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k. once i get to orbit :D
and this time i will
you will never reach Orbit, @Blob
When your problem statement is "unfortunately nothing works" you need to take a break. — Lightning Racis in Obrit 1 min ago
damnit, ran out of fuel
6 fuel tanks this time
shit.. it's barely flying
One-tenth of the lines in my code base contain template.
too much mass
inb4 your mom joke
@Ell We're leaving tomorrow from Stansted
Now I can say this:
set_global("std::always::infix==", make_subroutine<bool, bool>([] (bool a, bool b) {
    return handle(a == b);
Instead of having to fuck around with argument iterators all the time.
I'm so happy. This is the best C++ code base I have ever written.
Hi folks! Happy easter for all of you.
Got problems :-(
what does wordpress do? Hosting?
WordPress is blog software.
People tend to use it for non-blogs as well, which is why their costs are high and their websites fail miserably.
I think I should make a website for progmatic.
What is the correct way?
It's not using blog software.
Unless it's a blog.
and what is an even more constructive answer?
What kind of website do you want?
Really simple I think, short description & contact.
Have not thought about it much. It is for progmatic
Do you think you need a CMS?
content managment system?
@JohanLarsson A simple static HTML??
Jekyll, perhaps.
@райтфолд prolly not, do you?
Which reminds me, I should find out how to use Jekyll with POD.
jekyll is not a build thing?
I'm gonna make a POD plugin for Jekyll and call it Eyjafjallajökull.
damnit, my periapsis is at 36km
i'll fall back into the atmosphere
@JohanLarsson If you really want a CMS (freeware) you can use Joomla. But you need to have certain LAMP setups supported by your internet service hosting provider.
hmhm TIL Philips Ambilight fits with Hue
so cool
having second thoughts about buying a conventional screen
@πάνταῥεῖ so many acronyms. I barely know how to click links :)
> This TV is stunning. The contrast ratio is amazing, and the image clarity is unmatched. The only problem I have with the TV is that gives me sunburn. I set the brightness on low like the instruction book said, but I have to use suntan lotion just to watch Tom and Jerry. On the plus side, I actually get to leave my house twice a week for chemotherapy
@BartekBanachewicz huehuehuehuehue
> Saw this on sale with $30000 off on the Samsung site, so bought it right away. Now I can buy a car with my savings!
this is the best:
> The black levels and color depth on this TV are pretty good for the price. However, the small screen size is a deal breaker. I recommend buying an IMAX theater instead.
:\ it would be quite the sidetrack... but I kinda want python style generators...
@BartekBanachewicz oh hey, I thought you had run away for good
@AlexM. I'm not buying anything from samsung
@Mgetz I have very few clues about what you're saying. I also haven't looked at your code yet. So, you're probably well informed :)
btw @sehe the Boost.Coroutine exception thing you always talk about is something I don't have to worry about.
@sehe the problems is that there is a lot of well... server defined behavior
Maybe I'm just prejudiced, but every part of consumer electronics from samsung I looked at, held or used was borked in some way
@райтфолд good :)
I never destruct coroutines before they're finished.
@райтфолд huh... not bad
they seem like a cheap chinese counterfeit of "real" hardware
@Mgetz "server defined behaviour" - you mean. Application logc?
made to attract attention but otherwise shit to use
it's bug ugly to use by the looks of it, but still
Maybe I can host a website from my NAS. Expect ~0 traffic.
@thecoshman meh why
@sehe no, things like accepting nicks longer than 8 characters etcv
@JohanLarsson if it's static just put it on github pages
@BartekBanachewicz hadn't seen you for a while
I was busy not coding
@Mgetz I realized this at least for servername vs. qualified nick (a bare nickname could equally well be parsed as a servername in many cases)
@BartekBanachewicz then it must have a github url?
@Mgetz ah. you mean, non-standard things
@JohanLarsson blog.banachewicz.pl is hosted there
you can hook up your own domain just fine
also, your code for minicraft is... not nice :P I've taken to using it to see logic, but that's about it :P
@sehe that was what I meant by statefulness, the expectation of what should be in the prefix depends in many cases on the message
@thecoshman neither is yours for your TAG. Your point?
@Mgetz I don't see how this makes one or the other implementation better/easier (changing such limits should be pretty simple)
@BartekBanachewicz nice, how much does it cost?
@JohanLarsson github pages is free.
Just create a repo and push to it on gh-pages branch
Well, folks (if anyone's listening) I've got serious problems:
My daughter's smartphone display is broken, and that's like -!!!end of the world!!!-. Repair of the display might be more expensive than a new (even better) smartphone. But all of that virtual stuff beloved might be gone (we have no backups of app data or such) . I told her she should decide for repairing, or buying a new one (and maybe transfer app data). It's android.
plenty of resources available from gh
> we have no backups of app data or such
stopped reading
buy a new one.
what important stuff does she have in her phone?
losing her data will teach her an important lesson about backing up
why are people obsessed with data? :|
I suppose you'll start making backups from now on
@Mgetz ah. So, that would make the message parsing simpler and defer the prefix parsing. Also, I'd use a symbol for the usernames that are logged in, and dynamically add them as they log in etc. In short, you're saying I /just/ parse. Well, of course, because I /just/ looked at the grammar from rfc8212.
If it helped, good :)
If not, oh well, I had the exercise
@Blob because some people actually create worthwhile content
@Blob because some data is irreplaceable and carries a lot of meaning/value
all my "worthwhile content" are stored in multiple places because i need them in multiple places..
@sehe it did, I'll look over it again and see if there aren't any optimizations I can make or things I can do that I wasn't able to do because I didn't know spirit as well
@Scrubbins Certainly that's what I tend to do. But how to backup her data. I well respect the virtual virtue it means for her.
@BartekBanachewicz that you need not say "just clone minicraft" :D
Alright, return call<handle>{impl, xs()...}.result; is awesome.
@thecoshman "just clone it and tweak it the way you want to", duh
the ugliness of the code typically hides solved problems and bugs
do a rewrite and you're going to stumble on those bugs again
or just read that Joel's article
woo 35 science (30 from goo, 5 from crew report). now i just need to not die when landing
@BartekBanachewicz I mean the more stylistic things
With a macro I could even have it infer the result type.
you seem to be thinking that your style is apparently better than mine
not discussing that, but you were the one who claimed he a) isn't particularly good in C++ b) writes code like a squirrel high on lambdas
I'm seriously considering having that f***ing display repaired, and all of that stuff is just available again. @BartekBanachewicz You don't have to handle crying daughters I'd suppose?
@BartekBanachewicz which one? link?
@πάνταῥεῖ you can't just plug it in?
@BartekBanachewicz ... well of course, the thing that is more or less personal opinion that is generally better when done to your liking.
^I tried with my laptop, didn't work.
@BartekBanachewicz didn't claim either of those.
i've read that
@thecoshman involuntarily, to be sure
Also the machine seems to work fine, it's just the display broken.
@πάνταῥεῖ then why doesn't it work with your laptop?
do you have the drivers installed?
Most of the phones won't work w/o the drivers
@BartekBanachewicz why are you guys talking about me
ba dum tschh
of course it's a joke, I'm great at C++
everyone knows that
I like insluting other's code
I just tried to connect via USB, but that was probably too naive :) ...
@BartekBanachewicz nice phones just mount the data as a usb drive
30 secs ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
Most of the phones won't work w/o the drivers
@thecoshman not my experience with 6 latest tablets/phones at work
@BartekBanachewicz oh yeah, but you use crapple :P
@thecoshman neither of those was an Apple product. Every iThing we have works flawlessly.
any way
OK, OK. Of course I'm aware I need the correct drivers, to access that smartphones actual configurations and app data. But it seems questionable for me if I really could manage to do this (without access to backups), and even if so, these app data would be restorable on a new android smartphone.
holy shit just discovered this <3
@R.MartinhoFernandes Does the new version of Ogonek you talked about break lots of APIs?
If so then I'll wait.
@райтфолд Do you mean nonius?
@AlexM. ^Oh, young lads discovering Led Zeppelin. I like his ;-) ...
I dont think he's touched ogonek in a while
@πάνταῥεῖ just this particular song, but I don't know much about the band
@Borgleader Why would I say Ogonek if I mean Nonius?
two other songs that I listen to for some time now are kashmir and dazed and confused
I thought they're the greatest from led zep
@райтфолд everyone makes mistakes
I never make mistakes.
Last commit dec 2013, so idk what this "new version" you're referring to is
I guess I forgot stairway to heaven there
Mar 24 at 13:23, by R. Martinho Fernandes
There will be a large push soon.
> everyone makes mistakes
> wrong.
@AlexM. That's one of their lamest songs ever (famous though) ;-) ...
yeah I don't like it as much as I like kashmir
time for food
^eggs of course today :-D
@πάνταῥεῖ E_NoEgg
It's so stupid that std::stack<T, C>::c is protected.
It's like, an API that is otherwise not designed for inheritance at all.
apparently i didn't get 30 from mystery goos. science gain goes down rapidly ;_;
@πάνταῥεῖ E_NoLamb. I haz teh Chicken Kiev..
@MartinJames Chicken sounds sound also.
@πάνταῥεῖ now I know who this guy drew inspiration from
@BartekBanachewicz I like insulting bratek spleling
Mar 24 at 13:23, by R. Martinho Fernandes
@райтфолд No. I've been working on it recently, actually.
@райтфолд oh. already mentioned
@BartekBanachewicz do you know if it is ok for commercial use?
@sehe interesting
Well, that's perfectly clear then...
Also, 'As you can tell, I have close to no knowledge about network programming' networking question. Wots the fucking point?
just got upvoted for this
A: How to determine if a decimal/double is an integer?

Puppybool IsInteger(double num) { if (ceil(num) == num && floor(num) == num) return true; else return false; } Problemo solvo. Edit: Pwned by Mark Rushakoff.

@Puppy The word 'impossible' springs to mind.
never would have pegged you for "if true then true else false" guy
I was referring to how the answer has that hilarious if(cond) return true; else return false; thing
@ScarletAmaranth Look at the date.
@Puppy Hm...couldn't it be simplified to just "return ceil(num) == floor(num);`?
@JerryCoffin It's said in the comments (and also look at the date)
@Puppy Ah, so it is.
I merely found it amusing that somebody would upvote it after all this time
@Puppy I see. I s'pose it's just because I have a lot more ancient answers, but I see up-votes on old answers often enough that it didn't strike me as even mildly unusual.
Hi guys... I have a static member in my class static const array<int, 2> list = {4, 36}; which throws an initialization error, when I change it to constexpr I get undefined reference to MyClass::list'`... How to fix it please ?
I've seen upvotes on ancient answers before, but theyre usually on good ones.
w0t. even kids in my intro to cs class can think of "n % 1 == 0" as a check
or maybe they spent hours thinking, dunno.
@Puppy Fair enough. I don't often look at them to try to decide how good they are--but when/if I do look and think it's really problematic, I'll normally either delete it or edit it to improve it.
@Blob As a check of what exactly? n % 2 == 0 might be a useful check of whether a number is even, but I can't image what n % 1 == 0 would be useful to check.
whether a number is an integer
I don't see how this works.
how what works?
n % 1 == 0
1.5/1 is 1, remainder .5.
.5 != 0, so not integer
1.5/1 = 1.5
fairly clearly.
with % you're dealing with the remainder..
the remainder's 0.5
that concept doesn't really make sense when the input is not integers.
there's no obvious definition of "remainder" when the input contains a non-integral part to begin with.
the 0.5 isn't left over from the division.
@sehe so I'll have to change my parser anyway... IRCv3 makes things more standardized... and more fun
quotient has to be an integer
so it only makes sense for the remainder to be .5
why should the quotient be an integer? the input wasn't.
isn't it "Dividend/Divisor = Quotient + Remainder"?
right, but there's no need for a remainder when dividend/divisor is a real number that can represent the result of the division perfectly correctly.
> The term "quotient" is most commonly used to refer to the ratio q=r/s of two quantities r and s, where s!=0.

Less commonly, the term quotient is also used to mean the integer part of such a ratio.
^i'm talking about the second one
The remainder is still there. It's just zero.
not really meaningful when you don't need to split the integer part off
if you think of division as repeated subtraction, it's 1.5-1=0.5, can't -1 any more and you're left with .5
fmod(1,1.5) is 1
division is not "repeated subtraction"
sure, if you pretend it is, then you can make up all manner of bullshit!
why not? you completely could go to -0.5
but more generally, try dividing by -1 and then that's gonna be hilarious.
FSVO "hilarious"
@AlexM. It can handle all the games at high settings @ 1080p 60FPS.
@LightningRacisinObrit what about the other way round?
unless fmod takes it in the opposite order
@Nooble :D cool
Sigh... but fmod(1.5,1) is 0.5.
I have no idea why this conversation is so long
Mebbe I should go sleep. I'm more ratted than LRiO after a night of free beer.
@AlexM. VRAM usage is almost always 100% though, the card would benefit from more video memory.
@Nooble when's that thing you said coming out? some card starting with r9
i wanna buy a computer soon but will wait if it's not too far away
@Blob puppy was referring to the fact that whatever divided by one is really that number; it shouldn't magically truncate the division to be integral
i can probs get my parents to buy it over summer, if not sooner
@Blob R9-380X
@Mgetz "fun"... uhoh
That's the more budget oriented card anyway.
@Nooble budget oriented?
Have you tried this (obviously he already does) — sehe 37 mins ago
So, next to Boost Property Tree (which is popularly abused), Boost Multiprecision is the library that is oft underestimated/deemed "trivial"
is it cheaper than the thing in the list you gave me? i thought it was a craplot more powerful
@Blob Better price to performance ratio.
@ScarletAmaranth 1.5/1==1.5 but it's also 1 + .5, and 1.5%1 gives you that 0.5
@Blob It is powerful. It's the third most powerful card they are releasing.
Let me propose another way to think about division. If I divide a by b, this means I take a piece of thread that is a units long, and wrap it around a spool that is b units of circumference, and the quotient is the number of turns. Now when you deal with moduli, you're ignoring full turns and paying attention to partial turns. The fact that b might have circumference 1 is simply a feature--you still have exactly the same thing.
@Blob yeah and 2 / 1 is also 1 + 1
@ScarletAmaranth the highest int you can get is 2, though
exactly; the highest INT
that's why puppy said it's stupid as soon as you're dealing with non-INTs
so let's define quotient as floor(result) and remainder = result-floor(result)
oh god
i'm out
bye :)
@AndyProwl Nice.
Puppy hanging out with his family for Easter
Which one's puppy?
@MartinJames pfft
wtf is that hanging dude doing
Hanging out.
I already made that joke
So did I.
Updated jabbasnake with increasing difficulty and high scores
For whatever reason
link again?
ooh web based yay
@BartekBanachewicz Ahh I think I'm probably alittle late then :S
oh fuck me those walls
got 200 that'll do
+1 for the "rip"
@CatPlusPlus Nice
i always hesitate when turning because it plays at like 1 fps and i might turn too late
so i end up turning too early
> cell size: your mom
global leaderboards plis
@BartekBanachewicz I think I'll have to catch you next time you're in the uk. Or maybe in poland, or something idk >.<
actually, no
don't make global leaderboards
you can modify speed, allowing you to basically cheat
@Blob If anyone gets to 500 on fastest speed (video required)
then i'll consider
fastest speed is 1 ms ticks?
er bug report
fruit didn't respawn
i see several problems with this
@Ell Hai.
Yeah that happened to me too
the code's pretty good, though it has no documenting comments whatsoever
so good luck getting that into my VCS
i can't see changes that fast
i can't send keypresses that fast
@Blob Robot can
jabbascript can't process keypresses that fast
(its not a serious option)
Actually running this server-side shouldn't be a problem, so fuck it, let's do multijabbasnake
you're still too late tho
I finished first version at 4am so whatever
Not like I care much about jam deadlines
lol okay 10kB source, needs modules and shit
that's like ~500 lines
my lines are shorter than yours..
new profile pic?
i'm drinking that thing right now
the microscopic world freaks me out
> According to Pakistan's criminal code, if you have completed 14 years of education you are entitled to Category B conditions where you get a servant and better cell facilities.
the irony
its grande
commits petty theft in pakistan only to die before going to jail
@Griwes What if I do baz=6? :p
@Mr.kbok TIAS
Try it and see.
@AndyProwl Not this time, I was busy making a lamp
> a.out: main.cpp:123: int main(): Assertion to_string(foo::bar) == "baz"' failed.`
is C++ garbage collected?
No, it's just garbage
C++ is garbage that has never been collected.
you must be new here :)
not a prime number though
i am!
its been many years since i have touched c++
how is the dynamic memory managed then??
reference counting?
@user330739 By the programmer.
@user330739 That, or manual. "dynamic" doesn't imply shared
@user330739 Yes if you use a reference-counting wrapper like std::shared_ptr
@Mr.kbok I fixed that already later on, eh, just haven't made a coliru of it.
Good news: many things have vastly improved. Mainly with c++11.
Bad news: C++ is still C++
payday runs at a nice 17 fps with all settings down
it's playable :D
@user330739 new and delete and getURL(URL google.com)
@user330739 You either allocate and deallocate manually (bad), or you make classes that clean up after themselves.
hmm thanks @DonLarynx
i like graph theory
C++ has destructors, unlike some other languages, where you can do any clean up work necessary.
@LightningRacisinObrit i like your answers
i see! thanks @Blob
i dont like any cs theory
so boring
now its coming back to me
@DonLarynx thank you
im going to redirect you to math.stackexchange.com because graph theory isnt cs....
@Pris ........................................very disappointed right now....................
Why would I care if you're disappointed in me?
Also CS is a branch of math isn't it
math is a branch of CS
bc don is THE DON
Computer science is the scientific and practical approach to computation and its applications.

Math is the study of topics such as quantity, structure, space, and change.
so basically you are studying what happens when you change the structure of a graph
@Pris On the other hand, the last paragraph is CS which is understandably tedious
Computer Science would be more accurately named Computing Science.
because "computer" now has a fairly well-known specific meaning in the sense of consumer PC

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