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json of a bitch
lol msgpack 94
@TemplateRex hmm? I'm not, currently
@sehe I meant the snooker
who's playing?
No one was. I was just creating a context for that "touching" to take on a different meaning. And introduce balls
Maybe someone is playing. I'm not watching. Sorry
@рытфолд lol
@TemplateRex I've never detected much true humour. Much like Herb, they have this scripted role. I'm not a fan of it
26 mins ago, by sehe
@Columbo I was referring to the snooker game on tele.
1 min ago, by sehe
No one was. I was just creating a context for that "touching" to take on a different meaning. And introduce balls
> code is based on an example of Lightness Races in Orbit Sauce
I canb do that too :)
I kinda inferred you were watching, cuz the Masters is currently happening in London
/r/60fpsporn and /r/thickloads are NSFW and neat.
@sehe STL is funnier, becuz he probably is not scriptable by his bosses and boss-like entities
@sehe can you teach me how to make software
Fuck me. I have just created a singleton.
@VáclavZeman no fucking when single
It is not retrieved by anybody but it is a singleton nevertheless.
@VáclavZeman I'm tempted to draw a cartoon similar to the XKCD on gotos, but pointing at singletons instead.
@TemplateRex Friends with benefits!
@VáclavZeman this that and the other, in Seinfeld-speak
@VáclavZeman As I pointed out yesterday, there is nothing inherently wrong with singletons.
@TemplateRex Really. I might start watching now
@рытфолд Yesterday? I have missed it. Like today, I was on CA APM Deep Dive training. And I do not have a laptop to connect from.
@TemplateRex Bite your tongue. Mentioning Slimefeld among decent people. What is the world coming to?
They're only wrong if their values are mutable.
@sehe Ronnie O'Sullivan equalled Stephen Hendry's record of 775 centuries earlier this week
@рытфолд Singletons lead to invisible dependencies, IMHO.
Only if you access them from everywhere.
You can just pass their instances around instead.
@JerryCoffin Seinfeld is great, now if you had mentioned Friends...
But that goes with everything, not just with singletons.
I have a bunch of files written mostly in C which my program needs to bring in, basically as a library.

What's the best way to stick all that crud in a namespace? Do I need to go through each C file and add namespace foo { ... } to it?
C has no namespaces.
@QuestionC mostly in C? Burn it!
@TemplateRex After years of being teased about my family name in school, it was Slimefeld that made me ashamed of my (given) name. Slimefeld: a constant reminder that (by definition) roughly half of a given population is mentally retarded (and apparently like a lousy imitation of humor).
go through all your code, rename all the functions with a prefix. and then delete everything
Written in K&R C even.
@QuestionC i don't even
I don't want to touch the code. Just accept the fact that it compiles and stick all that crud in a namespace.
@QuestionC stuff const everywhere while you're at it
C doesn't have namespaces.
guys ffs
he has a C codebase
and wants to bring it in as a part of C++ codebase
You could create wrapper files that ran something like:
namespace xxx {
#include <crap.c>
(and similar for the headers).
the question is legit.
Doing that is a bad idea.
@BartekBanachewicz I gave him an idea, and a small snarky comment
Q: Is it a good idea to wrap an #include in a namespace block?

R. Martinho FernandesI have a C header that was written to compile as both C and C++ (it only uses features from the common subset, and uses that extern "C" thing). Problem is, that header declares stuff in the global namespace. I'd rather avoid that for the usual reasons. I thought about doing this: namespace foo ...

C stuff usually has a prefix, and prefixing all the stuff shouldn't mess anything up
@QuestionC If it's K&R C (as usually defined--no prototypes) it'll almost certainly require at least some modification to compile as C++, no matter how much you'd prefer to avoid that.
is there a place i can compile with clang online and get a simple output like with ideone or corilu
coliru has clang
@Pris coliru
oh neat.. i ghtought coliru was gcc only
that page is outdated
It has a date on it.
@JerryCoffin This is no prototypes code. But it compiles. I get warnings but it's not worth my time to fix.
I removed "cheers and hth-Alf" from an answer, but now I seem to remember that he is a kind of volatile character, am I likely to get drawn into an edit war here?
@TemplateRex nice
@TemplateRex lol, where? I need something to watch tonight.
@TemplateRex Probably not, since it wasn't him who added it.
@рытфолд I probably could
@TemplateRex The answer where Columbo added it on?
@TemplateRex lol, yes then
@sehe wtf, why did he do that?
@sehe :O
@QuestionC It compiles with warnings as C? Without prototypes/C++ declarations, it shouldn't normally compile at all as C++.
[BCC32 Warning] LMDIF.C(484): W8065 Call to function 'enorm_' with no prototype
that's a rather nasty form of edit-baiting by @Columbo
@TemplateRex humour, I guess
I just want to know how to stick that crud in a namespace. It works, I'm happy, I don't ever want to look at it again.
You can't.
@QuestionC It's good that you introduce yourself with a big Warning label.
It's a C library.
the answer is don't
@sehe yeah right, I should add "one more thing" to all his answers
It's too big.
What you need is modules in a non-ad-hoc fashion.
@QuestionC Start by using a compiler from this century
Which will never happen in C++.
oh, Rust deprecated int. You're now supposed to either use a sized int, like i32 or isize if you mean 'the native size this machine would use'
i thought there was a proposal for modules
@thecoshman meh
@thecoshman lol
@thecoshman some toy languages will do that to you
:D dat burn
@QuestionC The point is that to go in a namespace, it must compile as C++, not just as C. To do that, all the functions need C++ declarations and new-style parameter lists in the definitions. There's just no avoiding that much.
@thecoshman good, i hate ambiguity. just like char with its platform specific 'is it signed or unsugned?'
That's a fault of language spec being retarded, not 'char' being inherently a bad name (well okay it is, but for different reasons)
i cant be the only one that only uses u,int[]_t types exclusively
99% of the time you want native int or arbitrary precision int
user image
@Pris you aren't
oh, and something that is 'copyable' is shallow copy, 'clonable' is deep copy... and they have non stupid names for such things too... now... how do I 'implement' these :P
@sehe Nice. :)
its a bad name because it doesnt tell me how big it is... 's8' == 8 bit signed. 'u8' == 8 bit unsigned. so clear and easy to understand
You don't need to worry about deep vs shallow copy if everything is immutable.
i took a brief look at rust awhile back and the thing that bothered me the most was Box<>
So make everything immutable and the problem is solved!
Are you one of those Indian programmers who use those defines like #define s8 signed char in TopCoder?
@Rapptz yes actually. no idea what TopCoder is
and... typedef. never define
You really really don't need to use explicitly sized integral types all of the time
@Rapptz You make it sound like non-Indians don't do such tremendously stupid things.
well i have sint and uint for generic 'i dont care about the size' variants too
> the problem
Your life is too simple
@Puppy That's your own implication bub!
I said no such thing.
@sehe KISS
I merely said that you make it sound like that.
pickle wins on serialisation speed
which you did.
@Puppy Ok. Non-Indian non-merkins
@Pris It's called "abstraction". Instead of specifying the size in low-level terms (number of bits), it's specified in higher-level (requirements oriented) terms: "big enough to hold any member of the execution character set".
Maybe I should rename mutable keyword to terrible.
@Pris It all already exists
There's absolutely no need to roll your own dumb typedefs
sint nicolaas
@CatPlusPlus it aint dumb, typing uint is faster than typing out unsigned int every time
You only need to type unsigned.
@CatPlusPlus i cant deal with spaces in my types. unsigned char is blasphemy too
Again with the idiotic writing speed argument
You read code more than you write it
@рытфолд maybe you should rename mutable to void
Trading 10ms of writing time for additional overhead to be able to understand the code is not acceptable
@Pris Please don't tell me you use such a primitive editor that you actually type out the entire name of types (and such).
@sehe Well, void is terrible, so that should work.
@Pris so const char* must be apostasy then
@CatPlusPlus poor cat is a Maintenance developer ...
@рытфолд also, more effective at stopping you from using it
yes, and uint is crystal clear to me. plus i stick everything in my own namespaces so if you dont wanna mesh with my stuff, use whatever you like
Every developer is a maintenance developer
@Mgetz hell yeah it is. deserves jail time even
Except rytfold, who scraps all of the code he wrote every week
also it would be char const * :)
@chmod711telkitty whatever "to maintene" is
@Pris lol what do you write that doesn't require spaces in the types?
@sehe I could make the spelling of it depend on the position in the source file at which it occurs.
@рытфолд yay. more perl
It would be the SHA 256 hash of the index in the source file in base 3.
"I can understand my code, therefore everyone can understand my code"
@Rapptz just for types. there arent any other types that have spaces in them outside of unsigned int and unsigned char are there?
@рытфолд too simple. I could make a vim macro that does it
Reminds me of that guy who wouldn't put spaces around code blocks because of OCD and that it displayed okay in his browser
@CatPlusPlus that guy was a moron
Presumably still is
@CatPlusPlus if you can't understand uint, u8, etc. you have bigger problems when reading c++ code. everyone typedefs long template types anyway, it should be trivial to understand whats going on
@TemplateRex What a maroon!
@Rapptz all workaroundable with clever use of template aliases (add_volatile_t)
Everyone rolls their own typedefs therefore it should be trivial for you to understand my version!
@JerryCoffin I take it that is a slimefeld ref?
Good logic
yeah but cv qualifiers are different
@sehe So much effort.
(Also still bad practice)
@sehe How about PBKDF2 with a few million rounds?
@Rapptz lol. srs
The macro will be slow at least!
Why are cv qualifiers different than unsigned qualifiers
@рытфолд you're batshit. Just make "\0"
because they apply to any type
@sehe I'll take const int x; over add_const_t<int> x :p
what the hell is an unsigned double
Presumably an unsigned double
@Rapptz you mean int const x; :]
Also so what
@рытфолд But you can use a distributed preprocessor. It'll make a 0.02% increase in total build farm load
i have a feeling most of you would shoot me if you saw any of the code i write
59 secs ago, by sehe
@Rapptz lol. srs
@TemplateRex What? No. That's a Looney Toons reference.
@Pris that too
I don't even need to see the code
template<typename T>
using u = unsigned T;
@Pris or if we saw the cartoons you draw
@Pris I have a feeling you did well in statistics 101
Never draw your cartoon if you're outnumbered
Q: Why is sizeof(unsigned double) equal to 4?

sashoalmA colleague of mine asked if there is unsigned double, and I said there isn't, but I still checked it, and this compiles in Microsoft Visual C++ 2010: unsigned double a; double b; printf("size_a=%d size_b=%d", (int) sizeof(a), (int) sizeof(b)); It outputs size_a=4 size_b=8. That is, four bytes...

@Pris in case you haven't noticed, people get shot for drawing bad cartoons, not for writing bad code
It's both, actually
unless you write some kind of bad prophet() function
Export time is now 1,5h!
I'm so good at this~
Or if you offend someone's religious beliefs (braces, tabs, goto)
> bad prophet
@sehe all braces should face east
R.I.P. TemplateRex
i mix brace styles. am i a heretic
@TemplateRex with proper orientation of mirros, I can still make the code compile
one true brace style: auto prophet(( { return 72; {
@Pris Yeah. "n u dont type properly"
@TemplateRex Why does prophet have a double chin? Are you mocking it?
Not caring about brace style is a good way to get into the elite "I'm a programmer and I don't have OCD" club
@sehe all braces face east
... Do you really think I missed that part?
I nearly always use K&R braces except occasionally use the extra line way if there's too much crap right after to space things out a little bit.
You on the other hand missed the neckbeard/double chin
@sehe do you really think as a fanatic that I would understand humor?
oh oh, what about commenting style? Block comments should be banned
Success, more or less
@Pris Gah. That's nothing. I use K&R parameter definitions
@CatPlusPlus What on earth are you doing? Nothing that you should just download the Stack Exchange Data Explorer SQL database snapshot for, right?
Work thing
Nothing to do with snack overflow
@CatPlusPlus clang-format ftw
Yes, I can see that it works.
Good! Keep it that way
@TemplateRex I actually hate that. Too many exceptions. The dumb tendency to jot everything on a single line because "it can"
We did, we cringed, we looked away
@sehe Somehow reminds me of the old joke about two "geniouses" building a house. One starts complaining about the nails because the heads are on the wrong ends. The other being (apparently) more of a genious repllies: "You idiot, those are for the other side of the house."
@CatPlusPlus I didn't
We, the king
@JerryCoffin lol. Could also work "No, we're going to turn this thing once we're halfway done"
@sehe give it a few years, that stuff will work in the end, and it kills most layout wars
Also only 1.6GB RSS
Instead of infinity
Optimised gud
I should probably first export a sample and make sure it imports correctly
@TemplateRex Surely not. Unless you make it a policy. But that almost spells dumb.
Remember the goal. The goal is not to dispel petty wars.
@rightfold Says the guy who constantly reinvents the wheel.
@sehe and you don't have to use it in your own editor, just let your source control apply the script prior to checking in
Felt like this had to be said.
But they're not ad-hoc wheels
@TemplateRex How is that better? That's just guarantee that no one is actually reviewing the actual committed code.
It can go into the review system after being committed
@sehe how so? you edit in your own conventions, format-commit and then do a pull request, anyone else reads in the CompanyApprovedFormat
If you shouldn't care for the code as commited, why should you care about layout in the first place? So contradictory
I am not advocating any CompanyApprovedFormat, just use clang-format to automate that stuff and forget about it otherwise
@TemplateRex So, how the fuck are we going to collective improve readability? It's not about "oooh let's not offend anyone's sensibilities or trigger autistic drama". It's about "Let's make sure this code does what it must in the most obvious way possible"
@EtiennedeMartel except my wheels are superior.
@рытфолд Rounder? :)
@TemplateRex I user clang-format to speed things up. But selectively. Everytime I accidentally format the whole TU I'm in shock
@VáclavZeman cart
I wouldn't let tools autoformat C++ either
But languages with better tools and less arcane grammars, sure
@sehe I don't see why it could never work. I mean in LaTeX you don't do much hand-crafted line and page breaking, why should you do that in C++?
I could do format-on-save even
@TemplateRex I don't do latex, so I won't comment. But I reckon I would mind if I did. If I didn't, I wouldn't author LateX, I'd be doing Wysiwyg or markup instead.
Similarly for HTML, which I /do/ occasionally "make". I care about the layout there (although I do autoformat that more)
@sehe LaTeX is markup, my point is that it has all tha tlayout stuff figured out. A sufficiently smart clang-format should be able to do proper formatting and not scare the shit out of you
@TemplateRex I've seen many forms of latex much more akin to assembly. This is what you'd call "generated markup" then. In manual markup, I do care about the specifics. I have never seen a tool - including clang-format - do a decent enough job of c++
> sufficiently smart
I'll wait :0
I don't deny that this might happen. After all, I'm also using YouCompleteMe after resisting the notion for long
Just wait for the singularity.
@sehe well, perhaps it's too diffcult, but if Knuth could figure out decent line and page breaking in the 70s, then I'm sure the clang boys can do it for C++ code as well
@TemplateRex So gullible. English is much simpler than C++.
@TemplateRex Such unwieldy analogy
@рытфолд It's not simpler. The physical representation is much less structured.
@рытфолд it's not about the semantic meaning of the code, just how it looks
@TemplateRex Exactly.
@рытфолд that should be a solved problem by now
C++ is context-sensitive grammar to start with.
says the perl fetishist
You need to include fucking header files to know what's going on.
And preprocess the whole goddamn thing.
@sehe I don't autoformat my Perl code. ^_^
way to derail
Derail is a nice map.
perl is easiest of all to format, just align everything on the $ signs
gofmt is a great tool. I have it as a pre-save hook.
I just write code without formatting at all, and then hit cmd+S, and it looks good.
in any case, sufficiently smart clang-format + auto-return-type resolution by Doxygen, and I'm happy for 2015
inb4 Doxygen ranting
> ... and it looks good. // the definition of hipster coder
@TemplateRex sounds you only need about 2 months of free time.
Will you fund me?
@sehe ah, so you are convinced you can write a sufficiently smart clang-format?
7 mins ago, by sehe
I don't deny that this might happen. After all, I'm also using YouCompleteMe after resisting the notion for long
I'm looking at this Peerio.com thing. It's acclaimed by some security buffs I trust, and it says the right things.
What ticks me off big time is that I still haven't found out /what fucking service they actually offer/
@sehe like biicode
I mean. Whatever it does, it does completely securely.
@sehe reminds me of Postduif which I still have to finish.
@sehe Western Union transfers to Nigeria are also completely secure
@TemplateRex biicode I have an idea of. It's basically a macro language to coordinate CMake projects, right? With all the CI cruft managed by-convention (Hail Rails)
I like CoC (configuration over convention).
@sehe I think it's a Dropbox + email hybrid.
I also like cock, but that's completely irrelevant.
@TemplateRex Don't discredit it. It looks really cool. I'm trying to get myself to try it.
@sehe when they advertise with ad-free, no phishing, no spam... my paranoia levels increase
@EtiennedeMartel I'd have to say the same. That's a bummer because they say stuff like "Unify your services", which is entirely different from "come to us only"
@sehe Well, any "cloud" service is a special kind of vendor lock-in.
But do they unify Korea?
@TemplateRex They mean that to underline that they realize they cannot pretend complete privacy and expect ad returns
sounds like an elaborate scams to collect all kinds of interesting data about social connections
@EtiennedeMartel ... processing ... 80%. Done
Wow, I got my very own progress bar.
I'd agree, except for services that have par competition (S3 vs Azure Storage e.g.)
With a bit of planning you can devise your cloud needs so that you can shift them without major cost
Not for specialized protocols (AWS SimpleDB, Azure Table Storage, Azure Service Bus, AWS SMS etc.)
Actually. Perhaps SMS/Azure SB is not that far apart
There are API-compatible alternatives though
Dunno if for Azure yet, but for some AWS stuff
Côte d'Azure
HAHAHAHA. I paste my generated passphrase (I know I know) into Peerio and it completely locks up
@CatPlusPlus Yup I know. Tried to use CEPH with rados/gw remember :)
I settled for GlusterFS for now
And Ubuntu had Eucalyptus (still has?) which has ec2-compatible tools
Mostly because it has more-or-less stable FUSE driver
Sounds close to oxymoron
I think Ubuntu ships with OpenStack
But dunno
An oxymoron is a moron who is high on oxygen.
> Welcome to Peerio!

Your confirmation code is 12721724.
I know it's irrational. But I feel that's a weak cc
Epic response times
It would look weak without that 4 at the end ...
That didn't take long. The other wtf was: no documented relation between Peerio login and support portal login.
Turns out: unrelated (good)

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