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Sadly, I don't think sleep is that accurate.
Busy-waiting might be the way to go v0v
Either that or I use delta time for movements, which is okay I guess. A little harder to implement though.
if anyone wanna face-palm you could look up the wording relevant to new decltype(auto) in the standard; it's.. well, someone didn't think that through
fucking DVDs
they never work
Why are you using DVDs
I don't know
@Fanael define "work"
@Nooble definitely do that
@FilipRoséen-refp could you summarise it for us?
@FredOverflow Being readable
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Ok.
'Busy-waiting might be the way to go' - hardly ever.
Well yeah that too
My point was that defining your game's logic by assuming a fixed graphical refresh rate is ludicrous
@LightnessRacesinOrbit it's obvious that the intent is to allow both new auto (expr) and new decltype(auto) (expr), per The problem is that the wording regarding new-expression only talks about "if the auto type-specifier appears <bla bla>"
ur moms refresh rate is fixed
@FilipRoséen-refp I don't know what you're talking about.
Can't you just summarise what new decltype(auto) (expr) does?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit you know what new auto (expr) is, right?
@Fanael I only have one mother.
@FilipRoséen-refp Yes clearly I do that's why I just asked you to tell me twice
@Nooble You don't keep your mom in a RAID 1?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit and you know what decltype(auto) is in other contexts, right?
@FilipRoséen-refp That one I know
@Fanael No, but I would assume that RAID 0 would be better in terms of performance.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit combine the knowledge of the two and you know what new decltype(auto) (expr) is
@FilipRoséen-refp Thanks. You've been very helpful.
It's progressing!
At 1 byte/s.
auto x = new auto(’a’); // allocated type is char, x is of type char*
oh jesus
@LightnessRacesinOrbit sorry, I'm just a little bit tired - that's all
@LightnessRacesinOrbit new decltype(auto) (a) having int a = 0; is equivalent to new int (a), new decltype(auto) ((a)) is equivalent to new int& (a) (which is ill-formed, of course)
@FilipRoséen-refp Which draft?
I want two of whatever the committee is having
Who can seriously believe that these are good, intuitive language rules?
How accurate is std::this_thread::sleep_until?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Brains?
I think they forgot that people actually have to write programs in this crap
@Nooble Not very.
Damn it.
5.3.4/2 seems general enough in N4296
the intent is, as said, to allow both new auto (expr) and new decltype(auto) (expr) - the problem is that it is only defined what will serve as the base for the type deduction in case "the auto type-specifier appears"*, there's no wording for decltype(auto)
@Nooble 10-20ms is typical.
neither should be allowed
let's nuke C++11 onwards and start again. Take C++03, remove the C compatibility cruft, add lambdas and ranged-for. Then stop. Just stop
Oh, the threading model can stay I guess
move semantics too, please
nah they suck
find a better way to do it
@AndyProwl No fuck it
Make classes have reference semantics
I'm not going to fuck it
C++ is not expressive any more
@AndyProwl I've looked at N4140 and N3936; what is the sentence in N4296?
you have to write tons of unreadable std::forward/std::move/decltype(this)/decltype(that)/auto bullshittery to get anything to work with that nonsense
@AndyProwl if it doesn't start with "If the auto type-specifier appears", then I'm happy
and then you have to memorise the ridiculous rules of when T&& becomes T or T becomes T& and foo is an lvalue but bar is an rvalue because it has type T&& but not T and fuck that bollocks to hell, honestly
> If a placeholder type ( appears in the type-specifier-seq of a new-type-id or type-id of a new-expression, [...]
@AndyProwl ah cool, that's the right wording
I should get N4296
or well, that's wording that goes hand in hand with the other sections
no prob
int f(int(x));
What is the parameter of f? Is it an int called x? Is it a function taking an x and returning an int?
@FredOverflow int called x AFAIK
Would go the way of a function (pointer) if there’s an appropriate x in scope, no?
assuming x is not a type
Indeed, it depends on whether x is a type at this point of the parse. FUCK YOU, C GRAMMAR!
OTOH I find declarations that look like int (x); off putting in the first place :)
@FredOverflow Depends on what x is mate
( Sat-19:18:33 ) ( tomalak ) struct x {}; int f(int(x)); int main() { cout << TYPE(f); }
( Sat-19:18:34 ) ( geordi ) lvalue int (int (*)(x))
( Sat-19:18:38 ) ( tomalak ) int x = 0; int f(int(x)); int main() { cout << TYPE(f); }
( Sat-19:18:39 ) ( geordi ) lvalue int (int)
What is the Category type class useful for?
@FredOverflow Nothing wrong with arrays of functions, or functions returning, say, pointers to arrays.
@райтфолд Depends. What is it?
@FredOverflow Parse Go instead.
@Fanael what? no, its implementation dependent.
@Pris Yes, and that's the typical value on typical implementations.
I've never had it be that bad, though it depends on what your OS is and what its doing at the time
@Puppy Arrays of functions are illegal in C.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit that int x = 0 is pointless, it doesn't affect the type of f
@Fanael Please cite that
well I guess, arrays of function pointers
> that
@FilipRoséen-refp True.
@FilipRoséen-refp But it does ensure that there is no prior-declared type called x.
@FilipRoséen-refp So I put it in.
(actually, it doesn't)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I was just about to say that ;)
well anyway that was the intention
@LightnessRacesinOrbit yeah, it was actually a quite nice hack to be honest
though it's quite an interesting thing, having int main () { struct x {}; int x; int f (int(x)); }
"I am getting error C4700, uninitialized local variable. Any tips on where I went wrong?" I'll just take a stab in the dark and suggest that you went wrong by not initializing a local variable...? — Lightness Races in Orbit 6 secs ago
@LightnessRacesinOrbit O M G
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Weird. I thought that was a warning.
Then again his compiler might be treating warnings as errors.
It's just another brick in the -wall
@LightnessRacesinOrbit grade1, grade2, grade3 closes the tab
@MartinJames :)
@Mysticial loooool
@Mysticial Screenshot?
oh, it's just rightfold trolling
that's disappointing -.-
and all @FredOverflow's fault
Oct 16 '12 at 16:33, by FredOverflow
Just like no beginners says "I forgot to put a semicolon at the end of the class, what do I do now?"
Then Robot of all people goading him on
Oct 16 '12 at 16:34, by R. Martinho Fernandes
You should ask that question.
@Mysticial lol the -6 answer at the bottom
@Mysticial what if one day you leave your SO account logged in on a computer and someone clicks the update notifications
@FredOverflow lol
@Pris He'll get it all back in a millisecond.
@Mysticial Ooh! So many whores and/or posters with malfunctioning troll detectors.
@StackedCrooked i tend to worry about the synch overhead of strands don't you?
> Fuck all who mock with us. This is not a joke site. This is a serious programming QA.
> Why is this crap getting upvoted? ***Where are you, moderators?***
lol H2CO3
petulent child
@FredOverflow awesome! github.com/mpilquist/simulacrum
@LightnessRacesinOrbit He's a bit carbonic. And acidic.
@Nooble no. don't.
> First of all, you need to verify your ownership of your accounts. To do so, edit the ‘about me’ section of your profiles to say "delete me.". After which you have to e-mail Stack Exchange team at [email protected] from your registered e-mail ID with Subject "User Deletation" and include link to all profiles in the message content.
> deletation (10k+)
@Nooble All humans contain carbonic and acidic components.
@sehe I am planning to do so heavy duty testing this week.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit The account removal procedure here is so weird
@Pris He's more carbonic and acidic than usual.
Why can't it just be automated?
I suppose it's not designed to be a work-stealing task scheduler.
hah, look what H2CO3 retweeted just yesterday /cc @Mysticial @Pris
Fact. http://t.co/NlxbbJb6KZ
@Nooble The song version is better
I want to eat raw meat. It's been quite a long time since I've done that.
It's delicious.
@Pris Truly.
I absolutely love the part where he says "developers".
@sehe Chris Kohlhoff is becoming a bit of a hero for me.
@Pris That is truly terrible.
The more I understand about the workings of asio the more I like it.
it's just that guy saying "Developers" plus some iffy music.
it's no remix.
Cillit Bang Techno Remix, that's how it should be done.
@райтфолд That may be slightly dangerous.
If you live in a primitive country with bad food regulation maybe.
nadella will never be as hype as sweaty ballmer
Vlad, you didn't answer the question. @Cheersandhth.-Alf, what on earth do quotes from the standard have to do with it?? — Lightness Races in Orbit just now
double whammy
I kinda enjoyed that Vlad-free month.
windows error remix ain't bad either
@Puppy I like that.
the end result isn't really that connected to the windows error sound but it leads in nicely
@StackedCrooked if only he wrote slightly better docs
This is the doc I should have read long time ago.
1 recipe from 2008
@wilx yeah. I wonder what the heck could be the difference. And why I never meet the women wearing quilts in traditional style. Unless, you guessed it, chaperoned by big bullies
Gender inequality will have nothing to do with it I suppose
@Pris He's really sweaty
@Pris What are those dark stains?
Developer tears.
@FredOverflow developer tears
@StackedCrooked Some of the docs are pretty cool think-async.com/Asio/asio-1.10.2/doc/asio/examples/…
The actual API docs are very terse though imo. Also the think-async docs are out of date compared to the docs on boost 1.57 as a heads up
Boost docs are terrible? Well I never.

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