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@R.MartinhoFernandes Is it New Netherlands?
How about just "best country ever"?
@Xeo It's called the United States of America now.
@R.MartinhoFernandes They do have toilets there...
> This user has been automatically suspended for posting inappropriate content and cannot chat for 29 minutes.
omg what are you guys doing today
@LightningRacisinObrit Who again?
I wonder if constexpr would enable me to write a compile-time hash function on file/line combination. Like hash(__FILE__, __LINE__)
Only with macro.
I guess it's because of the "private chatroom" thing.. someone is trying to remain alone with another guy here by banning all the others
Or you have to pass __FILE__ and __LINE__ manually.
That doesn't really matter.
I could use a macro.
rude people in js chatroom
dat flagging
Dear lord
that one was me
stop flagging
cos funny
it is leaking
I guess I could try snake in clojure
@Jefffrey easy peasy
play-clj for example
Just use Swing for graphics.
do a snake in unity
then you can work on it to make it a kickass snake
with a twist
and turn it into a product
Subclass JPanel, override paintComponent and call drawImage passing an image and a point.
call it Ultra Snake and make it IAP-based
"Ooops! You're out of Snake Energy!
Ask friends to give you Snake Energy...
Buy 50 Snake Energy now for $5.99 (limited offer)...
or wait 23:59 more hours for a free refill"
thumbs up
@AlexM. out of snake oil sounds more reasonable-able
¬_¬ god damn fucking flags
Q: what do try{} and catch() do in c++?

Syed Nakib HossainI read a code in 'Complete Reference C++' by Herbert Schieldt which uses try{} and catch(). here is the part of the code: #include <iostream> #include <new> using namespace std; class powers { int x; public: // overload constructor two ways powers() { x = 0; } // no initializer powers(int n) {...

I hate people like that
people who just ignore the opportunity to make a joke
"I tried to read 'Complete Reference C++' by Herbert Schieldt but didn't catch..."
much better
Schieldt = Sutter
Herb is love. Herb is life.
Read You A Code, For Great Good
> Herbert Schieldt
I swear this site needs to limit flags to only those who are in the room at the time shit is posted.
; The clojure reader  assumes that the first thing is a
; function or macro to call, and the rest are arguments.
Don't swear
That's bullshit.
The reader doesn't assume anything about evaluation.
@thecoshman Why? What is the relevance of whether they were in here at the time?
That's the compiler's job.
@thecoshman yes the out of context taking issue is pretty important
The reader just parses into a data structure.
How can you have context if you are not in the room?
Context is irrelevant
And quite easily: read the transcript
You can see the same words that everyone who was in the room at the time can see
So what's the problem, again?
Apr 22 at 19:37, by Alex M.
@AndyProwl I'm also expecting
I'd say it's pretty relevant :P
Did that message get flagged?
Actually... what are the rules on swearing in chat? I thought it as a grown up place where we can use our normal words?
@thecoshman No fucking swearing here
@LightningRacisinObrit nope, but out of context it means something else
@AlexM. If it wasn't flagged, it's not a very good example for this discussion about flags.
I don't think you should have to be in the room when something is flagged. I do think you should not be able to validate (or invalidate) a flag from the pop-up if you're not in that room; you should have to open up that room and do it from there
; A list would be written as just (1 2 3), but we have to quote
; it to stop the reader thinking it's a function.
@rlemon that's what you mum... wait... who are you and should I be making that sort of joke?
The reader doesn't give a shit about functions.
rlemon is a thrill-seeker from another place
Also, (1 2 3) is compiled as a call, not as a function.
@Jefffrey this tutorial is shit
@LightningRacisinObrit I just hang around all day
Indeed, the problem isn't the flagging, the problem is that it encourages people to judge without context.
@rightfold Alright, I need some other tutorial/book then
how does flagging work, from the suckers people with enough rep to suffer it?
(reduce + [1 2 3 4]) is not idiomatic; use apply instead.
@EtiennedeMartel Perhaps it encourages people to think before they write, regardless of the context?
@thecoshman it doesn't
@EtiennedeMartel I don't think people should be allowed to flag shit they aren't currently reading. Who cares what they say in some other room?
@thecoshman A blue numbered icon appears over your avatar, much like the notifications count. Click on it to see a popup with message text and options [validate], [invalidate], [don't know]
@rlemon I know that ¬_¬
And that's about it
@LightningRacisinObrit I'm not sure this helps encourage discussion.
@rightfold is reduce a fold of some sort?
@EtiennedeMartel Who said the goal was to encourage discussion [at all costs]?
@Jefffrey yes it's foldl and foldl1 (depending on number of arguments).
@rightfold awful naming
@Jefffrey it's the usual alternative name
It implies, whenever I write something, I need to think about how this can be interpreted by someone who isn't part of the discussion and, for all intents in purposes, shouldn't be a part of it.
@LightningRacisinObrit awful font
@EtiennedeMartel This "shouldn't be a part of it" misconception of yours is where you're falling over. The chat is public, and the transcripts are public.
They are also archived for all time.
Inappropriate material should not be present in that public archive. End of
Also, the chat format means many times, what is normally a message is actually several, and the flag only covers a part of it.
Doesn't matter if you were having a wee natter with your mates who were equally childish at that particular time on that particular day.
"Fold", "reduce", "aggregate" and "accumulate" are all used to describe folds.
@EtiennedeMartel That encourages you to stop splitting messages into multiple messages.
Foldl them into one.
I prefer "reduce".
@Jefffrey tryclj.com
@LightningRacisinObrit That strikes me as compensating for a flawed system.
> ((complement identity) false)
> ((complement identity) true)
(def not (complement identity)) :D
> (complement null)
@EtiennedeMartel Huh?
> (complement null)
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: null in this context
> (complement nil)
#<core$complement$fn__3929 clojure.core$complement$fn__3929@12d80fe8>
> ((complement nil) 42)
The system's fine. As always, you're trying to find excuses for using it wrongly. Then blaming the system after-the-fact based on your desired wrong usage.
"Welcome to programming chat." "Chats about penises in mouths." FLAG! "OMG system is broken this is such bullshit"
@LightningRacisinObrit I never once received a ban, and the amount of times one of my messages has been flagged can probably fit on one hand.
FWIW I also didn't like that message
it's like that time when rightfold did that back inserter joke
@EtiennedeMartel General observation
It seems to be a Lounge pastime overall
@LightningRacisinObrit And we also talk a lot about penises. It's just what this community is. You might think it's inapropriate, and maybe it is, but it's not like it's really causing any real problem. For the most part, things are going fine.
@EtiennedeMartel No, this community is for professional and enthusiast PROGRAMMING. Not penises. If you are the sort of people who like talking about penises, then that's wonderful for you. Really, it is. But go the fuck someplace else to do so. You can't just set up shop wherever you like and call that appropriate.
@LightningRacisinObrit Yeah, but of all the Loungers, only you think that.
@EtiennedeMartel Nonsense.
For a start, Alex just said he didn't like it either.
Plus, as I've already pointed out, this is not just about Loungers.
This is really simple, guys
Apply common sense plz ty
I didn't like that specific message but I don't necessarily believe that "this community is for professional and enthusiast PROGRAMMING" should be taken to the extreme
I come here to discuss stuff :(
See? The Lounge is about whatever the Loungers want it to be.
We're just really childish sometimes and that's that.
If you really want it to be about programming first, then go somewhere else, because you're not in the majority.
I should've slept more
I'm so tired
and today's been QA day
2 mins ago, by Lightning Racis in Obrit
Plus, as I've already pointed out, this is not just about Loungers.
QA day = me making builds for QA and hoping everything goes well
@EtiennedeMartel No, the vast majority of people on SO go to SO to do programming things. The Lounge is part of SO. Why can't you grasp that?
@LightningRacisinObrit Because it doesn't matter. We use SO as a platform because it's convenient.
8 mins ago, by Lightning Racis in Obrit
The system's fine. As always, you're trying to find excuses for using it wrongly. Then blaming the system after-the-fact based on your desired wrong usage.
It is not here for the convenience of anyone ever for any conversation ever.
It is here as a platform for programming discussion.
@LightningRacisinObrit Maybe we're using it wrong then. I don't think anyone here (except you) gives a shit.
And it's not some closed space where only you and your buddies can see what's going on. It's open. Public. Archived, publicly, forever.
Plus, you're also quite keen on talking about something that isn't programming.
4 mins ago, by Lightning Racis in Obrit
@EtiennedeMartel Nonsense.
You're benefiting from the very status quo that allows us to talk about fucking anything.
@EtiennedeMartel I'm speaking out against the blatantly inappropriate. The odd off-topic deviation is acceptable in my mind, as you've pointed out.
Don't strawman me.
You just like playing devil's advocate.
No, you're misrepresenting what I've said and trying to turn it back around on me. Coward.
"Coward"? It's not a fight.
You can be a coward without being in a fight.
In fact I'd say cowards likely aren't in very many fights.
Because they are cowards!
As I said, nobody gives a shit.
Except for the people who do.
But they don't exist as long as they disagree with Etienne.
You are trolling, LRiO, everybody can see that
He always trolls me so I'm used to it
@EtiennedeMartel No, he's not. He's trying to play room owner. If he's really sure people want to discuss programming, he can start a new room so he's the owner, and he can discuss programming all he wants. Oh, but wait--he did that already, but nobody else went there. Now, like any good politician, having proven that his idea doesn't work when it's voluntary, he wants to force it on everybody else.
damn you and your comma abuse
Honestly, I'm not "trolling".
The only thing worse than ignoring dissenting opinions is writing them off as "trolling" like a little girl
huh why can I smell pie
@LightningRacisinObrit lol
@LightningRacisinObrit We probably shouldn't argue with you about that--you have more experience at both than everybody else here put together.
@JerryCoffin He tried that?
nobody is making pie :(
@Jefffrey Yes.
oh Merry Boffin is here is he. joy
colleague has been writing message on Skype for ten minutes now
get the fuck on with it
@LightningRacisinObrit olfactory hallucinations are not a good sign
@Jefffrey indeed :(
I had the burnt toast one a few times
still alive I'm afraid
almost time to go home, I need food
@AlexM. :D
std::generate_n(std::back_inserter(threads), nThreads, [this] {
    return std::thread([this] { ioService.run(); });
back_inserter is awesome.
oh, C.Plus.Plus will soon be a legit domain name :D
or is...
Obviously it should be a redirect to [LANGUAGE] instead.
@thecoshman cool, where did you read that?
new Google stuff
@rightfold finally a javascript framework
I was kinda missing one
@MarcoA. email from my host. 'plus' will soon be a legit tld
It seems terrible.
lol DAOs
epic fail
it smells like fried meat in the office
with mashed potatoes
oh man
What shall I make in Haskell?
@thecoshman Buy c.plus.plus
@rightfold Curry.
You have redeemed yourself with that joke, Frenchie
Etienne de Masala
Screw you, now I want to eat indian food.
(Yes, it's totally your fault)
I'll take the credit for that one
shit now I want curry too
@EtiennedeMartel It can be rather rice
thought I broke master, I didn't break master, then I did break master by "fixing" what I "broke"
@Puppy Self-fulfilling prophecy.
@EtiennedeMartel tl;dr
@EtiennedeMartel Self-screwing Puppytry
I like how chat.stackoverflow.com isn't blocked by school wifi.
plot twist your prof is actually one of the users here
I'll write an RPC tool I can use with JavaScript and Python.
All the professors here teach Java.
Well, the comsci ones anyway.
multiple answers from same user ftw
Q: C++ STL separate indices in two vectors

manattttaI have a 3D point vector, represented by class Point3D, std::vector<Point3D> points; I also have a size_t vector with indices relative to the points vector, std::vector<size_t> indices_true; Now I want to build the inverse of indices_true, i.e. I want to build another index vector indices_...

Why is AP Computer Science Java anyway?
Shift-tab no worky anymore in Vim’s command line wtf
@LucDanton what was that bound to? Never used it before
is_customer: bool
is_prospect: bool
is_supplier: bool
Tab goes forward for e.g. filename completion purposes, Shift-Tab is backwards. It’s not just inside the command line though, I’m still investigating.
Whoa, lines up perfectly.
Thank you, English!
@MarcoA. nothing wrong with that
@LucDanton Is your shift key broken? :P
Is a background process stealing shift+tab?
@LightningRacisinObrit I know, but I'd have posted a single one with multiple solutions
@MarcoA. Why?
1 solution per solution
seems reasonable to me
@LightningRacisinObrit if they all solve the same problem, I find it more complete to put them all in one answer
it's subjective though
it kinda feels like rep-farming that way. Even if it's not
@rightfold I hate how Just and Nothing don't align in Haskell
A: Why do we study Java at university?

Jerry CoffinA few Universities have somebody who's sufficiently well known that many (if not most) decisions revolve around that person's likes, dislikes, opinions, taste, etc. Just for example, Texas A&M has Bjarne Stroustrup on staff; it probably comes as little surprise to anybody that their curriculum te...

@MarcoA. Every single answer on the page should solve the same problem.
Ocaml got it right, with some and none.
@MarcoA. This way, each answer can be voted on independently, as the system intended it to be.
If one author wrote multiple answers, then that's not "rep-farming": they deserve precisely the amount of rep that each of their answers gains.
@Xeo Hard to tell. There are things that direct you to literally insert a shift-tab to see what happens. I get the expected output. However shift-tab commands (e.g. de-indent in insert mode, completion inside the command line) don’t work (it indents in insert mode and kills completion in the CL).
@Jefffrey You mean Just.
@LightningRacisinObrit if you feel one answer is better than another one, I'd make a single post. If you can't tell, perhaps two are needed
In Scala you have Some and None. :D
@rightfold yup
@MarcoA. First line of one of them: "Needs extra memory, but yields a linear algorithm"
The implication being that a linear algorithm is better, therefore the solution is better. If you don't mind the extra memory.
Two very different solutions to the same problem, each with pros and cons.
@LightningRacisinObrit then perhaps a single post might have sufficed
That's exactly the reason we allow multiple answers to a question!
@JerryCoffin Interesting.
Sorry @MarcoA. I really don't see where you're coming from.
oh enough, multiple posts are fine
other than "Italy" :)
got spicy chicken on the go yeahhh
@LightningRacisinObrit then I would have probably liked multiple answers, our politicians like to confuse things : ]
data Method = Method { methodName            :: Text
                     , methodIsFireAndForget :: Bool
                     , methodParameters      :: [(Text, Type)]
                     , methodReturnType      :: Maybe Type
I want to ensure that methodReturnType m is Nothing iff methodIsFireAndForget m.
No, don't show Haskell records please.
pascal records are nicer
I know!
@rightfold did you ever do anything in pascal
you seem to do anything in any language
methodReturnType :: Either Type FireAndForget where data FireAndForget = FireAndForget!
Or I could make FireAndForget a type. Hmm.
@MarcoA. It depends. Sometimes it's a matter of there being enough ambiguity in the question that nobody can give a completely specific answer. In such a case, pointing to the range of possibilities is reasonable, but probably belongs in one answer. The more common case is the poster not really understanding the question, and just posting a bunch of "stuff" in the hopes that one of them is at least close. IMO, in such a case the correct response would probably be to post no answer at all.
@AlexM. I wrote a factorial function.
@rightfold Why even have methodIsFireAndForget?
@Xeo Because methods may be fire-and-forget.
@MarcoA. Nearly the only case where multiple answers make sense is things like FAQs, where you're just writing more than will fit into a single post.
do this
new Method(...).FireAndForget();
Just say that if methodReturnType is not Nothing, it's not "fire and forget".
new Method(...).Fire();
Make a Method and FireAndForgetMethod
And encode a "void" or "uninterested" result in Type
It doesn't return anything, hence it's fire-and-forget.
Yeah there's void already.
Q: Why are distinct `Type` objects being generated by Clang's parser for the same type?

Andy ProwlI have the following snippet that I'm parsing using Clang's API for a tool I'm writing: namespace NS { struct X { }; } struct Y { NS::X foo(); }; I use a (type that derives from) RecursiveASTVisitor to visit the AST. When the VisitCXXRecordDecl() function is invoked, I can get...

Then I don't see why you need two things to tell you the same information
Just in case anyone can help /cc @Puppy
@JerryCoffin Agree with much of that. I'm not too close-minded though. I respect each one of your opinions and I'm probably wrong.
the boolean is encoded in the Maybe
I don't like to use that fact in the general case.
But here it applies; there's no return type since nothing is ever returned.
@AndyProwl rotfl pinging Puppy
Puppy works with Clang vOv
@milleniumbug he's the one who's most likely to know this stuff
oh @MarcoA. too perhaps
@AndyProwl Does the return_type perhaps encode other stuff aswell, and as such needs to be distinct from a general "declaration type"?
@Xeo I guess so, but I don't know what this additional stuff is
I wonder how fast a C++ compiler would be if it just terminated at the first error and didn't provide any diagnostics other than "build failed".
@rightfold Measure it
If it would be significantly faster, one could $ fast-compiler main.cpp || clang++ main.cpp.
Alright. If I start with no plugin/no configuration and set :wildmenu then I can shift-tab to reverse complete. And if I tab then I get ^I.
@rightfold given that today, the fastest compiler is also the one that was built to provide the best error messages of any C++ compiler, I'm pretty sure the answer is "about the same speed". There's little reason why it should be significantly faster. As a general rule, diagnostics happen after compilation, so removing them would have little impact on what happens during compilation
it would be faster in jQuery
the jQuery programming language is really good
Oh, the ^I is because of wildchar. Guess I need to hunt down the problematic config/plugin then.
Someone hacked LRiO account or something?
He's trolling.
@LightningRacisinObrit agreed, jquery is the way to go
@jalf Except for recording diagnostic data
@milleniumbug no, never
@Xeo Sure, but what does that entail? What needs to be recorded, that can't be worked out afterwards?
@AndyProwl I'm curious, which record are you breakpointing in, in your VisitCXXRecordDecl() ?
@jalf clang has to do lots of stuff like guessing what you actually wanted to write so it can continue parsing and type checking with those assumptions.
Apr 21 at 12:20, by milleniumbug
@AndrévonKugland How can we recognise? Every troll says that.
Unless you mean, "how much faster would a failing compilation be, if it didn't try to report good diagnostics"
in which case I agree with you, it may be quite a bit faster in some cases
But succesful compilation is unlikely be measurably affected
@MarcoA. The first one, i.e. the declaration of X
Er, chat failed to send my first response :|
Tried retyping it, and that fails with "timeout" as well. I can say anything else just fine, but trying to answer that just consistently fails
@rightfold All that work happens when compilation fails, not on succesful compilations
Hah, finally!

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