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Lookup becomes more expensive the more bytes you have to copy
@gha.st Well duh... unless you separate the use cases
i.e. make more tables for different ranges
i.e. i.e. binary lookup trees or something like that
But if a single value requires 400 bytes to store
@gha.st It's literally a processing vs memory ratio.
e.g. bool f(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int)
@Cinch Yes, but only memory that is not local to your function
@gha.st Well can I get a better use case?
We cannot use optimization on general functions so much
(I may have done a similar topic recently in my master's thesis >.>)
That's why GPUs are superior--they're made for graphics
The best example is the naive recursive fibonacci implementation
GPUs are not superior
They're better at very specific types of work
@MomotapaLimpopo Which is why they're superior... for graphics
(that's what I mean sorry)
Which you can turn from O(phi^n) to about O(n)
By memoizing it
@gha.st wtf is phi
golden ratio
just a constant ;)
oh my god phi
So basically it turns from exponential to linear
One day, we will require a lingustics degree for math
it will have more letters than Chinese
And nobody can speak it
TIL knowing phi requires a linguistic degree
Also FYI Chinese does not have letters
TIL Chinese has letters
@gha.st What if I can model fibonacci using a similar function for our domain?
Just wait for the day that the math guys realize they don't have to restrict themselves to ascii and greek - the whole unicode is available to them!
They have already
There are unicode blocks just for them
I wish I was mathematician
this fucking sql is killing me
i.e. if I only need to calculate 1 to 100 in Fibonacci, to save on both processing and memory, I can create sub-functions that have similar outputs with less processing time to get the same answer
I wonder, is it possible to create such a thing?
Or to have a way to model that?
Taylor series, etc etc etc
The problem is to do it automatically ;)
TIL Taylor Swift also does mathematics
@MomotapaLimpopo ...
I mean, can't we compile a general list of functions that are solved and then just link to it in binary form?
i.e. I have a bunch of utility function or tables that are the best for a specific calculation for a specific domain
And then I inline these into my program.
Using the correct metadata, perhaps I can turn programming into some sort of tag-matching thing so that we can substitute functions for others based on a certain precision requirement
Then, we incorporate this into GCC or LLVM, allowing it to optimize by replacing functions with function calls to simplified functions or simply enumerated table results of functions
And I wonder if it's really cheaper to do something with a problem like such:
Problem: compute the collision of three objects with a speed and mass given identical surface-normal profiles (i.e. they're all circles with center of mass in the same place and same compositon)
In other physics models, they're do only the comparison of a one-to-one collision at once.
They're repeat the collision-computing sequence twice
But if we define a model, given a range of inputs for speed, velocity, and angle for the between vectors
We could calculate enumerated tables for such
Or we could simplify the calculation to something more simple, given certain conditions
ITT Cinch
I wonder if it'd be plausible to analyze a program with a debugger
and then extract certain desirable variables, make a table for them
Even if all your inputs only take 4 different values, you have a 3*(2+2)+2*2 = 16 bit input universe2
@gha.st Sorry what?
say you have 4 different speeds
4 different angles
@gha.st inb4 wtf is a universe
and 4 different velocities
@gha.st mhm
Thats 4^3 values
We can either create a table for such...
meep, me haz uzed 4s instead of 2z
No, keep it at 4
That's a more realistic use case
Yeah, the point is for 4 values, you need 2 bits
@gha.st So?
We have 6 bits to store 3 values
now consider that you have 3 objects as well
6 bits is 64 values
not just 3 values per object
I have no idea what you guys are rambling about
@gha.st then we have 3^6 combinations?
you need 3*6 bits
@MomotapaLimpopo We're talking about optimizations and how to produce them
(we are computing in bits now)
729 states, okay
I know that's quite large to calculate
I mean store
you could argue that one of the bits is not needed due to the fact that you can normalize the collision so that one of the orbs is not moving
@Cinch What country is that?
sorry, two of the bits
i really should shower
that would wake me up
@MarkGarcia Nice
2916 unique states, if I recall
That's a huge federation
@gha.st But, we could separate the problem into more conditional domains
i.e. what if the balls are all traveling at the same speed
@MomotapaLimpopo Did I pass the test?
Sorry, ratio
That way, we can create a generalized function that is easier to calculate
And then scale the answer
So you need to find a common subcase
@gha.st Exactly
Perhaps we could find a way to automate such an analysis
This might have a parallel in mnemonics for humans
i.e. distill a large number of cases down to a pattern for better optimization, while keeping some exceptions memorized and noticing which patterns will create exceptional answers
i.e. for the unit circle:
Of a function where you already reduced the precision from 512 to 16 bits by ignoring most of the input bits
@gha.st But we're assuming we don't need the precision
Let's create the case that the programmer has already decided that the precision sacrifice is absolutely okay
Yes, but it also means you cannot reduce the precision any bit further
not a single bit may change anymore
@gha.st That's okay
Let's try this example:
I want to calculate the angle of deflection in the x-y plane given my x-y velocity
This is effectively arcsin and arccos
(btw: 16 bits, aka 64Ki cases will usually even fit into the L2 cache)
@gha.st idk how caches work
@Cinch Point is, they are small compared to your RAM
@gha.st right
cont: but if I can enumerate the cases which I do know the answer to...
Or I know a good equation to approximate the answer, I can effectively remove the arcsin calculation and concept and replace it with a better one
If you're jerking your mind off on optimization without knowing how caches work, you're losing your time
I like jerking
I have many cash.
@Cinch Per our problem statement, approximations are not allowed anymore
@StackedCrooked cashes are nice
@gha.st Okay
And remembering solutions to reuse where necessary is the memoization idea from the beginning
resume: 4-body collision states
If I can break up the profile of the resulting function, I can begin to approximate the function using smaller functions given the precision
And given probability statistics, I can also see that the edge cases can be steered such that the program will rarely encounter these cases
And the inaccurate cases can be steered towards these edge cases
i.e. I break up a larger functions into discrete domains
And then I use comparisons to determine which function to call
i.e. Let's say I want to approximate arcsin
If you have an approximation that is exact for a certain class of inputs, you can trivially build a faster algorithm - and we should assume that the libraries we are using are the best available, or you can just switch to a better library
If you have a true approximation, you are again violating the assumption
@gha.st "libraries" for what?
computing arcsin for example
Well this is to be determined
We have the best general case arcsin library
or even more generally speaking, that you are using near-optimal algorithms
Well, in any case, my time is running out ;)
@gha.st But if a calculation is inherently faster with a small O(X), then we can create the range in which an optimized funciton should be used
morning hot cross buns
Linear function for arcsin at a certain precision would be nice
@Cinch But would a quick general case calculation not do if(small) doA(); else doB();?
Even better, it would be great to be able to create libraries according to the sort of precision you need
@gha.st Something of the sort
i.e. if (A < 0.5 && A > -0.5)
Then use linear funciton
else calculate using another function
And if you only need arcsin for a certain (low) precision, you can again do a lookup table with basic quadratic approximation
@gha.st right
@gha.st I don't think that's quite so simple. For an obvious one, you can compute sine for 0, pi/4, pi/2, etc., trivially. Likewise, tan(pi/4), etc. Knowing them precisely does not mean you can compute all other sines and cosines particularly trivially.
@JerryCoffin If we can funnel many continueous cases into enumerated cases this would be great
additionally, we could decompose functions using similar-profiled functions given a certain domain precision and range precision
i.e. Let's say I'm building a simple physics engine in 2D
@JerryCoffin You would use some 2**8 to 2**12 different values and approximate amongst them ;)
@gha.st I might be able to simplify lookup tables though
i.e. sin and cos repeat values if I am allowed to use negation
I can cut sin and cos tables greatly if I pair them with a function to apply given some domains
Additionally if I am allowed to fold the wave values using an absolute value-like operation I can cut the profile down to 0 to pi/2
Perhaps lambdas might have their place here using switches or jumps
@gha.st For quite a few purposes, you don't even need to interpolate at that point. I did a test once, storing 256 values for sine/cosine, and drawing the largest circle that would fit on screen using this approximation vs. the version in the standard library. There were a couple of spots the line got thicker, so the approximation was a pixel off, but that was about it.
@JerryCoffin Say I have a full sine implementation that does sine using just "normal optimizations"
Let's decompose sine into a profile
sine is symmetric if you translate it right and down over to its negative side past pi/2 in a period
I have a table from -2pi to +2pi
By first taking only the positive side, I can reduce this table to 0 to +2pi
If I recognize that sine repeats downward across the x-axis after pi in a similar fashion, I can "fold" the table if I add on a negation operation
That way, I can reduce the table to 0 to pi
Then, I fold over the line for pi/2 given that sine has a symmetric shape across 0 to pi/2
Then I have a simple function for the domain of 0 to pi/2 from 0 to 1
Then, given a precision, I can optimize using linear and quadratic functions
Do you really think people store values of cos/sin outside [0, Pi/2]?
@MomotapaLimpopo No.
You just said the opposite
Oh well
Well I'm going through the funciton reduction process for optimization
Now we can just have a table of value
But the second step would be to limit the precision
I'd guess that the precision is already limited and thus something similar has occured
Given that single and double precision floats have their precision limits
Oh, lemme guess, you are now discovering discretization
What next, delta compression of the discrete approximations?
my my
What are these?
@Cinch "funciton" --> "Funkytown"?
@JerryCoffin Yeah, but in that case you might have even gotten it perfect with 128 points and some interpolation
@Cinch Actually, you can pretty easily get by with only 0..pi/4 (and people have known this for years). In most cases, if you want optimization, you just avoid using sine or cosine in the first place though (e.g., if you're drawing points on a circle, there's a variant of Bresenham's algorithm that works quite nicely, and doesn't need a sine or cosine or a table of approximations.
this is much like what uncoference is.
@Cinch You need to know that sine is a smooth function for the interpolation to work anyway, so you would only store values for one of the archs from y=0 to y=min or y=max
@gha.st Right. Something like that
By the way I'm just a freshmen in college so be easy on me
@thecoshman What's the uncoference
@MomotapaLimpopo ¬_¬ not sure if spelling mistake or poor troll...
Idk, check your own message
@MomotapaLimpopo I also wonder if we can provide on-demand differential estimates
@MomotapaLimpopo lol
i.e. If we can calculate a profile for the derivative, we could provide accurate interpolation
@MomotapaLimpopo poor troll
@Cinch Assuming your function has a continuous derivative
We could also do this for area and volume and density for integration and perhaps applications in engines...
@gha.st Well, we're assuming this
I mean, when is it not?
e.g. tangent
When it's not
anything with a nontrivial discontinuity
(Not sure what the English term really is - in German it is called a "fixable" discontinuity)
Your mom is a nontrivial discontinuity
@Cinch At this rate, you'll only need another 10 years (or so) to invent the Taylor series (or maybe Maclaurin, if we're lucky).
@MomotapaLimpopo My mom wraps around infinity!
@Cinch using templates to work out sine values at compile time is a 'done' problem.
@thecoshman Boring, since constexpr, would you not agree?
@JerryCoffin Oh god.
@gha.st well no, constexpr just helps the compile in-line the value sine(0.5f) it doesn't help it work out that value of it.
@thecoshman Sorry "templates"?
@Cinch template meta programming...
@thecoshman Right
@gha.st Oh.
But that has a limit as well
@thecoshman I was thinking of C++14 constexpr functions. It should be possible to just take almost any old sine computation and use it almost unchanged if I understand it correctly?
But going back to the physics collision problem:
4 bodies, 4 velocities, 4 masses, 4 angles
Similar profiles
Actually, there is 4^4 cases, right?
@gha.st oh I see... yes because C++14 constexpr will actually 'execute' the function to reduce it down to a value. righT?
So perhaps we could do things in terms of relationships between angles
i.e. if the angles are equal, then do the computation
cos and sin and other math functions are not constexpr
@thecoshman Yeah, basically you can run a whole bunch of "normal" functions at compile time if you just stick constexpr on them
@MomotapaLimpopo The ones in the standard library are not.
Yes that's what I said
@MomotapaLimpopo ... why not? sine(0.5) will always return the same value...
Because they have runtime side-effects
Oh go
@thecoshman That is not really guaranteed
This is why they hire mathmeticians
@gha.st no?
@MomotapaLimpopo oh right. like what?
C++ makes very few guarantees where floating point math is concerned
@gha.st afaik what ever floating point errors you get, you get the same everytime
@MomotapaLimpopo wat
@thecoshman They set errno
Either way, this is all very interesting..
curses C
there is no 'random' rounding in floats
@thecoshman Only because in practice everyone uses IEEE754 floating point numbers
I wonder if it's possible to apply the same optimization to user-produced cases
@gha.st uh yeah it is
We need constexpr sin/cos that return some neat constexpr decimals (and not floats)
@gha.st ah right.
sin(0.5) won't set errno.
@Rapptz go to bread
Assume for a second that intel uses "better" floating point units for i7 cpus than for i5 cpus
Is it possible to produce discrete use cases for user input using data analysis?
the FPU has nothing to do with the guarantees of the function
i.e. dull the inputs to discretes
thus, the program would could even yield different results depending on which cpu socket the thread is running on
@gha.st what is that even supposed to mean
@MomotapaLimpopo only 4 AM!
@gha.st Erm no, it couldn't, since the format and operations are standardized.
@Griwes NO.
Perhaps if we can dull input to a dynamic system, we can reduce the processing] and memory load that it produces
@gha.st well obviously different machines can execute the 'same' code differently
@Griwes C++ only suggests IEEE754
Is this argument for real
I hope not
Hell yeah :D
It really is getting late...
@gha.st There's a bit more to it than "in practice"--the C and C++ standards both let you directly check whether you're suing IEEE arithmetic (under the guise of an ISO/IEC standard).
@wavemode It's kinda complex
@gha.st You said Intel. Intel uses a standardized format for the most part (looking at you, 10 byte x87).

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