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Jeremy, pay attention, will you
@sehe please click on the arrow to respond to someone instead of typing their name
we get too many noobs these days
FWIW, pretty sure the SO newsletter just came out. After a full day of no activity at all, just got a couple up-votes on an answer posted Saturday morning.
@nick It's a figure of speech
@sehe Only sort of--it is still actually day time here.
@nick Too many noobs, not enough boobs.
noob verification complete
Not sure whether elite yet. Laying it on thick. Mmm. Roaches don't do so many accounts. It'll come to me
@sehe Typo? There only seem to be §13.1 though §13.6 (at least as of N4296).
@sehe my brain crashed when attempting to decode that
@JerryCoffin I'm referring to the c++21 draft
@JerryCoffin more noob verification
@Jeremy hrad durgs
@sehe I C. But only once in a while. Usually I C++ (but I don't inhale).
@JerryCoffin take intensive care, if you do
A: strtok() - Why you have to pass the NULL pointer in order to get the next token in the string?

mcleod_ideafixstrtok() keeps some data in static variables inside the function itself so it can continue a searching from the point it left it the previous call. To signal strtok() that you want to keep searching the same string, you pass a NULL pointer as its first argument. strtok() checks whether it is NULL...

@nick 'tis true (at least compared to @Abyx, I am).
you know you'd think someone with 5k would not post copyrighted content
at least content that isn't licensed for that
@Mgetz does he post the license with it? If so, there doesn't seem to be much issue
@sehe nope just the copyright
but it's microsoft
so it's definitely not licensed for it
I don't see why people answer umpteenfold dupes (at least of that caliber)
@sehe dat delicious rep
@sehe I do once in a while, when typing an answer seems like less work than finding a suitable dupe.
Me too. I was saying "at least of that caliber" for a reason :)
@sehe Fair enough.
I mean, for strtok I wouldn't consider anything beyond commenting, unless the question called for Spirit :)
A: Meaning of int (*) (int *) = 5 (or any integer value)

EdwardIt is not valid C++. Remember that because your particular compiler happens to compile it doesn't make it valid. Compilers, like all complex software, sometimes have bugs and this appears to be one. By contrast clang++ complains: funnycast.cpp:3:11: error: expected expression int (*) (i...

Oh look, another instance where clang is better than gcc
I suppose it might have to do with compiler extensions. Which clang doesn't have
I miss @Ell
clang never seems to compile successfully
Yeah. It's a toy. Nobody uses it
you troll
cant tell if troll
@sehe I've mentioned it in at least a few answers. e.g., stackoverflow.com/a/13462911/179910
@nick Use clang++
@Jefffrey He's coming back next month :)
@JerryCoffin Oh me too. Never very positively. Though I have 1 very old (for me) answer that shows how to use it
Or at least that's what he said IIRC
@Jefffrey Griwes please go.
Go is capitalized, I think
@sehe "Nobody goes there anymore. It's too crowded."
Yeah. The party never seems to get started successfully
@sehe Error: No party. Proceed to Unconference instead.
pink gravatar masterrace
GNU masterrace
@sehe GNU Liberace. Pink Lace. The circle is complete.
I was watching this video presenting some city and I thought...
Somehow the room is stranger than usual today
makavelli the don.. outlawz outlawz
@AlexM. dont leave us hanging like that
VR headsets could be used for real time tours via preset 360 cameras or maybe some sort of robots that would move according to the user
for actual tours
@nick Hey. We understand. It must have been a novel experience
you could rent such a service
cheaper than visiting yourself
@AlexM. No need to visit yourself. Wherever you go, there you are.
Visit thyselves
@AlexM. start-up costs would be astronomic
@JerryCoffin Yup. Right there in your VR helmet
@Jeremy maybe
@Jeremy use google street view
I'll experiment once I get my Valve headset for the heck of it
and see how it works around my area and how it feels lol
why is GNU a thing
unix masterrace
@nick I think streetview gave me the actual idea
it was like "we could stream this in real time actually"
24 mins ago, by sehe
Not sure whether elite yet. Laying it on thick. Mmm. Roaches don't do so many accounts. It'll come to me
Says you...
@AlexM. haha dude I actually spent a few hours touring venice using google streetview once
really bummed they didnt put a camera on a boat to do the waterways as well
@nick Allow me to recommend the brand new Google CanalView.
@JerryCoffin Is that a obstetrician's feed
@JerryCoffin Seems like it would have been less work to implement it in C++
no way
@JerryCoffin thought you were trolling me haha, this is cool
VR is interesting
imagine all drugs going away since the only relevant drug becomes VR and paying to hook up to your ideal world
@AlexM. video games are worse than drugs anyway
@nick I'm shocked! Shocked, I tell you, that anybody would accuse me of trolling!
I wonder if it will have negative effects on us in ways you don't really expect it to
i stopped playing video games for the same reason alcoholics stop drinking alcohol
like, prolonged usage causing your reflexes to get fucked up or your brain to overlap realities
@Jeremy Funny. I stopped playing video games for the same reason vegetarians stop eating vegetables.
Not fair. I worded that carefully to prevent this kind of response.
I hate myself for playing as much games as i do
@Jeremy I'm obviously better at finding ambiguity than you are at avoiding it.
just bought cs go today, hopefully it sucks so i don't spend another 6 months addicted
computer science is addictive
@nick I hate myself for... Wait a minute--no I don't.
@sehe agreed
@JerryCoffin I'd argue that there are obvious reasons why alcoholics stop drinking alcohol.
@nick Why would you pay for Go when you can download it for free?
@JerryCoffin it's ok everybody hates themselves in some fashion or another
So i'm not sure it's ambiguous.
@JerryCoffin i don't trust Google
@nick I guess I must be out of fashion, but that's nothing new.
@JerryCoffin well played
@nick In that case you obviously shouldn't use Go at all.
@JerryCoffin i'll be fine, i paid for it from a reputable source
@nick Girls who accept payment for...services tend to get a reputation too.

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