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@MarkGarcia my thoughts exactly
@DeanSeo It's important if you end up having access to a job which requires it
What is nutshell?
@thecoshman Damn I forgot to include the message you replied to. Would have been more fitting.
@DeanSeo too bad people hardly differentiate between that 1% and those 99%
it's still "a programmer"
narrow enough already innit
In some sectors yeah i agree @khajvah, but with today's computation speed, QoC doesn't seems to matter that much
The reality of the market is that most programmers aren't expected much in terms of knowing the internals of anything, but knowledge is still super overrated among programmers because of their culture
experience does matter
> knowledge is overrated
What is nutshell?
if you have experience you avoid stupid mistakes you might not have foreseen in advance
@DeanSeo Yes. Fits yours perfectly. :P
ITT knowledge is a useless artifact of ancient times
English expressions get sometimes very complicated.
Google doesn't have any sensible results for a nutshell in a nutshell, at least not at the top. I'm disappointed.
Don't get me wrong, this is important to be a good programmer
nutshellinanutshell.com is not taken
I'm even sadder
quick, buy it and make it display a nutshell in a nutshell
English sucks.
My point is that most programming jobs don't require good programmers, and you might even say that they require bad programmers because good programmers would be desperate or bored to death
Learn Korean.
I know that it would be better for my career to learn java instead of assembly and C now but you what? I don't give a shit.
My connection appears to suck majorly.
@khajvah Careers are overrated.
@MarkGarcia Ahh...
Java can't be good for anyone's career
Guess why we're on this chat during workhours :D
@Mr.kbok The market is filled with C# and Java jobs
@Mr.kbok I see what you mean. (ㅡ_ㅡ)v
hey, c# is kinda fun to use
its like cruise control
accu.org/… always nice to look at
Time to get off.
Go home time.
6PM yess...
>mfw when it's only 11 AM here
Have an awesome and stackoverflowing time guys!!
have a safe trip home
@DeanSeo Later.
@khajvah The market is filled with McDonald's jobs too.
McDonald's job not as bad as you'd think
except for the pay, of course
How can making yourself a cheap commodity be good for your career?
It makes you learn humility
Java and C# are not cheap. They are paid at least as much as C++ jobs.
even for like 3/6 month, i think working in retail for a while make yourself grow
> dpkg: considering deconfiguration of systemd, which would be broken by installation of systemd-shim ...
> dpkg: yes, will deconfigure systemd (broken by systemd-shim)
@Mekap I'm talking about Java here
Same thing no ? :X
Never heard of anyone learning humility with Java
Maybe with Visual Studio 2003
There should be a psychology study about the impact of VS2003
Like suicide rates
I know there's a correlation between bad weather and suicide rates
@Mr.kbok If the study is to be done now, would be MSVC's ICE rates.
made me chuckle Mark :X
23 mins ago, by Mekap
@MarkGarcia thanks, my life is now complete :D
oh you :")
@MarkGarcia lol
@khajvah Haskell master rac e.
> Recently i found that my card was trying to stream games to a nvidia shield even though i dont own one and it was eating at my cpu and destroying my framerate in games however i found a way to close down this process.
I gotta check this too
I wrote a tool in Haskell yesterday.
Gonna continue with it today.
RPC stuff for Python-JS.
Sick of writing serialisation and communication code myself.
I am gonna use pickle for serialization/deserialization. Wish me luck
Q: C++11 lambdas capturing by reference trivially destructable

iggyI would like to know if the following leaks memory or not (specified by the standard) ... jmp_buf env; if(setjmp(env) == 0) { auto lambda = [&] () { ... longjmp(env, 1); }; lambda(); } which boils down to whether lambdas capturing by reference have a trivial destru...

> I know that this is probably wicked, but has to be done nevertheless.
nah, I am gonna write my own json serializer, I don't trust pickle
> 'if it is exists' this is not phrased correctly, he says, being careful to phrase his comments correctly.
@rightfold echo "require-sandbox: True" >> ~/.cabal/config
@rightfold always and ever :-)
Q: Why isn't my elif statment working?

Bombers1234Im new to python and im currently doing a practise sac for IT and im trying to get the program to read the first digit of the postcode and then set the number to the billing variable. When i run it, it just sets it as the first if statement even though the first number is not a 0 or a 6. Please h...

@rightfold oh pish posh, just do a half arsed job and let the next sucker fix it up
> I'm working on a big project, some might say awesome.
@BartekBanachewicz yes but big companies don't care, if fossile fuel costs less -> that's the way
it will count more or less as a "seen" checkmark on whatsapp
The Fischer–Tropsch process is a collection of chemical reactions that converts a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen into liquid hydrocarbons. It was first developed by Franz Fischer and Hans Tropsch at the "Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut für Kohlenforschung" in Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany, in 1925. The process, a key component of gas to liquids technology, produces a synthetic lubrication oil and synthetic fuel, typically from coal, natural gas, or biomass. The Fischer–Tropsch process has received intermittent attention as a source of low-sulfur diesel fuel and to address the supply or cost of...
Pointed out by someone.
@MarcoA. actually, not really.
Also, being "green" has numerous monetary advantages
But Audi uses renewable energy to drive the process.
@khajvah Whython is the elifant in this room
the engines might run longer on that fuel
but not on gas
cos you can't put gas in engines
@MarcoA. lol
i agree with @MarcoA. they'll just go for the cheapest.
@khajvah it's a meme, shush
ok :D
When the barrel won't be worth it, it's clear that'll they will go green
I giggled at "get their Q an A". — Lightning Racis in Obrit 8 secs ago
@Mekap dunno, I don't buy cheapest fuel on principle
> Addition of isotopically labelled alcohol to the feed stream results in incorporation of alcohols into product. This observation establishes the facility of C-O bond scission. Using 14C-labelled ethylene and propene over cobalt catalysts results in incorporation of these olefins into the growing chain. Chain growth reaction thus appears to involve both ‘olefin insertion’ as well as ‘CO-insertion’
shit I could never get people who like chemistry
all these things are just sooooo boooooooring to me
Some people like "Women's studies"
Women's studies links gender to race, sexuality, class, and nation in order to define identity as a complex social phenomenon. Popular methodologies within the field of women's studies include standpoint theory, intersectionality, multiculturalism, transnational feminism, autoethnography, and reading practices associated with critical theory, post-structuralism, and queer theory. The field researches and critiques societal norms of gender, race, class, sexuality, and other social inequalities. It is closely related to the broader field of gender studies. == History == The first accredited Women...
Good morning everyone.
> in order to define identity as a complex social phenomenon
There are universities which have that major
there are also universities which have majors in european studies
some combo of history and geography about europe only
@AlexM. That's common
probably the most useless shit ever
at least people with women's studies can become trolls and get donations from SJWs or w/e
launch time :)
@BartekBanachewicz frigging cool isn't it!
I saw a few years ago some guys doing similar in the American desserts, focusing sunlight to get enough free heat to do 'reverse combustion'
> pump out 160 litres of the synthetic diesel every day
not a bad rate... especially for (relatively) small scale
> also has superior combustion when compared to fossil fuels
it just gets better!
@thecoshman is that similar to what germany's doing? arstechnica.com/science/2015/04/27/…
@Nisk not at all! it is the same....
oh sorry
I was misleading, the quotes are from the Audi article, the mention of the yanks was an asside
user image
I mean for god's sake, quite literally :D
the fucking hell. This one is new for me.
the sheer stupidity of that scene is daunting
@BartekBanachewicz I'm surprised they can show that in a kid's book
I don't think it's like, a real kids' book
@BartekBanachewicz That's awesome. :D
AwkwardMomentsBible.com is the original source
but the joemonster post lines them up nicel
I have to read the Old Testament again
it's just pure gold
incidentally, there's an article about dumb assumptions of foreigners about Poland just above /cc @thecoshman
I am bored, I should read islam.se a little
> I was wondering if it is permissible for men to watch the sport competitions which their players are women.
I sometimes think the religious people are just bored
they basically don't know what to do with their life so they make that shit up
to dunno, make it more interesting
@BartekBanachewicz No, they are indoctrinated from childhood.
@BartekBanachewicz :D
Oh this one is gold
Q: Alcohol in perfumes?

PureferretI've viewed a few websites in search of an answer to whether alcohol is permitted in perfumes, trying to answer my friend's question. However, I can't find a definitive answer to this question; some people say it is strictly forbidden, while others that a seemingly arbitrary amount is halal in so...

eh, reminds me of victorian times, and the ladies turning the holy icons to face the wall in order for them not to see the indecencies they were doing
@khajvah Why is it "gold"?
@BartekBanachewicz Try not to be such a prejudiced little shit.
Fucking racists.
Here comes LRiO with typical LRiO responses.
shit, I'm late, caught in traffic :(
did the LRiO vs Bartek start already?
@LightningRacisinObrit I meant wonderful, priceless. (I do believe it is used for that meaning)
@AlexM. Not yet, you have time to get pop corn
Fucking hell. Riots in Baltimore too now?
@khajvah Yes, god, I'm so predictable, aren't I? Speaking out against hate speech. Fuck me, right?
@Jefffrey Baltimore, USA*
@wilx Many aren't.
@LightningRacisinObrit Hate speech? I don't have any reason to hate religious people. I am just pointing out how stupid religions are and how they brainwash people.
@khajvah +
> New Safe Confinement construction - the picture shows that the first half of the new shell is nearing completion; another shell of that same size will be constructed behind it, before together they are rolled up to cover the west end of the plant, including the old sarcophagus and reactor 3 and 4.
I wonder how realistic it would be to make a cover that's off by default for all NPPs
like, coming from under the ground
so when an accident like chernobyl happens
it closes over the whole NPP keeping everything in there
everyone inside most likely dies but others are saved
@khajvah Pretty much why I wasn't talking to you. The only thing I said to you is 'why is it "gold"?' If you thnik that is "typical LRiO responses" then... well, weird.
> — Built-in Function: int __builtin_ffs (int x)
^ lol
@LightningRacisinObrit that's one of those intrinsics I told you about
@orlp yepper
Think I'm going to use __builtin_clz
they don't do the same thing
@LightningRacisinObrit Hmmm, no, I'd say that is pretty unpredictable. You often seem to swing the other way.
I want to loop through set bits in a uint64_t and I'd rather entirely skip the highest that I know aren't set to avoid a few continues
@AlexM. IRTA "to cover the west end of the planet", and was wondering what kinda sci-fi story you were reading.
@orlp I know. That's probably why they have different names...
@LightningRacisinObrit No man, but I was laughing at islam.se too.
@khajvah Laughing != hate speech
@Xeo a Hoover Sphere
@khajvah also IIRC Islam allows drinking at night because Allah doesn't see you
or something
just to save you some trouble
@BartekBanachewicz He used to not see but it is 21st century now. I think he got night vision equipment
@BartekBanachewicz "let's do all the stuff that is forbidden while nobody is looking!"
@khajvah more like facebook
@Xeo That seems to sum up a large portion of the history of humanity :p
@orlp this, basically
see how the highest 0 aren't even checked
@orlp ooh
licence, dependencies?
libop has a lot of things though, so you probably want to jack it out
I'll have to anyway since I'm C++03
oh :(
why do you do this to yourself
@BartekBanachewicz you sound angered
nah I just like to shout buzzwords
lol yeah cos GIT, HASKELL and AUTO aren't buzzwords at all
you're a git
so tempted to flag you into oblivion, polski
(loved that movie)
@LightningRacisinObrit is this performance-critical?
it's lightess-critical
Why is today moving so slowly
though I'll take what I can get within reason if it's cheap in terms of code clarity
then I don't know if you want to introduce intrinsics
why you got a comment bout the shifting?
@khajvah not really, I got here early today
whcih means I have just 2 hours and 50 minutes left
@orlp worth just continueing all the way through, you reckon?
@LightningRacisinObrit I don't know
oops my conditional is backwards too lol
@orlp assume sparse distribution of ones through the input and frequent setting of bits at the higher end
// I want this :(
let (auto it, bool inserted) = map.emplace(...);
// ->
auto&& __result = map.emplace(...);
auto it = adl_get<0>(__result);
bool inserted = adl_get<1>(__result);
@LightningRacisinObrit sorry I'm distracted by my own code
this stuff is tricky =/
> Now, of course, the US is the biggest fan of people owning ideas
lol fuck off
A colleague of mine just came to talk and tell me how the competitors use go and rust in their systems
@orlp I'll stick with it for now cos it looks cool
and I can't see how it'd cost me performance wise
cba to benchmark frankly

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