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Obviously I've learned something over the past year.
@Prismatic Except the work still needs to be done, and now he's lost his flow.
@Cinch well, the shitty thing is the following. Assume you open such a page/site/chat etc. Then I can bet my life that every 1ms you'll get spam with homework question, like "look, why if(a=b) doesn't work?! I've tried anything". Fuck it, those persons need to know how to search outside Facebook or Twitter or Amazon.
@Cinch I'd like to, but fuck, that new profile is god-awful.
@vsoftco That's fine. But why can't they find the answer?
Yes, I like how your most recent post is one in which you made a grave misunderstanding in your question then had to correct it yourself in an answer
Don't get me wrong, that's good and that's learning
Because they are L - A - Z - Y
but if you think "you've learnt", you're wrong.
@LightningRacisinObrit What does that even mean? If the power keeps kicking out every 10 minutes, how would you expect to get any work done?
@Prismatic Yeah I'll be so happy when my PSU or whatever fries
anyways... if anyone is interested, just ping me or start a new room with me
A: Does Boost.Spirit or Antlr support Left-recursive grammars

The ANTLR GuyI'll google that for you. Yep, ANTLR 4 supports directly left recursive rules. https://theantlrguy.atlassian.net/wiki/display/ANTLR4/Left-recursive+rules

Hehe. "The ANTLR guy": "I'll google that for you". Seems legit
one should only try to minimize the action, be as lazy as possible, but there is a limit.
@Prismatic The work still needs to be done. Requirements, tasks and deadlines do not magically disappear just because the power is unreliable one afternoon. The only actual lasting effect is that now you have less time in which to do that work. It's a bad thing, not a good thing.
PC turned off only once thankfully, the other two dips just put GPU in low-power mode for a second
@LightningRacisinObrit I've gone from unable to link and compile wxWidgets to creating my own freaking library!
@Cinch I'm going to ignore you for a little bit. Please don't take it personally.
@LightningRacisinObrit No problem.
@CatPlusPlus Time of UPS ...?
For example, I try to do my research before asking a question (sometime I agree I asked some stupid ones, couple in chat), but in general I try to figure out by myself. If I cannot, then I post a question.
@vsoftco I know you're a professor too, right?
I was, now I'm not teaching, I only do research
@vsoftco People who do not do that are either too lazy to bother or too stupid to realise it's an option.
@ScottW Hey dawg :)
I wanted to buy a new laptop but then again fuck it, I won't need to be in the office that much
@vsoftco Many people hit their limit quite low in comparison to others. That's why Stack Overflow gets these kinds of questions. Some people don't know how to research!
It is not "elitist" to acknowledge that there exist people in the world who are not endowed with much intelligence. It's a fact of life. Shying away from that fact isn't going to help anyone.
I'll probably funnel all that into UPS because god you just can't rely on fucking anything
Your mom's fat never disappears because it appears to take an infinite amount of time to cross the event horizon.
@LightningRacisinObrit Of course. That's why I want to help cater to these people to raise the LCD.
He might have googled it regardless. This asks for further investigation. — Alex M. 44 secs ago
@LightningRacisinObrit I agree, I am not as harsh as you though :)
We see it a lot in beginners here, because most of those people won't get very far. Hence, few stupid experts exist.
That's why I want to raise the LCD.
he ignored you
hi guys
@ScottW You still alive? You should totally do the unconference (if it's not already underway?)
hello Asteroids
damn highlights.js
keeps screwing the format
:D I think he's not going to accrue the airmiles
It's like saying "stupid people can't write." Maybe, but they might want to know how to write and gain some sort of literacy.
It's as if we completely abandoned the public school system and stopped forcing people from going to school.
@ScottW UK. Bristol, maybe? London? I didn't follow too well
@Cinch That is the responsibility of the relevant politicians and not us.
@sehe London.
@Puppy Politicians are supposed to (you know what I mean, damn it) do things for the community.
@Cinch knowledge != intelligence
@Cinch Any lack of effectiveness on their part is a problem for them and the people they supposedly serve; and not us.
@AsteroidsWithWings Well duh. But programming is based a lot on knowledge and repititon.
Now, smart programming requires intelligence.
@Cinch IMO I still think it's a better option to close those question, and explain why. I also think there should be a default option "We are not here to solve your homework". Those question are driving me nuts. Sometimes I answer some of those because the answer itself was intriguing, and I probably just want to show off, but in general such question should not be tolerated. When you sign on for S.O., there is a very clear and concise explanation of what this site is for.
@Cinch Are you kidding? Programming is exactly not repetition. The entire point of programming is to make the computer do boring repetitive tasks for you.
@vsoftco I know, and that's why I don't SO is the best place for this.
programming is literally anti-repetitive
Programming is about solving problems, not writing code
@Puppy Learning anything is based on repetition.
@CatPlusPlus Half of programming IS writing code, hence the semantic questions we have on SO.
@Cinch Only if you're an idiot.
@Cinch No, that's about 5%
@Cinch well, if you can come up with a successful site for beginners, I truly wish you good luck. But unfortunately I think you have way too much hope
Writing code is the easy part
@Cinch Absolutely false.
@vsoftco Hey, I'm 17. I don't want to give up on my peers.
I once knew a guy who could easily nail any competitive programming challenge... if he had seen a similar problem before.
Unless you're a masochist and use crap like cplusplus
101% memory, basic reasoning support
@vsoftco Exactly! That's why I proposed Atomic Coding.
I posted it to /r/learnprogamming and they liked it.
I see ScottW is the new Tony. Always appearing as summoned
@ScottW Did you catch up on the fact the the lion semi-officially broke up with the lounge/moved on?
@sehe ahahahahahaha
I am pushing very, very hard for this.
@sehe Aw, did something happen?
hello :)
Not because I really want it, but because I want an answer to this problem.
@mahmoudgamal What question or HW do you have....
@Cinch lol
@Cinch semantic questions are frequently seen on the C++ tag, because the language has so many subtle rules. However, being proficient in C++ doesn't mean you have to know all these rules. I bet none of the Standard Committee members know ALL the rules. I can tell you for sure that Bjarne doesn't know them.
@Cinch I like how the response is from "leon the misfit"
@Cinch It's da bomb
@jalf Not really. Just like so many, he moved on. No hard feelings. I suppose he found better ways to bide his time?
@AsteroidsWithWings The /r/learnprogramming audience is who I'm catering to.
@vsoftco In fact, arguably, a large part of C++ is knowing when not to apply the rules.
@Cinch can you provide a TLDR summary? I'm tired tonight : (
Tony is too busy playing YNAB
Cinch blabbering about his amazing ideas for passing knowledge while refusing to listen to everyone's input?
@MarcoA. Atomic Coding is a minimal FAQ Socratic learning site that runs orthogonal to SO.
@jalf The fact that you didn't notice tells us something :P
@R.MartinhoFernandes Must be Lounge
@R.MartinhoFernandes You nailed it
@Puppy good point. I think code should be just elegant, without relying on crazy syntax artifacts.
@Cinch omfg that wasn't terribly explicative to me
@vsoftco Syntax artifacts? Who gives a fuck? Semantic artifacts.
@MarcoA. finally, someone else who uses the word "explicative"
@Puppy yes, sorry for my mistake
that's what I meant
@MarcoA. Programming FAQs packed in a format for beginners so that we destroy questions before they even come up for beginners because they don't get SO.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Pretty much. Apparently he has had loads of leadership roles so, yeah, he's pretty much ready.
@CatPlusPlus wut
Beginners have hard time because people use terrible approaches to teaching programming
I certainly admire his intentions and his drive. But he should take a step back and listen once in a while. He's just starting out but doesn't appear to realise the constraints that that implies.
@CatPlusPlus Beginners have a hard time because they don't understand the concepts/paradigms and they get tripped on syntax.
Syntax is part of the approach
@MarcoA. He wants an SO clone for learning how to program. He forgets that SO is already that. Butttt targeted for those who can learn how to program
Nowadays I've seen lots of beginners asking about SFINAE without being able to write a quicksort algorithm. You're not going to go anywhere with that. You'll just learn a language like a monkey.
@sehe I want an alternate SO, basically, for beginners.
If you pick a language with syntax designed by a bunch of monkeys doing mescaline then don't fucking wonder that people have hard time with it
@sehe Couldn't have put it better myself.
He basically wants to waste time on lost causes.
@CatPlusPlus no, the syntax is decent. You CAN complicate it if you want, but for basic/intermediate things you are more than fine.
But he calls them "beginners" instead and won't listen to reason.
cos "elitist" lol
cplusplus is a bad language, especially for beginners
pretty sure all Cinch causes were lost causes so far
Wrong tool for teaching that shit
Very very wrong
@vsoftco C++' Syntax is horrificly unreadable at times.
@ScottW Good :) With your relative orbital periods it's easy to miss things like that
@Columbo Yeah, I can't even read what I write every day.
@CatPlusPlus What to do? And C++ isn't the only language, you know.
I just bash my keyboard with my face until my compiler stops screaming.
@EtiennedeMartel see an obstetrician
Even Python is quite opaque to the untrained programmer. It's better, but not the best.
"What to do" is not use C++ for teaching people who never did programming
@Cinch I'd give you a star of obviousness for that second part
@vsoftco Well, I couldn't do quicksort off the top of my head. Fuck that.
@CatPlusPlus (We're forced to. Shiver.)
@EtiennedeMartel Somehow your keyboard seems craving more '★' there
@Columbo ok, I agree it CAN be unreadable. Do you want to go this step? You can perfectly learn C++ without raw pointers, use the Standard Library, use maps/sets/dictionaries, and write concise and simple programs. I don't think syntax will bother you at this stage.
@vsoftco If that's the C++ you need use Python
@vsoftco You talked about SFINAE though. TMP is pretty unreadable
@vsoftco Because std;:vector<std::vector<int>> is gramatically close to 2D Matrix
Besides C++ syntax is one thing, the mess that is C++ semantics is even worse
@LightningRacisinObrit Well, what about bubblesort? :) I was just kidding, but the issue is that too many people are just focusing on the most crazy syntax one can get with C++
santorini looks badass
@LightningRacisinObrit I think I implemented A* roughly 12 times during university, and I still can't do it through memory.
@vsoftco could you try to learn how to use the reply-arrows, please? It's so confusing without any structural references
The amount of outdated, legacy crap in the language that you have to sidestep at every turn is not something beginners do very well (who knew)
@AlexM. You keep saying that
@LightningRacisinObrit go there on your holiday
@sehe it's the first time I see santorini
@sehe Hmm, @CatPlusPlus had a GIF for that.
And I agree, you can get some crazy shit (why the heck < was chosen for templates is beyond my understanding), but still, you don't need to get buried in all this shit.
@sehe sorry, I missed my @
@vsoftco Why the hell chevrons were used for templates? Well, what the hell else?
@AlexM. pretty sure that's not true. He might be misguided in motives some of the time (cough) but you shouldn't underestimate the value/power of sheer energy/will.
@vsoftco You what. Do you not know what the reply arrows are?
we all learned some fundamental algorithm to nail an interview or because we really thought we would be set on fire by colleagues if we couldn't write it by heart at work... for me it turns out I never had to write any of those by hand
@sehe I know now :)
@vsoftco But the best choices are often not the most clear ones in C++. How is fgets() for input in C and <T> the best idea for generic programming?
Now, Python has their bases covered. C++ doesn't on the learning curve.
@sehe but it seems to be the same as @
JavaScript has their bases covered because it is designed to be much more transparent (EXCEPT WHEN ITS NOT)
@vsoftco It's not.
@Columbo it's not what?
@vsoftco Not the same.
@vsoftco Most certainly is not
I can't find a proper ref (the GIF!!!)
@Columbo so this is different from @? I feel like Peter Girffin from Family Guy now :))))
Q: Is there a shortcut for replying to chat messages?

MaxpmIs there a keyboard shortcut for replying to messages, much like the up arrow is a shortcut for editing your previous message?

@vsoftco Yes. Mouse-hover thy reply message! (Or the subject of the reply)
@sehe Great!
@LightningRacisinObrit ew
santorini sucks
@vsoftco hehehe (deleting messages wreaks havoc :))
the 2nd niagara pics is better than the first actually
@sehe Ok now I'm good for some serious ranting here :)
Okay, so Atomic Coding was closed.
That's good, then. It's conclusive.
Then what's the alternative?
@AlexM. kek
@AlexM. yeah it's helpful having somewhere to actually walk
@Cinch I think the alternative is to teach people to start learning, and spend some minimal time figuring out by themselves.
@Cinch Do nothing. The too-stupid/lazy people will get bored, give up and move on to a more appropriate career. That's good.
@AsteroidsWithWings Do people NEED to do programming as a career to be qualified to deserve to know programming?
@LightningRacisinObrit Wow. NYC park is cool from above
@Cinch Out super-tech society makes you want every answer, without spending a dime for it.
@vsoftco Yay! Thanks for taking the time there
@vsoftco So? Most programmers want that as well.
Open-source is open-knowledge, in a way.
@Cinch No, you don't realize what it means to do something truly by yourself. You LEARN it.
@Cinch not if you commit crappy code
@Cinch Career/hobby, whatever.
Don't commit crappy crimes either
@vsoftco That goes contrary to the entire institution of education.
We can choose to do this. But it's inefficient in many cases for many people.
it's the best way of developing true intelligence and ingenuity, I don't dispute that.
fappy fimes
I'm off to bed
Night all
But it may not be appropriate when computing skills is becoming increasingly important. I predict programming will be as well.
@LightningRacisinObrit night
damn, wrong reply
@sehe night
In fact, I think programming should be a playground for developing logic.
@Cinch I think US education is a bit fucked up now. I thought undergrads at Carnegie Mellon in US, which is one of the top CS schools. In the first year, all of them come up with the same idea: I'm the best, I should find all the answer, I should minimize my effort. Well guess what? After 2-3 month they realize this is not possible. You need to dedicate time and effort. There is no other way.
Garbage collection is also becoming increasingly important
@Cinch yes but farmer > programmer, because one can't live without the other
@vsoftco Of course. All I want to do is make it easier to work through it with better resources.
not everyone has to learn programming, I appreciate good farmers: they're fundamental for us all to eat
@MarcoA. I think programmers' ability to think logically has been improved by learning programming
@Cinch Maths was always this
You don't need programming for that
@CatPlusPlus Math has failed to do this for many people because many people find it too esoteric.
@Cinch I don't think resources are an issue. I learned programming on a 386 (I don't know if you ever seen such a beast, with 1MB ram). It is just passion and desire. If you don't have them, you're not going to excel, no matter what the field is.
I think programming would possibly fail this too... which is why I'm also an advocate for restoring logic as a key subject in early education.
@vsoftco I never said people need to excel. I want to lower the LCD, not make everyone geniuses.
Programming is basic logic and lots of extra shit
BREAKING NEWS: thing is other thing plus more things
@CatPlusPlus People used to say writing wasn't important.
Logic and abstract thinking are prerequisites for programming
thank you sehe, it was a memory management problem. — dlavila 1 min ago
aw sweet. I suppose this is "entitled" for "you suck, I wasted your time"
@Cinch Which people?
you can have the same maze drawn on a piece of paper with a crayon or on a cool retina ipad -> a lazy/not-too-smart kid won't be able to solve it anyway
Programming is not nearly as important as maths, you ridiculous nerd
@CatPlusPlus can't argue with that
@Cinch Ok, I think a more interesting thing to do is this: attract more women in the field. Women are not more stupid than man on average, but the IT field is highly men-dominated. This is some serious issue imo. But trying to make everyone a programmer is not. Again, this is my personal opinion.
@vsoftco This is a cultural issue and probably outside of this immediate scope.
@LightningRacisinObrit just curios, did you intentionally misspelled your avatar's name?
But that's fine.
@vsoftco it was a april fool's joke
@Cinch So are all the other issues you seem to complain about.
@sehe Um I was trying to get the author to expand his answer so that it addresses the question — Lightning Racis in Obrit 2 mins ago
@LightningRacisinObrit Oh. I missed that part of the question. I suppose I disregarded the tail (because it seems like another question and also inviting opinion-based answers)
@Puppy Not saying I'm doing nothing about them.
@vsoftco Yeah it was a joke and it kinda backfired
Again, I've started a tutoring company and am working with a code boot camp right now
@Cinch so what exactly is your dream? In couple of sentences? Attract more to CS?
It backfredi
@sehe LOL
@LightningRacisinObrit The thing is the thingiest thing to have thinged in the thing.
@EtiennedeMartel amen
@sehe I was also mostly just pratting about
Apr 11 at 3:19, by Lightning Racis in Obrit
13 hours ago, by Lightning Racis in Obrit
yesterday, by Lightning Racis in Obrit
1 hour ago, by Lightning Racis in Obrit
I changed it for the morning of April Fools' Day, not realising that Snack Overgrow sealed the loophole allowing us to change our nicks as many times as we have Stack Exchange accounts. Long story short, (a) I can't change it back until May 1st, and (b) the joke's on me.
@sehe I'll stay skeptical until I see something :P
@vsoftco My dream is to create a world where education is once again prized and recognized as crucial to life and society. I want respect back for learning, even culturally, in the US. I want to strengthen the population's grip on rationality and strengthen their ability to think to raise the ultimate quality of life by allowing people better reign over their lives.
@LightningRacisinObrit Make new account on an SE site, change there or something
@vsoftco you think .... this will attract smarter guys? Hmm. You're on to something
is that loophole still open?
@Cinch haha
give it a few years
I've thought a long time about what I should do with my life and that's it.
once you've grown up you'll become wise and cynical and realise that reality isn't all peaches and cream :)
@sehe for sure
@AsteroidsWithWings I don't give a shit I'm young and in a not terrible position and I want change.
@MarcoA. That makes sense, thank you! I thought an elaborated type was one where the struct or enum or class keyword was present, didn't know about the namespace qualification though
@Xeo No. Did you even read the quote?
delete it
@Cinch Good luck, Mr President.
or that
For fuck's sake no multiquoting
For fuck's sake shut up
@sehe and not just that, it should create a better work atmosphere. I am in a much more niche field, in which basically 99.9% are men, and I can tell you that it sucks big time.
@LightningRacisinObrit Yes I did. And there were two ways to go around the 30 day limit. One was to have an account somewhere, change the nick, and apply network-wide. The other was to make a new account and do it. I thought you just meant the former.
@AndyProwl I have to thank you, I had the chance to dig a bit into the code base and learn something new. I didn't know that either to be honest but I recall having hit against something similar on a different Types project
@Xeo Oh, sorry, I didn't realise there was a separate loophole
No, I haven't tried that.
Uh. @BartekBanachewicz and @AlexM. have started an evil team: Enterprises Hit by BARTALEX Macro Malware in Recent Spam Outbreak
@sehe lmao
user image
it's like, necrosis
@vsoftco Honestly I don't have a big bone with the sex disparity (because I'm naive) but if it causes problems for people it's more of a social thing: I cannot control social change with my current means so... I do support this, Vlad.
@AlexM. be happy, for whatever reason the Indian division couldn't spell or pronounce my name. They always referred to me as 'Macro'
Typo there.
@CatPlusPlus Maccaroni
@AlexM. I can hardly wait for Latex with macros :)
@Xeo MacRoasties
@Xeo not sure why english people keep writing it like that
lol Macrows
@sehe Don't say that, you'll summon him!
@MarcoA. The German version is "Makkaroni", and I just did an s/c/k/
The Vampire Who Shall Not Be Named.
@Xeo I guess it's pronounced in the same way more or less.. right?
@vsoftco Just to let you know, I'll soon be starting a programming minigroup within my local student chapter of IEEE with some other people, so I'll let you know how it all goes.
@MarcoA. In French we say "macaroni".
@MarcoA. Because words in different languages tend to be different?????
@EtiennedeMartel ...Which is how it's usually spelt in the US.
@CatPlusPlus case in point: Likelike is not "like-like" but "lee-kay-lee-kay"
@LightningRacisinObrit what.
@CatPlusPlus more likely a spelling error. I had interesting times when I was given advice to find "day surgery"
@CatPlusPlus They do actually
it was written on a board like "dei suberi"
@LightningRacisinObrit Are you serious about your simulator? Your donation button seems serious enough.
Die shrubbery
@EtiennedeMartel more like it lol
@vsoftco Sure
@LightningRacisinObrit Are you talking about 3D-space + 1 time?
What about a 4D game strikes you as anything other than entirely legit?
4D games should feature smell
@LightningRacisinObrit no, it seemed 1000% legit, just before entering my card number I wanted to ask you :)
Fuck it I'm starting another Q&A site.
imagine the smell of 3000 year old dungeons in skyrim
@Cinch GL HF
Smell has nothing to do with dimensions
If it doesn't sound legit then there's also option to donate buttcoins
... where for some reason you find fresh fruit like apples on the ground
@LightningRacisinObrit I've seen a Special Relativity simulator before, and it looks quite cool, but messing around with the time coordinate can create some serious havoc on your players.
@vsoftco ok
Hacking too much time
Temporal logic is fascinating.
@CatPlusPlus lol what was that was it the Hoff video?
@Xeo yep, Microsoft giving free skype calls after the earthquake disaster
(for the people affected I mean)
aren't skype calls already free?
not to mobile cellphones and/or landlines
that requires credit
well, at least it'll help families communicate
(or $$)
assuming they have devices with skype
@rightfold it's fascinating because it's a mess. If you do it consistently than it forbids quite a few interesting "time-travel" paradoxes.
TIL witcher in french is sorceleur
@rightfold Like FRP?
@Jefffrey Curry-Howard isomorphism omg omg omg
it sounds less impact-y than witcher
I hope there's at least an internet cable left working : / 8th grade.. it's been a disaster
@AlexM. Hexer
hexer sounds somewhat cool too
Also futures or more general observables?
Also related to FRP though.
I hate CMake in proportion to how much I need it
I really hate its syntax
ima go play deus ex for a bit and complain about how much hw i have to do later
@Blob that is a wise choice sir
oh god don't
he'd finally shut up
@LightningRacisinObrit Yeah, sorry.
"Solve a man's problems with violence, and his problems will be solved. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, and he'll be able to solve them for the rest of his life."
FB won't let me post the image :(
some block or filter
type ◊[T] = Future[T]
I hope this parses!
Why would it? It's a future, not a parser.
are those runes from temporal logic
@rightfold the parser is going to reply with "(◕‿◕) I DID IT"
@milleniumbug troll
fairly win answer really.
Who the fuck linked me to The Asylum?
I don't the fuck know
it's like Ravenholm- we don't go there anymore.

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