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@Rapptz that sounds like a get out clause
(gdb) print ps.str
$1 = 0x3118c8 "\"\\\"\""
In Vim, with Sensible.vim I just hit ]y and pronto! De-escaped. (Same with ]x for XML escaping and ]u for URL-decoding)
> Encrypted data tend to vanish into thin air if an encryption key is lost.
nice post too. not too waffly or bossy
He always posts blog entries like those.
can people please write an answer not down-vote this question because some people have struggles not even mentioning brain disabilities. — CATspellsDOG 2 hours ago
He used to work for Valve.
But he left for Google a while back. He's one of the only bloggers I visit rarely.
Can people please write questions not disrespect the experts on the site who give of their time freely to try to hunt for answerable, on-topic, deserving questions because some people have families not even mentioning jobs. — Lightness Races in Orbit 5 secs ago
@Rapptz hmm is that a good thing or not I can't tell
whenever I see guys like that going on about disabilities
@LightnessRacesinOrbit His name.
I remember the funny retardation scenes from Borat
The -1/+1 restriction is a lot tighter.
You weren't kidding.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit oh hey, I found this youtube.com/watch?v=DDW4hTWbRYs
@LightnessRacesinOrbit He has a video on how to debug with Qt Creator that I liked so I started following him more after that.
(It's a "good" thing I suppose)
@Rapptz Indeed :(
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Ouch. Families are far more crippling than jobs :)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Nice comment. I initially assumed, thanks to no punctuation, that he wants other people to write him an answer, otherwise he won't understand the subject because of his brain disabilities :)
@Rapptz Okay wasn't sure cos the way you said "he's one of the only bloggers I visit rarely" as if you visit most other bloggers more
@milleniumbug I believe that is what he's saying
I visit blogs never!
That was the other possibility :)
Waste of time.
The parser isn't wrong. My test is.
meh amazon is no go :(
fuck this I'll just pay the shipping
and get it from ebay
I'd have spent the money on games anyway
so it's the same shit
> This may be a bit of an odd question, but I would like to know if you can use Java inside c++14
is it me, or such a question should not have 3 upvotes?
A C++ string that is "\"\\\"\"", parsed as JSON is seen as "\"" which would return a string with a single character, ".
Evil test.
The C++ raw string literals are too messy. I should be writing trim(R"( \" )") instead.
@AndyProwl If anything it's a little too broad, and the guy is confusing language with library/toolkit (like the horrid "how do I use PHP in JavaScript" which makes no sense because they are languages fuck off) but it's not fundamentally a bad question
If they look ugly, I tend to use the delimeters.
Like for regex I do R"re(regexhere)re"
@Rapptz yes
Did you hear
Your favourite JSON parser is going C++11 only soon.
well, fair enough I suppose
looks like it
@sehe, also, what is incomplete about my reasoning? How hard is it to understand that accessing a global hash table every time you create or delete an object is going to cause overhead? — Taylor 23 secs ago
I really need to get us on up-to-date C++ (GCC in general), Boost, JsonCpp, everything. There's just so much to do to get it working, and I'd need to keep the older stuff side-by-side, and I'd need to let our projects be able to know which dependencies to link to which doesn't come for free, and fuck it, and too much else going on
In fact what I need to do is to read some articles about how people usually manage this kind of shit
@AndyProwl embedding JVMs is a thing. Upvotes also rate popularity (if lots of noobs want to know whether this is possible, they can upvote; arguably they should/could favourite instead, but hey)
If they're built libraries I would just use a suffix or something
(My primary concern being backward-compatibility, of course: this is on our dev + build servers, which need to be able to allow dev on and build historical code; we have like ten projects and they all have historical maintenance branches that get used for urgent bugs)
like jsoncpp_98 or _11 or something.
@Rapptz Problem then is if I start adding suffixes and whatnot then don't I risk tying our projects' builds to that particular build server
@LightnessRacesinOrbit They do by spending a shit load of time on SO, but actually learning, not dismissing/knee- and other jerking
might be a bad idea
Guess I can't have my cake and eat it too but this really is the issue here
I think I'd have to start mandating that builds of X on the dev server only take place after some manual step, setting the environment up for such-and-such mode
@Rapptz header only FTW. (Only shifting the burden of course)
Yeah most of my libraries are header-only.
and for builds elsewhere people can just figure out their dependencies themselves from docs
modules would be cool
maybe C++2120 will have them
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Isolate the build environments
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I have no idea who manages the 3rd parties like boost and jsoncpp in my case
1 min ago, by Lightness Races in Orbit
I think I'd have to start mandating that builds of X on the dev server only take place after some manual step, setting the environment up for such-and-such mode
but given the internal changes done in-house, I'm glad I'm not the one updating
It doesn't have to be manual
VMs/Docker help
first though I've gotta spend a few weeks/months on FreeRTOS
Anyone here familiar with that, btw? For reference
ping me if you are. might have to call on you a few times over the next while
Well, is your live demo that big you can't provide the code sample inline? — πάντα ῥεῖ 17 secs ago
2 tsp. spicy chili bean paste with chili
I think you missed the point. @πάνταῥεῖ The point is not that he should somehow come up with code. He should explain how the costs that he describes are not present in the standard implementations (which he just doesn't describe)
can you have chili bean paste without chili
Not me.
@CatPlusPlus VMs are too isolated :P
no point having a build server in the first place if you're just going to virtualise other machines within it
unless that's exactly what you're saying, come to think of it
have two build servers
obtw, Canonical is hoping to reach the... not sure what to call it market
with Ubuntu Snappy Core
I like having just one where e.g. nightly builds are executed, though :(
designed to only require 600mhz to run or sth
it's supposedly fit for robots and appliances (?)
the low-power market.
so like you have an oven running ubuntu
sudo bake my cake
we already have this problem creeping in because our most recent project targets an entirely different distro with different libc and whatnot so the build server is useless for that. it's a reyt shame. can't be helped though. maybe if I get a bunch of VMs (including one for this current project) up on the build server and start delegating builds to individual VMs, and enhance the nightlies system to be able to do that automatically.... hmm....
@AlexM. nice, ubuntu for tablets then
but then you gotta set up X user accounts on Y fucking machines, virtual or otherwise
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I've been messing around with FreeRTOS a lot, feel free to ask (not sure if you'll like my answers though ;-) )
@milleniumbug the one for tablets is ubuntu touch
@πάνταῥεῖ I'll bear it in mind, thanks :)
> When we update a snappy application we backup all your data before the update and rollback if the update fails for any reason, so your system is never in an incomplete state. Updates are guaranteed to succeed every time, and users can rollback to previous versions just as efficiently.
this is the most memorable thing imo
and I read that page today
I forgot everything else LOL
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Well, you can use an OS that can freeze and isolate dependencies like NixOS
Reproducible and completely isolated build environment makes for better, less fragile builds
You know I can see all your comments, right @Lightness? So I know for a fact that what you just typed here bears no resemblance to the nonsense you were typing in comments on Stack Overflow 20 minutes - 1 hour ago? But hey, go on with your posturing if you're having fun - just be aware I know you're full of it. — Shog9 ♦ 16 mins ago
The VM/container doesn't have to be running all the time
Any CI software worth anything has build-on-separate-instances support either built-in or provided by plugins
^ for when it's nuked
What the hell does this guy think he's doing?!
@Puppy error no memory? TIL
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Me and my colleagues, have developed an OSAL API that covers at least FreeRTOS, a (clumsy) POSIX adaption layer (for FreeRTOS), and Linux properly.
Virtualisation is future
Virtualise everything
@πάνταῥεῖ ok
I can't tell you what I'm developing ;P
mainly because I don't really know yet but also because I'm not allowed to
haven't actually signed an NDA for this one
but it's part of my job so gobbing about it in public chat probably not a great idea
@LightnessRacesinOrbit We can make an NDA any time you want, just send me your forms.
@πάνταῥεῖ you want to play with my form? ;)
Your NDA formular only :)
(Though your form here looks sooo promising :P ...)
called it
Integer primary keys suck on a database with no transactions, no aggregation and no autoincrement
@CatPlusPlus No transactions and no autoincrement? Is that even a database?
Welcome to NoSQL
It's Cassandra
@πάνταῥεῖ you should totally get with LRiO mr aristotle
Autoincrement is kinda hard to do on a distributed database
> In 2008, Jeff Atwood and I set out to fix a problem for programmers. At the time, getting answers to programming questions online was super annoying. The answers that we needed were hidden behind paywalls, or buried in thousands of pages of stale forums.
And now they're buried in thousands of duplicated shitty questions and upvoted broken crap
Yeah :(
It started so well
The fear of being seen as elitist ruined it, I think
The whole point was to be elitist
Now we get "sir how do i write json in php using c++03 lambdas thx for fix my doubt" upvoted three times, and Shog
@Nooble I'd still like to know how you found that photo of my non-identical twin sister
The problem being well known is there would be more people trying to dig up all the shit that you have tried so hard to bury ... poor Jeff
snack overflow
@CatPlusPlus Do GUIDs then :P
@milleniumbug Yeh, probably
I honestly think SO's close to saturation and a bubble burst
I'm not sure why they're not already though, so whatever, XXX TODO FIXME
@LightnessRacesinOrbit What can I say? Koalas do what koalas do.
Interesting time to invest $40m
@Nooble ;p
@CatPlusPlus So, "no".
I wonder if there's a C++ lounge on the expert sexchange website too
I regret everything related to this project already
We're not even done with first phase
@AlexM. Lounge<Sex-change>
@AlexM. Mr. Heraklit if at all please! Keep with the exact cited persons :P
w/e Plato, go get the girl now <3
Haven't heard much from rightfold this evening. He alright?
oh, right, bbiab
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Too much money has been printed, they have to go somewhere. SE isn't bad place to invest ...
lol I like how they made the English in their sample questions and answers seem very average question-ish experts-exchange.com/howItWorks/solve.jsp
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Working too much on their clumsy lang extension probably :) ...
@chmod711telkitty as long as you reckon you'll get your investment back
not too clean
not too broken
granted, you don't need quality to get page views
SE is still less risky than a lot of other places
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Didn't get anything so far. But I'm seriously willing to help you with all of my knowdlege about this topic (for free). If you really need an NDA, you can sent me one over and I'll sign it, and send it back.
seriously though when a townhouse in NY could sell for $20 million, $40 million investment in any company isn't much in comparison
@AlexM. Days later. This was my Pizza Diavolo I've been talking a while ago (just to let you know, I'm not telling random shit).
It appearantly just took some time until the picture was uploaded from my phone :P
@AlexM. Big difference?
it sounds more Italian than Diavolo
so it's probably more correct
I dunno lol
> $911,958
pledged of $10,000 goal
lolz /cc @thecoshman
@AlexM. Think that was printed on the containment.
it seems to be a name used anywhere but in Italy
so it's not a case of americans dubbing their margheritas "marguerita"
@AlexM. Could well be :)
@πάνταῥεῖ is that frozen?
I mean was it frozen
it looks like it
@πάνταῥεῖ My company would not allow it :P I shall just ask you generic stuff if that's okay. Thanks for the offer
@AlexM. Blame Dr. Oetker
so it was frozen
frozen pizza vs fresh pizza is like...
wyverns vs dragons
@CatPlusPlus awesomely informative:
$ keybase signup --help
usage: keybase join [-h]

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help  Show this help message and exit.
lol found an old pic of one of the pizzas I got a year ago or so
it had fries on
Most of the commands are interactive
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Feel free contacting me in a private conversation about this (g-makulik -at- t-online.<my country domain>)
obfuscation 2stronk

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