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Urm... sure.
That large enough for you?
@RMartinhoFernandes It's OK. I've seen larger.
(That's what she said.)
@KerrekSB Dammit! Stop stealing my lines.
You know, while "your mom" jokes just work on every platform, your mom is so fat she's not portable.
I just found the IP filter settings for our router. ♥ I'm so gonna have fun blocking my brothers IP. ♪
You're cruel.
I hate him.
That's normal. That's what brothers are for.
Was going to reference upside-down-ternet, but the page appears to be down :(
There's also the Geocities-izer.
So, want to try? I think you need to instruct me though what that actually does. I think I read about it somewhere...
Hey guys
Hi. What's going on?
I've just completed some tests in our extra implementation in CPython
really boooring
what about you?
I'm learning "modern" OpenGL (as modern as it can get on my crappy graphics card).
Modern as in shaders? Or as in OpenGL 4.2?
My card only supports 2.0 :( But I'm using only forward compatible stuff (i.e. shaders and shit).
Same here :(
The only bad thing is that you have to write different shader code for an older card
@Xeo The logic isn't written yet!
I'd also like a utility function which allows you to paste the data in the form [p, g; A].
I was hoping someone might want to join in and help write this baby :-)
@KerrekSB You mean, like a regex thingy?
@RMartinhoFernandes Perhaps. Whatever is appropriate.
It just needs to transfer the three values into the form fields
All things are numbers, right?
Ok, I can handle that task then.
p is actually just going to be an index, 1..5, into the list of stored primes
I know enough JavaScript for that.
We should set up a tiny bit of global JS scaffolding that runs getElementById on the fields and stores them in global variables.
I still don't know just what you guys are doing there. :(
Hey, even g can be fixed
@Xeo It's a simple scheme
No MITM protection for now
You can't solve authentication!
@RMartinhoFernandes Are you doing something cool in OpenGL then? =)
var extractValues = function(input) {
    var pattern = /^\s*\[\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+);\s*(\d+)\s*\]\s*$/;
    var match = pattern.exec(input);
    return {
        'p' : match[1],
        'g' : match[2],
        'A' : match[3]
Have fun!
@ManofOneWay I finished wrapping up the OpenGL bits from this nice tutorial into C++ stuffs yesterday. I think I'm going to write Tetris now.
Everyone seems to like writing Tetris around here.
Cool :)
Are you gonna build your own vector and matrices classes?
Nope. I'm using GLM for math.
and math-functions
ok :(
GLM is really sweet.
I don't think I'd prefer something I could whip up myself.
I started to build some matrix, vector & math classes/functions. I thought it would be cool to build a library
@LucDanton Not without extra infrastructure
@ManofOneWay I had my forays into that before :) I wrote something like that for my CG project. But at the time I only knew C with classes. And badly.
@KerrekSB Doesn't solve anything, it centralizes the problem on one entity. That you still have to trust.
Oh, I'm there now, C with classes =)
@RMartinhoFernandes Right now, I'll build a NFA to DFA converter, and hopefully learn some more about c++ on the way
I think it's hard to learn stuff just by reading, I want something to implement
@LucDanton I guess you need another channel. Personally delivered public keys or so
@RMartinhoFernandes Did you build a torrent client?
@ManofOneWay Not yet :)
I need motivation to implement anything right now. I have a huge list of "coding todos" aswell as a huge list of "apply for a job here", but I got like zero motivation. :s
I suffer from the same thing as the Cat, except not as acute.
@KerrekSB Aka 'shared secret'.
you should make a 3d torrent client
What? Lack of motivation?
Get bored with the projects before finishing them.
Yeah I know what you mean
It's like, you start, and then sometime later something else entices you and you go all "oooh shiny", and forget the previous one.
Maybe it would be more fun if we i.e. the Lounge, did something together, like a project everyone could jump into
Of course, people are not equally skilled, but I don't think that matters too much
I think it would improve motivation to see some other people working on the same thing
I like that idea
Let's start doing that, and then not finish it!
I like that idea even better
@RMartinhoFernandes How far away from being complete are you in the torrent project?
@RMartinhoFernandes: I get "Cannot convert 'match' to object"...
Oops. I should have tested the return statement.
I don't even need anything shiny.
@ManOfOneWay If it was a project centered around StackOverflow, say a client for the site, then that idea might work.
@KerrekSB Why even so complicated with a regex match?
@KerrekSB Works fine here (FF8).
@Xeo No idea.
@Xeo I'm focusing on the other things at the moment
Could have made the thing return numbers, though.
@ManofOneWay I stopped in the middle of implementing the storage part.
Still no networking code in it.
A: Best alternative to a typedef for a function template?

Chris LutzSome may disagree, some may jerk their knees against this, but consider this option: #define myFunc_i myFunc<int> As far as macros go, this one is quite safe; the only danger is that someone could redefine or undefine it later. Aside from that, it has all the advantages of auto const my...

string s, w;   //s stands for space, w for word
char l;        //l stands for letter
int c=0;       //c syands for count
Using comments when good naming suffices.
Also defining on first use.
and spelling errors
also some plot holes
Btw, found a job for you guys
is that guy The Greetest™?
More like failedin.
@CatPlusPlus It doesn't work?
The "I am Alice" button now works, without bignum, though.
has someone experience with windows shell programming?

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