackoverflow.com/a/1946312/3602281 this is the worst answer ever
@DonLarynx wow.
Also $2000-$3000 USD a month is the average rental here in Sydney for a 3 BR house. It's great that my parents & I are on the receiving end for the properties that we rented out :p
@DonLarynx +1 for ~1 !
@DonLarynx I am confused. At least the syntax is correct? Wait, is it C# then? Damn...
stackoverflow.com/questions/1938101/… lmfao its funny because its true
Answerer doesn't answer the Q AND gets the opinion wrong
Too much Lua hammered hamered hammered my head.
@DeanSeo lol almost, its java
Java, yuck.
Write in C++.
@DeanSeo I did, now I have to translate it to java for android purposes
@DeanSeo Java 8 is nice and the library ecosystem is awesome.
The language is meh.
But it is usable.
Turkish toilets are also usable. Does not mean I want to use them when given the choice.
@wilx I agree. But it seems that most of Java users don't really care about/try to use that. I don't know, maybe it came out a little too late?
@DonLarynx Yeah about that, why did Google pick Java for Android? That causes just problems...
Java users are like republicans, who love to stay where they are and be satisfied with the current inefficient system.

C++ users are like sexy girls, who love to go after the new trend followed and work out to be in shape.
lol at people who don't bother making their lib compatible with VS
Man, this is off to a great start.
Had to head back home to get my ticket.
lol at VS
@R.MartinhoFernandes Where are you headed?
Prague IIRC
good morning boys

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