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Also, concepts should be able to work with functions as an argument right?
The code of the Mill VM is pretty good.
@Jefffrey The good thing is that you can delete repositories if you can't improve them. So basically you publish stuff, get the feedback, feel ashamed for a while, and then improve the code or delete the repository if it's not worth it. Or just don't give a fuck. Next repo will be better.
@wilx Maybe I should but I'll have to learn Lisp for the summer anyways. I'm basically forced to program in it.
I don't think I'll have time.
Sorry for editing that message 4 times
I hate editing pings
@Cinch Not even multiple long lasting orgasms convince you? Dude, you need get your hormone levels checked. :D
@Jefffrey there's a simple solution to that
@wilx meh.
"Does existence imply creation?"
@Ell Right? Hm.
I don't know :'(
Actually I think it doesn't
"Can data imply the existence of more data?"
existence is less information than creation, I think it's a one way implication
creation implies existence
well it's stronger than implication
@Ell Right.
bye sluts
@rightfold bye whore
@Ell Oh yeah?
@Ell look up temporal logic
@rightfold bye bby
@Jefffrey get rid of github :P (or pay for it)
orrr switch to bitbucket
@rightfold goodbyte
@rightfold hee hee
That seems nice
(free private repos)
@AndyProwl Actually, I am the one that is not satisfied with my code.
Uhhh let's see... "Until we find a difference, objects with the same known features and functionality ARE the same to things that interface with it"
And I think that I have this problem only with game development.
Okay that's a no-brainer.
With simple command line tools or games I had no problems.
Not even with web development.
"Is property application a programming operation?"
Puzzles neither.
It's really just game development.
@Cinch I don't know what "property application" is vOv
@Jefffrey Ok, so it's not like you mind other people seeing your suckage or something?
and it sounds awful difficult to google :P
@Ell "CopyConstructable"
these are examples of property applications?
There's just so much stuff to think about: user input (including sequences of keys or "chords"), graphics, lights, camera, physics, audio, ai, etc...
@Jefffrey Isn't it that you're trying to do it in Haskell and you just don't have enough experience with that?
@AndyProwl I don't think so no.
@Ell no, I mean should it be possible to apply such things dynamically? I would say yes
My Perl 4 uni project is publicly available and I really don't mind.
I mean if I can take clay and shape it into something, we sure are losing concepts and gaining new ones by way of mutation and state.
I don't understand what you mean dynamically - do you mean at runtime?
And there's some very terrible code in there.
@Ell No, I mean as operations are applied to "data"
@AndyProwl I realized I didn't have enough experience, and I gave up.
i.e. type-casting is definitely some form of operation where type is the property.
When I wrote my snake game I started with the simple parts of the game logic. No UI, no graphics, no audio, camera, nothing.
But I'm trying to get experience with existing libraries, and I just don't like a single library.
It was entertaining enough. Then I added graphics.
There's no silver bullet for game development. Not even close.
@Jefffrey (Unity snicker snicker) jk
@Cinch You mean Unreal?
@Jefffrey s/game development/anything/
@Jefffrey well its perl
@Ell That's not true at all.
okay, maybe vampires
@Ell except eating. I'm sure you do it through one hole only.
Many web frameworks out there get things right.
Maybe they just lack some features, or HTTPS support, but many web dev libraries stand on their own.
@Cinch yet so many people get it so wrong
@Cinch drink less
I dunno why you guys make gamedev seem like such a big deal
just get unity and code :\
I find Unity boring to be honest.
@sehe It's just that as C++ gets concepts and type... Shouldn't we just generalize both as properties?
It's 50% working on some editor.
Or it looks like that.
50% getting games done you mean?
@Jefffrey It's also 100% working on getting playable games. (supposedly)
@AlexM. I don't care about getting things done. I want to make things right.
Drink less.
"gets concepts and type..."? "generalize as"? "as properties"? Too fucked up
I mean it seems like the compiler is here to really manage properties of data and make sure they line up with operations to mutate such data and their properties.
games are so massive they do relatively nothing right
@Jefffrey wut
@Cinch You're focusing on implementation mechanics. How is that useful?
@Cinch I think this is getting too abstract for me
@sehe The concept is what is important here.
that or I just don't understand the terminology
@AlexM. I care more about having a nice well written program, than to have a nice game running.
Oh. Shouting. That helps
inb4 smoke less
@Cinch What is the concept?
@Ell Well I just took a short dive into Lisp so here's what I got.
@AndyProwl Maybe that's the concept
@Jefffrey weird but w/e
Concepts seem to be a way of constraining use of data based on their "concepts." C++ already constrains based on type.
What if we were to generalize both as properties of data or functions?
What's @Cinch discussing here?
I know. I would like to be like you guys. I swear.
@Cinch "unclear what you're asking"
@Cinch Seriously. Are you under the influence of anything? A susbstance? Because you're definitely usually not this incoherent
@Cinch as in, you can pass a type or a value under some property to a function?
@Cinch Concepts are not about constraining the use of data.
@sehe Yeah, Lisp. :D
I can't think of any "properties" that are shared between data & types
From what I can understand of 'contracts' in C++... the proposal is basically you define an 'interface' that some class has to implement, but it doesn't have to explicitly implement it.
I think I'll go watch the avengars in 2 days after I leave work
A number can't be copyable, there is one 1... 1 :P
@sehe Now I don't want to play the asshole but yes, he does sound like that most of the time
/// <summary>
/// This is the heart of the navigation and links.
/// - Synchronizes SelectedSource, SelectedLink & ContentSource on INavigator
/// - Updates IsNavigatedTo & CanNavigate on ILink
/// Side effect fest
/// </summary>
I don't wanna use up part of my free day for a movie
Concepts are about constraining the application of algorithms, if anything.
@Ell As in, I should be able to "mark" a POD with a property which then defines which things should be able to do stuff to it.
@AndyProwl Certainly not. I'm going with my own observations here. I've got plenty them to not be insecure about my assessment
i.e. I can add a number to another number, but I certainly cannot add a word to a penguin.
@Cinch Just sounds like dynamic typing to me vOv
@Cinch then you are not trying hard enough
Old-time PhD looks careful and wise in comparison
Because a "word" is just different than a "penguin." Why? Because they have different properties and are usually in much different contexts.
@AndyProwl i no longer know what he sounds like iykwim
@Cinch operator+(number, penguin); // yes you can
@Blob But you have to define type
i have no clue what this conversation is about. something something concepts?
Back in Berlin.
But a "word" is not just one simple type. It is its own type but operations that are performed on a word can vary
@sehe All right, different perceptions
@R.MartinhoFernandes inb4 Berlin, USA
@R.MartinhoFernandes How did it go? Trains I guess?
i.e. I can speak a word. I can split a word. I can spell a word. I can write a word.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Welcome home!
Should the paradigm be like this: I write the word, or the word writes itself?
person.speak(word), word.spelling, output_stream.write(word)... etc ?
@Cinch you write the word
We got a car share ride.
@Cinch Brilliant. Get some practice. Then move on to attaching meaning to the words. Then we'll try to have a conversation
What if we instead apply properties to a word that then allow it to be able to be spoken, written, spelled, and split?
@Cinch In real life, nobody has the answer (that's normative). In technology, the choice is yours. It's just a design.
@Cinch There’s a whole world out there of type theories and typing disciplines.
@LucDanton Right? Right? I've just discovered this. Any help?
@Cinch Help yourself. No spoonfeeding.
@R.MartinhoFernandes So youre home now?
@Cinch apply a property to a word? I just don't understand what that means :S
@Cinch you mean you want to be able to take a random blob of data, and then attach a function to it that can operator on this blob of data?
@Ell Nobody does
I bet he doesn't, either
@LucDanton Especially not to the impatient.
The impatient young are invariably cuckoos
@Ell That mean instead of a word being written, it's writable, spellable, readable, splitable, and speakable
Welcome to Java hell
@Cinch these are the properties that exist for something to be a word, right?
wrapping everything up slow many things down
@Ell Right?
@Cinch you mean implement interfaces?
I'm not home yet. Having some food first.
@sehe thats redundant
It just sounds like you're describing duck typing
@thecoshman Instead of it being an interface, make it a property.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I meant "home" as "Lounge"
Well. You've just aliased/changed the spelling. Congrats
@Cinch you realise to more or less anyone, 'property' does not mean 'logic'.
@AndyProwl N'aww :')
A: Why is 3D game development supposed to be so hard?

DeadMGIt's difficult because creating the physics simulation is hardly any of the actual work. You also have to make sure it performs reasonably well, for example. Right now, I have an N-body physics simulation (roughly). Do you know how much code that takes up? About 1-200 lines of it deals with the p...

What that means is that we can apply or take away properties based on how the base object or concept is mutated.
@R.MartinhoFernandes That sounds like it was exhausting
Nah just didn't have dinner.
I would suggest no unnecessary overheads on designs, you don't implement functionalities for decoration
It was all the awesomes.
What that means is that if the compiler can manage types and concepts, we can unify types and allow the compiler to mutate properties while keeping it managed, keeping zero overhead but allowing both flexibility and safety decided upon by context.
that's the wrong approach. have a symbol class, and a letter class that inherits from the symbol class, and a word class that's composed of multiple letter classes. then make a person class that's has a map of words and their meanings. then have write/speak/comprehend functions in the person class that operate on a group of words
@Jefffrey did not expect this from Puppy
3 years ago puppy was a different person
@Cinch I see what your getting at, and that is more or less not feasible when you want to have compile time type checking.
You are basically wanting some sort of painful run time shit
@Jefffrey Pity party!!!!
@thecoshman I'm saying that a compiler might be able to deduce the state of an object's properties based on where it is. There is no runtime component.
i.e. The compiler should recognize a cast as a "property mutation" instead of a type cast.
@Cinch not really...
i admire your collective patience
Java can do what you want, you can modify more or less anything at runtime to have more or less any logic you want at all.
Likewise, an operator definition should be conceptualized as an enabling of a certain "property mutation" or "function"
I admire the pirate actually understanding what he's talking about
holy shit I found a place that delivers ramen :O
@AlexM. where?!
pork only it seems tho :( maybe I can coerce them into replacing pork with chicken
@Cinch So, statically.
@AndyProwl It's amazing what you can learn understand when you listen
@milleniumbug Yes.
Good to hear. It was really nice having you both in person.
I hope I didn't bore you properly :/
@Cinch what is the difference between a property mutation and a type cast?
I really enjoyed to just have confirmation that you're the cool guy I know you to be :)
@Cinch IOW non-intrusive interfaces.
@Ell A property is a more general and flexible concept that can also include concepts.
@Cinch okay, so let me think of an example
If we can also apply or take away concepts, this would comprise part of the property system.
@sehe What did you guys do?
We lounged :)
but you can't add or take away "properties" from any set of properties
Quite literally
@milleniumbug Structural vs nominal.
Interesting, whatever that means :D
@Ell we can enable or disable property.
@sehe Y'all looked pretty happy on that picture /cc @R.MartinhoFernandes
It was really cool meeting you too, and thanks a lot for having us.
adding one property might require the removal or addition of other properties
@Ell Yes.
There was even beer and little bit of crisps (thanks to a speed visit to the supermarket)
which is no different from casting from one type to another
@Ell But can also include more than just that
@R.MartinhoFernandes Anytime! I feel one night is not enough, and hopefully another time the health will be better too
I'd like to visit people this summer
I wonder who would accept me for a few hours vOv
> three people meet up
> have fun
> "one night is not enough"
@Ell Come to the unconference :P
Everyone will accept you
@AndyProwl I can't :(
@Blob There were three of us.
It's two days before my last exam
For example, say we have:
(define_property arithmetic (enable add sub multi div ))
@Cicnch you can do what you want, but you basically would have to build it all up and pass it at run time. You need a dirty 'generic object class' and then it needs a map of properties, which in order to hold data type would need to use some vodi* crap, or maybe a variant. Every function call would have to look up this map, and see if the instance you called this function on actually has had the function you wanted added to it. It would be hell to work with in C++
@R.MartinhoFernandes does that change the meaning at all?
@Ell Hmm that's unfortunate
@Blob oh you
@thecoshman No no no, this is at compile-time.
@LucDanton Read this, and I don't think this is what I meant. I thought more about something like Haskell's typeclasses.
@AndyProwl yeah :/
AFAIK C++ concepts are not about making types generic, but making algorithms requirements generic.
@Cinch dude, you can't just say that.
@thecoshman I'm sure that this would have some virtual component probably somehow, but the focus is at compile-time.
@Cinch Yeah, that looks like concepts. Go on.
@thecoshman lol
@milleniumbug Right.
You are farting out pipedreams and then trying to expect others to understand what on earth you are on about.
@chmod711telkitty I left the pole at work. With the ukranians, actually
@Cinch which rules out getting this resolved at compile time.
Except, now we have the property: (define malleable)
@R.MartinhoFernandes not counting my wife then?
@milleniumbug Oh um, I think my remark should have been directed at some other message then.
@thecoshman Just keep listening. It's amazing what you can learn understand :P
(define_class clay (constructor (enable malleable))))
@Cinch again, you can't just spout magic words and expect the meaning to fill in behind the word
Now, say we have a Pottery class and a Shaper class
@Cinch direct me to your Lisp tutorials so i can understand what you're talking about
@Cinch metaprogrammes would need to be imperative, right?
he's unstoppable
@sehe she wasn't in the picture :)
You basically are looking for way for a static language to have composition of objects
he does not implement Stoppable
@Ell Not there yet.
(define_class clay_maker
    (defun shape_pottery
Except... now:
Is that a lisp?
(defun shape_pottery
    (disable malleable)
    (enable pottery)
any way, whilst I have patients to understand the ramblings, I lack enough to sit around around and try to explain to a brick wall why it is where it is.
And now suddenly our clay is now pottery but no longer clay
@R.MartinhoFernandes Good point :)
Mar 30 at 6:55, by sehe
Mar 16 at 22:22, by sehe
Learning things isn't about impressing people with how much semi-related stuff you can spit out per minute
But wait! It's still clay! Yes. It's just not malleable.
(dafuq you_on_about
    (disable derp)
    (enable meaning)
@sehe I'm not trying to impress, I'm trying to share my ideas and get confirmation and responses.
@thecoshman Can I borrow some of your patients?
@Cinch this just sounds like imperative style compile time metaprogramming to me :)
@AndyProwl We mutate type or concepts within functions.
What does "enabling pottery" actually do to the object?
3 mins ago, by Andy Prowl
he's unstoppable
@Ell Possibly. Not into metaprogramming yet so I guess I better get there
(ie, does it add functions?)
@Cinch Conversation requires communication. Communication requires listening. That way you can establish common ground. Otherwise, it's like the pirate said
@Cinch What can we do to malleable stuff that you can't do to any other?
@Ell It enables a class of functions that require the property to operate on the property-mutated type
is this just more vtable stuff?
@Blob This would be compile-time.
vtables are compile time
The idea is that we extend the type system to include concepts AND THEN unify them.
So, before line X, you can't call a function on something, and after that you can?
@Cinch No, not really. See Python.
@Cinch erm what
Unify what, types and concepts?
@milleniumbug This is just a nice example. Properties wouldn't impose any implications so you could use them how you want.
There is no silver bullet. If you want dynamic X, it shall not be implemented fully statically. Period.
But they're already being used with concepts. They're clearly useful.
See. You're just stating. Not listening.
this is harder to understand than french poetry
@Cinch So, tagging.
@sehe The point is not static or dynamic. The point is property mutation based on context or operation.
@Cinch Mutation is bad, remember?
@milleniumbug Possibly. Most likely. Except we would like the tagging to be invisible.
Yes. It's a dynamic language.
@Blob You stole that from the presentation @StackedCrooked linked the other day :0
@Cinch You can do this in Python already.
@Cinch What
@milleniumbug Ooh, what's it called?
@sehe i stole it from somewhere, not remembering what it was.
@Cinch ...Python.
@Griwes But static typing check with properties at compile time. We collapse the property system to a static-typed system at compile-time and enable the checking if we so desire for a dynamic system.
@Cinch You can't provide the definition to a thing by providing another thing you haven't defined. This must stop somewhere!
@Cinch So your types are now mutable at compile time?
And the exact same type can behave differently in different contexts?
yesterday, by StackedCrooked
@Griwes not-so-static typing!
@Griwes No, we can have the compiler still make sure the properties and mutations line up because it will keep track of which functions will mutate.
You can mutate state statically, duh. :P
@Cinch No.
That's called having objects of different types.
@Cinch Not when you introduce loops
@Cinch and can confirm you and rambling like the best of drunkards
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yes, but we'd have to use some sort of hack for inheritance or interfacing or composition
@Cinch Okay. Go implement it, come back when you've implemented it and when it's different than any other static type system in existence.
@Cinch wat
@Griwes Well, can someone point me to something that might "cure" my madness?
No hack needed.
@Cinch so multiple inheritance...
Robot got himself in the derpweb
You just make different types.
I'm about to shoot @Cinch with a watgun.
@thecoshman because this is such a great, safe tool.
@Cinch before we go any further, what is the proposed benefit of this system? :)
Like. Just thst.
@Ell It's unified!
@Ell The benefit is that we can simplify the system and make it more elegant, similar to Lisp's "list" system that is called so "beautiful" by many.
> "When I read code, I'm not reading “Hard Times”. It's more like studying 17th century French poetry — what the fuck did this guy mean" - David Heinemeier Hansson
T f (U) // changes U to T, impressive.
@Cinch it is what you are describing.
@Cinch there's no advantage because it is essentially the same system.
@Cinch I don't know of Lisps "list" system. But I don't see how making types mutable would simplify it
@R.MartinhoFernandes Except we want T not to be the only type of the data.
it sounds like it'd make it more complicated
@Cinch lol
@sehe Damn, the evil guy made a fun joke. I have to hate him a bit less now
@milleniumbug That seems interesting, yet anothing thing i have to read -.-;
@AndyProwl You can hate him a lot less if you please
@Ell It might simplify it. What if we need to apply new operations to an already existing type? Must we attach an operation to a certain type or class?
@Cinch lol
@Cinch Haskell's typeclasses.
@sehe That's way beyond my power. He's too evil for that
@milleniumbug And this is probably what I should walk into next. Know a good link?
ITT Atomic Lisp
haskell's typeclasses are just c++s concepts
but different vOv
@Cinch Any Haskell tutorial.
@AndyProwl Never blame others for your emotions :)
It is possible to bring up to main page a question ?
@Ell No.
@Ell Not really
Not that you can't implement typeclasses in c++
@Ell Yes, with the slight difference of being completely different.
Are you reinventing the notion of a variant?
@CosminIovan Not really.
oh wait
I think I confused a term
No wait I didn't
@sehe Heh, I don't blame him for my emotions. I blame him for saying things I deem evil.
I'm just bad at haskell I guess.
@milleniumbug Bad news :(
You know what cures your madness? Learning about what exists before you make up "new things" from the 1940s.
@Cinch Yes please. Padawan :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes Agreed. That's why I come here to embarrass myself instead of real life.
@AndyProwl I blame you for hating him
@Cinch Hint: this is real life (you only get one)
@Cinch now that you agree, I'll spell out for you what should be blindingly obvious: we don't like that. Stop doing it.
Thanks robor
or maybe I don't know what c++ concepts are
Why not both?
@sehe You sure can, but that won't help me stop
The joke did, a little bit
But not enough
I thought that in haskell where you have BasicEq a which requires an implementation of isEqual :: a -> a -> Bool, the c++ concept would be requiring the operator==(a, a) to be implemented
@AndyProwl Your responsibility :S
@Cinch look up the open closed principle
@Ell "the C++ concept" could amount to that. But it also could amount to a lot more (semantics) AFAIR
@sehe Sure. I'm fulfilling my responsibility, which is disliking evil
night all
Now I hope Rapptz doesn't read this
Hating is evil
@thecoshman night friend
@Ell At the same time in C++ you can go ahead and use == without any concept at all.
@sehe Not necessarily
@sehe :23068813 Hmm indeed. I haven't really looked much into "concepts proper" or concept maps
It's probably best if I remain quiet and do some more research, lest I have a similar fate to @Cinch ;)
@AndyProwl Oh well. You've no reputable source for that. Neither have I. I operate on the "no exceptions" rule to "Hating is evil"
I think hating is evil
@Ell You can't. You didn't drink enough today :)
Hating someone who kills people for fun is not evil
Killing that person would be evil
@AndyProwl No? How are you so sure
No, it's not. Hating injustice is not evil either
Hating a thing has different semantics from hating people
@Ell In a sense the directions are opposite: in C++ the concept comes after, refers to, existing (overloaded) operations & associated types; while in Haskell you start with the type class to introduce overloaded functions & associated types.
I'm too lazy to put my finger on it.
@LucDanton yes, this makes a lot of sense to me :)
Did anyone feel a disturbance in the force?
I'm sensing jedi very nearby
Did Jerry enter the room?
An even wiser yoda, maybe
Does haskell support duck typing?
@sehe Many people can't see the difference between themselves and the things they like, so, for them, the semantics are the same.
@Ell In all likelihood the answer you’re looking for is 'no'. There are things like Data.ByteString.Lazy and Data.ByteString.Strict that are kinda like it, depending on what you mean.
@sehe It took a while but I did get that :)
@EtiennedeMartel I refuse to think of Andy as such a person
@sehe Me neither, but still.
@EtiennedeMartel Think we can win tonight?
@Borgleader ÇA SENT LA COUPE
@LucDanton I don't think I'd be able to tell you what I mean, I don't know haskell well enough - really I'm referring to the duck typing that c++ has in templates
but I don't think that transfers over to haskell really
I don't think the conversation is particularly meaningful. In simple terms, hating evil is supporting its negation, which is good, so that can't be evil. But of course evil and good are relative things, so there isn't much to discuss in objective terms. Also, I don't literally "hate" the guy, I just very much dislike him professionally. I thought the Lounge could take a bit of exaggeration in the tone
Okay. Rummaging about the house and leaving for bed.
(@R.MartinhoFernandes we removed the wallpaper today. You wouldn't recognize the place :) All furniture got uprooted too)
Night all
@sehe Night :)

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