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Lounge is always hot.
always hot
Great minds think alike
Great minds are unique.
SE would be silly to close one of their most popular room
I feel cold
@chmod711telkitty why?
This is the moment
I can feel it coming
@R.MartinhoFernandes Everyone said I was special.
That was an euphemism.
Did you go to a class with other special kids?
@BenjaminGruenbaum would you close one of your country's most famous tourist attraction because there are too many illegal peddlers around?
My left leg is numb.
Are you ok?
I feel like Marvin now.
@chmod711telkitty if it doesn't generate any revenue and needs a lot of maintenance?
lol someone thinks the Lounge is important for SE
@BenjaminGruenbaum how many tourist attractions in the developed countries cost money to have a look from the outside?
@chmod711telkitty the analogy is off. Stack Overflow makes money by having contributors answer questions that get googled - the people who google the said questions get ADs and there is also the careers thing. The chat doesn't generate revenue at all.
No one comes to the chat transcript through google search intentionally.
you would be surprised ...
If they shut down this room most people who actively answer stuff still would, and they'd have to spend less time on QA and development. Spending for example - a month of development on chat is a bad business decision at this point.
Yes, he would.
But he won't.
if there is no chat would many of you hang around answering questions as much?
I don't answer that many questions - if anything without chat I'd answer more questions.
Most of us don't answer much anyway.
The only useful thing chat does is clear comments. Definitely not the lounge or the JS room.
also it's the idea of community ... without chats, there is no sense of community ...
There was no chat for three years.
Q & A site itself does not generate money ... it's the career site that does, so using your logic, there shouldn't be a Q & A site at all, should just be a career site
Sure there is. There are a lot of users I interact with without chatting with them. Also SO isn't a social network.
Community did just fine without it.
The chat community is also tiny.
Well, if this chat disappears, there is always IRC to move to.
chat zzzzzZZZZZZ
All I'm saying is that SE doesn't really care about chat that much, they maintain it but it's definitely not a priority and they wouldn't shed a tear if they needed to shut it down and certainly wouldn't care about shutting down the lounge.
Oh, they would. We have bombs.
My prediction is that unless Stackexchange is serious lacking of money and is falling apart, chat would not disappear.
no, it's not the most important thing for SE, sure
It's my prediction too, and neither would a bunch of other stuff that's pretty pointless at this point.
Like around half the SE sites.
but if you have put so much effort into creating it, why would you want lost whole bunch of engaged users?
users = $ ... or can be converted to
Right, but not chat users :P
Like robot said, it's simple.
they did on facebook, twitter, whatsapp & skype
Clearly competitors of SE
also they can sell info for data mining
With similar chat user bases (SE has around 40 people chatting at the same time?)
Whatsapp is a fucking chat app. If they kill chat there's nothing left.
@chmod711telkitty as someone who works in data mining, no one would buy it.
there are many ways to 'sell' you
Grab your tinfoil hats
@BenjaminGruenbaum like you do data mining for everything?
Right, and what SE does is get you engaged and interacting with other developers for Q&A to make developers' lives easier.
Then you answer stuff which has high visibility at google, and they show those people advertisements.
@BenjaminGruenbaum No, that's just SO. There's quite a few more users across the whole network.
they show chat results on google search too
also, this is the slowest of the slow times for SO, there's usually a lot more here
@Puppy I can give you 200, it's still a teeny tiny amount.
at any time
how often are you here chatting?
How the fuck does that matter?
How often is Jon Skeet not here chatting?
if people only spending 1 hours a day here chatting on average, then active users = 200 x 24 = 4800
he comes to chat here occassionally but I haven't seen him chat much.
Your logic is airtight.
there are currently 29417 pages of chat users, each page contains 20 users
Does it include Love Laung
taking 80% inactive
I thought you studied finance or some such.
How come you're so bad at math?
Hmm, this is kinda suck.
I agree with @rightføld
that's more than 100000 users
Me too.
@chmod711telkitty woah, you might be on to something here.
Better tell SE right away they've been doing their moneymaking the wrong way all this time and that chat should be their focus.
SE would try a lot of things, then shut down most money losing things when they lack money
I would never have guessed
@BenjaminGruenbaum Stock Exchange OTOH does moneymaking the right way.
Cutting costs, the super secret financial strategy no one will believe it works!
Destroying Something After it is created, that is just a waste of resources. :(
Not sure if being sarcastic or being trolled...
LOL, finance is a lot about human psyche
I have a tinfoil hat, you can't fool me.
the whole idea of playing the stock market is trying to predict how most people in the stock market would think - ahead of them
@chmod711telkitty meh.
"If you know the future you could get rich easily"
Please tell us How to Buy Apple Stock using Orange...
That's why shrinks are forbidden from buying stock.
@deadlydragon00 orange juice you mean, they trade options for orange juice on the chicago market
I am just interested on Apple stocks , I was really thinking lossing Steve Jobs would mean Apple end... But somehow I feel wrong...
CME or CBOE? ... can't remember
Oh wow, I was suspended for saying f*ggot
that's why there is algorithmic trading - to eliminate human emotions from share/option trading
@MohammadAliBaydoun its a witchcraft
@MohammadAliBaydoun you can say faggot, calling people faggots is what annoys people here. Not sure it's flagworthy but I can see why it'd bother some people in SE
@BenjaminGruenbaum I never even directed it at anyone
I guess people assumed it was directed at Telkitty
To be fair I don't remember what your post was :P
> You're a faggot
Aww... now it'll get flagged all over again :(
It's a quote, people won't be that stupid. (OR MAYBE THEY WILL :D)
Never underestimate the stupidity of people.
See, got flagged already.
Ugh don't flag quotes.
And... invalidated :)
Hmm. Well, I just realized that quotes are Flag Shields
> Thanks Obama
or a witchcraft
figuring out accessibility and such is a bit more complicated when a function can be in more than one context at once.
Oh well, 30 minutes in the SHU boosted my productivity.
(not really)
I sure wish that OpenGL drivers were actually predictable.
What is it wearing?
dog shoes or something
@StackedCrooked that's as old as the internet
@StackedCrooked You
@StackedCrooked I love you
Why are they doing that?
I've seen dogs walk just fine with dog shoes.
git.io/GjZlng I've spent countless hours chasing this bug.
@Griwes Threading bugs are the best. :)
@VáclavZeman not nearly as much fun as heap corruption bugs
@Mgetz Heap corruption bugs can be bracketed by heap consistency checks.
condition variables are easy to get wrong
you're ... using threading in an iterator?
@VáclavZeman the problem is finding out when and where they happened... especially when they happen only on one platform. e.g. the one without address sanitizer
... and using iterators with a lexer?
I am generating tokens in a worker thread.
ok but why does that involve creating an iterator
also that kinda really doesn't make sense.
holy crap the new monitor is amazing, I can't believe how nice CS plays now, it's like I had lag before wtf
this is an SSD-level upgrade
you don't need it but once you see it you don't want to go back
Thanks for telling me, I'll be jealous now.
How's the color quality?
kinda meh, but I need to play around with it
the presets are bad
but with tweaking it should be ok
144Hz is so expensive.
But it sounds like it's worth it.
I want one.
@AlexM. I have yet to see that high a refresh rate on an IPS panel unfortunately
You can overclock some IPS monitors.
Looking at 144Hz from 45° is not worth it if the colours are bad.
Might as well just act like some... normal person and look at them head-on.
Although if you can tweak it, I suppose it could be good.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ugh... Normal people.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I have a TN gaming monitor and an IPS media monitor
144Hz is the frequency of image refreshes right?
@Puppy Sure it does.
Is there a conversion between Hz and FPS?
Hz = per second
@Griwes No, it kinda doesn't. If you're in the situation where you need to background thread things, it's better to launch 1 task per file and lex/parse that file on that thread. Then you can just pass 1 pointer to the AST back to your main thread.
@Jefffrey you can't display more than 60 fps on a monitor with less than or equal to 60hz
that's about it
you're going to utterly nuke your performance trying to pass back every token individually
Yeah, sure. I guess you benchmarked it?
simple logic says that if you have a 20-file program, and each one contains just 100 tokens, then you're trying to stuff everything through this one channel.
which is totally unnecessary anyway because why would you lex in parallel and then parse in serial?
the app benq made to tweak the settings from within windows is pretty neat
too bad you're limited to presets and RGB levels and brightness/contrast only
you need to access the monitor's menu for sharpness, anti-motion blur and all that
Also I'm not sure how wide (lol) your definition of "passing back" is.
well I admit that I'm struggling to navigate your folder structure for some reason
Probably because I have too many things in include/.
but if you need to have sync in your iterator then that heavily implies that you're iterating on another thread, effectively.
so every token individually is being passed between threads.
I don't really understand why they didn't add those settings
changing presets automatically changes those unavailable stuffs like sharpness
so you can change them via the app, just not with what you want
@Puppy I have a list of tokens, and the worker thread appends elements to it.
So the synchronization is only there if the lexer is behind the parser.
why not lex and parse as a single task on the same thread?
I'm not sure I follow.
unless you have a 1-file program that's so big you need to process in parallel
it seems like you can easily achieve massive concurrency here by processing files in parallel
not running the lexer and parser in parallel.
That's another thing.
Doing one doesn't eliminate the possibility of doing the other.
no, but it does completely eliminate the prospective benefits
and is way simpler to achieve.
Also my way reduces memory footprint of the lexer. :P
all lexers should have O(1) memory footprint anyway
if you have a parser that requests tokens from the lexer you don't even need a list of tokens, the parser just consumes them as soon as they're created.
"Give me a token" "I don't want that token" - boom!, the clusterfuck similar to ungetc.
not exactly.
But hey, I think you are doing "ungetc"-ish thing in your lexer.
Peek at the token without getting it?
So I don't think that argument will do anything here.
stuff like ungetc is only awkward because iostreams are shit.
@Xeo Yep. You need a list or an ungetc-ish clusterfuck to get that :P
it's not particularly hard to implement a much more reasonable putback mechanism yourself.
@Puppy ungetc should've never existed.
It's a horrible API.
It shows you need "peek".
@Griwes Why?
well, you can get it and then put it back, or peek it, or whatever, it doesn't really matter that much.
@Xeo Well, I don't see any other ways of implementing peek.
I've got intentions to eliminate ungetc-like behaviour but it's simply not that important to me.
@Puppy See, there's where we don't agree.
So I guess we just have to agree to disagree on this issue.
well you can implement all parsers without lookahead if I recall correctly.
You sure can.
Because our points of view on the underlying issue are inherently incompatible.
and the Wide parser does not employ lookahead in the vast majority of situations already.
I don't see how you don't run into the same thing when reading the tokens from a list anyway.
fundamentally, you are doing the exact same thing- you read a token, you decide what to do with it.
When you have a list, so a buffer, I don't have to consume a token to check what it is.
I can "peek" at it.
you can peek on-demand tokens too if you really want to.
it's nothing more than eliminating the bit of the buffer you've already consumed and only using the buffer for when you really need the buffer.
So; what "ungetc" encourages is "foo = *it++;" and then deciding what to do, while my approach is "if (*it is something) { ++it; }".
iterators are shit and there's nothing that can change that.
Except they let me not deal with the unget clusterfuck.
Use monadic parsers you noobs.
you don't need iterators for that.
Sure I don't "need" them, they are just convenient to use.
first time I've heard iterators described as convenient.
anyway, you certainly don't need an underlying buffer to use that strategy.
C#'s IEnumerable would be if (enumerator.Current is something) enumerator.MoveNext(); or something like that.
and you can implement the same thing here.
Sure I can.
if (lexer.current_token is something) lexer.read_next();.
so there's no need for an underlying buffer.
I can do many things, including writing this thing in brainfuck.
It's my decision which one to choose vOv
what you clearly can't do is write it safely :P
Practice Safe Programming
it's obviously your choice, I'm just trying to say that you're making things unnecessarily difficult for yourself for no benefit whatsoever.
Well, I clearly can.
I fixed the bug, you know. :D
Difficult? Nah.
you described it as countless hours, not me :P
I could only reproduce it on one machine :P
I can tell you how many hours I spent finding sync bugs in Wide - none.
besides, I generally found that lexing and parsing weren't worth spending time on as they're so trivial
ok, next test
let's see how the IDE looks like at 1080p
I can see more code
One of my favorite books.
needs moar Romanian
Why is he orange?
Reads like misprint.
@Nooble because we believe in racial equality something and giving any person a chance to be on the cover
or something
I wish I had an active volcano.
I'll get a Romanian one someday.
A collection?
Now I wanna focus on non-Latin alphabets. Someone's gifting me a Hebrew copy in February.
@R.MartinhoFernandes what languages have you got now?
@R.MartinhoFernandes How about an... online copy!
digital collections are meh
I don't understand digital collector's editions for games
a collector's edition artbook is great because few are made and you have one
if it's digital, everyone has one
regardless of whether they even paid for it
collection value < 0
@thecosh the ones in the picture. French, English, Portuguese, Spanish, Polish, German, Latin, Mayan, Hawaiian, Occitan Limousin, Cape Verde creole, Old English and Middle English.
I wish e syntax worked for integers.
Like 1e6 would be the integer representing a million.
@R.MartinhoFernandes what's "Cape Verde creole"
It's a creole spoken in Cape Verde.
... right
Do you know what a creole is?
A terrible wiki syntax
It's a natural language evolved from a simplified Portuguese.
I can understand about two thirds of the words if I pretend a 2yo is saying them.
The natives call it "lingua berdíanu" which I guess would translate to "green language" or something.
("Verde" is Portuguese for green)
@rightføld In practice, (int)1e6 is going to do what you want.
You can have 1e6_i with UDLs, I guess.
constexpr int exp(const int lhs, const int exponent);
or something
i don't know constexpr rules
Great. It's hailing.
I've sent a p satisfying fax.
lol fax
@R.MartinhoFernandes Put it on the main viewer.
we had some snow today
Our snow melted a couple of days ago
Now it's frosty and foggy but mostly just wet and dull
Wish I could be in Spain
Tell me more about your being wet
I'm sorry, this message might be considered offensive and has been, therefore, censored. Thanks for your patience.
Is creating a custom locale seriously the only way to get a stream to use anything other than whitespace as a delimiter?
That's what you get for having something do everything.
This is weird.
ping -c 4 -W 1 | grep timeout doesn't print anything until ping has finished.
holy shit it's icy out there

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