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Look, somebody actually used i = i++ in real code. This means all these questions weren't for nothing after all.
That's not real code.
C++ programs cannot begin with backticks.
Also can't write main() without int
You sure can.
auto main() { return 0; } :D
That's not allowed AFAIK
i suck at game about squares :(
something something declared type main
@AndyProwl Indeed. Lol.
@rightfold I think it's not allowed either
C++ is so bad.
@FilipRoséen-refp It's not Binding of Isaac (the original), it's Binding of Isaac: Rebirth.
Special cases everywhere.
Which is unfortunately more expensive ($15)
@Rapptz whats new in rebirth?
I think the ability to omit return whatever is also not very useful
No; it's retarded.
Instead of hacking around int main by making return 0; implicit, just allow void main as well as int main, like C# and D do.
not sure why they allowed it in the first place
@Borgleader More bosses, more items, challenges, new features, more levels, better engine
more playable characters, more endings, etc etc.
void main(std::vector<std::string> args) <3
@AndyProwl Backward compatibility with C
@milleniumbug void main(std::initializer_list<std::string> args)
Which uses return codes for signaling errors.
gg C
inb4 -1 from @Rapptz
std::initializer_list fucking sucks
maybe but the args shouldnt resize, i guess it could be const though... oh well
initializer_list is so bad.
@Jefffrey lol
@Jefffrey Not really.
You need to return something from main in C89
@milleniumbug How does that contradict what I said?
Oh wait.
because C++ added omission of return.
I replied to the wrong thing.
C99 added it for compatibility with C++
@Rapptz whats wrong with it
I thought we were talking about why main returns int.
main should return int. It makes sense.
C aside.
Not to me, sorry.
do you not use the terminal
You throw an exception.
@Jefffrey You can add something to a language without breaking compatibility with C.
it may return int or void IMO, but if it returns int, then something should be returned. Like pantoona wrote
are you okay
Returning error codes is so bad, I can't even....
I get your blanket statement
That's cool.
C was the bomb when it came out, and I'm thankful it existed, but now it should simply die.
main should also take the working directory, environment variables, network, file system, preferred encoding, ulimit, stdin, stdout, stderr, and all sorts of other resources that are globals for no reason other than "we hate globals except these because we are morons".
I'm talking about main specifically.
main is no special
Exceptions are better.
What's the problem with what I'm saying?
They could have allowed void main() and say it's equivalent to declaring it with int main() with implicit return 0;
Mill avoids the entire issue of the type of main by making main not a function but by having special syntax for main code.
It's a dumb blanket statement.
How so?
return 0; means that the process exited normally
it has nothing to do with exceptions
@Borgleader I don't like that you can't move stuff from them
@Jefffrey the problem is blanket statements are warm and its nearly summer, i dont want to overheat
when you do my_exe && my_other_exe you want my_exe to return 0;
This has absolutely nothing to do with exceptions.
@Rapptz Error codes have nothing to do with exceptions? Are you for real?
sometimes man.
They didn't because it would confuse users about the rules.
When you return 0 from main you are signaling that there's no error. Then in "terminal" you get 0. Yes. But what you are returning from main is an error code, where 0 is no error and anything > 1 is an error.
"Yeah, I know your ancient compiler allowed void main(), but the new one doesn't, you must use int main(), unless you use C++21, which allows void main()"
Haskell executable also return 0 when you run them, and they can return something > 0 with specific exceptions.
Even though main does not return an Int.
What sort of magic is that?
And I think that Haskell way, on this specific topic at least, is much superior than C++ way.
when you throw an exception and you don't catch it it doesn't return 0 either
what's your point exactly?
@Jefffrey ExitFailure exceptions make the program exit with a status other than 0.
FWIW D also uses exceptions to return failure from main()
Many languages implement exit this way.
@rightfold Yup
In Python exit also throws an exception.
The runtime could return 0 automatically if no exception escapes main()
@Rapptz My point is that main should return void in C++.
I'd allow both versions
I don't agree with you and arguing about this is pointless.
So I'm not going to.
4 mins ago, by milleniumbug
They could have allowed void main() and say it's equivalent to declaring it with int main() with implicit return 0;
@Rapptz Why?
If you say so.
gg rapptz
I hope he has good insurance
@rightfold Now that I think about it, you need to do stuff like this anyway, because Windows is horrible, and will break your commandline arguments if you use main().
@Borgleader Does life insurance even cover death by stupidity?
no clue
@milleniumbug The CRT fixes that on MinGW iirc
man, i was hoping for a new generation of nvidia cards to go with the skylake procs coming out later this year, but nope theyre due in 2016 :(
The nvidia cards got delayed to 2016?
It's looking more and more like Skylake Xeon is going to be 2016. Absolutely no word of it for 2015.
onebox is fine - as long as it's not Amazon.
> The architecture of the GeForce 1000 series is named Pascal.
to celebrate this, the entire CUDA API has been rewritten in Pascal
> In early 2015, some media reports stated that Intel considers Skylake to be its "most significant processor" for a decade, due to the enhanced power efficiency and wire-free capabilities.
the fuck is wire-free
I'm hungry. Time to get some pie.
@Borgleader Unified Memory?
Hmm, shit.
My compiler currently doesn't generate pop instructions in exception handlers.
And the VM doesn't store the operand stack size on a try instruction.
I have to implement either of these or else exceptions will be horribly broken.
> Though it promises a variety of features, Skylake is generating excitement mainly because it's expected to reduce the need for power cords, display connectors and other peripheral cables. Skylake laptops can have wireless charging, and also carry display and data signals wirelessly, which could spell the end for HDMI, DisplayPort and even USB cables.
/cc @Mysticial how does that work
@Borgleader I have no idea.
I've only skimmed the article about the wireless charging. Didn't read it in depth.
Yummy, pie.
@rightfold What video is that?
@Jefffrey No idea.
Oh well. I think I'll try to head to bed. Good night everybody.
@Jefffrey G'night.
I am useless, I slept 10 hours again last night
@chmod711telkitty It's all right. We understand that the amount of sleep you get doesn't change the fact that you're useless.
I never thought of that, since I would be useless regardless, I might as well get more sleep ~_~
I slept 13 hours last night.
A welcome change from 5 hours of sleep all week.
According to this average people are slightly sleep deprived
explains why a lot of people stopped dreaming
That's deep.
another beautiful 21 degrees sunday on which I will work more on the app & paperwork (not filling forms this time)
I absolutely love days like this
I just love getting lost when programming you look at the clock and 8 hours have passed.
I love getting lost in G++'s error outputs.
I love it when third-party code segfaults.
well when you're done and you run in that problem again you're like cmon that's all you got
I love design & build things that are useful to others, especially when you are commissioning it so there are no restrictions on what you can or can not do & you don't have to worry about money
@Columbo bloody stalker
jesus that was a good night
food and TV chat later
No wonder the people on the road are fucking morons.
@LucDanton That's right! Ah ah ah~
I am surprised at how many people don't know what sample size is.
What's a sample size? :)
"Oh but this is only 4 thousand out of 25 thousand, it's not a good representation" etc
time to play Portal 2 I guess
@Rapptz :D
Portal 2 is awesome
Sample size determination is the act of choosing the number of observations or replicates to include in a statistical sample. The sample size is an important feature of any empirical study in which the goal is to make inferences about a population from a sample. In practice, the sample size used in a study is determined based on the expense of data collection, and the need to have sufficient statistical power. In complicated studies there may be several different sample sizes involved in the study: for example, in a survey sampling involving stratified sampling there would be different sample sizes...
@Rapptz I think your sarcasm radar is failing.
the joke ------------->

You guys are missing the meta joke
Good job.
are you drunk again
surprisingly not
I mean yes
but not hugely
considering I opened the champagne, what, almost 12 hours ago?
guess it all depends on the size of the bottle
So there was this iterator that I thought was a pointer.
Sneaky little bastard.
@LightningRacisinObrit you opened the champagne 12 hours ago & still have not finished it?
@chmod711telkitty I opened the champagne 12 hours ago, finished most of it within 1½ hours, then went out on the razz with my homies and got home about an hour ago.
And I can still, like, type and stuff.
@Nooble =)
@LightningRacisinObrit I blame it on auto.
@Nooble A wise decision.
You are surprisingly well-educated for a koala.
@LightningRacisinObrit s/You are surprisingly well-educated for a koala./You have great koalifications.
@LightningRacisinObrit I am also the king of the jungle.
Man, Gyorg is much harder to kill in the remake
oh you both Majoras on 3ds
@Borgleader yep
@Nooble nope
do I play a game of Halo or just go to bed hmm
@LightningRacisinObrit Well it's not like Tony's going to reclaim his spot.
Right @TonyTheLion?
I wonder if he's forgotten about the lounge yet.
A true Lounger never forgets.
Hey SO UI change.
Am I late?
sweet dream
@LightningRacisinObrit Night.
Coming was a success.
Well except for making 10x more sauce than I needed
Fuck autocorrect.
Cooking was a success.
Nice job Robot.
The more sauce used, the better.
I'm not using 10x as hyperbole btw.
I really cooked industrial quantities of it
@sehe Not really though? Seems to be a radix sort
@sehe don't get me wrong - it's an interesting idea, but the assumptions are different :)
really hyped about witcher 3 taking 100+ hours to complete
mainly because I finished the 2nd just now in less than 17 hours ffs
@R.MartinhoFernandes What kind of sauce?
@EtiennedeMartel manjuice
he was coming after all
@AlexM. wat, i have 29 hours played on it
what exactly did you do to play so long
idk, maybe i did more optional stuff?
have you ever finished it?
I might have missed things in loc muinne
yes i finished it
fuck if I was able to find secondary quests in that maze
I just went wherever roche was
i ditched that guy
such a horribly designed level
so many areas cut off by rubble
I wasted 20 minutes trying to find a way around something that appeared to be cut by rubble but wasn't in reality
how many achievements ya got for that game?
but it was impossible to see the tiny path around unless you actually bumped into the rubble
Achievement Progress 28 of 52
3 more than me o.o weird
maybe i just suck and took longer lol
I wish there was another chapter or sth, it really felt short
i liked it more than the first one tbh
oh and Star Wars Battlefield was announced
sure I could have increased the game's duration by cranking the difficulty up but fuck that I'd probably still be fighting the draug now if I did that lol
the shit in the swamp?
thats where i toned the difficulty down
no the shit on the battlefield
fuck that shit
i dont remember that
been a while since i finished the game
the game's really difficult because on normal and above it's taken for granted that you use alchemy before every important battle
I'm too lazy for alchemy only used some potions on the final boss :P
alchemy, aint nobody got time fo' dat
dat wall
fuck these websites where copying the article's title also includes a bunch of random crap text
also why would you ditch roche at least the guy does politics and is on a side that can win
iorveth just tries to do a minority vs majority thing that never works
@AlexM. dude... elves
@AlexM. that's racist
@orlp it's about penis sizes
@Borgleader Well, I'm lucky I'm not a Bell customer then.
@AlexM. Mine is satisfying. Or so I'm told.
@EtiennedeMartel Neither am I, but still.... wow
Koalas have two penises.
Only -us endings pluralize into -ii.
guys I have a genius idea
stop stealing other people's ideas m8
if you want to stalk on someone - don't do it directly, that'll get you a restraining order or in jail
make a company, and then spy on them
then if you get caught you just get some stupid fine, call bankruptcy and move on
@orlp Genii.
I should go sleep it's late
@AlexM. it's early...
I just woke up
you're weird
never claimed otherwise
I love this chat: there are people who have brillant new ideas, there are people who have good new ideas, there are people who have stupid new ideas & then there are stupid people who have no new ideas
which category am I in?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I found this by accident. No clue if it can be made 'sensible' for arrays, and I’m not gonna investigate.
Wild guess is quadratic behaviour at the least (for lists). That is, I don’t have much hope that the reverse can be changed to something that swaps a fixed number of elements.
@orlp you are probably ignorant :p if you are a director in a company & the company bankrupts, sometimes you are liable for the money lost :p
and also, depends on the jurisdiction, sometimes a failed CEO is prohibited from becoming a CEO of another company for X amount of years
lol, you need to be over 40 & is a male, I am so totally disqualified
1 hour later…
@Rapptz the tooting one is still the worst :(
@Xeo I beat that one in the first try.
I suck at that one
I just can't live with only passive damage to the enemies
Isn't it lovely, people choose to play games in which they are made passive-aggressive
@rightfold That seems like a simple solution.
Anybody doing anything exciting?
Hm, I think my cat's in heat.
@Mikhail I'm cooking chickpeas.
@Mikhail I'm writing a procedural terrain generator based on Julia Set
I am semi sure now that google sells all our data/info to third parties
Too much target marketing nowadays
there is no privacy, google/nsa knows when you are in heat as precisely as you know when your pets are in heat
@chmod711telkitty cat videos, how can you refuse?
I have 2 other phones, one of which I pay $83-$85 a month & it's included in the package 2GB download + $500 worth of calls?
@chmod711telkitty why do you have two other phones? Isn't one enough for you? :/
I am making phone apps I have to have one type of phones each
that makes sense
@chmod711telkitty Also Target knowns when your daughter is pregnant. Dimensionality reduction is is terrifying
It would be more helpful if google/facebook also knows who the dad is from all those one night stands ...
I love how Rust solves the expression problem while retaining subtyping and dynamic linking.
or the NSA from its collection of text phone messages
You can implement trait B for type A only in the module in which B is defined or in the module in which A is defined.

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