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@RMartinhoFernandes newer ones work with sane network settings though
pretty sure plain ds lite's aren't sold any more
@jalf Doesn't make the one I bought disappear.
Some asshole flagged a link to the wikipedia article for Tintin.
@RMartinhoFernandes but it does mean that it's irrelevant whether or not it's allowed to be sold.
@sbi the anti-lawyer
@jalf I'm assuming the sale of WEP-only devices is still allowed. The DS is just the example I can easily remember.
Hehe, "design patterns mafia".
How do you acquire a Win32 mutex?
EnterCriticalSection or something.
That's for critical sections.
I believe it's just WaitForSingleObject
Yep, that's what my MSDN browsing indicated.
Dammit, I hate the automatic @notification removal in comments. That makes me look like a teenager that doesn't believe in capitals starting sentences.
I have a C function that takes a char* and I need to pass it a string literal, what's the best way to do it? Like so: char * string = "somestring"; func(string); ?
or should my string be const ?
but then I have to a const_cast, which is probably not a good idea... (not sure)
Dunno. C const is weak. It's mostly just documentation.
It doesn't spit out compilation errors like crazy if you mess up.
Or maybe I got that wrong.
should my project's exception class really inherit from std::exception? I don't really care for the std::exception's members, and would like to start from scratch, is this ok, or a sign of "bad design"?
Don't listen too seriously to me. I've been awake for some time now.
@rubenvb There's no requirement for inheriting from it. You can throw anything. (I usually write throw 42; as a stub implementation that I want to flesh out later).
I think there's a question about this somewhere.
yeah probably, but you guys have ... stronger... opinions :)
shouldn't all STL containers/exceptions really be final (in a theoretical sense, practically this would break too much code)
Not exceptions.
@RMartinhoFernandes the standard ones inherit non-virtually (I just read in the comments to this answer: stackoverflow.com/a/1669558/256138)
@rubenvb depends on how you want your exceptions to behave (if I catch std::exception, should it also catch yours?)
@jalf ideally, if I'm using my own base class, I would make sure that no "foreign"/STL exceptions are thrown outside my library, but then again, maybe that's foolish
people often expect library exceptions to derive from std::exception by default, but plenty of libraries do otherwise, so it's not an unbreakable rule, just "if you have no reason to do otherwise, derive from the std one"
You can derived all your exceptions from std::exception virtually and not from the others.
That solves the MI issues.
would it be evil to name my exception class "error"?
and then have "syntax_error" "build_error" etc...
I think that's a pretty reasonable name.
sorry if these Q's are stupid, I've been juggling with return codes and a global error state for now
That's actually what the standard exceptions use.
Morning all
logic_error, length_error, etc.
(Ooops, out_of_error is not an exception).
@RMartinhoFernandes ah yes, guess I'm still waking up :)
Q: CPP: Escaping macro identifiers

user1075072Is there a way to escape macro names (identifiers) in a c pre processor (cpp) ? I want to conditionalize some web code (html, css...) with readable macro names. Example for a conditional css file: /*root*/ some rootcode #if height==480 /* height 480 */ .page { line-height:23px; } #elif h...

Gosh, some people inflict upon themselves the C preprocessor for things other than C and C++.
in my library, I'm using exceptions not derived from std::exception because it's important that the user doesn't catch them.
He might steal them!
@jalf why is that?
@jalf On a serious note, why would that be?
You don't let them escape to user code? (modulo bugs)
it's for my STM lib. I need some way to rollback everything done by the user, and the only sane way to do it is to throw an exception, let it unwind everything done in the transaction before I catch it
Ah, so, you catch them all. pokémon_exception.
you don't want to know what my catch clauses look like
it's probably 40 lines of code with something like 6 or 7 catch clauses all for the same one-line try block
I don't think there's a less nastier way of doing it.
is there a good way to store a couple of strings+size_t's (line numbers) "emitted" from an arbitrary function in a class and output the list of them only after the calling function finishes? I mean without passing a warning_list object around to all sub-functions that might add an element?
well, you could have some global (thread-local) stack or something which functions can push messages onto. But I'd think it was cleaner to just pass some parameter to subfunctions
the parameter could just be an iterator (std::back_inserter?)
@jalf typedef'ed then to avoid templated functions for no good reason I suppose.
OK thanks. <off to do some hard-needed refactoring>
is wrapping all of main in try catch a good thing (I mean before the first opening brace)?
int main() try {/*......*/} catch(...) {/*...*/}? Is that allowed syntax?
Yes, that's valid. I don't know how it changes semantics.
> I would like to be able to use the devIL library for a project I am working on, but for some reason I cannot get it set up correctly.
@RMartinhoFernandes is that the entire question?
@awoodland No, but that's the part that sounds funny.
If you miss the "library" word. It's not that funny otherwise.
I should be sleeping.
msvc is making it very hard to initialize my map<enum,string> at compile-time (ie pre-static initialization
wow, clang doesn't have it either. Crap
eh, if I let the wankers on Meta dictate my behavior on SO I'd have stopped posting long ago
"wankers" == an awesome word.
As in, "a wunch of bankers".
Prelude> sum [1..]
<interactive>: getMBlocks: VirtualAlloc MEM_COMMIT failed: The paging file is too small for this operation to complete.
Why the fuck did I think this was a good idea?
And then I wondered for a couple seconds why everything suddenly stopped.
anybody good in permutation (Maths) here? . I need some help
@user411102 depends :)
So can I ask question here of maths? It's actually confusion on which I need help.
@user411102 there's always chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/36/mathematics but chances are you'll get too good of an answer :)
@RMartinhoFernandes what did you do?
@jalf I asked GHCi to sum an infinite list of numbers.
Then it ate all my memory, started thrashing like crazy, everything stopped for a couple minutes, and then it blew up when the page file overflew.
I wonder why it didn't optimize it into a loop.
Hmm this templated code ended up doing Kahan summation on integer types
@user411102 the guys here are the best on permutation
Hmm, MSVC10 chokes on union _{__long _; __short __;}; What could its use be?
it's the second single underscore that conflicts with the name of the union I think
error C2380: type(s) preceding '_' (constructor with return type, or illegal redefinition of current class-name?)
maybe I could add some more underscores :)
or remove the first one?
What is that?
line 1100 in libc++'s <string>. I don't know anything more :p
Removing the first underscore seems to ... work
@RMartinhoFernandes That's an abomination, if you ask me.
@rubenvb Name of the union is the same as the name of the __long member?
> If you want something done right, learning from the Nazis isn't enough. You have to actually put them in charge. — Black Hat Guy
hey, its nice to see a bunch of people in here. im looking for some emergency C++ help. other than craigslist, what are my options? specifically, im looking for someone that can help me out with some arduino code
im really not sure how much of it can be done remotely really, but thats always an option if i can't source any local help
@CaseyYee what does "emergency C++ help" mean? "I need someone to write me a program", or "I need to learn C++ in a hurry", or "I need to pass an exam next week"?
Woo, rep cap.
anyone familiar enough with BGL to tell me if there's a better way of making a grid_graph have a neighbourhood size of 8 (default is 4) than copying it into a mutable graph and manually adding lots of edges?
I never seem to both answering C++ questions anymore. I should try a desktop notifier for new C++ questions. That might trigger me to answer some questions and gain some rep.
I try to answer every answer that I can answer.
You answer answers?
I meant question.
It's still morning here
@jalf i need someone to help write code for me
@CaseyYee If you got a question, ask it on SO.
@RMartinhoFernandes you type as a http link :/
@CaseyYee It's still unclear to me what we're talking about. Would this person be working for you as an employee, or helping you with your homework, or what kind of "write code" are we talking about?
Hmm, seems like it doesn't work on edits.
there's also a bit of a contradiction between "help" and "for me". Is the person helping you write code, or writing code for you?
Not trying to be a dick, but the answer really depends on what you want/need
meh, I'm using std::remove_if with std::string::iterator and it says it cannot deduce template arguments for std::string::iterator
I usually get it if I'm mixing iterator types
bool remove(char c) { return ":" || "\\"; } std::remove_if(mystring.begin(), mystring.end(), remove);
like calling an algorithm with one iterator and one const iterator
Looks fine.
if this is MSVC, check the output pane, it has much more precise information
'std::remove_if' : cannot deduce template argument as function argument is ambiguous
like what the types actually are
'_FwdIt std::remove_if(_FwdIt,_FwdIt,_Pr)' : could not deduce template argument for '_FwdIt' from 'std::_String_iterator<_Elem,_Traits,_Alloc>'
1>        with
1>        [
1>            _Elem=char,
1>            _Traits=std::char_traits<char>,
1>            _Alloc=std::allocator<char>
1>        ]
this is the exact error
so _Elem is of type char
I don't see a problem
Rename it.
Trust me.
right, seems to be the issue
hmmm strange
remove() deletes a name from the file system. It calls unlink(2) for files, and rmdir(2) for directories. If the removed name was the last link to a file and no processes have the file open, the file is deleted and the space it was using is made available for reuse. If the name was the last link to a file, but any processes still have the file open, the file will remain in existence until the last file descriptor referring to it is closed. If the name referred to a symbolic link, the link is removed. If the name referred to a socket, FIFO, or device, the name is removed, but processes which have the object open may continue to use it.
You're overloading this.
And getting it into the TU from some stdlib include.
I rule.
With concepts this could be avoided.
Or with a proper module system.
I see
well, good we have a robot here :)
@RMartinhoFernandes If only C++ had this...
@RMartinhoFernandes if you qualify the call with a namespace it would be avoided too
@awoodland Shush. I want modules.
Yeah, fuck the preprocessor.
C++ has a retarded compilation model.
@awoodland Also, it wouldn't be an overload if both functions weren't in the same namespace. So that would require making a namespace in the first place.
Sometimes I think .NET's "everything in a namespace" approach is better.
@EtiennedeMartel Er, there's no such rule.
(Yes, I know Java did it first with "everything in a package")
@RMartinhoFernandes true and with the whole stdio.h vs cstdio thing it's a bit of a mess guessing where it'll be
@RMartinhoFernandes It's more of a convention.
It just happened that there was no legacy crap to support.
@TonyTheLion You know, I should have told you to ask it as an SO question. My answer would have made a killing.
@RMartinhoFernandes But any .NET programmer who does not put code in a namespace is going to burn at the stakes.
@EtiennedeMartel Maybe. Maybe not. I guess some just do it accidentally because VS puts namespaces in the default file templates.
@RMartinhoFernandes hahah :P rep whore :P
Also, modules make nice namespaces.
@TonyTheLion Actually, now that I think about it, I hit the rep cap an hour ago.
Can you ask it tomorrow? :)
Well, the end result is that nobody puts code in the global namespace.
Yeah, that's good.
And the global namespace is named!
I don't know if that's useful.
namespace g { namespace l { namespace o { namespace b { namespace a { namespace l { } } } } } }
In truth, there are no namespaces in .NET. Those are just a language feature. In the CLR everything has really long names, basically.
namespace u { namespace g { namespace l { namespace y { } } } } // you ain't got no alibi
heh, some code a coworker just came across in our code base: if (foo() == '\0'), where foo returns a const char*
now, technically, that's a perfectly legal way to check if the result is a null pointer, but I'm pretty sure that's not what the author intended :)
I love the char literal => integral constant with value 0 => null pointer constant that allows it to compile without a warning
Oh, hey, it's December.
Yeah. 25 days until christmas
I shaved my moustache this morning.
Movember was fun.
> I want to find the optimal account pledge order for groups of accounts pledging and some in shortfall.
Would you try to answer such a question?
Q: What algorithm can be used to find the optimal solution for this?

OliverSI want to find the optimal account pledge order for groups of accounts pledging and some in shortfall. 1 2 3 A 1000 | -1000 -500 -500 B 1000 | -1000 In the given example account A and B have each a positive balance of 1000 and accounts 1,2,3 are covering by priority (1 > 2 > ...

I don't even know what "account pledge" means.
@EtiennedeMartel But it sounds so interesting!
Yeah. It's like asking "would you put your balls in a blender?" Sure, it sounds interesting, but I wouldn't do it.
Ok, bad analogy, but still.
lol sounds interesting?
For science!
"Will It Blend?"
Science on fire is the best science.
@CatPlusPlus I assume it would.
I don't want to know.
Yeah, human beings are quite squishy.
Yeah, if you rupture the bag, the meat tends to come out.
People are still upboating my time.mktime answer for some reason.
It's on 70 now.
Ok, maybe not.
@RMartinhoFernandes Are we talking about ravioli?
@CatPlusPlus What answer?
A: Python datetime to Unix timestamp

Cat Plus PlusAnother way is to use time.mktime: future = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(minutes=5) return time.mktime(future.timetuple()) It's also more portable than %s flag to strftime — latter is not supported on win32.

It's really 1 minute of documentation search.
Oh my god, look at that upvote count! That answer is a great one for sure! I must upvote it!
Maybe I'll get Great Answer for that.
Oh, hey, it's in Python. I'm not qualified for this. But it's probably a great answer nonetheless. I mean, 70 people also thought that.
It grows slowly, but steadily.
Argumentum ad populum applied to Stack Overflow voting.
@CatPlusPlus I'll sabotage it!
Q: Odd syntax: asterisk after namespace?

DanielHelp me understand the following code snippet: (foo.h) class Foo { public: typedef void (MyType::*Handler)(SomeOtherType* t) Foo(Handler handler) : handler_(handler) { } private: Handler handler_; }; (mytype.h) class MyType { public: MyType() { ...

How can that build?
I see how.
Except there's a missing semicolon.
Damn you, @Cat, I was about to answer that.
Mwahaha, slowpoke.
template <typename Class, typename Return, typename... Args>
using pointer_to_member_function = Return (Class::*)(Args...);
// goodbye crazy syntax
Don't you have enough rep?
std::function is the bestest anyway.
And screw performance naysayers.
Yes. Or boost::function if you don't have access to C++11 (or TR1).
If you don't have access to C++11 you can't replace the crazy syntax anyway.
> Is it okay with POO ideas and programming style, or a very bad idea ?
Poor sod made a translation mistake.
It's way better acronym for OOP anyway.
Programmation Orientée par Objets
I agree.
I guess it's like that on all Latin derivates.
Poo and Other Objects.
Because poo is an object.
SO should have an option where you freeze the rep on some answer, and then you can unthaw it the next day.
To prevent leaks.
How can rep leak?
That shit is not water.
@EtiennedeMartel Ever heard of the rep cap?
I think I hit it once.
WTF, I said "unthaw".
@EtiennedeMartel Well, after that, rep leaks.
Yes, you said that.
Anyway, gotta go
See y'all!
Sorry to ask this, I know this is a C++ lounge, but is anyone familiar with Java here?
Particularly ArrayLists?
Sigh. What do you want to know.
Have you tried this?


Dedicated to the discussion of the Java programming language a...
@RMartinhoFernandes But of course.
I'm so sorry D: ugh. I feel so ridiculous. Here's my problem: stackoverflow.com/questions/8341950/…
I'm so sorry, I feel ridiculous, but I'm going to do exactly that anyway?
I'm desperate D:
Oh crap, Java GUIs.
As if Java wasn't painful enough.
It's okay if you can't help me.
Thanks guys.
in Java, 23 hours ago, by santino
alicedimarco: iterating with entry over listModel.toArray()?
@RMartinhoFernandes ?
You got an answer, and then you left and went to ask in the casual chat room, and in the JavaScript room, and came here, and probably others.
That's rude.
also, the question linked seems to have a perfectly valid answer
@RMartinhoFernandes I did not get an answer. It's a different problem.
Why would I ask it again if it was solved?
@alicedimarco Why didn't you ask this different problem in the Java room?
in our experience, that never stopped anybody
@RMartinhoFernandes Fine then. I'm gonna go ask there D: ugh I'm just a beginner :|
Can't you just cut me some slack? ugh it's not like I'm 30 and doing this for fun.
Goodbye. Thank you btw.
@alicedimarco Being a beginner is ok, but you should keep in mind that you'll get better answers from people that actually know and use Java.
@alicedimarco all the more reason to work with the answers you get. If you ask a question, and get an answer that isn't helpful to you, tell the answerer what's wrong with it, and what you need to know
And those can usually be found in the Java room.
@RMartinhoFernandes But they're not answering :| I've posted there like a couple of times already.
@jalf Thanks for letting me know.
Patience is a virtue.
Or something.
You asked a couple minutes ago!
Alright. Thanks anyway, guys, again. Sorry to bother you all.
@RMartinhoFernandes No, even days before that. I wasn't getting any responses from the room D:
You already asked on SO, as far as I can figure out, and someone tried to help you. Running away from that seems pointless. :)
@alicedimarco oh, and 30-year-olds who are coding for fun deserve to be cut some slack too!
Slackers unite!
I'm not 30, but I'm a slacker, can I unite too?
Let's make a not-30 club.
Lesson learned :)
I'm not quite 30 either. But getting close
and I definitely want to make sure that when I get there, I can still slack
@CatPlusPlus Yeah, that's better. Keep all the oldies out.
I'm also not 30
and most assuredly a massive slacker
oh, you're a slacker eh?
what, you didn't notice? :D
I slack.
Q: What is the safest way to implement a tree structure?

Dan NestorI want to create a tree structure in my program. Right now I have something similar to the following: class tree_node { public: tree_node (tree_node* parent) : parent_(parent) { parent_.add_child(this); } private: std::vector<tree_node*>...

God, a manager class.
A: What is the safest way to implement a tree structure?

gvdYour class doesn't do any memory management and thus it will not delete any other nodes. If you want to make sure that anybody who uses a tree_node class doesn't delete any parents or childeren you need to put those into a pure virtual base class (where they are private) and have tree_node inheri...

What is this I don't even.
Why doesn't anyone ever make a dev class.
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Managing pointers like a boss. [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq]
@CatPlusPlus Maybe someone is trying to do like @Kerrek with that abstract factory nonsense answer.
It got 6 upvotes.
When you can just sit outside and watch, Java is a constant stream of amusement.
@alicedimarco The solution to any Java problem. Make more objects.
Make more classes*
I really can't follow the thought pattern that leads to manager class for a tree.
Maybe he's trying to reinvent allocators?
I want a vector_developer.
And a vector_tester.
And a vector_ceo.
Why is everyone recommending that parents kill their children?
@RMartinhoFernandes because it's fun.
Hi guys
@StackedCrooked Do you have kids?
They say the universe will stop expanding after a while and start shrinking back to the singularity it once was. This looks like memory management of a tree where parent has ownership over its children.
@RMartinhoFernandes Not anymore! ;)
@CatPlusPlus so what's inherently silly about managers?
Let's reverse the argument. Why do you think managers are a good idea?
Well, I think I need one for my program. The tree nodes are actually objects in an OpenGL engine. Each object is created by a factory class - which does stuff like loading an object from an external file, uploading of textures and meshes to the video card, etc.
More importantly, the manager is needed to not remove OpenGL resources (e.g. textures) when they are unreferenced (future objects may need to re-use a texture)
Basically, I use my tree for the structuring of objects - just to keep a parent-children relationship between objects created elsewhere.
Then make tree_node<T> just hold the value, and not create or destroy it.
You probably don't need factory class, either, unless all objects are created statefully or something.
tree_node doesn't create or destroy it in the current implementation either
what do you mean by statefully?
Then there's no problem. Make the tree manage the tree, and leave tree managers out of the picture.
You know who would be good at Java. Politicians. They always create committees who create other committees, which are assigned to oversight committees (factory manager, listener).
What is tree manager, anyway.
And their favorite would be singletons. Always good to consolidate power!
Should it be navigable? Or is it just holding the tree and list of nodes, which should be pretty obviously useless.
It's my engine's scene manager. It's basically a factory class for objects.
Factory function probably be more viable.
Anyway, what is wrong about having a manager?
It's superfluous, and introduces another thing to watch out for.
@DanNestor Your children can just point back at the parents, then they could clear the parent's old child when they move. You really don't need anything external to a tree to manage a tree.
Unless you're making some fancy iterator?
No, I don't think I am
@DanNestor The important thing to remember in POO, is to never create an object unless you need that object to make your code function.
I will see if I can somehow eliminate the manager. The problem is that I have a lot of state information that applies to the entire tree as a whole.
managers are wrong because they're redundant
You can easily get lost in managers and factory factories.
nobody needs an anything manager
You only add an abstraction level when you need the previous level hidden or run-time dynamic.
Q: Keep histories in sync between local and remote mercurial repositories

weitznerI am working on a project that is set up with each group having a server-side clone of our main mercurial repository. The workflow we have been using involves developing on laptops, committing and pushing to the server-side clone repositories and then pulling those changes to a powerful remote m...

I cringe every time I see "rebase".
@DanNestor put that in the originating node.
"We're modifying the history, and want to use that old repo without modifying history there, too!"
@CatPlusPlus That so doesn't work outside of git.
@Xaade good idea.
you can template against a node to make it the originating node, and put your info in the template. Now you have a lightweight "manager"
Then make an iterator that has a pointer to the top node always.
class tree { smart_ptr<tree_node> tree_base; state_information stuff; };
Not that it "works" in git, but at least you can handle the issues.
Yeah, it screams git user.
Now you have all the information you need in a central location, and you have an iterator (the proper way to implement a container).
Git gives you all the hammers you need to shoehorn that.
History is immutable, unless you've made really painful mistake.
And suddenly there is no problem.
$ git push :master
There problem solved.
git users love to destroy history for some reason.
If it doesn't work, just trample over it.
Thanks for your thought, guys.

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