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right now I'm sitting at a 4 years old 19" 1440x900
which is crap to say the least
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Have you never been talking to someone and made the quotes symbol with your hands when you said a certain word? Chances are you have. Quotes are used in the same way occasionally when writing. — Robert 2 mins ago
he's digging a hole
I need a monitor to assign to a raspberry pi, and instead of buying some "somewhat cheap" monitor, I might as well upgrade my main and use the 19" for the pi
I wonder if I'll get any noticeable fps drops when switching to 1080p
gtx 760 is in theory overkill for 900p
Why do you need an exclusive monitor for RPi
it's an excuse to upgrade my monitor I don't want to get my main desk crowded
It's a waste of screen
Never enough screen
19" near a 27" would look bad anyway
I like my desk more if it's pretty
Are we talking about d- oh, nevermind, screen sizes.
Better to sell it if you really don't need it
And buy a dual-input one for RPi
I exclusively remote with my RPi.
sell it for what, $10
it's a piece of junk
I couldn't even donate it, it's too old
I feel uneasy when I think of donating old equipment
what if it breaks soon after
I'd feel better buying new hardware and giving the guy the warranty stuff too :<
I feel uneasy when donating food. What if it tastes bad?
that's not the same thing
Well yes food can't break
So I had to find an analogy
Also there's no warranty on food usually
or are you suggesting that hardware lasts forever and continuous usage doesn't matter for shit
I'm suggesting that donating is enough, caring about whether it breaks or not is out of your concern
of course it is
if the hardware gets to some kid
I don't want him to feel disappointed
because it happens to break shortly thereafter
and there's no way around it (e.g. warranty)
Better have him not disappointed by not donating?
better not contribute to his disappointment
Well with that logic...
also the disappointment of not having something you want is much lower than the disappointment of getting what you want only to see it breaking soon after
Then yeah, don't donate
I have the opposite reasoning.
Nobody expects warranty on donated equipment
Did we have a warranty coming with Bartek? I don't think so
Go modern with e-quipment!
We're not replacing him if he breaks.
It's already showing some signs of age
> It
poor Bartek
I heard he had a job.
He can't be that poor.
he's a gamedev, so his money/singleton ratio should be high, yes
>money/singleton ratio
what have you done
fuck you markdown
@AlexM. low
wait, should it be low
They call it Common Mark because that’s what they think of you.
5 minute write latency on a column family. Yup, that was MINUTES not SECONDS. It's fiiiiiiine.
I'm super excited for this project running Hadoop/Cassandra
Q: What can cause blurry and out of focus images on a Nikon D5300 in no flash mode?

krishI am using a Nikon D5300 with 18mm-300mm lens. My problem is that the camera is not working properly in "No flash" mode - in all other modes it's working well. Mostly I am using manual settings, but in no flash mode manual and automatic are having the same effect: the image is blurry and not focu...

dat photo
Q: 1- 8 66-978-6819 Gmail help number-Gmail Helpline

ab clsupport for Gmail help number-Gmail Helpline gmail account recovery cell phone gmail account recovery contact numbe rgoogle account recovery phone number google account recovery phone number changed hotmail account recovery phone number gmail deleted account recovery add new gmail address to exis...

I'm having an erection at the thought of sleeping.
Sleep deprivation is a bad thing.
Q: FileCopy() failed with "file not found" on Japanese Windows OS

Anil8753I have a console program that takes source and target file paths as command line. Paths are passed as UTF8 strings. I'm calling this exe and passing arguments from a ruby script. I'm receiving UTF8 file paths as char** argv and converting them to WCHAR strings using MultiByteToWideChar(). Now I'm...

lol UTF-8 command line on Windows
"Have you tried not being Japanese"
@TimPietzcker: Or she. — Lightness Races in Orbit 5 secs ago
@ParkYoung-Bae This "Anil" guy doesn't look very Japanese to me, but hey
"Price for a room (11 nights) = 2600€ - 2400€ rebate = 200€"
ok, set up my holiday leave
looks like a nice 2 week holiday starting on the 20th
Alex let's do a gypsy wedding.
@ParkYoung-Bae wtf
@rightføld I'm all in for the gypsy music and dances!
@AlexM. 20th-4th for me.
1 week in berlin
@Xeo yup, same here
@CatPlusPlus Are you serious?
on a more serious note, I've never heard anyone say "nah, sorry, if you only have pepsi I'll take sprite instead"
@AlexM. lol
@AlexM. say it yourself.
I'm not bothering with any holiday leave this year
@bamboon Yes and no
@AlexM. I might do that some time soon just to see the reaction
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I am, but only because it's basically Vacation I'd be losing.
why are you taking your holiday on a table?
@AlexM. In Dutch the conversation would go something like this:
> Doe maar Coca-Cola.
> We hebben alleen Pepsi, is dat ook goed?
> Ja krijg dan godverdomme de ebolakankertering man.
@CatPlusPlus Why yes and why no?
"we have only Pepsi; is dat okay good?
Protip if you want Coca-Cola per se go to a place that serves Heineken.
@rightføld so "Ja krijg dan godverdomme de ebolakankertering man." means "Yes."
got it
brb, adding Dutch to my linkedin profile
More like "fuck off" :v
It literally means "Yeah, fucking get the ebola cancer tuberculosis, man.".
@R.MartinhoFernandes IME it doesn't work that way.
@rightføld this looks tasty en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kapsalon
It is tasty.
Yummy kapsalon.
Dutch cuisine at its finest.
Q: Xor of two or more integers

ascenderCan anyone please tell the code to find xor of two or more integers in c++ or java?If possible please explain the logic to find xor of two integers.Thanx in advance.

You know there's no happy end when , and are combined
tchou tchou
@ParkYoung-Bae fairly common practice I would say
@ParkYoung-Bae no japanese
I wanted to hear some kawaii as fuck choo choo
@LucDanton Chugga!
Sorry, I don't speak Alien.
@rightføld Right, forgot you guys used this weird mutant language.
<meta charset="…"> is so horrible.
What moron thought it was a good idea to specify the charset encoding in the document itself i don't even
isn't there an HTTP header for that?
@Puppy if only it were required
It's basically a second-level fallback for HTTP Content-Type
seems pretty reasonable
@EtiennedeMartel Fail
@EtiennedeMartel What's that in English?
"Click here to browse the 0 offers for sale this week"
Right, right.
@Mgetz wtf?
@MarcoA. I don't know, there is no way I can see that getting added to the c standard. Mostly because it would break tons of existing standard safe code. But also because it fails to deliver any sort of meaningful benefit. A more Rustish approach would probably be better.
@Mgetz This is so gonna crash and burn.
qué pasa
@EtiennedeMartel yep, it doesn't deal with even half the things it needs to, like automatic lifetime duration.
> ++numRatites; //pre-increment is faster when working with objects
How... relevant.
@Mgetz lol
This initWhatever/deleteWhatever thing is weird, too.
in other words, constructors-but-crappy
> Add this, class, and public to the list of reserved keywords.
So, public, but no protected or private?
I get the weird feeling this guy didn't really think about the whole thing.
@EtiennedeMartel protected would imply inheritance
presumably private by default and fuck protected, but it's still pretty odd
@EtiennedeMartel which would break a ton existing code, GTK/Glib uses those works extensively
Also, which problem is this trying to solve?
I find it odd
Only N1875?
Do people not propose things to C?
smells like objective-c ;0
@Rapptz Nope
Q: Are classes truly a current proposal for the next C standard?

John HollyI found a mismatch between dates on a posting and the dates in the documents at this page: http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/documents I downloaded the most recent tarball and was reading about a class implementation for C. It was authored by someone from Sun in '95. My question is ar...

C++ is already at like N5000 soon.
1995 was the first proposal of Classes in C
Classes would ruin C
@Rapptz C does what it's supposed to do well.
@Rapptz C++ uses the jewish calendar
It's portable assembly.
I don't really agree with that.
C still gets updated.
const char* c = "Don't ruin me with your std::string";
Mostly library stuff.
They added keywords and stuff to the CPP.
And, what, _Generic?
Thing is, there doesn't seem to be as much interest in C as in C++.
Well they have _Static_assert too
and other things
@Rapptz declspec decltype etc?
I don't get their obsession with that casing, they're really afraid of breaking changes.
those didn't really conflict with much
declspec isn't a keyword.
C++ was in that hole too a few years back, but then C++11 happened and now it's a hype fest.
Microsoft extension.
C++11 was a WIP for 10+ years.
@R.MartinhoFernandes -1: No video
@Rapptz Yeah, but remember: betwee C++03 and C++11, not much happened in C++ land.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit If it was St. Petersburg, Russia, there'd be dash cams.
@EtiennedeMartel Sure, except for all of C++11
Still took a while.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh, blah, I thought it was
fucking name stealing
@LightnessRacesinOrbit ikr
@EtiennedeMartel Internally there was a lot of WIP.
What I'm getting at is this: people did not get hyped for C++. It was seen as an old language.
it did seem odd that a "Tampa Bay" (why are you naming your bays after tampons, guys?) news website would care so much about Russian tractor racing
I think anyone who followed C++ remotely a little knew about C++0x.
@EtiennedeMartel That's simply not true
I think C++0x was pretty hyped up.
and even if it were, the situation has not changed now just because of C++11/14/17
the idiotic management layer is still obsessed with Java and C# and all that shite
@R.MartinhoFernandes Wow nobody got shot
@LightnessRacesinOrbit A release every three year is pretty huge for a design-by-committee language with a lot of legacy to lug around.
@EtiennedeMartel Well C has gone through C89, C99 and C11 and only has internally about 1.8k papers.
@CatPlusPlus well they did have to taser him which I find amusing
Which is what I found odd
@EtiennedeMartel I didn't suggest otherwise
but that alone does not hype create
@Rapptz Again, because nobody cares about C. It just works.
Guess C committee is not interested in further clusterfucking their language unlike some other language designers
augh you know what I'm not in the mood for another debate with a troll
("nobody" is hyperbolic, but you get the point)
not everything in C++11 is great, but there are a few winners in there
@LightnessRacesinOrbit are you being racist towards trolls?
wot u gonna do about it mate
I think there aren't that many faults in C++11 compared to the positives.
that's being generous.
@Rapptz "a few", though "few" would be more accurate
(comparing to C++98 anyway)
OH @bobpoekert "So our Elasticsearch cluster encountered 100% data loss on Friday... the master forced all other nodes to delete their data"
@MarcoA. are you being racist towards people being racist towards trolls?
the only language features in C++11 that really make a big difference to me are auto, lambdas, and rvalue refs.
Variadic templates?
don't really care.
@Puppy Same for me
sadly puppy is right once again
Man you're lame.
and a couple of them are just "We're patching up what the C committee did when on crack", like nullptr.
decltype is good, I like trailing return type (improved in C++14), constexpr makes things easier (improved in C++14), variadic templates makes things less of a nightmare.
most uses of variadics are better done either through binding at the call site with lambdas, or core language features.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I thought you didn't like auto.
Expression SFINAE is as sane as SFINAE will get.
which is not saying much
@CatPlusPlus Is this serious
@R.MartinhoFernandes I never said I didn't like auto (and meant it)
and also I hardly make any use of SFINAE.
@Puppy Plus all the library stuff that in turn requires you to have more language features. And I’ve seen you complain in the past about magic stuff that the user doesn’t have access to, so would you have put up with magic tuples?
I despise AAA and I think people who use auto at least half as much as AAA requires are mental
but it has its uses
if I had to pick just three features that I actually liked, I'd drop auto and add ranged-for
@ParkYoung-Bae Yes :v
Distributed systems! woooooooooooo
@LucDanton I'm not aware of any library features that I really care about that depend on any new core feature except rvalue refs.
though the fact that ranged-for interacts with the various erasure idioms we are forced into using with precisely zero effectiveness is quite the limitation
@CatPlusPlus Impressive
@Puppy SFINAE and variadics go far.
SFINAE is not new
He's not saying it is
I'm not saying he's saying it is
I'm not saying you said that he's saying he is.
and, to be fair, you're not saying I'm saying he's saying it is
I'm saying you're both terrible.
@LucDanton Maybe they do, but that's for other people.
Who cares about other people.
also, most usees of variadics I've seen could be replaced with lambdas.
No one said you're not saying that.
other people
well done Bartosz
good job
also the SFINAE changes I don't really think are that big of a deal.
yup, it ends here ;0
Weee I can shit at home again :D
weee or shit?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit drain blockage is fixed
spent three days needing to run elsewhere to poop
@R.MartinhoFernandes When you open with "The only features that make a real difference to me are", it's kinda implied that you're discussing what impacts you.
I have no idea where I'd go in such a scenario. That's .... scary.
@Puppy When that is what makes them count as "winners"
Well, someone else can finish that sentence.

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