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omg hide before the crazy flagger comes
I farted
he's here! The man with no avatar
Forgot with which e-mail I had registered for @stdasylum
@AlexM. I read it in Gollum's voice.
A: dynamic memory allocation c++

PuppyIt causes an error if the for loop is executed at all. In fact, that code is just an error. You're an error for writing it. And if you try to deliver it to your employer, your salary will become an error.

couldn't be arsed today.
@Puppy ha ha, I replied to the same question
true, but it was probably not as cathartic as my answer.
@Puppy actually I found odd that you can allocate 0 bytes without any warning
perfectly legal thing to do.
@Puppy it was not indeed
@Puppy lol
I wish people stopped explaining undefined behavior with things that are impossible to happen
@Puppy lol
like your car not starting in the morning because of UB
it's really stupid
@AlexM. Since your car is governed by an electronic control chip, it doesn't seem particularly impossible to me.
@R.MartinhoFernandes What caught your eye?
@AlexM. technically it is not stupid. Undefined behaviour may mean a power spike issue in your computer, which can trigger something else. Of course it is highly improbable, but nevertheless it is not measure 0.
@AlexM. ever heard of Tegra?
@AlexM. I had nasal demons for three days last week:(
@MarcoA. the nvidia chip?
@AlexM. yep
technically you might experience undefined behavior while driving
yes, but nowhere in that question was it said that that guy's program was running inside a computer driving a car's functionality or w/e
start: while(1) { if(0); goto start; } brake();
> for the next C++ standard I propose nothing less than to deprecate the pointer dereferenciation keyword ->.
@AlexM. was joking of course when wrote the car reference piece, but you shouldn't really rely on anything when UB is to blame. I wrote once a piece of crap like that on some old RS232 device and it ended up burning a $100 engine which after that caused more damage.
@R.MartinhoFernandes this is indeed the bomb today
@LightningRacisinObrit I didn't want to cause some sort of drama. :/ That's all. — Radiodef 7 mins ago
Explanation for posting screenshots of answers
@Prismatic That thing has been in development for years :/
@LightningRacisinObrit so @LightningRacisinObrit you just want 4 spatial dimensions but not time?
@R.MartinhoFernandes yeah... the latest video is 8 months old. I hope it doesn't flatline
hmm I'm up to page 37 and it's not so good any more
@Prismatic It has been flatlining for years.
@vsoftco it's a mystery
@LightningRacisinObrit Unfortunately the issue is that you'll always see a projection, but still it may look cool indeed. You'd have to have some "move out of my 3D" manifold option though.
@R.MartinhoFernandes marctenbosch.com/news
Looks like it might be out soon actually
This is a proper answer in my book. — Alex M. 6 secs ago
some of the parents I see on that site make me appreciate mine more
LotsOfFun -> I have to port to CMake a lot of makefiles
@Prismatic Well, it's been six years or so.
@AlexM. definitely
> Apple said it currently has a record $195 trillion dollars of cash on its books
Q: How do I approach my 13-year-old daughter's confusion regarding her sexuality?

essgeeMy 13-year-old daughter is fascinated and obsessed with another girl. She is not able to do her normal routine things. She has not even talked to the girl yet the girl occupies her full mental space. This has led to all her friends laughing at her and calling her "gay" she has stopped going to sc...

didn't realize inequality in the US was that bad.
@AlexM. Yeah.
@Puppy I wonder how much of that money would have been injected back into the US if they didn't use all those fancy international workarounds to reduce the amount of tax they pay
a lot.
@Puppy It is. The US is stuck in the 1950s, culturally and in terms of intelligence.
@LightningRacisinObrit Wut? But if something isn't done, this girl might turn to gasp something horrendous, like Star Trek!
@EtiennedeMartel inorite!
lol people calling your answer chatty
@LightningRacisinObrit Gee, how many questions on parenting.se are "How do I force my child to like something they don't like?"?
if there's anything chatty in there, it's that mod using so many words to say so little
@R.MartinhoFernandes Almost all of them I'd wager
@LightningRacisinObrit :P
@AlexM. Amazing three words can constitute "chatty".
But I learnt a long time ago that the only thing more annoying than programmers on the internet... is non-programmers on the internet.
I always had the impression that the other SE sites were full of programmers trying hobbies
No, they're full of hobbyists trying websites.
@R.MartinhoFernandes s/parenting/dictatoring/
Q: 6 yo smothers his food in sauce -- how can I change this?

David BoshtonMy son likes salad cream -- alot. He tends to use loads of it and I'm concerned that he's not actually tasting anything new. It's not allowed on every meal, but when it's out it's all over everything (and frankly I find it quite disgusting, but that's beside the point and my problem). I want him...

I love this one too
@LightningRacisinObrit Why do you think US is stuck in the 50's? There are some competent people living there also. The society overall is a bit messed up, but I guess this is almost the rule in every western-based culture.
@vsoftco Because people still care about race and gender there.
lol you don't even live here
@Rapptz And? So? Therefore?
@LightningRacisinObrit and abortion, true. But this is not the majority. We have e.g. racists everywhere in this world.
You have race riots three times a year lately.
I don't generalise a country based on cherry-picked articles on the media.
A: How do I approach my 13-year-old daughter's confusion regarding her sexuality?

A83M02I am new here and I have no idea how old this post is... but the reason why I am here is because like most I have a 12 yr old daughter!!!! Where do I begin!! She's moody she's irrational she's been in puberty 2 years she a daughter of a single mother!!! Yes for 12 yrs!!! anyway... last year I r...

You have a problem with women in industry so bad that there are movements to encourage women to go into sciences. And women sue because they feel uncomfortable at work.
It's pathetic
@Rapptz Actually most of my experience with this comes from working with several American firms.
The way they treat their black and female colleagues is outrageous. And in a way that seem to think is just normal behaviour.
I found this almost everywhere.
I don't have this issue.
You're neither black nor a female, last I checked.
Also you're only 15.
@LightningRacisinObrit no it's not pathetic. I am not encouraging women to sue for this shit. Everyone can sue for stupid reasons. I am just saying that I lived in 4 countries until now, and I realized each one has their "backbone" part of society who are just plain stupid. I don't see any visible difference.
Ooooh boy.
@vsoftco Are you calling blacks and women "stupid"? You'd better watch your mouth, son.
That may fly in the USA but not here!
@LightningRacisinObrit ha ha, ok ok :))
Real talk Lounge, do you think programmers raise their kids differently at all than non-progammers
@StackedCrooked Hahaha, a friend of mine just reached that one scene in Muv Luv Alternative
Tomalak is an expert in parenting because he has so many children.
(You did play that, right?)
Well elaborate, o wise RacisInObrit
@Prismatic No. It's non-programmers that raise their kids differently than programmers.
@LightningRacisinObrit go to the fridge, take your milk, if the fridge is not cold enough, repeat
@vsoftco ok
@EtiennedeMartel Four enough for ya?
@LightningRacisinObrit Needs more.
@EtiennedeMartel nah
@Prismatic while (child.age() < 18) {child.raise();}
Also, needs to be a prime number.
@LightningRacisinObrit lol
Which programmer parents are the most protective
@Nooble catch(genius)
@Xeo :P
try { push; } catch (if_it_falls&) {}
I got that reference
Bigot that reference
Non programmers don't toss their kid an arduino at age 5 and say there's the food, on pin 15.
> Your item departed a transfer airport in Heathrow, London, UNITED KINGDOM on April 25, 2015 at 9:47 am. The item is currently in transit to the destination.
How long does stuff from London take to get to you normally @LightningRacisinObrit?
6 to 8 weeks
@CatPlusPlus Business weeks, you mean.
Fun-fact: T => U is contravariant in T and covariant in U. (T => U) => V is however covariant in T and contravariant in U.
Covariance acts like unary + and contravariants acts like unary -!
@Xeo Depends what it is. Results vary from around 0.000695s (light), to 2 hours (person on train), to several months (snail)
@Xeo It won't have done much yesterday. It probably hit a depot here today, then will arrive at my door tomorrow, when I'm out :)
@LightningRacisinObrit Wait, it takes snail amount of time for several months to travel to you?
Any of you buy a Raspberry Pi 2 and play around with it
@CatPlusPlus lol, those load averages.
@R.MartinhoFernandes shush
literally none of us.
I feel like puppy's most oft repeated answer in chat is 'no.'
Note: agetty in containers does not work very well
this guy's a bit slow on the uptake
@LightningRacisinObrit hrhr
my cuz pays like 40k+ a semester in tuition
Lucky Germans
tuition fees are a bit of a crime
romania never had them
We're living the dream over here ;)
@Puppy No hyperbole was harmed in the writing of this sentence.
if there's anything good that was left over from the communist education system, it's definitely the free college
@EtiennedeMartel Well, they're clearly not literally a crime.
and yes, charging people for education is silly
you're charging people to prepare them to build your future
the more obvious fact to me is that we spend billions of pounds a year on useless degrees, because the graduates aren't making enough money.
@Prismatic ooh that reminds me
need to go recalculate my loan balance
I think this is my last year of repayments
ah fuck me still £2.8k to go
Still 5.3k eur to go :(
14 months to go -.-
at least the interest is just 1.09%.
The only good thing about my school experience was that it had mandatory co-op and I graduated without any having any loans to pay off
yay for tuition loan
27 years to go ...
sigh I really wanted that extra £200/mo at some point this year
I deprecated a function even before I implemented it.
I want my extra 600 euro :(
wait, it's 500 / month
not 600
{-# DEPRECATED (&) "Use (&) from Data.Function instead." #-}
(&) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b
(&) = flip ($)
CBA to install latest GHC.
@AlexM. A discussion of what defines a thorough answer would be welcome on meta. However, "how to answer" is fairly clear on what makes a good answer: Brevity is acceptable, but fuller explanations are better.Erica ♦ 9 mins ago
ugh, the "go to meta" and "see this page with rules"
would be really nice to break 4k euro, but that's so not gonna happen at my current job. for that kinda jump, I'd need to change jobs.
So annoying. :(
Fucking salary
SE is so unwilling to get out of its patterns
@AlexM. It's not always silly. I agree a free educational system is the best, however there are countless countries that have free education in which the college graduates are completely non-competitive. Romania is an example. Except the IT field, most other disciplines are way way out. Economics is ZERO. Mathematics is almost ZERO. Physics is ZERO also (even most Univ. Profs publish in junk journals, not even ISI).
well, maybe our new game will be an unimaginable hit
gotta get it done good enough for the milestone next week first, though.
does it have memes and or celebs in it
and with that, time for sleeps. g'night
Can somebody please tell me the reason behind this: void test(int*& ptr)?
Is there any case where someone needs just a copy of a pointer and not the pointer itself?
this year I paid 1937 in tax.
Good job
@wing to set the pointer to something
and about another 150-200 more in student loan repayments.
nearly all of which I can claim back from the govt.
ugh, the question to one of my answers got closed over at gd.se as being opinion based
> Is there anything to keep in mind when choosing Boo for Unity development?
I should sue Rotterdam University.
Boo has worse tooling support than C#
They said it was CS but it was in fact software development.
there's nothing opinion based in the fact that Unity started announcing that they're dropping support for Boo (they started with the front end)
and in the fact that you can work around any Boo issue with referencing C# or UnityScript from Boo
but w/e
Is Unity's Boo like Unreal's Blueprint?
apparently you literally cannot claim back tax without a credit card, mobile phone, and driving licence/passport.
and doing so requires giving your life history to a third party.
ive heard of people suing unis for not getting in
@Puppy I got a (prepaid) credit card pretty easily without giving my life history to anybody (at least directly)
never for a shitty program though
Prepaid is not credit
@Xeo No, I meant, you have to give your life history to a third party in addition.
@Puppy where is this?
debit. whatevs
@Puppy oh
wait, I wanted to sleep
6 mins ago, by Xeo
and with that, time for sleeps. g'night
@CatPlusPlus of course you can, all it takes is compiling C# or US before your Boo gets compiled
@Puppy I just need to give them my SIN (Canada) or SSN in USA, which of course can uniquely identify you.
@AlexM. Of course you can what
you said "No"
@Puppy £7,488 :( +£4,400 NI
To a specific question
I assumed it was about
3 mins ago, by Alex M.
and in the fact that you can work around any Boo issue with referencing C# or UnityScript from Boo
I thought that Boo was a language.
I'm not sure what you're answering
let me read the transcript
> Your username must be between 6 and 32 characters long.
fuck off!
3 mins ago, by Blob
Is Unity's Boo like Unreal's Blueprint?
Puppy is a perfectly legit username.
@Puppy Yeah. Ask me about "Xeo".
ah Blob
I didn't see his message because plonk
I run into the 4 character minimum regularly
@Xeo just hash your name and you'll be at least mentally happy that you're using (almost) the same name :)
plonking should really just spoiler-ify messages from people not hide the fact that they were posted completely
Contains at least 8 characters
Has a maximum length of 128 characters
Contains at least one number
Contains at least one lower case letter
Contains at least one upper case letter
Contains at least one special character, e.g. ! £ $ #
fuck dudes, 120 bits entropy random generate isn't good enough for you?
@AlexM. good idea
How about FuckYou!1
@Puppy FuckOFF_69_B!tches
meta se feature request plz
no number.
@Puppy scrub. 240+ or bust
@Puppy They’re respecting entropy conservation restrictions. Leave some bits for other passwords!
@Puppy lol "special"
@Xeo 120 is more than enough I think
It costs nothing to generate 64char 240+ bit entropy passwords instead of 120 bit ones
page 45 and I'm starting to see reposts
@puppy well they can't exactly ask for the blood of your first born through a web form, can they?
@LightningRacisinObrit not sure it would solve many things
@JanisF They're certainly trying.
@Xeo It doesn't cost much, but I'm not feeling a lot of benefit either, so
has there been any meta request successfully turned into a feature?
oh and four of those dumb security questions too
@Puppy the benefit being that you conform to their password restrictions :D
@Puppy lol. gg. got good password restrictions, and then security questions.
@Xeo I achieved that by just turning on the "Special character" setting :P
More passwords
I just wonder when will we be able to use an RSA public key for signing in into all those bullshit websites.
@CatPlusPlus Do you store those as "<Name> Security Question 1" (i.e., real passwords), or do you just generate them and store them in the note text block in the real password entry?
As passwords
The password business seems so un-safe.
On a totally different topic, do people actually use the MSDN forums? I feel like everything about them is telling me to just stop bothering and go to SO instead.
I've been doing the latter so far. Guess I could just save them as proper passwords and stuff them in a "Security Questions" folder, collapsed.
and a memorable word.
I literally just forgot the fourth security question.
2 mins ago, by Cat Plus Plus
More passwords
What about "unreasonable"? I'd say that's very memorable in that context
@CatPlusPlus this whole business with pass/sec. questions is just plain bullshit. It is way less secure than a proper key-exchange auth. I wonder why there is still no option for the latter.
I think I've lived on a street with the same name in three different villages/towns.
you think...
how does that just come to you one day
@Puppy That recent post of yours was actually very appreciative. Wanna be part of the RTFM-club?
you fuckers.
you told me to give my firstborn son to Company X instead of Company Y specifically because I told you that I don't have a photographic driving licence.
and now I can't because they won't let you progress without one.
... or part of the Batshit-Insanity club?
your what
Aren't you like 21? Why the fuck don't you have at least a provisional?
@LightningRacisinObrit As if he has a newborn, calm down
I wasn't talking to you.
@LightningRacisinObrit Me neither.
oh boy
@Columbo You were.
@LightningRacisinObrit To myself?
Jefffrey how is Clojure going
I got attracted by FRP again
functional reactive programming?
Because of temporal logic and the Curry–Howard isomorphism?
@rightfold Not sure why
But I have problems to illustrate to FRP guys
Consider the following type:
data Case a b
    = Recv (BoundedChan a) (a -> IO b)
    | Send (BoundedChan a) a (IO b)
What would be the type of a list of cases where each case can have its own type for a but a fixed type for b?
I'm alone in the #frp channel
this page literally directly states that only one of the two is required, but their validation triggers if you don't provide them both.
tempted to try to just fix up the JS
I thought [forall a. Case a Int].
But I don't think that works.
@rightfold data Box = (forall a. => Box (Case a Int)) or something like that
And then [Box]
I don't want a box.
Just change the name to whatever you need
I made a property class thing in c++
time for some .*
Its not really FRP but its kinda like it
Still gotta figure that reply/image thing out /cc @LightningRacisinObrit
@Prismatic Why are you using both lower camelCase and upper CamelCase for member functions?
upper CamelCase is for public functions
lower is for private and protected
@Prismatic I see, and that's why evaluate is lower camelCase while being a public function, I guess.
@Prismatic just like in Go!
I'm proud!
variable names are all snake case
@rightfold I followed some bits from the Google style guide, wouldn't surprise me if Go did too
In Go only capitalised names are exported.
data Case b
    = forall a. Recv (BoundedChan a) (a -> IO b)
    | forall a. Send (BoundedChan a) a (IO b)
How about this @Jefffrey?
Maybe, does it compile?
Maybe, does it not.
Yes! :D
@Prismatic That's a truly terrible convention
nice job duplicating information there
@Puppy What info am I duplicating?
the access specifier of the method.
it's stated once in the source code and then again in the method naming convention.
True. I guess I just like that I can tell at a glance
That assumes you always get it right.
I liked your mother at a glance too
time for some Firefly
> Prior founded temporal logic
dat last name
btw, anyone here in Dublin or London? I may change my job and those two cities look nice for me. I've never lived in UK for more than 1 month though, so if you have any good things or rants about it let me know.
@vsoftco Too many Americans.
@LightningRacisinObrit I'm not an American you racist
@rightfold Btw., any noteworthy IRC channels you frequent, concerning C++?
@LightningRacisinObrit ohh I see, this is your rant :) I misunderstood your first answer.
@Columbo ##c++ on freenode is the Lounge's spiritual predecessor in a lot of ways
@vsoftco Yes you walked right into that one
Don't move to London unless you like being poor or you're getting a dream job
It's got some cool nightlife and that but otherwise it's really not worth it -- the financial considerations strut to the forefront of it all
@LightningRacisinObrit So is Dublin better? Or just stick to North America? I'd very much prefer Europe now for a variety of reasons.
@vsoftco I don't know much about Dublin. If you're interested in the UK+Eire then there are other cities, y'know.
I hear Germany isn't bad for software stuff. You'd have to ask @R.MartinhoFernandes about that.
@LightningRacisinObrit Like? I am quite ignorant on the IT/tech market on the other side of the Atlantic (i.e. Europe), that's why I asked this question.
@LightningRacisinObrit Oh ok, thanks for the tip.
@vsoftco Perhaps we can have this conversation properly tomorrow :)
@LightningRacisinObrit what's the significance of tomorrow? A best-day? Or swear-the-truth-day? :) Or no booze day :))) ?
@vsoftco It's a time in the future that is not rudely far away but also is not right now
user image
@vsoftco There is a no booze day?
@LightningRacisinObrit fair enough :)
@MartinJames I'm trying my best to have some
@vsoftco Give up. In this industry, abstainance breeds madness:)
@MartinJames In my field is even worse :)
@LightningRacisinObrit night

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