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this is really weird... why would i be able to connect to any site except hotmail =/
@Borgleader Hotmail has issues, you don't?
@StackedCrooked gee. I'm running into bugs in Boost Container as well as GNU libstdc++...
Looks like libstdc++ doesn't have basic_string(const basic_string&, const Allocator&); constructor from §21.4.2 coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/eb56d538256fb6bb
@sehe I ran into that problem today!
@Borgleader Hmm.
@StackedCrooked Not coincidentally, since I'm working on your question. For 3 hours straight now (at least)
I managed to work around it for some cases.
Somebody suggest some fun local co-op game
@sehe Apparently the allocator stuff always comes late to the party (according to the remarks I noticed for the new string patch).
@Borgleader Did you try to turn it off and on again? :)
why isn't boost the C++ standard?
@StackedCrooked Hmmm.
@edition because the standard library is the c++ standard
@Xeo Flotilla.
@edition why is up not down?
@Xeo Sex.
@sehe Quick hack by putting a basic_string overload for the allocator::construct method.
@edition Because it can have new stuff much faster
Quicker hack is to switch to libc++ :)
@Xeo lethal league
@Xeo Let’s even start with the obvious: Trine 2.
sorry, I meant. Why isn't boost merged with the C++ standard?
First one has local I believe?
@AlexM. I was thinking about that
We just played 4h of Tower Fall: Ascension
@edition They are merged, more or less. Most of the really good boost stuff is in C++11
59 secs ago, by milleniumbug
@edition Because it can have new stuff much faster
@StackedCrooked wouch! That's another interesting case, though: boost::container node-based containers call allocator::construct with a const U* when constructing the key part of the value pair :)
I wondered why you needed the ugly C-style cast to void*. Turns out you need const_cast+static_cast :)
I still prefer C.
@StackedCrooked Not so quick for me. Lemme see agin
@edition It's being merged. Slowly
@edition aaaaaaand you're dead. Plonk
yes. And C is great.
@edition I prefer your mom.
@edition nobody here cares what you prefer
@edition Are you trying to troll here?
@LucDanton ooh, that's 85% off
worth considering
Interesting development my VM can access hotmail... what the fuck is going on
no. Stackoverflow is for work time only.
C is great at the things it's great at.
@Xeo I played the expansion recently, very much worth it as well. Or does it come included? I don’t recall.
@LucDanton Complete Story has everything, it seems
For ~2.50eur
nyang nyang nyang
I have 19h on record if that helps you make a decision.
I assume Magicka doesn’t bear mentioning?
@sehe new ((void*)u) has already become muscle memory... :
No bears mention Magicka
@StackedCrooked ew
I also cracked my knuckles
I wonder if I could ask on SuperUser for this... probably not
C-style casts never complain.
So nice and so horrible.
so horrible, and so horrible.
@StackedCrooked Anyhoops, there's a bug in Boosts scoped_allocator_adaptor vs. map<>::emplace where it leaks memory when the value container is an rvalue. Yeah, I know, you wanted to know right
@StackedCrooked Nothing nice about it
@Borgleader just check hosts, arp cache, flushdns, firewall and routing tables. Also (if browser client) cookies! Clear'em (or check another browser brand)
@sehe Cookies have been like triple cleared.
Did you retart the bowser? Triply?
Is it windoze? Rebuted?
I like cherry tarts
@sehe Currently using std::scoped_allocator_adaptor. But that's good to know.
Mmm. Something's odd with my autocorrect
I'm routinely running Valgrind also.
@StackedCrooked I couldn't make it to work yet.
fucking hell, power going out when I want to make a cuppa
@StackedCrooked It's way more complicated since it actually supports c++03 - with emulated move semantics
I have to be cold or be thirsty.
@sehe A) It affects all browsers (IE, FF, Chrome, Opera), B) I cleared my temp data inside chrome & with CCleaner, C) Windows 7, D) Ubuntu VM accesses it fine
@LightnessRacesinOrbit lol, absolutely true!
@sehe Are you looking at the problem where alloc must always be explicitly passed?
my guess is, I borked windows somehow
Or something else?
@StackedCrooked Which , of course they don't.
@StackedCrooked Nope
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I'm not even 30 and im already at stage 4
Anyone else played stonehearth?
They don't, but then it uses a default constructor allocator.
@StackedCrooked Nope. Maybe with suitably broken library implementations
Or maybe I'm overlooking something.
dat flag
> Im Sorry But This is A Rip Off Of Castle Story
Still looks super good
somebody doesn't like reading "fuck", it seems
why do people insist on shouting out that something is a rip off of something
do they feel more intelligent
@LucDanton Hm, doesn't seem like my kinda game
do they think they're somehow special
The thing is, that map["abc"] becomes map.operator[](std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, user_alloc<char>) from a place where the allocator object is not used.
@StackedCrooked My awesome answer. Or my luck finding the one path that is not completely wonked. You might prepare a proper SO question :)
@Xeo yeah someone's been flagging a lot of fuck containing messages lately. (See starboard)
@StackedCrooked I know about this. That's why that answer you referred to earlier used multi_index in the first place!
Boost Multi Index supports heterogeneous lookup (with suitable key comparer)
@Xeo Gameplay isn’t too complicated, I liked it for the flavour. It gets old fast. And, if I have to be honest about, there was a lot of Homeworld nostalgia playing into it.
@AlexM. Surely its a rip off of dwarf fortress
Honestly I kind of expect some misses as long as you don’t refine by genres or gameplay :Þ
Either way, its buggy as shit for me
@LucDanton Heh, I guess
Its in alpha still
I thought you misspelled Hearthstone at first
Idk why I even bought it. The price being in dollars makes me think its cheap
Terrible mistake. I'm going to stop buying things
@Xeo I can’t sort or filter my library by 'local co-op' now can I? That would make things easier.
@sehe So I flushed the dns and the arp cache. No effect. This is going to be annoying to fix...
eh I think I already covered everything I’ve tried actually
@StackedCrooked nope. the one that used multi_index_container like mentioned before: chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/20733536#20733536
@Borgleader traceroute, engage developer tools in bowser etc.
now I'm afraid to ask
fact is that in my code I can't seem to get rid of the explicit alloc
@StackedCrooked FWIW it looks like std::scoped_allocator_adaptor is mucho more broken than boost's
here at line 198 I have a helper lambda to pass the alloc object. If you know how to fix that then I will recognize your skill :P
so, I started using Trello
@StackedCrooked Yeah, it's gonna take some balancing act. Using multi_index_container gives you the heterogenous lookup but kills the scoped_adaptor construction goodies (which GNU libstdc++ already doesn't have in working order...)
I have PoolAllocator() = delete; at the moment.
I don't think this is exactly what it was made for
but it works
@StackedCrooked Me too. Was the first thing I did, obviously!
So the compiler will immediately complain if a default construction is attempted.
@StackedCrooked Oh well, you will not recognize my skill. You will, however, likely mistake my persistence for skill :)
.operator[] has no emplacement syntax which may be core of the problem
@sehe deleting function is so convenient
mapping[string(key, alloc)].emplace_back(value);
@StackedCrooked That's some twisted verbiage there
^^ Oh this works.
I eliminated one alloc.
Some kind of lazy evaluation technique might work.
@sehe Chrome dev tools are saying net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET.
It means the remote side sent a TCP RST segment.
as for tracert:
Tracing route to hotmail.com [] over a maximum of 30 hops:
  1     1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms
  // many timeouts
 12    61 ms    61 ms    63 ms  origin.sn148w.snt148.mail.live.com []
TCP RST is usually sent in response to a packet that is outside the sequence window. Or if traffic is sent to a port where there is no connection.
@StackedCrooked nope not with std::map interface (for operator[])
@sehe got it. I have no clue whether my life-style is rational or not and it's worrying me..
are KSP saves Steam cloud-based?
no, it seems.
Look for the 'Steam Cloud' tag alongside the things like 'Single-player', 'Steam Achievements' and so on (on the Store page).
@StackedCrooked you have no clue? Lemme help you get started with the evaluations:
> 1. Are you human? If so: , otherwise proceed to question 2.
Definitely homo sapiens.
join C
Alternatively, the 'updates' tab of the game properties is where you enable/disable Steam Cloud, if it’s available.
nope not clouded.
that sucks.
I'm doing a mass game uninstall at the moment
Installing programs is so 1990.
I would write a program that fetches the resources it needs at runtime and only when it needs them.
Lazy-evaluation installer.
I think I'll get a PS4 when FF15 gets released
And mass gaming lag.
@AlexM. So... never
Would you recommend getting Final Fantasy at this point? Or is it mostly nostalgia?
@Borgleader well it's TBA
but definitely in development
@StackedCrooked which one?
@AlexM. I know, but lately FF games all had development troubles. Hell, they redid the MMO because it was so fucking terrible.
@sehe Reminiscent of Cialdini's Influence.
I sometimes read Influence in order to get inspiration on how to change code practices at work.
FF XV looks cool but I'm not sure what I feel about the boy band theme img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130624153716/finalfantasy/images/…
@AlexM. Dunno. I'm a total noob.
@StackedCrooked Final Fantasy XIII and XIII-2 are on Steam
and are cheap
get XIII-2 if it's your first
it's a sequel but you don't need to know the story
it's much better than XIII for newcomers
otherwise you'll drop XIII the first time you notice that it's a game that consists of tunnels
(1 hour in)
I don't really recommend FF games older than FF VIII
I could never get over FF VII's graphics
my favorite is IX
but it's PS1 only and was never ported to anything else
I use the MSVC compiler.
@StackedCrooked Really. I get kinda turned off by the politics in those texts
Well, I don't read it for long.
Only the table of contents actually.
Scott's benchmark for std::function vs virtual methods. std::function begin slower makes sense.
Yet, they turned out to be faster in my benchmarks.
I suck at benchmarking.

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