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Well. I killed them :(
> It has been pretty well documented recently that, during slavery and into the 20th Century, black babies were used as alligator bait in North and Central Florida. miaminewtimes.com/news/…
lol wtf
Hehe, throwing and catching exceptions works. :)
@FilipRoséen-refp whoa
@AlexM. that's fucking hardcore
it makes so little sense to me
to me neither. They could have used chickens. A lot cheaper/easier
I want to allocate memory for array of pointers. my question is - if I use malloc of the pointers will be NULL at the beginning? or I need to use calloc for this?
Hi. How are you doing.
@sehe that's what I wondered at first there
@Alon malloc is functio non grata. This is not a C lounge
since it was during the slavery stuff
were slaves worth less than chicken to people
maybe it was some sort of "w/e they can make more kids" mentality
@Griwes too much time spent with the standard for my own good (another way to put it)
time to hit the shower and run to the metro, peace.
@FilipRoséen-refp Do share the general idea how it works? :P
@Griwes I will publish it all in time, don't you worry about it!
@sehe thanks but I write in C :( thanks anyway
I just want a tl;dr!
I was thinking about doing something akin to that, but never really got an idea how to actually do it.
@AlexM. Slavery "ended" way before that IIRC.
@Alon Then you're definitely in the wrong room. Good news though, questions go on Stack Overflow and they have search box too
@sehe Ok thanks
A: Difference between malloc and calloc?

Fred Larsoncalloc() zero-initializes the buffer, while malloc() leaves the memory uninitialized. EDIT: Zeroing out the memory may take a little time, so you probably want to use malloc() if that performance is an issue. If initializing the memory is more important, use calloc(). For example, calloc() mi...

That wasn't hard. And it has a decent number of votes
Ok thanks. I tried it and it and the pointers was NULL also for malloc.. anyway thanks
Hmm, backtracking in Perl 6 is fun to implement.
@Alon Always go by documented behaviour. The rest is all programming by coincidence and the undefined behaviour will kill you. And your offspring.
In other words: never go by anecdotal evidence ("I've seen it work!"). You'll be sorry
You are right!
sub f($haha) { #`(…) next $haha; #`(…) }

haha: for (1..1) {
    f(haha); #`(labels are objects. ^_^)
    say "this won't happen :3";
say "this will happen!";
what a pile of... This is Perl re-imagined
@Alon Can you not just write code to find out, FFS..
@MartinJames The whole point is that, no you can't trust that to find out o.O
You can even say $haha.next;!
next is a method on Label!
I'm impatient too, but that doesn't make me say things that aren't true.
@райтфолд Let me try that
Yep. Nice
You can make really obscure code with this feature, which is nice.
It's kinda like Ruby's and Scala's non-local returns.
But those are less horrific than this.
return in Ruby and Scala always return from a method, and lambdas aren't methods, so if you use it in a lambda it will actually return from the stack frame that created the lambda.
Which is a nice compromise between functional and imperative programming.
Because another question came up, for fun and glory I implemented just the parsing of RFC 2109 Set-Cookie reponse headers in an answer. This should be nice to drive home the point that Cookie handling is not trivial. This barely scratches the surface. (I've not addressed actual expiration, domain filtering, sending Cookie request headers etc.)sehe 7 secs ago
i can't wait for the day i'll understand how the prime number generator on haskell.org works
It's pretty simple.
screw you
> Cookie handling seems so trivial and simple that i would rather implement it myself
I always love when people underestimate software complexity
[x | x <- xs, x `mod` p /= 0] is just equivalent to do { x <- xs; guard (x `mod` p /= 0); return x }. vOv
Wait. Do you actually compile into perl code now...
I like how you find primes in Perl 6: grep &is-prime, 2..*.
I can't trace how the mod p check goes to every p < x.
Mar 22 '13 at 14:48, by sehe
The Evolution of a Haskell Programmer <-- hilarious and insighful BTW. and SFW
[x | x <- xs, x `mod` p /= 0] can be rewritten as filter (\x -> x `mod` p /= 0) xs.
@райтфолд that's a terrible algorithm though
The authors are aware. The Haskell website even confesses that GHC is terrible at optimising.
> This example is contrived in order to demonstrate what Haskell looks like, including: (1) where syntax, (2) enumeration syntax, (3) pattern matching, (4) consing as an operator, (5) list comprehensions, (6) infix functions. Don't take it seriously as an efficient prime number generator.
Good thing that they don't specify complexity constraints on their sample material there
There were no requirements anyway. vOv
Well. That's my point
However, I have always been an advocate of the following: if you give or present something to somebody without them asking for it, and they don't like it, it's at most your own problem.
Which is also why I never pretend I like things when I don't like them. :D
what a controversial opinion /s
especially in the lounge, known for it's tact, political correctness and general subtle pretending to like eachother
I oppose political correctness.
oh i get it
is it even possible to make a trace diagram for this? the magic's all behind the lazy evaluation if i'm not mistaken
it works because it finds the numbers that are primes and just selects those
Political correctness is the main reason most posts on Stack Overflow are shit.
Disagree Strongly
Then you're wrong.
Ignorance, greed and incompetence are the reasons. And laziness. ³
@sehe ..which may define 'Political correctness' :((
@MartinJames lol no
Don't forget Noobleness.
Damn you Nooblists!
³ and Noobleness
@sehe Describe a politician in four adjectives..
@orlp Being a Nooblist is the only way to ensure that the koala God takes you into his kingdom of heaven.
Fuck koalaness, I need sleep.
@MartinJames That definition of political is not correct. Just not politically incorrect
@MartinJames Sounds like you need more caffeine.
contradiction detected
(bottom person doesn't show signs of being grown up at all)
@Nooble I need to sober up, TBH..
how do haskell's indentation rules even work
@Blob press tab
@orlp apparently i had to press it twice
@Borgleader you play league?
@Blob buy a new keyboard
@orlp Press space twice
6 hours ago, by sehe
@Blob So. Let me get it straight. It's only completion if you press TAB?
@orlp no, it actually demanded 2 tabs
Fuck... did I really say that?
@Blob your keyboard demands stuff from you?
buy a new keyboard, now
> qs.hs:19:9:
parse error (possibly incorrect indentation or mismatched brackets)
Failed, modules loaded: none.
@orlp His keyboard won't let him!
@orlp this is actually the third Blob that the keyboard has bought this month
@sehe ah, the ol' switcharoo
Binary, large @orlp
that would be funny
are people who live in Hungary hungary?
@Borgleader Ich bin ein Berliner.
No. They're Magyar
@Borgleader I'm still having trouble with Frankfurters..
Ok. That does it. I'm off to bed :)
Night all
my darling pet chooks followed a guest to our front door
@chmod711telkitty please I need picture of pet
> Yes the male citizens in Hamburg are called Hamburger in German, and a female citizen Hamburgerin. However the people from Berlin are also called Berliner, which is actually also a donut. These names have nothing to do with the food description though, as you can probably imagine.

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