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Since I already have the basic Sender-Queue-Listener framework set up right already
I wonder if it'd be worth it
@Cinch I'm afraid of That_Case. All koalas are.
@Nooble Stroustrup_Case?
I prefer it
I use snake_case for my variables and instantiated objects and Stroustrup_Case for class names
I think you mean Bjarne_case.
No, Each_Word_Is_Capitalized
@Cinch That's not bjarne_case
What's Bjarne case?
Stroustrup_Case is an abomination.
as is Bjarne_case
@Puppy I don't care what you think about my naming style Puppy
why would you even want a naming style
Is there a name for TheOnlySaneCase?
nobody ever has a consistent naming style.
nOoBlE_CaSe is superior.
@Puppy so i can remember what i named that thing
@Puppy Haskell does
between autocomplete and giving it a reasonable name, you're pretty much done already.
Here goes Puppy with his rant
@Cinch Event_Sorter? Who would want to sort events? Are you going to present them in a list for users to find them alphabetically? Are you going to keep a database of them for statistical purposes?
I don't have auto complete :|
@sehe No, I mean for just sending types of events to the right queues
@Blob You suck. Even vim native has it. (Note that auto-completion != intellisense)
Maybe Event_Forwarder is a better name?
@sehe w0t. how2use?
tab just puts 4 spaces
@Cinch Ah. Dispatch. Routing. Moderating. NOT sorting
@sehe EVENT_ROUTER (Event_Router) yes!
@Blob So. Let me get it straight. It's only completion if you press TAB?
@sehe hugs polar bear
@sehe uh.. ignore what i said. how does one use vim's supposed autocomplete feature?
@Cinch EventRouter or event_router. Personally I stay well cleer of "FrubXXXer" "Manager" "DoThiser" "DoThater"
@Blob ^X^P for the most generic. Use help for more
@sehe Event_Router
That's how I do it
@Cinch Just EventRouting. Or, much better: framework::events::routing
@Cinch That will change :0
@sehe No, it's gonna be an object
Ok. Reading to my kids. Promised :)
And it probably will change but it's consistent with what's there lready
@Cinch Who said different?
@sehe It's flgl::aux::Event_Router
@sehe omg it works
@sehe Be sure to read to them the Adventures of Nooble.
or maybe just flgl::more::Event_Router
An excellent novel.
@Nooble "krickle krickle sniff sniff" -A random koala giving it his highest praise
@Blob Don’t worry, with a combination of :shiftwidth and :softtabstop you can customise that.
@Cinch :D
"froot/froot" -says koala reviewer
@LucDanton i quite like 4 spaces :|
Hey guys
flgl::Event_Router, flgl::aux::Event_Router, flgl::more::Event_Router?
Is it safe to buy 2400MHz memories?
@sehe after testing using libstdc++s test suite there was one bug in pdqsort
@JohanLarsson Buying it is safe. Plugging it into a motherboard may be riskier.
Q: Traversing a tree during compile time, with visiting actions

prestokeysTo make a preorder traversal of a nested pack of types (i.e. a tree of types), and then carry out an action at each leaf, I've worked out an algorithm already (and tested to work correctly): template <typename T> struct HasChildren : std::false_type {}; template <template <typename...> class P,...

WTF is this?
in the insertion sort routine I decremented an iterator before begin (not dereferenced, only decremented)
other than that pdqsort passed all tests
@JerryCoffin yeah dumb q sry. Not been keeping up at all.
@JohanLarsson Why wouldn't it be?
I must construct additional foodlons
@Puppy you require more minerals
@JohanLarsson It was just too obvious to pass up...
@fredoverflow I guess Boost.Hana does have its merits.
@Nooble I remember I had some issues with 1600 MHz in the past. Does not say much. Don't know what I expected from asking here.
Time travel is complicated.
512 GB or 1TB ssd?
Is there no way to include only subnamespaces if wanted?
that is more answerable
@JohanLarsson moneywise, neither
i.e. I have flgl::stuff::hello
Can I shorten this to flgl::hello somehow?
@JohanLarsson I have a 256GB SSD and a 1TB hard drive.
@Cinch and not just hello?
@Blob yes
I want to sort of import an add-on to the main flgl:: namespace
@Nooble 256 is small for windows ime
i.e. Let's import a "more" library into the main "flgl" namespace for us
@fredoverflow vimeo.com/9981123
@райтфолд Olden but golden :)
@JohanLarsson It is, I wish I could've gotten 512GB.
@Cinch No, but you can create a namespace alias, so you could have something like: namespace flg = flgl::stuff; then use flg::hello. I believe the name of the alias needs to be locally unique though.
@JerryCoffin the question is
would the new namespace be combined or just flgl::stuff?
@Cinch What do you mean by "combined"?
What % of the code you see is crap?
I think 97%
counting SO?
As In I still have all the stuff in flgl::
@LightningRacisinObrit nah, ~production code
@JohanLarsson I'm careful to not figure out. I'm pretty scared of what the result would probably be.
oops wrong link
@Blob ...
@JohanLarsson 100
@Cinch With the alias, flg:: would be equivalent to flgl::stuff::, so no it doesn't make everything in flgl:: visible, only things in flgl::stuff.
That's not goos
Oh well I'll just not make it then
I'll make it as an example
You can namespace my_custom_stuff { using namespace this_stuff; using that_stuff::thing; } etc., you have plenty of options when it comes to namespaces.
@LucDanton He can't do that inside functions :|
@райтфолд !
@JohanLarsson he only sees his code and it's all crap
I imagine rightfold feels really good when writing. Not so much fun when reading.
rightfold can't read
@Blob If it’s supposed to happen only once then I don’t think it really matters how many namespace aliases you introduce (one for each 'level' you care about). If it’s supposed to be something that happens several times, then writing a convenience namespace is worth it. Aka refactoring.
Ah fuck it
Sorry, I can't take you seriously. It's just like the guy who brough a ball of snow to prove that global warming is a lie. And midday is still part of the day. But honestly, talking about what matters, how can you say that it isn't well defined? — Ismael Miguel 5 mins ago
this guy really doesn't like mine and Robot's discovery about bitwise ops
std::literals and std::literals::string_literals being examples of convenience namespaces with varying amounts of promiscuity
^ the ns & name of an actual class we have in our code. Hoping it is a sick joke but know it isn't
Why do most babies cry when they're out of the womb?
I’m guessing they’re using Base as opposed to Interface to keep it short. Smart thinking.
Because they were allocated to an existing namespace for no uniqueness
@LucDanton actual laugh here
@Cinch They're no longer part of the matrix
@JohanLarsson @LightningRacisinObrit @Blob glad i am not the only one who feels the feels as well
about pantoona
@DonLarynx feels what?
the feels, also known as sensory measures within the body
@DonLarynx he is one of my best internet friends
@JohanLarsson well that's nice :)
@EtiennedeMartel "Preserve" what?
Hm I guess
@Cinch Games.
No but it's kind of hard to say that Pong is a work of art
But it is
It's just... how can you get others to see it that way?
We're just at the very beginning of games
Video games are cultural artifacts, and they have an annoying tendency to stop working after a while.
Original Pong was art
copies of it = shitty art
Art is timeless or not?
clearly not.
everything in the known Universe exists within time.
It's not even about whether or not games are art pieces.
how do you know?
"the known Universe" doesn't mean "the Universe known by @Puppy"
GUYS! How does a conman pay his numerous bills?
With con-currency.
in fact the definitions are wildly different
@fredoverflow ... no.
he gets the bill payers to send him all their invoices simultaneously and then claims they caused a race condition?
if you had one shot, one opportunity, to seize everything you ever wanted, in one moment... would you capture it? or just let it slip? YO
Oh god, I have so many tasks I don't even know where to start
puppy when's the first Widecon.
start with your first task bub
@Puppy Breaking news: China has a rice condition.
@райтфолд tributor going to show up? dunno
@fredoverflow con-dition
@LightningRacisinObrit I have a better idea, I will take a nap
@Blob runtime is clearly 0 because it doesnt compile — dwcanillas 46 secs ago
yaaay. all cardboard boxes are finally down in my basement.
so much more space~
In Rust you can't alias a pointer-to-mutable.
f(&vec, &mut vec) is a type error.
@райтфолд the compiler can pretty much insert restrict everywhere possible
because of the borrow checker
Not in a lot of cases.
fn f(x: &T, y: &T) { … } can't do it here for x and y.
Any compiler can do it "everywhere possible" so your point is silly.
A: In C, how to detect boundary write error in free() function implementation?

ivan_petrushenkoYou can use a solution that present in the Programmer’s Perspective book.

It's even better than a link-only answer.
Last names of the OP and accepted answerer are identical. Coincidence?
so tempted to write an exception vomiting answer.
hello bartek
How's Wide going?
Is Wide going?
@Cinch No.
Should fib(1) return the first or the second fibonacci number?
Ah, the second.
Is should return fib(1).
it should return 1
@райтфолд Not very quickly. I don't have a great deal of time for it.
@StackedCrooked Yes.
this says F_0 = 0: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/…
You might go for a trimmed down first version and call it Narrow.
then again, I might not.
please tell me that's bs
@Blob I hope it's not
@Blob It's not.
It's not as in it's fake or it's not bs?
I have no hope the dude will live
It's not fake.
@Blob he himself apparently has no hope to live long either way
@Blob I would leave that to doctors, really.
@Blob Say whaaaaat. He found a guy that will die for him?
@Nooble next time :) Phew. I thought the last chapters were shorter o.O
@khajvah I'm afraid the doctor might be a bit crazy. I'm still near the beginning of the TEDx talk but I'm not sure i'd trust him so far
@sehe :)
@Xeo Personally I think it's a good thing.
@Blob You gotta be crazy to do the impossible. Besides, without a test case, you cannot have a working code ;)
if the dude is gonna die horribly, which apparently he will do for sure if he doesn't go through with it, he may as well do something new, push the boundaries of Science™ and contribute to humanity
Thanks for chipping in :)
@Puppy yeah. Which I meant to imply with my message
got enough whiners as it is
got a bunch of dudes in England bitching about new power pylons because it'll spoil their view of a fuckin' field.
I'm half way through the TED talk. He does not sound like a scientist. He's sensationalizing it like journalists would.
i'm scared :|
@LightningRacisinObrit TEDx. I'm concerned about that too.
@Blob They always sound like journaists in Tedx
next thing you know, that group will be bringing out E Bears
@sehe I'm adding this to the cart. Don't have high expectations.
I wonder whether I should quote unit tests in the documentation under "examples".
> takes over the job of processing the digital music stream from the computer that is critical to producing great sound
well. A soundcard?
@райтфолд unit tests are great documentation ime
> The MS III automatically performs an "electronic handshake" with the computer and tells it that the MS III is here, that it is to get all audio signals sent to it instead of the Digital-to-Analog converter (DAC) that is built into the computer
Just what. Can you still drop it from the cart?
I mean, the scheme of this rip-off seems to be "bluff your way past your mother-in-law"
(Not saying it's a rip-off. Just - the copy writing gives me very bad vibes)
I have heard good things about USB dacs
@milleniumbug They got a braindead guy.
Have not heard anything about that one
lol dat slide
@sehe yeah the pink also looks scammy
@JohanLarsson Me too. But this blurb is ominous
> The MS III provides full support for playback applications such as iTunes and Windows Media Player, as well as numerous others
Didn't they just say "all sound gets directed to the MS III"?!
> Technically, the MS III is an external sound card for computers.
not sure I want audio going over USB anyway
my bus is loaded enough as it is
> is given a big helping hand by HRT's proprietary asynchronous-mode data transfer software
^ this, to me, reads as "We had no clue so we just Invented Our Own" or "Enjoy the Blue Screens"
@LightningRacisinObrit You know. It's easy to calculate the bandwidth. What are you using? USB graphics card?
@fredoverflow ty sir. Did you watch the F# ddd talk?
It's nice to no longer be ignored-by-default. Thanks
lightness wouldn't know
@JohanLarsson I don't think I've ever watched an F# talk.
@fredoverflow The syntax of F# not being as butt-ugly as C#'s is already a huge reason to prefer F# over C#.
OH MY GOD |> <3
@JohanLarsson wait what. GBP 300? My Edirol is plenty nice (similar specs well shielded, optical connections, phantom power, monitoring circuit) and was arounc EUR 150 about 5 years back
@fredoverflow I liked this
@sehe I don't understand
@LightningRacisinObrit it is for a htpc
@JohanLarsson And your page lists 299GPB as a price on the web
you have that one?
Use it all the time to play my "grunge" (hehe) to my Onky receiver. Optically
So that's a bit redundant :)
I bought it for low-lat recording
uhh, I should upgrade reciever, bought sourround crap
should find something that weighs 50 kg
what is low lat?
@JohanLarsson low latency (by the way, Onkyo*)
good point. I wanted to eat something.
@sehe I'm thinking Krell but don't know anything
Time to implement multiplication, division, modulus and remainder.
Anyhoops. It looks sweet and portable. So if you don't need digital in/out and only playback, this could be very convenient. But at $150 it would be very overpriced. Seeing as they basically tout their "homegrown software" and do nothing but DA-conversion...
@JohanLarsson I love my Onkyo. And would buy again. I don't care much for the "believers" HiFi brands
Haskell is already making me feel happy
hehe, started ~5 updates at the same time on my laptop's hdd
video driver, windows update, steam update, chrome update
that's just 4 damn
it's barely moving anymore
func factorial(n: Z): Z {
    if n lt 2 {
    } else {
        n * factorial(n - 1);
:D wowoo it :D works DRUGS D:D :D :D :D :D
@AlexM. :P
@райтфолд I am, in fact, already on drugs.
Me too.
If you are on n drugs, I'm on n! drugs.
I'm on 2^n drugs.
the difference is that I'm on drugs that actually improve me and my life :P
@Puppy Wide?
I can safely state that Wide is not a drug.
oh wait, that wouldn't improve your life
also not a drug.
And mean thinga
@sehe what's a "believer" HiFi band?
@blob that's good.
it's where you use it with The Force
Is there somienone I olibked
Fuxibg keyboard
Ahit diwbst type the this I want it to
Are you drunk? :)
There we go
Were having kinda paety
Its great so far
@BartekBanachewicz Krell, Audio Research, McIntosh, Mark Levinson, etc. (would be my guess).
Haskell isn't smart enough to figure [a | a<-[1..], a < 10] out :C
@Blob Well, it keeps evaluating all possibilities. :)
I wonder if that is a halting problem in the greater scheme of things.
I want to program in Erlang again.
@wilx I'm not, but I'm trying my very best to fix it.
@райтфолд Ignore what you want and finish one thing. :)
> The Three Laws of Programming Language Design
1. What you get right, nobody mentions it.
2. What you get wrong, people bitch about.
3. What is difficult to understand you have to explain to people over and over again.
@MartinJames Well, I am sort of thinking I should too.
1. You suck.
2. You suck.
3. You definitely suck.
Bananachewtoy seems to be on a phone while standing on a whacker plate.
Whacker plate sounds better than a wrecking ball.
> I have explained why so many times that my hair has gone grey, it’s true my hair is now grey because of this.
@райтфолд Now that is some nice thing to get grey hairs from.
@milleniumbug Either way, I've never typed that bad on anything..
> Make this change and avoid grey hair.
I have a feeling that I am becoming a nerd. I used to get shitfaced no Fridays, but now, I am just sitting and reading.
I have no clue what you expect to find. Should I tell you about the secret, magical --silver-bullet=42 option? (Oh, that, obviously makes Boost 42x as fast regardless of the system) — sehe 1 min ago
@khajvah You can't become a nerd, I shan't think. I think it's a predisposition in most. You might just be developing your nerd sense a bit more
@Puppy don't forget the paranormal! /cc @Cinch
@sehe I'm watching Naruto right now
@orlp what. What was the case?
I didn't think the anime was that caught up
@Cinch I'm sure that's a logical response
@Cinch s/caught/messed/?
No, I didn't think they were even close to finishing
It's pretty close
I'm surprised
~1h into Haskell and I'm already up to templates
@javapowered You can feel free to adjust your opinion to reality as it presents itself to you any moment :) And you can keep plinking me to tell me how surprised you are, but it's a bit like looking at Mona Lisa over and over to see whether she really doesn't wear any make up yet. You'll have to put it on. — sehe 1 min ago
Maybe I should write my video game in Erlang.
@райтфолд That's a visualization of
Row hammer (also written as rowhammer) is an unintended side effect in dynamic random-access memory (DRAM) that causes memory cells to leak their charges and interact electrically between themselves, possibly altering the content of nearby memory rows that actually were not addressed in the original memory access. This circumvention of the DRAM memory cells isolation results from the high cells density in modern DRAM, and can be triggered by specially crafted memory access patterns that rapidly activate the same memory rows numerous times. The row hammer effect has been used in some privile...
Well, or of an optimisation of unsynchronised access to two objects adjacent in memory.
A word store may be more efficient than storing a single byte, so char a, b; a *= 2; may read and write b.
W00t. I've changed someone's mind (not really. I think I helped him change his mind):
3 hours ago, by orlp
in the insertion sort routine I decremented an iterator before begin (not dereferenced, only decremented)
3 hours ago, by orlp
other than that pdqsort passed all tests
I didn't even think about it
that decrementing the iterator before begin would be UB
but I guess it makes sense
it's very easy to fix too
Yeah. I like how this really drives home how haaaaarrrrd it is to write really correct code
well, seeing that was the only bug I think I did a pretty decent job :P
That, however wasn't my point
fair enough
(I know you did a good job, I didn't want to tell you again :))

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