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I thought it was the movie with the blind guy and the school at the end
I forgot the name
I suck at movies
a potato
I feel the 9gag stench from here
@Jefffrey What about her?
Are you in love with her?
@Jefffrey She's 15, dude.
Sort yourself out.
How is that relevant to the question?
love knows no boundaries
aww her SO profile no longer exists
Are you trying to avoid the question?
Is it because the answer is "yes"?
I think it's plonkity plonk time when you begin accusing others of paedofilia, @Jefffrey.
it's not paedofilia
Well, yes, it would be.
No, it would be ephebophilia you moron.
Ephebophilia is the primary or exclusive adult sexual interest in mid-to-late adolescents, generally ages 15 to 19. The term was originally used in the late 19th to mid 20th century. It is one of a number of sexual preferences across age groups subsumed under the technical term chronophilia. Ephebophilia strictly denotes the preference for mid-to-late adolescent sexual partners, not the mere presence of some level of sexual attraction. Some authors define ephebophilia as a sexual preference for pubescent and adolescent boys. In research environments, specific terms are used for chronophilias: for...
damn I was too slow
Clearly I was right the first time
> chronophilia
I want to have sex with time too, sometimes.
> plonkity plonk
haha, "plonkitty" only just spotted that
You don't have to declare your plink plonks.
Nobody cares.
No but I choose to.
oh fuck this fucking singleton, how do you even pass a parameter at construction
where the fuck is the constructor here
who wrote this
@AlexM. Through the generator dude
but it's like
SomeShit::GetInstance() which creates the singleton if it doesn't exist
you want me to pass those things all the time
I'm sorry that singletons sucking is coming as such a shock to you
you don't pass parameters to the constructor of a singleton
I'm too young to go through this
You're too young not to
how would that even work
@Jefffrey yes, that's sort of my point too
You're getting Bogdan in all the technical details
there's an annoying circular dependency here
You don't have to lazy-init singletons
and I want to remove it
and everything is a singleton
maybe I can pass the things as parameters when needed only, ugh
Ripping out singletons is a lot of refactoring work
Imagine concurrency and two thread that do: Singleton::getInstance(true) and Singleton::getInstance(false) and a lazy-init singleton.
excuse me but may I just briefly draw everyone's attention to my amazing joke
Just create it at the start of main
Have fun, fucker.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit lol
@Jefffrey Ehm, that's no worse than having non-thread-safe singleton in the first place, dumbass
Beautiful person.
@AlexM. thank you
If your singletons' get_instance is not thread-safe then you have bigger problems than a race of whoever gets to construct first
Yes, like I just asid
> acid
disa pisa
@CatPlusPlus I think the issue is
well it's like this
@CatPlusPlus That's exactly why that should be immediately refactored into function-local statics that are beautiful since C++11.
i like how our office appears to have a 28.8k internet connection
there's MyShittySingletonA which has a property that is very much needed by MyShittySingletonB
MyShittySingletonA calls MyShittySingletonB's crap
and MyShittySingletonB calls inspectors from MyShittySingletonA to get that property
Stop talking about singletons, I'm very sensitive.
Trigger warning: Singletons
and as far as I know MyShittySingletonA's methods get called from multiple threads or w/e
I feel like I'm going to faint if you mention singletons one more time.
define: stfu
@Jefffrey singletons
I have to explore further but first I want to get rid of the dependency
but shouldn't there be just ONE singleton?
a... singlesingleton?
it's a polytheistic codebase
how many universes are there
no wait that's for god objects
the fuck just happened?
you fainted babe
What made you come back btw?
I really missed you the first week you were gone.
I've even tried to send you an email to make you come back.
Honestly? Abject boredom.
I didn't have enough people to troll, without the Lounge.
Admit it. You missed me.
I did miss Robot a bit.
It's really all about me.
> propitiatory
Did you miss sehe?
Words are hard
wodrs are hard
@Jefffrey Still do.
I'm about to be backstabbed by both of my allies.
Also, :S people implementing queues on Nomic.
Q: What's the real ”point” of pointers?

BrendanI've programmed in Java quite a bit, and have dabbled in C++ before. I've read about pointers in various C++ books, and done the various examples in books. I understand the pointer basics, but one thing has never been clear to me. What is the real world application of pointers? I mean, in what ...

@R.MartinhoFernandes Yes, that's a terrible idea.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit should be "decompilator"
> but it is often useful.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Do you think it was a mess when there were 3-4 proposals at the same time?
There still "are".
@Jefffrey Yes
What do you think we should do then?
Remove parallel proposals?
Dunno, removing the turn ordering per se is a good idea, but having all this stuff going on at once is not
tbh I wanted some serialisation too
wtf finally getting into the day (sort of) and it's almost dark
cosh's thing sounds complicated though
What happened to Lounge<Nomic> gus
Also where did gus go I haven't seen him in months
I'd just not let people submit things to be voted on if there's already a thing getting voted on
so vote on a proposal to do that
did i do it right?
You don't do anything right
@CatPlusPlus That is basically removing parallel proposals.
A turn is basically only voting now.
turns out, no kitties today. :(
the management lady got an urgent appointment or something, so, tomorrow.
> Can't be a non-private IP Address.
Google OAuth redirect settings
Who wrote that
I see why SESE was a thing
if you have shitty codebase in C where functions have 1kLoC, knowing that there's only one return there can be helpful
also lol "kLoC" /cc @Cat
"Today I wrote five totally killer lines of code", dude.
People will think you're weird if you keep making jokes like that!
Not as weird as if I'd answered "yes" to Jefffrey's question
it's RELATIVITY dood
send your disbelief through a wmrohole plzkthx
Its cold
@Ell Get a coat
He meant winter's cold.
winter's cold is the cold of our discount tents
i'm deliriously tired today
and this lag is doing my nut in
I know that feeling.
I spend too much time high on exhaustion.
A: Converting Batch File to C++

seheThis is roughly the only sane answer I can think of: #include <cstdlib> #include <fstream> int main(){ std::ofstream("batch.cmd") << R"~VERBATIM~( @echo off echo ********************************************** echo * Internet Connection Verification Tool * echo * This will take 10-2...

Let's see if SO appreciates my half-troll answer
it might not be that hard to remove this singleton after all, hmm
i really need to learn the Alt code for zero-width space
repeated jokes ain't that funny
@BartekBanachewicz :)
@BartekBanachewicz wut
repeated jokes ain't that funny
Apparently I'm out of touch. Who repeated my joke?
lol apparently when it comes to creating an instance for this singleton there's this assumption at play that an instance already exists and a delete is done on it
and it happens to be true because its clients satisfy that "condition"
that's like assuming a hooker won't give you HIV because she's so ugly you hope she's never actually been with anyone else
@Jefffrey you might want to vote btw
true! but (0 == '') is true too in c programming. — Kevin Constantine 1 min ago
@sehe "copy the code into string and run it"
Q: Is it self-plagiarism to reuse my own unpublished material?

gerritIf I reuse unpublished work in new unpublished work, would this be considered self-plagiarism? Examples would be: Use the same paragraph of text in more than one cover letter for job applications Use the same unpublished results in more than one funding application I would usually say better...

Wait... you mean that's not you? Are others using fake avatars?! — Wikis 4 hours ago
@BartekBanachewicz oh well I didn't see it was already mentioned then
What if they're 5 years old? Or people with mental issues? Please, I do not want to get into why I cannot use modules, I'm just looking for a technical solution. — binarez 6 mins ago
ITT people teaching 5yolds / people with mental issues Typescript
it's almost xmas wee
can't wait to go back home
Ah, the old "opening/editing/looking at/printing/talking to a JPEG will degrade it" myth that just won't seem to die on this site. — Lightness Races in Orbit 18 secs ago
@BartekBanachewicz lol
> talking to a jpeg
@AlexM. delete on nullptr is no-op
should it not cause an access violation or sth?
I did not know that
then you forgot to read page -99999 of your C++ book
I didn't even realise what you meant with that comment at the time, because the truth is so ridiculous
er, hth
please, I don't read C++ books, I observe Scott Meyers's hair and absorb knowledge indirectly
I just did not observe it enough today
so I need to watch one of his videos
I'm gonna go buy beer
tbh the C++ delete 0 no-op is a bit weird. it's unlike C++ to forcibly move the conditional check out of userland and into the runtime. like, what if i know i don't need it?
why would you make delete on nullptrs no-op
most peculiar decision.
i wonder whether the implementors facepalmed over that
Because free(nullptr) is no-op too
ok let's shift the argument on to free
I guess C is a little less that way inclined than C++
I don't ask questions about C
so the argument evaporates partially
To make free(malloc()) always well-defined I guess
yeah that's really useful code i can see why you'd optimise for it
at the expense of "don't pay for what you don't use"
I like null checks
They upset game developers
I always if (thing is not null) delete thing; :\
I had no idea it was no-op otherwise lol
Gamedevs never do.
I need a programming job
welp, my dependency removal is almost done, all that's left is to figure out why this thing that saves and loads things needs to contact the UI and tell it to hide/show things
guess anything is possible when everything is a GetInstance() call away
I watched one brain surgery on YT, now its suggesting a ton of them for me to watch :(
@R.MartinhoFernandes The SAFE_DELETE macro in our codebase attests to this... sigh
@CatPlusPlus ;p
@Xeo ouch
@AlexM. Which is funny because it being not null is the problematic case
well, suppose i might as well bugger off now
But you can't check if a pointer is deletable
@AlexM. lol
@Xeo You should change it to use IsBadWritePtr
Fucking Nomic I don't know what's happening anymore. Nobody noticed that I should've had proposal-by-default posted
I can't remember all this stuff
@CatPlusPlus wat
What are you even talking about.
Stop drinking.
cosh's turn ended on #317 you butt
His next one was parallel to mine
See you can't fucking keep this straight either
@Xeo Fortunately, I can attest that I don't have a single delete in my codebase.
He's right. Stop drinking, Cat.
but I just finished drinking
a cup of Coke
Okay please tell me which proposals were voted for in turn 15 and 16
We should reference the posted proposals in the log though.
We need to talk to @thecosh.
If he hadn't fucked up the turn numbers this wouldn't have happened.
Just look at that.
Jesus christ okay
#314: Jefffrey, last one before parallel turns
#315: Robot's main
#316: Robot's parallel cancelled
Robot cancelled it.
do I want shower tray in the bathroom or just tiles and glass directly on them
so you guys approved parallel turns and now can't figure out who's turn it is?
#317: coshman's main
@Puppy Cat drinks way too much vodka.
@Puppy I can.
#318: Robot's parallel
> thecoshman started a parallel turn
#319: Jeffrey's parallel
317 and 318 are parallel to mine.
if only you had some kind of ... thing, that could store information, and calculate whose turn it is.
you are doing this wrong
and then display that information to the user.
It's written there.
Didn't you guys have XXXa, XXXb etc for parallel turns?
Ok, I'm gonna fix the log from 314 onwards.
Fine whatever
@Xeo that was thecosh out of some sense of... something.
He said it was better.
Some sense of ... order?
I can't play with this parallel turn nonsense
@Xeo Bite your tongue! How dare you use language like that?
No. Some sense of overengineering things for no reason.
@JerryCoffin Coulda been worse, he could have suggested automating it.
iunno, keeping parallel turns tied to the main turn makes some kinda sense, at least to me as an outsider.
I also like how the parallel turns proposal was meant to actually institute sequential turns in the future.
Approved unanimously; now I'm the only one that doesn't mind it.
I don't know why I voted for
@Puppy With Dicsource? Sounds...painful.
Well, someone should fix it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes You're the only one with enough parallel processors to handle it.
And by that I mean, not making it even more complex like that queue bullshit.
I'd rather have one turn per week
@CatPlusPlus One turn per microsecond. If you miss more than two consecutive turns, you're booted from the game.
@CatPlusPlus There, the log is fixed now.
Seriously, this is turning into a distributed consensus problem
You can see when everybody took what turn
I already checked the dates, you were right, sorry
@R.MartinhoFernandes I don't mind it either. It was a bit of a chaos at the beginning because of the explosion of proposals, but now it's calm enough.
It sucks and I don't like it
Oh fuck. If we approve your #323 thecosh will have to judge what happens to existing parallel turns and he's a terrible Judge.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Don't start parallel turns now.
Problem solved :P
You already did
Mine will be gone if mine is accepted :/
lol, we suck.
I don't think it needs judgement really
Proposals don't work retroactively, so the move was legal at the time
Not that I expect you to vote for since you like it
I'm voting for.
I like the original turn structure vOv.
So I guess I should remove §324
Amend 201 to allow skipping whole turns and I'm good.
I'll vote against, but I'll probably be the only one so at this point I can just cancel §324 turn to just make it slide.
@thecoshman Will you vote for or against Cat's proposal?
Well if it doesn't pass then I'm not doing any more bookkeeping :v
I would actually be ok to keep it down now. I have a lot of stuff to do, and also factorio is eating my time like there was no tomorrow.
I might actually vote for.
Actually, in Terrence Parr's mind, it stands for Anti-LR. At least I remember an interview with him, where he admitted that this connotation was no accident. He said he created ANTLR specifically because he felt that the near-total focus on LR parsing was a big mistake, and he got fed up telling everybody that LR sucks and nobody listening, so he decided to create the world's best parser generator, crush all the others and leave only LL standing ... or something like that. — Jörg W Mittag Nov 4 '10 at 10:26
@Puppy Do you use a parser generator? Or do you parse manually?
@FredOverflow he's a fucking animal, of course he parses like an animal

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