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@BartekBanachewicz might be a bit of a joke though if it's spazzing out
let's see if this tag game I've heard so much about made any progress
meh no commits
2 hours ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
@thecoshman then you're fucked
especially here
if you had understood the point, you would have just said "you just update again, until you catch up".
stop what?
@Jefffrey you can't possibly catch up, bu... yeah I don't understand the point.
@BartekBanachewicz I'm at work for feck sake, ¬_¬ and I only started a few hours before heading to bed.
oh, fuck, it's pancake day
I suck
BTW if you're going to go back and dissect the whole conversation why don't you use another room for that @Jefffrey
like bin.
Today only: don't flip out, flip a pancake!
> If a given draw call takes a bit too long, it will call update repeatedly until it "catches up".
From the same question you linked
@Jefffrey That doesn't help if the physics tick takes too long.
Which is what I understood @thecoshman asked about
2 hours ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
I meant when the outside takes too long
that's where the misunderstaning came from
otherwise running multiple physics steps makes you even more behind, duh. (IOW you're fucked)
@Xeo yeah, "when the outside takes too long" really seems like "when the inside takes too long".
my mistake
@Xeo as far as I am concerned, if your physics takes more than 1/30th second to process (or what ever you consider your minimum time) you have a completely different problem that has nothing to do with variable/fixed delta time.
I've read outside as outside
This could use more diagrams I suppose
If have time I'll fire up something and draw all of those scenarios
Also, doesn't a fixed timestep require very specific tuning with the hardware at hand?
@thecoshman 1/120th for me :P
@Jefffrey what do you mean by "very specific tuning"?
@Jefffrey I don't think so. Why?
@BartekBanachewicz That you need to benchmark how much your logic takes so that you can know how small you can go with the fixed timestep.
@Xeo do you just hope that you can render in 1/60?
@Jefffrey no... as all that matters is that the hardware can process fast enough.
And even then it would dependent on your machine, and not someone else's machine.
And would probably go off if the guy is running other processes.
@thecoshman if physics took too long I skip frames to catch up.
@Jefffrey Typically physics simulations take very, very little of the frame time though
which is one kinda coping strategy, I suppose
There are so many things that can screw up your fixed time calculation.
@Jefffrey Also games have "physics quality" sliders, if you haven't noticed
Although I don't expect that to actually happen (the skipping)
@Xeo not the nicest solution, ok for the odd dropped frame
@Jefffrey And there's even more things that can screw you up with dynamic time calculations.
Doing realtime physics computations isn't easy.
y'all also need a reality check. WE are not making games complex enough to worry about this :P
2 hours ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
@Jefffrey every simulation has to be tuned for the problem at hand. If you are careful, it won't fail.
@Jefffrey That's true. But there's a lot of tuning in general that has to be applied to every simulation
picking an appropriate fixed step is one of those parameters, though if you stay within [0.5-2x] framerate, should be typically ok for games
is someone able to load this youtube.com/watch?v=Lp3N9xHbX9o
@BartekBanachewicz All that frame and ticks stuff is annoying to think about. I just wanna be guaranteed to get 60 equally-spaced calls to my render & logic per second. :<
@Xeo but why? :P
@Xeo deeecoooouple. Or write for atari :D
actually when writing stuff for embedded you can measure the time your program will take down to a CPU tick
@BartekBanachewicz What more is there to decouple?
@Xeo "60 equally-spaced calls to my render & logic"
I tick physics at 120Hz and render at ~60FPS.
but that's a whole bunch of monkeying around with all kinds of time shit. I just found it annoying.
I don't like the idea of fixed update logic actually :)
somewhat-ish FRP makes sense for a lot of stuff
"when player HP drops to 0" is conceptually easier for me than "every update tick, check players hp"
Same as "put this on cooldown" or "a player turned the key? Spawn 10 orc 30 seconds from now"
@BartekBanachewicz event driven vs data driven or something
they're equivalent in the end, though
@Xeo data event driven!
@Xeo yeah. But oh so more pleasant to write one than the other when you can
@BartekBanachewicz Convert vOv
every :: Time -> Action () -> Action ScheduledEvent
every interval action = do
    Just t <- UnsafeHate . liftIO $ G.getTime
    return $ RepetitiveEvent t interval action
this shouldn't take current time from IO though
I only care about updates that occur at logic ticks
resolution drops but fuck it
so much nicer to think about
Event-driven games are nice to think about :<
Where everything depends on outside input
none of that time shit
@Xeo sending events is a pain though
SQL-like constraints on data are the shit.
Although practically you'll always have that time shit with games, because of animations.
Also, do you really need to update the physics of everything as precisely? Maybe things away from the player can skip every other update. If that's half you game objects, that's a quarter of the physics you just saved yourself having to do. It's just a 'predictable', and that player can't see it either way.
@Xeo abstract away
@thecoshman if you're doing real physics (tm), you have to
otherwise things break. things fly
@BartekBanachewicz Doesn't remove them.
> This site is currently in read-only mode; we’ll return with full functionality soon. Follow @StackStatus or visit our status blog for more info
If you don't have animations and are event-driven, you don't need to worry about time, really
@BartekBanachewicz is that another zen garden?
I worry about time all the time
@sehe watch :D
No. :|
@BartekBanachewicz what? sure for 'real physics' you have so much to do, you have to cut corners, but not to stop things flying... but to give your self time to avoid jerky nonsense
@sehe it's just a few dozen seconds
@thecoshman let's just say that good physics engines like PhysX or Havok do a lot of things
@BartekBanachewicz well, it's like most things in games, you try to cut as many corners as you can, so that one corner the player sees looks fucking amazing!
6:30 AM, listening to 80s music.
What a life.
> Unity calls Update() once per real rendered frame, and FixedUpdate() every physics frame (of which there can be more than 1 per "real" frame, or 0). How many FixedUpdates unity does between Updates will depend on the framerate, it should be called a fixed number of times per second, regardless of framerate.
also interesting
@BartekBanachewicz haha, I know that place.
Not sure if that's good or bad.
@BartekBanachewicz so... Update is a semi update that does enough for a render, but isn't what is really going on?
@thecoshman they have "update/draw" separate from physics
IOW they only update logic when they need to draw and it's decoupled from physics
yeah, so what does 'update' do different from 'fixedupdate'
oh ok
so things like user input is tied to fps
@thecoshman they probably use event-based IO
man, flying The Lrio Spaceship is hard
this is an interesting idea...
@LightnessRacesinOrbit the one from the screenshot remember
Physics just says where/when it start and where/when it will stop doing a simple thing, rendering then just interpolates to the correct position for the point in time it is rendering.
@thecoshman busy-waiting on input?
@BartekBanachewicz ok
btw I made Asteroids in Java once
it was fucking brilliant
swept the awards
I should add shooting I suppose
@BartekBanachewicz huh?
@thecoshman world.consume_events_until(current_time + time_step);
It was a group project (nominally) and they invented a prize for us because it was by far the best resulting product even though our writeup (which was the graded part) was shockingly appalling and had no chance of winning
wish I could find it, actually
@BartekBanachewicz Just give the player enough lives to ram everything.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I have to see how haskell copes with adding and removing stuff dynamically
as in, how bad the GC is
everything I create is technically lighweight, but still
/me installs JDK
170MB jesus.
download complete anyway cos my internet is mental fast
mental fast eh
> It's certainly possible, but I think laziness causes some problems, particularly with performance.
I think Elm and Haskell fill different niches. Ideally in the future there will be tools to allow interaction between Elm and Ghcjs.
Do strict-by-default extension then :/
I'm out of 80s music to listen to.
What should I do now?
@Rapptz Try the 70s?
@Rapptz 90s Pantera
fucking SO going read-only just as I reply to a comment
why can't they give some fucking notice
okay apparently they had network issues 19 minutes ago. fair enough I suppose
Yeah... I like the idea of 'event based physics'
meta only, apparently
inb4 FRP zealots in two weeks time
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I tried to edit away some typos on the main site and it's RO as well
@thecoshman huh
If you have two objects moving towards each other, you can predict exactly when they will collide, make the end of the 'motion tween' and let the render interpolate to work out where to draw the objects.
@thecoshman Not if the player has any say in this
shit I need a multimap
Use a map of list
> Internally this is simply a Map k [v]
Why am I so angry, damnit.
If you go into an ancient tomb & take some gold/jewelry out, is it a robbery? ... I mean the owner is not going to sue you being dead, can you still get locked up for taking stuff from dead corpses?
@chmod711telkitty yes
tomb raiding is illegal
and don't even mention one of them stupid video games with that chick
so rich people who were dead for hundreds of years still have rights to earthly possessions?
awwww SDLJava DLL not supported on my AMD chip
@chmod711telkitty yes. They are possesions of their descendands, technically, but the law is murky there
du baguette
c'est delicieux
> SDLJava has not been updated since 2005-09-16, I have not succeeded in finding the missing DLL
as in, the descendants can't really take out anything out of the grave, but I think they have the legal basis to start a process for that
@Jefffrey Says who?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit ouch
@Rapptz Who says it's legal?
The burden of proof is on you bud.
damn, government must find a way to tax those 'hidden' wealth - I mean any wealth on the face of earth would be taxed one way or another, except those taken to the graves
Well, that's disappointing. Other than that it should "just work"

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