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> bool b = true.operator bool();
@Cinch Mozilla Firefox
@MarkGarcia Nice, I'm stealing that
MSVC: "looks fine to me"
@fredoverflow Yeah, is it SVN, Git, or is it more like SSH
GCC&clang: "wat?"
@Cinch It's just a stupid web thingie where you can download zip files and pdfs.
@fredoverflow Oh.
How much class time do you have with them?
@sehe My i_0^D stopped working a while back (it inserts a 0 and de-indents). I don’t suppose you could help me with that?
Do you guys have a lab session?
90 minutes lecture and 180 minutes lab time
@fredoverflow And what do you guys do in lab time?
@LucDanton If I only knew what you meant :S
exercise Java (not exorcise Java, unfortunately)
@sehe Vim! I use ^D and ^T to control indent in insert mode.
@fredoverflow WTF is wrong with your kids fred
You know, "Write a class for a bank account" and stuff.
I want your class NAO; there is like 0 reason for them to slack in that case
@LucDanton Ah. Wasn't there already something for that (I don't use it)
@Cinch You wanna learn JAVA?
@khajvah His class structure is already superior to 95% of my classes
@sehe Well, that. I think. It’s stock.
Okay. The stage is set
I believe all programming classes should be labs only.
@Cinch Today's lecture is about implementation inheritance.
@Cinch nope
@fredoverflow Ugh.
That explains the horrible Java++ code from earlier this morning ;)
CS sucks.
That's what I think.
You think lots more; it's sometimes hard to keep track
Can we teach somebody that hasn't touched a single piece of code in his life to do it?
@Cinch Go study software development.
@fredoverflow case class BankAccount(bankAccountNumber: IBAN, balance: Money) done!
@khajvah I'm in a 4-year computer engineering program
@Cinch CS is better
@khajvah Until you realize it can easily become outdated
and that it's totally learnable outside the classroom
@Cinch RIP. main() { void Cinch(); }
Point and proof: DevLeague
@rightfold Scala is too complicated for beginners. We let them write getters and setters instead with Javadoc comments and test classes.
Why setters? :(
Just make public final fields.
@Cinch You are confusing CS with software architecture or however it is called
Also, don't store the balance as a double.
CS is not only about programming
Use Joda-Money.
@rightfold A cemetery is a public final field.
@rightfold Because Java?
@rightfold They are breaking capsules or something.
@khajvah True
@rightfold Is that a real thing?
@rightfold does that even... well likely
But a lot of best practices can be learned from experience organically
@fredoverflow Yes, it's what you should use for storing monetary values.
And a lot of blogs and material is out there for software developers
We use int :)
ITT Cinch tells Lounge how to gain experience
@Cinch again, CS is not about software development
kinda funny right? incidentally GCC happily accepts the commented call
@khajvah Then... oh you mean the theoretical stuff
balance / 2 * 2 == balance must always be true. Can't do that with integers.
@Cinch Yes
Yeah wtf IS the theoretical stuff?
You need arbitrary precision decimals or rationals.
@LucDanton So? Are you preparing a novel or did you get distracted :) I have some time available right now
Why should I learn it and how will it help me?
@LucDanton You can cast to int[]? TIL
@LucDanton I take it you mean when uncommented :)
@sehe That was it really. i_0^D used to do what :h says it’s supposed to do, now it doesn’t.
@Cinch basically, CS is more math than programming
@fredoverflow It’s not a cast. The tell-tale sign is lack of parens.
@LucDanton Sounds like GCC is wrong, to me.
@rightfold Like when you get married and then divorced without an intervening sequence point?
@fredoverflow it constructs a temporary int array
Sequence points are irrelevant.
@Xeo Yeah. That’s the incidental bit though. Funny or not?
@khajvah I still don't understand
@Xeo I always thought only C99 had temporary arrays.
This expression lacks side-effects.
How does the math help?
@fredoverflow C++11 brought them in, with list-init
@Cinch Algorithms, data structures, AI, graph theory, cryptography, networking, etc...
@Cinch Do you know the meaning of the word "computer"? That's mostly what computer science is about. Computing stuff. Not strange electronical devices with ones and zeroes and operating systems and Java and stuff.
what do you guys think of Python's flooring division vs C++'s truncating division?
@sehe Also I was just asking you in case you ran into that one before. Don’t think a thorough investigation is worth it.
@LucDanton What does it mean when you say "now it doesn't"?
as in, -3 // 2 == -2 in Python, and -3 / 2 == -1 in C
@orlp mind-bending
@LucDanton Ah. Nah. Never use these keys. Maybe I'll start doing so
@khajvah Exactly.
@Cinch software development is only a branch of computer science
@khajvah Ah, I see what you mean.
@khajvah disagree
@sehe I get a 0 inserted, then it de-indent one level (i.e. i_^D on its own).
/ on integers in Python is an abomination.
I do have to go through a bit of theoretical CS though too as a Computer Engineer
@khajvah parts of computer science are a subset of software development
and I also deal with lower-level stuff as well
@orlp If you're bored, you can use -3 >> 1 in C to get -2 as well, depending on the implementation.
@orlp if you depend on that your code is obscure and must be cleansed from your code base.
@fredoverflow Personally I much prefer Python's behaviour
Also, isn't an Engineering-type degree more rigorous than a regular CS degree?
Fuck integer division resulting in an integer.
It is at my school
@orlp It is actually hard to categorize.
@sehe In my case I was writing a foo(blah, [] { … });, which happens every now and then. And in this case I wanted to put the body on its own line, but the indent rules can’t put up with that. That’s the kind of stuff where I have to manually adjust. If you do run into those situations, what do you do?
@khajvah I like to think software development as an implementation of CS.
@rightfold Perl 6 gets it right! I saw the talk.
Use explicit rounding after acquiring a rational from dividing integers.
@khajvah no it's not
there are parts of computer science totally useless to software development
@rightfold Or use a different operator or keyword for integer division like div in Pascal.
there are parts of software development that are totally useless for computer science
@fredoverflow No.
That's not the problem.
so neither is a branch of the other
The problem is obscure implicit rounding rules (see orlp's example).
@orlp depends on your definition.
I really, really hate x86 and C / C++ for choosing truncating division
@khajvah again, it doesn't
@Cinch Yes.
you're simply wrong on this, sorry
I like truncation.
Computer science is the scientific and practical approach to computation and its applications. It is the systematic study of the feasibility, structure, expression, and mechanization of the methodical procedures (or algorithms) that underlie the acquisition, representation, processing, storage, communication of, and access to information, whether such information is encoded as bits in a computer memory or transcribed in genes and protein structures in a biological cell. An alternate, more succinct definition of computer science is the study of automating algorithmic processes that scale. A computer...
@Xeo why?
I like truncation more than flooring too.
by this definition, software engineering is a branch of CS
It's simply "round towards zero"
@khajvah no it doesn't say that
> bool b = false.operator int;
Here's how to do it: / :: Int -> Int -> Rational, floor(1 / 2), ceil(1 / 2), round(1 / 2), round-towards-0(1 / 2).
> Computer science is the scientific and practical approach to computation and its applications.
if you guys happen not to know this, the above is valid
and b is true
@LucDanton I use clang-format :/ I know the annoyance with lambda block indenting indeed
Anything else is totally obscure and insane.
@khajvah computation != software
@rightfold I really like that Haskell's rounding functions all return Int again
I would've gone into CS...
If my school didn't just teach Java, C++, jQuery and some other stuff
They're okay, but not cutting edge.
I know, you want to think of software development as a disjoint holy science but it still lives in the computer world
@MarcoA. what language
Plus, what if I want to design hardware or systems?
A: Visual C++ 2013 - Call conversion operator T on a primitive type T

ColumboNice find! The standard definitely makes this ill-formed with a diagnostic required, [expr.ref]: A postfix expression followed by a dot . or an arrow ->, optionally followed by the keyword template (14.2), and then followed by an id-expression, is a postfix expression. [..] For the firs...

@sehe Can it deal with that and template params?
@Xeo floor towards negative infinity makes a lot more sense mathematically
@Xeo MSVC's C++
A CS degree doesn't qualify me for creating the actual computer
and practically, the fact that the modulo follows the sign of the dividend is very useful to me
@Cinch Sure. Because CS degree is not about creating computers, engineering is
next step: qualify Visual Studio's C++ as an esoteric language
@LucDanton clang-format is the only thing I know that deals with it. It can be hard to teach it your style (so, I usually operate on visual selections)
I really like it that with flooring division that -1 % n == n - 1 if n is positive
@khajvah To me, you can talk about all the theory what you want, but without what's there, there is nothing
Predictions are important for direction, but ultimately implementations are what run the world
@sehe I guess I can give it a whirl. Which Vim plugin in particular?
Interfaces are important as implementations too, though
@LucDanton No plugin. Just barefoot
> [Computer science] is not really about computers -- and it's not about computers in the same sense that physics is not really about particle accelerators, and biology is not about microscopes and Petri dishes...and geometry isn't really about using surveying instruments.
> Now the reason that we think computer science is about computers is pretty much the same reason that the Egyptians thought geometry was about surveying instruments: when some field is just getting started and you don't really understand it very well, it's very easy to confuse the essence of what you're doing with the tools that you use.
@sehe What, :!foo % and all that jazz?
@Cinch Please, don't start a war on which is more important. :)
Of course, blanket statements will quickly fall apart in the face of binary, quadtrees, sort algorithms, etc.
@khajvah Of course not, CS is responsible for many great things
@LucDanton usually is just @: when you're doing reformatting. Yeah. I'm not fond of customizing :)
It's just I feel that CS can be learned when you please as there are plenty resources
@sehe Are you starting an emacs vs vim flamewar? :)
@Cinch It is actually the other way around
@fredoverflow vim! vim! vim! vim! vim!
whereas you can't really learn electromagnetism and circuits unless you have the resources and money
@Cinch lol?
Also as an engineer I get a look into higher calculus and linear algebra, which is not required for CS majors at me school
you can
@orlp Not in Hawaii's environment
@Cinch Hawaii doesn't have internet?
@orlp Just because you can look up material doesn't mean you can learn it
@Cinch So your only argument is that you need tools to learn engineering and that is why it is superior?
@Cinch actually it kind of does
@khajvah For my money, yes.
@Cinch Often more.
@fredoverflow what does it look like?
Also I can have a fallback as an electrical engineer.
Once I get into software development, I can theoretically learn anything with the foundation of a computer engineering degree
@Cinch If you want to be a real computer scientist and not just a CS graduate working on java projects in a shitty company, you need a lot more than books and internet
@khajvah Ugh.
I don't want to be a computer scientist.
I'm not a "scientist."
Everyone up for a quiz?
What does the following yield on MSVC?

> int a = false.operator double();
@Cinch What I am saying is that you can't just learn computer science and be successful like you claimed, you actually need to be gifted.
You're kinda funny. How instead of becoming a Computer Scientist, you become a Computer Seinfeld?
@MarcoA. that's not valid syntax
@khajvah That's not what I meant at all.
@MarcoA. deja vu
@orlp it compiles instead!
What I meant is that computer science resources can be found and it's easier to self teach than circuits
bonus points if you guess what the value of 'a' is
Hawaii has literally 0 "real" STEM prep for some school students
4 mins ago, by Cinch
It's just I feel that CS can be learned when you please as there are plenty resources
@MarcoA. is it 42?
@FilipRoséen-refp I remember now: It was about using switch with string, but without hashing. It was stupid though, so nvm
Which reminds me, I should implement rationals and division in Mill.
And overloading.
it is '-858993460'!
i.e. probably garbage
@MarcoA. 95 IIRC
@Columbo Java can switch on strings!
@fredoverflow Fuck Java
@rightfold you better make it flooring division!
what a fascinating compiler
@Cinch It will cost you less than 100 bucks to buy some tools for learning electronic engineering
@khajvah For me, it's easier to walk through coding on my own and then learn calculus + circuits + etc etc etc vs. learning coding and then having to pick up calculus which I never studied, circuits which I never studied, etc.
@orlp Uh, no.
hail floor! fuck truncate!
@MarcoA. Or the phone number of one of the devs (it's actually 0xCCCCCCCC)
Dividing a Z by a Z results in a Q.
@khajvah It's really the teaching I'm paying for and the environment.
@fredoverflow Actually, hold on: First take Java out, treat it real good, ...
then fuck it
I am out
@khajvah ...But many of its concepts can be self-taught through coding.
@rightfold I really like Python's distinction, / and //
@Cicada that must be it
I don't.
I need to work
@khajvah bye
bye :)
Fuck / (it results in a float, not a rational, lol) and fuck // (implicit rounding, lol).
@Cinch not really
@orlp I need concrete examples
@Cinch maybe the concepts you're familiar with can be self-taught through coding
because that's what you've been doing
@orlp Examples
@orlp ...
I can't read French(?)
then use google translate
@khajvah I remember I was really confused when I was taught about the Turing machine. I thought "Who on earth would want to write programs for such a crippled machine? It's gonna takes ages to make a Tetris clone!"
@orlp that sounds so random
@orlp I see many concepts that can be learned "on your own"
Or at least just by coding independently
+ COmp. Eng.
@Cinch then don't use google translate to translate that to French
@Cinch Wow. Confusing Dutch with French.
Anyone know how jump rope can be taught trough coding?
@Cicada I live in Hawaii.
@Cinch Good lucking "coding" the Halting Problem or the Pumping Lemma.
@Cinch How is that related?
@Cinch continuous math, digital techniques, fundamental CS (set theory, jargon), logic, complexity analysis, etc
@orlp looks marginally better than the subject set we had.
@Cicada "Pidgin takes from all languages"
Or are you saying "I'm American - hence my crass ignorance".
fuck Rotterdam University
@Cicada ...
I literally live on the other side of the planet
worst school ever
"The other side", ah, yeah, there's only two.
@orlp I get this too
@Cinch except none of these involve coding
at all
@orlp Coding + Comp. Eng., man.
@rightfold they blame you for it
That's my strat right now.
@sehe I don't think they blame anybody.
@Cinch you get the pumping lemma in comp. engineering?
ITT Cinch revenge trolling
They make shitloads of money so they're happy enough.
@Cinch did you get lambda calculus in comp. engineering?
@orlp continuous math, digital techniques, fundamental CS (set theory, jargon), logic, complexity analysis, etc
@Cinch finite state automata?
I'll be getting all of these
@orlp I do finite state machines in Digital Design
with circuits
@Cinch no, you don't
you look at them practically
STEM circlejerk ends here
you don't do the proofs involving them
@orlp Oh my god.
@Rapptz comp. engineering is part of STEM?
Okay that's one thing I never got.
Proofs are nice but they're not the point.
@Cinch that's the only thing CS is about
@orlp Proofs?
@Cinch yes
@Cinch #include <pudding>
Sooo.... We're going to say that proofs are more important than the fact that it actually works
@orlp What do you think
FSMs are great.
@Cinch no one said that
yay one day closer to the weekend
Free State Murrica
I just said that CS is only about the proofs.
@Cinch I came back to give you this
Flying Spaghetti Monster.
tips Debian
no cherry picking
Well it's a good thing I'm in CompE then
I would've died from all the sets and math.
@Cinch that's perfectly fine
but don't apply your misguided view of what CS is to spread FUD about what it is
blanket statements everywhere
1 message moved to bin
Now, CS will push the boundaries like math
:22846665 depends on what you do in everyday life
@Rapptz Sorry, why?
I feel like I haven't ragged on meta recently enough about plink sounds not staying turned off. It seems to have gotten worse in that the setting and the symbol denoting your current setting do not stay in-sync with each other.
well, math matters in everyday life too, depending on what you're working on
yesterday I counted to two
it's baiting
you know it's bait too
don't bait
@PlamenPetrov Math matters when it has an application.
Nice pun
If math had no application, we would never need it.
[enlarge your penis](syke)
@Cicada from what?
> math
> application
Theory exists to work out the world and extort more expectations from it.
@Cinch depends entirely on your morals and aim in life
@orlp I'm sorry.
He's sorry
that's a wrap folks
Math itself is a product of observation of the world.
@Clinch yes, but the fact that most of maths is abstracted away from us due to better and better frameworks and tools, does not mean it doesn't have a purpose
@Cinch actually, it isn't
> ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine: false
of course
@Cinch for C>S< that is
Why else would we have math?
@Cicada One is open to the possibility that one is sorry
Where did numbers come from?
@LucDanton Nice names, eh
@Cinch again, this is all about your life goals and morals
@Cinch They are mined from the ground.
Which was first, chicken or number?
1 user moved to bin
actually without great background in maths you can't do anything in a number of disciplines like predictive analysis, data sciences and so on
@Cinch You doing this again? Don't. Last time it took ~3 hours
@sehe ...
@Cinch there's actually some debate over weather they are (well, maths is) a purely human construct or a fundamental truth of the universe.
It's true
first of all, how do we know some math is purely theoretical?
@orlp Please. You don't want to feed this troll on his pet subject
how do you know it will forever remain "useless"?
Please stop
@Cicada depends on how your language works I think.
French works quite well
@orlp That's not what I'm arguing.
All you need is hash tables.
@Rapptz wait, you can move users now?
I'm arguing that things that have no application might as well not exist because they have no purpose.
@sehe I think this is not the same
@thecoshman no
@thecoshman wow
Hash table master race.
@orlp as what?
@Cicada it's cool when I do it
@Rapptz I am not a smart man :(
@sehe I'm not arguing about the 'truth' of math
Math is a beautiful and almost infinitely useful system.
I'm just asking, how do you know which math has no, and never will have, an application?
But only because it can describe so much.
@orlp it came from the same root; carry on. Just know I predicted it ;)
The world somehow dances to the order of math which we take full advantage of and rely on.
If the world were suddenly to dance to the tune of feelings or emotions, we would rely on emotion and hail it as the "go-to" for existance.
last time I tried clang format I didn't like it though
@Cinch do you know what ZFC is?
lol here's a getter and setter on a public field. nice.
@orlp NFC improved?
setters are never nice
they're terrible
@sehe ¬_¬
@Rapptz Yeah I’m looking around and not too fond so far.
@Cicada I don't know what NFC is
@orlp Ah, interesting.
Also, no I didn't.
@rightfold what if it's a write only field?
@orlp Near Field Communication
@Cicada then, no :P
@thecoshman delete it.
The setter is a type of gundog used most often for hunting game such as quail, pheasant, and grouse. In the UK, the four setter breeds together with the pointer usually form a sub group within the gundog group as they share a common function. However, the setter breeds each have subtle differences in head, bone and substance. The American and Canadian Kennel Clubs classify these breeds within the sporting group. Setters from show lines are usually considered to be heavier and larger than those from 'working' lines. == Function == A setter silently searches for game by scent; hunting is do...
WOM is silly.
@Cinch then you are in no position to argue about the truthness of math
@sehe fuck dogs
@orlp basically RFID, but smarter
@LucDanton I'll give it another look. Don't know if it has changed.
@rightfold see, you've find a nice quality of them already
@Cinch because you clearly do not understand the fundamental assumptions of modern math
@Cicada hey! I was going ot correct you on that!
> ot
@orlp (Which are? Help a guy out)
@Cinch ZFC
@orlp Expand.
Zero Field Communication
I'm the best software developer.
I'm on the Wikipedia page now
Zip For Cinch
In mathematics, Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory with the axiom of choice, named after mathematicians Ernst Zermelo and Abraham Fraenkel and commonly abbreviated ZFC, is one of several axiomatic systems that were proposed in the early twentieth century to formulate a theory of sets free of paradoxes such as Russell's paradox. Today ZFC is the standard form of axiomatic set theory and as such is the most common foundation of mathematics. ZFC is intended to formalize a single primitive notion, that of a hereditary well-founded set, so that all entities in the universe of discourse are such sets. Thus...
Zlying Fpaghetti Conster
Needs more æ.
All of math has the form of "if this, then that"
Fraenkly, no.
@LucDanton It's good enough to get the first cleanup. In template heavy code I do operate on isolated snips though. The main problem is with humongous (template) argument lists getting squished on long lines. (I do have a wide wrap margin)
it's just that the core axioms are always implied
@Cicada you don't know that word?
Also wazermelon is very good
@orlp Right.
@Cicada Fapgetti
@Cinch there is a deeper level of discussion about the truthness of math
@Cicada Have you seen my blanket?
@fredoverflow Look under the pillow
@Cinch but it's clear that if you are not familiar with ZFC, you are in no position to take up a standpoint in that discussion
no offense
@orlp So educate me! If you're gonna prove me wrong, prove!
@Cicada what sort of skimpy ass blankets do you French people have? Or is stupidly big pillows that does it for you?
@Cinch that's entirely the wrong mindset
Penalizing ignorance does nothing if they, the ignorant cannot learn.
take this to another room
@Cinch I'm not penalizing ignorance
@sehe My concern is that I’m not too sure how widely to use it in fact. I kinda want to retain some control and use it on select snippet as you put it, but then that means I have to be aware of both Vim indentation and tool formatting.
@thecoshman folding
I'm merely making you aware of it
@sehe like I said
@LucDanton WorksForMe
you surely must understand that I can not respect your opinion, or bring up the effort required to refute it, if your entire standpoint is based upon ignorance
@orlp Well ZFC is a is in b?
@Cinch I'm not certain what you mean
Regularity/ordinal rank/discreteness
I’m not finding any option to control template <…> vs template<> :|
@orlp surely we don't. We don't see great scientists cop out with that reasoning. We see them pick their battles/answer on the required level, but not "I can not respect your opinion, or bring up the effort required to refute it". Honestly
Today is a beautiful day of summer.
subsets from specification
Axiom of pairing => assumption of a superset
@Jefffrey indeed
@Cinch Hint: inner monologue is supposed to be inner
@Jefffrey sadly, the sky is gray here
it's clear sky in Gdańsk
and hopefully getting warmer, I caught cold :/
not going to ride today :(
The pollution level is moderate in Hong Kong (read: at European alert levels)
oh well
Wait a minute
at least I'll enjoy my cancer
If the Planck constant exists, then the world is discrete by nature?
Hong Kanker
@sehe grey is not but dark white
@RichardDawkins @CHSommers worrying we're actually reaching the point where this is indistinguishable from a parody https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRhitIPEr0Y
@Cinch Plancking is so 2008
@PlamenPetrov oh hey, I have a colleague named Plamen Petrov
@Cinch no
@orlp Hm.
@wilx Poe's law again?
But why?
@Cicada when you come back, you'll need to go in a controlled dirt room to slowly bring you back to normal levels of oxygen in your lungs.
Richard Dawkins is cool.
@wilx obvious joke
Q: Does the Planck scale imply that spacetime is discrete?

vonjdOn a quantum scale the smallest unit is the Planck scale, which is a discrete measure. There several question that come to mind: Does that mean that particles can only live in a discrete grid-like structure, i.e. have to "magically" jump from one pocket to the next? But where are they in betw...

@thecoshman I'm actually tempted to plonk him
@Cicada insert erection related joke here
@thecoshman Okay so a guy walks into a bar
@thecoshman lol
oh yeah I can ignore people
@thecoshman another thing I still have to implement for Nok is line continuations.
I forgot
@Cinch that's not what Planck's constant means
So you can actually implement switch without requiring every use of it be one-liners.
@rightfold why would you need to?
@thecoshman mmm, i see
switch x
| {y} {console.log "x = y"}
| {z} {console.log "x = z"}
@Cicada that horny bitch
Without | there'd be a semicolon inserted after x.
But that's not yet implemented.
@Rapptz BreakBeforeBraces not flexible enough :v
@rightfold pipe?
which one is if(x) {
The rules are very simple: first, collapse consecutive newlines into single newlines, then replace newlines not followed by | by ;.
is that Attach?
Oh wow, what. Netherland has a worse air score than USA?
@rightfold oh.
A nice switch system needs to be born somewhere
@Jefffrey NL is much denser than USA in terms of people per square metre.
Our air is full of freedom.
USA is like, nobody lives there on average.
@rightfold Do you know what Wyoming is?
But NL has higher HDI than USA for obvious reasons. :>
@Rapptz Look for ControlStatements if you used LLVM style to generate the file.
@Rapptz is it because ... a lot of people have moved out of detroit, so you have more space per person? :x
@Rapptz SpaceBeforeParens
Sigh math
@Jefffrey Try "the Netherlands"
I wish it was more digestible
@Rapptz it's toxic
Also, NL is full of farting cows.
Hence the polluted air.
Lots of them
@Rapptz USA is a desert basically
Oh. You meant in the fields
And we're next to filthy United Britain of English Ireland.
@LucDanton ParentsBeforeChildren
@BartekBanachewicz We have states with more population than many countries.
But yes, there are a lot of states with very small populations.
Sweden is better than USA though
I think I'll move to Sweden then
Objective fact fart
Wyoming and Montana comes to mind.
@thecoshman And then they fucked
Switzerland is surprisingly low
On the contrary. It likely has the highest altitudes in Europe
@Rapptz lol Wyoming
@Jefffrey R.I.P.
I literally know nothing about Wyoming except that it exists, it's a state, and it's the least populated or something
@Jefffrey Oh yeah the Northern Califate is quite nice I hear
Better move to Australia or Canada.
@sehe which portion do you disagree with, that I don't respect the opinion of someone on a field who admittedly doesn't know the basic theories of a field, or that I won't take the effort required to refute (read: argue against) a fundamentally irrefutable (read: impossible to prove false) philosophical standpoint that's formed without basic freely available knowledge about how the standpoint is actually irrelevant without further clarification?
@sehe I don't think so
Hawaii's population > Wyoming's population
@FilipRoséen-refp I must have screwed sth. up the last time I tried to post this, since now it appeared immediately
@Cicada What's that?
mmm Natalia took our car to a mechanic for the first time
@Jefffrey A racist joke, why?
@Cicada What does that have to do with Sweden?
All the places with good air quality are kind of in the middle of no where
@Jefffrey That there are many immigrants in Sweden
@Columbo I don't understand
Thankfully Immigrant is not a race
so, I'd like to make a MMORPG game I think
@Columbo a pure function has no definition by definition, no?
@BartekBanachewicz ???

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