@jalf Indeed. And I notice that I currently seem to know more about Java than my coworkers who have been doing Java professionally for over half a decade. For example they didn't know about "static import". They also didn't know that RuntimeException, Error and their subclasses don't require a throws specifier.
How bad at programming am I? Am I a horrible person for this?
template <typename TYPE> void some_func(int arg1, ...)
//do stuff
#include "templates.cpp"
template <typename TYPE> v...
@StackedCrooked So they thought all exceptions were checked, and you taught them unchecked exceptions? What a relief that must have been :) Did they declare you their new god?
@FredOverflow I don't know what they thought. One person had to implement an enhancement in my code and when he tried to throw an exception he noticed that the compiler started complaining about lack of a throws specifier but it didn't complain about my exceptions. He asked how come.
I still wonder why all those "pure OOP" languages didn't start the program in the constructor of a Main class, with an out parameter - the continuation. Wouldn't that be way more "OOP"?
> Refuctoring - the process of taking a well-designed piece of code and, through a series of small, reversible changes, making it completely unmaintainable by anyone except yourself.
> We had a guy come in and immediately strip out comments and whitespace from our code "to make it faster".
> I've started Loch Ness Monster bug for anything not reproducible / only sighted by one person. I'm hearing a lot of people in the office say it now..
n-gleton - a class that only allows a fixed number of instances of itself. I've recently seen another (perhaps official) term for this; something like multiton or polyton.
@RMartinhoFernandes I was commenting out a line of dead code :)
@Maxpm but why bother? It seems like those people trying to write Java in C++. If you don't like the way *nix does things, don't use it. Trying to fight it and pretend it's something else is only going to end in tears
@KerrekSB "Regular" Linux programs will work on Gobo. You can check out source code and use a makefile and it'll work as expected, if that's what you're asking.
@RMartinhoFernandes Nah. If something is just for giggles then I don't install it at all. But for instance GCC 4.6.2 goes into /usr/local, because I have to build my own
@jalf Because switching operating systems just for the filesystem hierarchy is overkill. I love Linux, but I merely tolerate the directory layout. Gobo gives me the option to have my cake and eat it, too. Why wouldn't I be interested in that?
> This continued until 2008, when it was announced that the 2008.1 LiveCD release had been cancelled in favour of weekly automated builds of both Stages 3 and Minimal CDs.
@RMartinhoFernandes I don't think so. Seem to recall there was some kind of leadership crisis and more time being spent bickering over that than actually adding stuff to new releases. But not sure, I might be thinking of something else... Haven't really kept up :)
> We have two objects of foo, called, f1 and f2, if f1 and f2 are concurrently running, can we guarantee the synchronized method being accessed by only one thread?
@KerrekSB Isn't that the whole point of synchronized methods?
@RMartinhoFernandes Oh, I thought f1 and f2 were the callers instead of the callees. In that case, wrap the method body in a synchronized (Foo.class) block (or any other shared object), right?
Object should have: protected constructor, no builtin monitor, no clone(), and no equals() or hashCode(). That's a lot of design mistakes just on the foundations.
@LucDanton Yeah, like auto bf_code = "++++++++++[>+++++++>++++++++++>+++>+<<<<-]>++.>+.+++++++..+++.>++.<<+++++++++++++++.>.+++.------.--------.>+.>."_brainfuck; bf_code();. :(
Only valid forms for string UDL are the non-templates accepting (const char*) or (const char*, size_t). It limits the compile-time operations available.
Bruce Schneier (1:49), James Gosling (2:48), & others in what Bruce Schneier (aptly) describes as a "transvestite-themed rock video:" youtube.com/watch?v=gmPta19GSFU. I like the comments at Bruce's blog: "I am lost for words..." "Interesting direction to go with your celebrity image. ;)" "Now, when you say 'first cameo'..." "And...now when you google Security or Transvestite, Bruce will be at the top of the list!"
@AlfPSteinbach When I did my xulwin project I started to factor out the windows code into a thin C++ layer. It never amounted to much, but for what it's worth: WinUtils.h and WinUtils.cpp.
@StackedCrooked But where's the difference between a System_ prefix and a System:: prefix — except that the latter uses the feature provided by the language.
@StackedCrooked Given how @Alf's ability to type has deteriorated, he might be drinking the very same stuff.