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and A().f has type void() and is a prvalue!!!
Johannes, stop confusing us mere mortals!
Where are my cookies?
Look, multiple exclamation marks.
as if I didn't already know he was insane
@RMartinhoFernandes Actually, a prvalue!!! is a special kind of prvalue that was discovered shortly after C++11 was released.
I prefer !!prvalue!!.
I like my prvalues well done.
@JohannesSchaublitb But A().f isn't the same as A::f
I thought the question was about the latter
The former is the "bound state" which is clear
yvalues and zvalues have already been proposed for the next C++ standard, just in case we'll ever need them.
@FredOverflow Why values?
the question was neither about A().f nor about A::f but about the member function f
Ah, in Germany we talk about ze values all ze time.
A().f and A::f are expressions. they are not a function f
There is also a "bottom value" that is all kinds of values, namely the novalue.
I thought A::f was a name
I want ♥values
@KerrekSB Why lvalues and rvalues? That's just how these beasts are named.
@FredOverflow I thought that already exists.
if there is a bottomvalue there needs to be a topvalue too
@KerrekSB Ain't that in France?
@RMartinhoFernandes C'est possible.
Java does have a bottom value.
@RMartinhoFernandes I was referring to "no value"
Which makes no sense.
Java has no value
@JohannesSchaublitb How about an mvalue? (m is in the middle of l and r.)
is void bottom?
That reminds me, I have to void my bottom.
@DeadMG Java has null value ;)
@JohannesSchaublitb The most derived object which derives from everything!
i guess the ass-ignment expressions are then the bottom values
@FredOverflow I'm more for an lrvalue, just to confuse the heck out of everyone even more. It will be different from an xvalue too.
What about a λvalue and a ρvalue?
@Xeo rlvalues, for managers to decide what to spend programmer time on?
We should also have an lalr(1)value to make @DeadMG happy.
@RMartinhoFernandes I want a pivalue, but I don't know how to write that properly. Will you do the honor?
heh, my associative wrapper modify's slowly for 128 byte PODs. Not hard to figure out why.
There you go πvalue.
cache lines?
Damn second law.
Isn't this supposed to compile? ideone.com/croF6
What the...
@RMartinhoFernandes That doesn't look like pi here :(
@FredOverflow std::sort was my guess
Needs to be C++...
Isn't decltype(A::f) supposed to be allowed now? ideone.com/A47u9
@RMartinhoFernandes What strange thing are you trying to assign to an int, and why should it work?
@RMartinhoFernandes no it is forbidden
@RMartinhoFernandes non-static members, not member functions
@FredOverflow The assignment is just for the compiler to scream the type at me in an error.
only if f is a data member it is allowed
Ah, I see.
@FredOverflow I use this technique to debug templates sometimes.
Ehm, @Johannes, is there any point in the standard where a derived-declarator-type is explained?
and then you can say decltype(A::f + 10) and such for example
I can't find any entry that tells me just what that is
@Xeo in C it is called derived-declarator-type but in C++ they renamed "derived type" to "compound type"
to avoid confusion with the OOP "derived classes"
OMG they did something to avoid confusion?
"Ist Ihre Tochter im heiratsfähigen Alter?" - "Nein, derived noch!"
How out-of-character.
@JohannesSchaublitb Aha. Why does the FDIS still name it derived-declarator-type? :/
Or is that fixed in the actual standards paper?
@Xeo because it is just a name for a pattern
it doesn't matter how they call it xD
Sometimes I wish for more meaningful nonterminals in syntaxes.
I have found meaning in life: tagging most vexing parse questions as such.
Q: C++ Error when adding objects to vector

Александър АлександровI'm new with vectors. I'm trying to add objects to a vector. But the program can't compile because I have a problem in the code. But I don't know what is it. The error is: error C2664: 'void std::vector<_Ty>::push_back(_Ty &&)' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'Line (void)' to 'Li...

@FredOverflow Like that-thing-in-the-for-loops-the-second-not-the-first-one?
it is called "condition"
In a declaration T D where D has either of the forms
    & attribute-specifier-seqoptD1
    && attribute-specifier-seqoptD1
and the type of the identifier in the declaration T D1 is “derived-declarator-type-list T,” then the type of the identifier of D is “derived-declarator-type-list reference to T.”
What is "derived-declarator-type-list" here? oO
it depends what "T D1" is
@JohannesSchaublitb Is "Kondition" a valid translation of "condition"? Because many students seem to think so :) But I prefer "Bedingung" :)
@FredOverflow It indeed is. "Die Konditionen für diesen Vertrag blabla"
So that-thing-in-the-for-loops-the-second-not-the-first-one-also-know-as-bedingung-in-some-eastern-europe-language
@JohannesSchaublitb I still don't get it, mind a simple code example? Those work best for me.
even my grammar is simpler than that
Does anybody here have this book wrox.com/WileyCDA/WroxTitle/…
@Xeo It's C++. How is he supposed to do that?
if you have "T &x()", then "D" is "&x()", D1 is "x()", and the type of D1 in "T D1" is "function taking () returning T" (or something). , then "derived-declarator-type-list" is "function taking () returning".
just chop off the T by pattern matching
@Nils Hm, seems to get good rating on Amazon, but that doesn't mean much. Bullschildt has many 5 star ratings as well :)
@Xeo it is weird but it does make sense :)
@Nils Are you interested in the book just because of C++11? In that case, I'd rather wait for books by the famous authors (Meyers, Sutter and the like).
@FredOverflow well it says the second edition is updated for c++11
@FredOverflow Just look at the Amazon stuff that people also bought.
g'evening y'all!
ok but why not try a different book, right now i'm reading the sample chapter
There are two very distinct buyer groups on Amazon.
If you go to a crap C++ book page, you get suggestions of even more crap.
@Nils Because most C++ book authors don't have a fucking clue what they're writing about.
If you go to a good C++ book page, you get more good book suggestions.
now I need to remember what functionality I was adding
before I went on a pointless camel-case and premature optimization binge
hmm.. is SO rep good for future job employment, what do you guys think?
I got a Tshirt and a signed letter from Monsieur Spolsky saying how helpful I was
I never heard of anyone where that mattered.
@Nils std::string on page 366, really?
me neither
@FredOverflow Depends on what comes before that
@RMartinhoFernandes me neither, though people often put their real name on their profile.. I'm not sure why that is
If an employer was enthusiastic about rep, I wouldn't be very inclined to work with them.
@refp But an SO profile is not just rep. It's a portfolio of answers.
but the index doesn't look bad
I doubt rep counts for much; especially good answers might.
to be honest
Alright, let me rephrase; will your SO profile help you when looking for new jobs?
high rep also shows that you are able to work on one "mission" during a longer period
having high rep would be a positive indicator
ok CHAPTER 23 looks like bullshit
(not necessarily the mission your employer wants you to work on, thought)
but I'd never hire anyone based on it alone
> Pointers and Dynamic Memory 24
there are always people like Nawaz who are high rep for no apparent reason
> The Standard Library 35
@Xeo Burn that book. The heat it'll give off has higher value.
@StephenCanon true dat
If I found a candidate's SO profile, I would read their best and worst few answers and possibly use them as a starting point for interview questions.
@DeadMG It's the book @Nils linked
well, I'd certainly never pay a cent for it
@StephenCanon if you were to look at my profile, what would you ask me?
but then, I don't tend to pay for books anyway :P
Wait, that's not chapters 24 & 35. That's pages 24 and 35.
heh @DeadMG
Q: Passing a triple pointer to allocate memory in another function, sscanf exception

user785259Im allocating memory to a double pointer in another function, therefore I need to use a pointer to the pointer to the pointer. Im getting an exception thrown when i use sscanf, im not sure exactly why. Heres a snippet of the code. This was working earlier when it was all in the same function and ...

@refp: I would probably pick your brain about stackoverflow.com/questions/8596025/…
@StephenCanon in what way?
Specifically, details of how malloc and free might be implemented on a very limited system, and how that would relate to your answer.
@Xeo Then I wouldn't strike it immediately as crap. That's just a quick tour chapter.
i once read code of a recursive function reading stuff with fgets into a memory block, without reallocating even once.
I would need to think about it some beforehand.
it read it all first into stack memory and at the end concatenated everything together into one heap block. very nice utility
And behold: Chapters 19 & 20: Templates, Chapter 21: Memory management.
@StephenCanon Why did that post attract your attention?
Standard library is a bunch of previous chapters.
Order seems good.
> Arrays Are Pointers!
no no no no no no no no :(
This is in the motherfucking table of contents.
Trolls are Trolls!
don't get me wrong, I like pointers.. but please don't start the ponter-array-discussion again
@refp: It's the sort of low-level detail that I find interesting. It's very accurate, but a little bit hand-wavy. I would be curious about how thoroughly you're able to fill in the details.
> The Singleton Pattern
does "wave hands" mean "make big words" ?
@RMartinhoFernandes Chapter 7 contains "Dynamic Memory Allocation in Objects"
how come I have VariableAST and VariableDefinitionAST?
that can't be good
@StephenCanon hopefully thoroughly enough, I think I got it figured out.. the reason my post wasn't longer is because of the Internet, I try to write shorter answers but I always get carried away when writing
perhaps VariableAST is the variable entity itself and VariableDefinitionAST is the definition that defines it?
@refp: I don't mean to suggest that it's too handwavy for SO. I think it's written at the appropriately level for the context. It's just a good jumping-off point to talk about low-level implementation details.
one was just redundant
the AST listing is so long, it's hard for me to find many of the things I need, so a few things are represented in more than one place
for example in C let us have two tentative definitions int a; int a; then there are two VariableDefinitionAST nodes, both being tentative. and one VariableAST, storing the type etc, everything not unique to the syntax but unique to the semantics of the variable
I need to sort it out at some point
which could be one possible interpretation of two such ast nodes :)
true, but I don't have variable declarations or anything like that
> Use Smart Pointers 346
@StephenCanon ah alright, well.. if I'm lucky I'll go to an interview which you are in charge of so I can see what the conversation would be all about ;-)
I keep finding stuff in that index I just can't come to like
I need to get myself a golden badge..
> The Standard Template Library
@refp Fanatic is the easiest
Tomalak is now turning on his grave.
Oh, wait, he's still alive.
not if you've been a member for 13 days
Tomalak recently posts rep whore questions
@RMartinhoFernandes Okay, that's the killer. The book is crap.
He only turns if you misuse STL for stdlib
he seems to be a very active editor :)
@RMartinhoFernandes Where is Tomalak, long time since I saw him
this system is irritating
it turns him on if you talk about english use
@CaptainGiraffe He doesn't come to chat often.
"I can assign a double to an int, so clearly doubles are ints!"
@Xeo +1 That pet peeve
@FredOverflow: Makes sense. Must be true.
though I'm aiming for Legendary, easy but far far away
@RMartinhoFernandes Long time since I saw him on the Q&A too
Maybe it's observer bias?
Legendary is difficult I think
I've crossed him thrice just today, I think.
@JohannesSchaublitb Yeah, if you want Tomalak to jump in and teach you some SO etiquette just say Thank you at the end of your question
=) R. I rest... =)
@JohannesSchaublitb why? hitting the cap 150 times isn't THAT hard, don't you get rep like that every day from previously posted things?
auto that_book = professional_cpp_2nd_edition;
static_assert(is_same<decltype(that_book), crap>::value, "Something's wrong.");
Well, still I appreciate Tomalak
@refp not sure
@Xeo Why would a bool be crap?
im ean not sure whether it isnt THAT hard
@refp: Depends on which subjects you post. If it's the popular tags, and you're diligent, it's easy.
A bool can only be true, false, or file not found.
in the first months it definititely looks easy. but it becomes harder to hit 150 later on
first they are curious about "that new guy that seems to know so much" but then they get used to it and will not upvote you anymore that often xD
IMO, it does seem harder and harder to sustain a daily repcap...
I'll forever be the guy who writes posts that are far too long
@Xeo Is there a good list of authors on current tech. I'm so sick of deitel and deitel.
@JohannesSchaublitb Not so sure about that, I think if Jon Skeet posted What's wrong with i++ + ++i it'd get upvoted very quickly
but perhaps it is just because back then SO only had a couple tousands of users. nowadays millions of users per day so it definitely got harder to cap
John Skeet is different!
I've only been here for 4 months, I am noticing that it's getting harder to repcap
oh is this John Skeet?
@Praetorian You get +3 daily for mentioning *on *keet
probalby because everyone taking CS101 is getting better.
Yeah, the good old days.
Jon Skeet, Reading, United Kingdom
384k 95 1594 2829
how was that purple star guy called again?
@Mysticial I have data refuting that
Jon Skeet is the Chuck Norris of SO.
yeah, found him.. damn damn damn, I'll never get to the top of.. well, any highscore as long as he is around
@StephenCanon :s/of SO//
Q: Jon Skeet Facts

Bill the LizardI'm looking for Chuck Norris Facts style answers. In case anyone is curious, this question was inspired by Jon's own comment to this question. EDIT: If you're into cryptography, you may enjoy these facts. Now with official sanction from the powers that be!

@CaptainGiraffe At least for me it feels like it got harder over these past 3 months.
i thought "soon he has no more twice as much rep than i have!". but indeed he even increased the factor between us xD
The time it takes you to get the "legendary" badge is a function of the time you have for SO per day, how many answerable questions pop up, how fast you can type and how much of the standard you have memorized (atleast for C++)
@JohannesSchaublitb Neil?
@Mysticial Lets hope the internet got better =)
@RMartinhoFernandes ah neil
his first incarnation was more successful than his second though xD
@JohannesSchaublitb Neil butter ?
Neil Butterworth, yes.
@RMartinhoFernandes Butterworth? He was very active around the time I joined SO, but seems to have disappeared lately
Not worth his butter, though.
@Praetorian: He quit. Twice.
Ah, just as good as the cinderella story.
@Praetorian Yes, he got fed up with something and quit.
@Xeo good thing I type rather fast then :)
Came back a few months ago, got fed up with the same thing and quit again.
which actually is quite funny, I type much slower in my native language
I think that story is documentented here
probably because of the extra three letters that is involved then
@refp Lisp?
You just need a decent editor
the second time he had some scary profile pic
> I have decided to stop being involved with StackOverflow, and related sites, as it seems to bring out the worst in me, which was why I left the community the first time. I promise not to be back a second time!
i wonder whether it was him or actually a joke
> seen 9 hours ago
@CaptainGiraffe I'm talking languages spoken now (and please, no jokes about you speaking lisp using your lips) (in my case english vs swedish)
@JohannesSchaublitb If it was an impersonator, it was a good one.
@JohannesSchaublitb I remember that , That's one of my first impressions coming to SO =)
@RMartinhoFernandes I think Johannes meant the pic
@refp Hur är läget, jag menar naturligtvis inte att du läspar =)
perhaps he just wanted to get a second gold c++
Oh noes, the gibberish again.
As a kid, I always thought all other countries had to transform their language in their head into german to understand it.
refp Has a really good point, any non US keyboard is very detrimental to how vi improves productivity
void CALLBACK Test(void *buffer, DWORD length)
  BYTE *b=(BYTE*)buffer, temp[20000];
  DWORD p=0;
  while (p<length)
    DWORD c=min(length-p, sizeof(temp));
    memcpy(temp, b+p, c);
    c=SendData(dummy, temp, c);
    if (c==-1) break;
Quick, what does this do?
my colleague once defined a language i had to implement. at a place he said "if the ssecond operand of / is 0, then behavior is undefined". my program just crashed then
he said "ohhh no, it shall NOT crash!"
I have many times considered using a US keyboard with the swedish special chars as hotkeys
@RMartinhoFernandes: No idea. What language is it? What do all these magic symbols mean?
C++ (more like C), WinAPI.
Is it OK to call memset with a null pointer if the size is 0?
@JohannesSchaublitb Your work and your colleauges are the textbook example of genius/crazy
@CaptainGiraffe Afton afton, och jag (som alltid trollar) vill nu dra upp rasistkortet och skriva något i stil med; "jaha, så nu läspar jag bara för att jag är svart!?" - men jag skiter nog i det ;-)
@CaptainGiraffe lol
"ok i will just ignore SIGFPE". AAAHAHA
@KerrekSB Think not.
@refp Svart, jag har ingen aning om hur man kodar i svart. Men skicka en länk!
The description does not list it as a valid argument.
@RMartinhoFernandes Does it list it as invalid?
And there's a clause before somewhere that says if it doesn't it's not valid.
Lemme dig it up.
anyone know where I can get a draft of the C standard as a pdf (preferably the real thing)? I always google - look at the first result, then give up.
i seem to remember that it is invalid to pass a null pointer
but im unsure
@JohannesSchaublitb Crap. I want to pass the result of malloc() to it.
@CaptainGiraffe det är jag som är svart azzå fo'shiznit (fast mest brun iofs)
Now I have to add a test
@refp If you are at a swedish university north of stockholm we can provide.
@KerrekSB Why do you code in C? Transform that code to C++
"Unless explicitly stated otherwise in the description of a particular function in this subclause, pointer arguments on such a call shall still have valid values, as described in 7.1.4."
@Xeo No can do
It's a huge codebase
@CaptainGiraffe I'm inside my swedish apartment, in the middle of Sweden
@refp Å fan, det såg jag inte, men kul för dig. Själv är jag mest skitvit.
It's well written for what it's worth
@StephenCanon Wasn't his first name someting else?
@StephenCanon troll warning pointers to NULL are fcuking valid!
@StephenCanon Why is NULL an invalid value? It's a valid result of malloc(0)
@refp Yeah, so long you don't dereference them
oh no you d'int.
> If an argument to a function has an invalid value (such as a value outside the domain of the function, or a pointer outside the address space of the program, or a null pointer, or a pointer to non-modifiable storage when the corresponding parameter is not const-qualified) (...)
"If an argument to a function has an invalid value (such as a value outside the domain of the function, or a pointer outside the address space of the program, or a null pointer, or a pointer to non-modifiable storage when the corresponding parameter is not const-qualified)"
@refp What is a pointer to null?
@StephenCanon shyssh..
mine is bold.
@RMartinhoFernandes He posted more quotes
Mine is a proper quote.
So... I have to make a check before using memset, even if the size is zero?
i.e. memset(malloc(n), 0, n) needs a check?
In reality, probably not.
@FredOverflow the most awesome kind of pointer, the pointer that when dereferenced could make you a billionaire - that's what a null pointer is. Though remember that it might as well make a raptor jump through your window, kill your parents and leave you with a really odd hair style
humm the guy suggest an pop design of a chess program in which the queen inherits from the Bishop and the Rook
I'm not sure that you're interpreting that clause correctly. It is valid to pass a null pointer to some library functions that take a pointer argument.
@Mysticial I second that. However, I think it very simply this: one does get tired of answering the same silly questions over and over. So you start diligently pointing out duplicates instead, which has a much lower return-on-investment (ROI) rate. So, you get way choosier in which questions deserve your attention.
It's exceedingly hard to conceive of an implementation where that would actually be necessary (and I wrote memset for two platforms).
@refp Neither of those have happened to me yet.
professional c++
In my experience, you post fewer answers but get more rep per answer
However, if you want to be exceedingly careful, yes.
@RichardPennington Yes, but those describe their behaviour in that case.
int*  p  =  0;   // a null pointer
int** pp = &p;   // a pointer to null!
For example, free does. memset doesn't.
@KerrekSB obviously you haven't dereferenced null pointers too much
@RMartinhoFernandes Good point.
here is a quiz:
@refp I try not to. One thing my mother taught me well.
@FredOverflow that's just wrong.. the second is a pointer to an int pointer that happens to point to null!
A null pointer does not point to null. It doesn't point to anything. Null is not a thing.
@KerrekSB I'd be very surprised if your mother actually told you not to dereference null pointers, I know my mother wouldn't if I asked her
null is everything, god damn it,
int null; // this is not Java
int* ptr_to_null = &null;
null is where the girl of your dreams resides, null is where you are happy
meh I think the book sucks

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